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[02 Sep 2028|12:00am]
Poll #309601
Open to: All, results viewable to: None

What's on your mind?

Across America in four minutes [17 Oct 2004|01:00pm]
I love, love, love this. What I'd give to do that..

[16 Oct 2004|11:00pm]
What is your proudest accomplishment?


What is the hardest thing you've ever done?

(Be as anonymous as you wish)
22 comments|post comment

Costantine [16 Oct 2004|10:30pm]
After realising I also forgot to put up any photos I took of/in the Vatican, I did a quick search to see if there are any quotes about the smell inside the Sistine Chapel.

The first Google search result for smell sistine chapel is "Do Muslims Smell? - Christianity - General Archives" on

"So if I asked you about art you could give me the skinny on every art book ever written...Michelangelo? You know a lot about him I bet. Life's work, criticisms, political aspirations. But you couldn't tell me what it smells like in the Sistine Chapel. You've never stood there and looked up at that beautiful ceiling."

[11 Oct 2004|06:30pm]
  • Made the front page load one of a bunch of random images, put descriptions on most of the images and have still yet to put up anything from Asia or Liechtenstein. But that's ok because there isn't many photos from either of those places, and they're pretty crap anyhow.

  • The Liberals are back. Damnit. Latham should have won the election purely for saying publically that Howard was an "arse-licker" as it's probably the most honest description of him by a politician.

  • I need to learn how to use POV-Ray.

  • If I had a spare $5k I'd definitely take a trip on the Vomit Comet.

  • I'd put more credibility in this Kerry Vs. (wired) Bush questionaire if Bush hadn't used the words "sequestration" and "dissemination" in his answers. I just can't imagine him saying those words. I just hope someone asks him what "tribal sovereignty" means in the next debate.

  • Would you think it'd be cool if you designed jewelery and then found out that something you made was worn by Lenny Kravitz? So would I.
  • [15 Sep 2004|06:00pm]
    It's drastically unfinished, probably horribly broken, uses frames(!) and has no descriptions for any of the photos, but I've whipped up a web site of some photos that I've taken.

    A lot of the photos won't be understood without descriptions, but having no writing is kinda good; you can interpret on your own the point of them. And it makes the whole thing really basic and simple, which is a good thing. It seems to work ok on IE and Mozilla. Apologies to anyone using Opera or .. Lynx. The photos are typically untouched apart from minor sharpening and colour correction. I'd rather have them look the way they looked when I took them.

    At some point I'll change it to use SSI's instead of frames or maybe just do the whole thing in Flash. Whatever. I just wanted to get something up for now, which is all it currently is. Something.

    Somewhere in the southeast corner of Australia

    Tool [09 Sep 2004|06:30pm]
    A bomb has gone off outside the Australian embassy in Jakarta killing about 7 people. Naturally our Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, before arriving at the scene or an investigation being conducted into the bombing knows who did it.

    "Naturally enough our suspicions turn to Jemaah Islamiyah," he said.

    It's like a bad episode of Dawson's Creek. Guy1 catches girlfriend hugging Guy2, Guy1 dumps girlfriend without getting an explanation. That might be a pathetic analogy (and 'bad episode of Dawson's Creek' may be redundant) but the point is still there. We all know what assumption is the mother of.

    Alexander Downer is such a tool. Previously he sacked the Australian ambassador to Chile because he wasn't greeted at the airport with a convoy of limousines. Since he was relegated to taking a (gasp) taxi, he shitcanned the ambassador.

    If you haven't heard enough stories about how Bush, Blair and Howard pillaged and manipulated intelligence into laughable (and since completely discredited) justification for the Iraq war, read Axis of Deceit by Andrew Wilkie, a former senior intelligence officer with ASIO. It's a good read. Better than Michael Moore's effort as it's not biased political propaganda.

    Powder [12 Aug 2004|10:30pm]
    In a few weeks I'm moving to a great little apartment that is rather close to the gorgeous south Perth foreshore. At night I'll be able to go for a 20 second walk from my door and see this:

    It'll be nice to be able to go home after work and enjoy the serenity of having no one else around. Of course it cuts both ways; sometimes it'd be good to go home to someone. But that's a whole other entry.

    It's quite possible that living conveniently close to the foreshore might make me mysteriously popular around.. Australia day. Spending a few seconds walking is probably preferred over being stuck in traffic for 3 hours trying to escape the other half a million people who are driving home after the Australia Day fireworks.

    - -

    66 [26 Jul 2004|05:30pm]
    My next goal is a six(+) month road trip of America. To do this the following would need to be purchased:

  • Reliable convertible, preferably large enough to sleep at least semi-comfortably in. Or I could rent a PT Cruiser convertible because I'd like that.
  • An iPod along with this (pity I can't do this,) this, this, this and this.
  • A quality tent

    Not much else, really. Ideally this road trip would cover summer and 6-8 weeks either side of it. The summer months would likely be spent in the northern states & Canada and the cooler weeks spent in the south & desert area.

    .. and on the roadmap was one long red line called Route 6 that led from the top of Cape Cod clear the Ely, Nevada, and there dipped down to Los Angeles. I'll just stay on 6 all the way to Ely, I said to myself and confidently started.
    .. the stupid hearthside idea that it would be wonderful to follow one great red line across America instead of trying various roads and routes.

    - On the Road, Jack Kerouac

    I want to take this road trip to see it all. All of the various roads and routes. The small towns and desolate roads. It'd be good to see every state and write what is unique/unusual about each.

    Upon hearing this goal of mine a few friends have passed it off as nothing more than a dream.

    In the near future the plan is to get all of the photos from previous travels online (well, maybe not all. With 20,000 photos there's a lot of crap in there) with some sample writing and to say to some publications 'look at this. Um, would you like to fund my road trip?' All they can do is say no.

    Mt Teide, Tenerife, Jan 2003

    What's on your mind?
  • Home [02 Jul 2004|02:00am]
    The last bunch of weeks have been a bit crazy. Since mid-May I've gone from:
    - living in a lovely cottage (with two tv channels) on a relaxing and beautiful property whose house and cemetary are older than my home country to
    - checking out the view from the top of America's tallest building (Sears) to
    - taking bingo and karaoke a little too seriously in Minnesota to
    - taking in a lot of beautiful views of the Rocky Mountains around Banff in Canada while
    - staying in an apartment that was mirrors and more mirrors to
    - wondering about these patterns, wondering what this city was and being in awe of the Canyon from 37k feet in the mid-west to
    - the WTC, Brooklyn Bridge, Times Square (and that Diner) in New York to
    - enjoying the technology and nature on my way to Australia where
    - I had almost forgotten about those wonderful place names while driving down the east coast and
    - realising that they do live in the wild (that's for the Thills) and
    - visited the amazing war memorial in our nation's capital to
    - home.

    Good to be home.

    (In America, they don't tell you that you shouldn't put deodorant in your eyes)

    Eyes [19 Jun 2004|03:00am]
    Forgive the large pre-LJ cut picture.

    The male was giving it his all. However she wasn't impressed. But just look at those colours..
    And.. )

    A [18 Jun 2004|12:00am]
    My time in America has been entirely justified with lunch here:

    The Seinfeld diner in New York.

    This ball is great. It's at the stunning Lake Louise, Canada.

    Computer time has been limited which is the cause of no updates. That should change soon.

    Road [06 May 2004|12:00pm]
    On the Road by Jack Kerouac is a very quotable book. Here are my favourite quotes.

    I'm looking for some kind of digital dictaphone. Something that'll record voice and sounds (storage medium doesn't matter) and is able to plug into a computer to upload what has been recorded into .wav or mp3 (or anything, really.) If you know where I could find one (at a particular shop or online) then please email my username @ Tah.

    Currently in Virginia. Soon Minnesota, then Canada (Calgary), then home to Australia and hopefully Italy early next year. But we'll see.

    Sinatra [12 Mar 2004|09:00am]
    Briefly: I'm in New Jersey in a gorgeous little community in the home of an old friend who is one of those people who mean the absolute world to me, and then some*.

    Last night I saw Phantom of the Opera on Broadway. Really, trying to put the experience into a lengthy diatribe is destined to end in failure so I'll stick with this: grand, precise, remarkable, tingle-inducing.

    The coming week includes NJ, NY, PA, VA, MI.

    Heather: I'm sorry about your loss, truly. Remember that hug I promised a long, long time ago? It's coming.

    * - There's the 'Cherry Pie' CD by Warrant in front of me. That's going to get some playtime in the car, yes.

    Coo [09 Mar 2004|09:00am]
    It may not sound too appealing when you hear about it: hills, not much grass, black rock beaches, bitter cold, very low population and constantly winding roads. But I challenge each and every one of you to at some point in your lives drive along the north coast of Scotland and not be floored.

    For now that's the best I can do to convey what I mean and it's still a poor attempt. You really can't understand what I mean unless you see it for yourself. Kind of like the Matrix.

    [27 Feb 2004|01:00am]
    During the (northern) summer of 2002 I worked on an estate owned by the sultan of Oman that was about 40 minutes outside of Paris. It was a very physical but rewarding job that gave me the chance to save some money and spend every weekend in Paris. It was a good summer.

    Pardon the workshirt. This shows 1/3rd of one of the two chateaus on the estate

    One night.. )

    Spangled [25 Feb 2004|11:30pm]
    Seeing as it's one year to the day that I landed in America, I figured it be a good time to write about going there again. It's been almost 2 years since I left Australia with a one-way ticket to London with nothing more than a few days accommodation organised and no job to jump into. After a couple of years (minus one 6 month break) of fantastic memories and golden experiences that have changed what I am, on March 10 I leave the shores of the UK for an indeterminable length of time and head again to the land of that most fascinating of presidents.

    Whatever ends up happening and wherever I go during the coming months, it looks to be like it will be a magnificent chapter.

    Previously.. )

    Tile [25 Feb 2004|12:00am]
    In 1984 in a small town in Victoria, Australia children were invited to write on some tiles that were to be placed on a sculpture. I went down to the centre after little athletics (Americans: kinda like little league, but with less enthusiastic parents) with my family one Saturday with me in my yellow shirt. I was in the 'yellow' club at little aths, you see.

    Going back a bit.. )

    Roma [24 Feb 2004|02:00am]
    There are some moments when being a typical tourist is amusing. The moment most prevalent in my mind was the first time I saw the Colosseum. The underground/subway in Rome has a station called 'Colosseum' because, obviously, the station is close to that magnificent building that finished construction in 80 AD. What you don't realise is just how close it is.

    You walk out of the station and it's right there. You could drop a golf ball at your feet, pull out a 9 iron and whack it over the walls and into the area where many met their deaths.

    After a few hours of walking around and in the Colosseum I stood back and watched people as they came out of the station. It was a day of perfect weather in April so there was already plenty of tourists around. Every now and then a fresh batch of pale-skinned tourists would take one step out of the station, look up, halt in their tracks, gape, gape, gape and quite soon the station would be blockaded.

    The station is to the left of this. You can see four 'levels' .. the forth was added in around 290 AD. The more modern look of the right edge is due to that being the reinforcement for the remaining wall.

    And more.. )

    Suomi [18 Feb 2004|10:30pm]
    More photos from Finland are here.

    I plan on updating this journal more than once a month.

    v. tr.
    To formulate a scheme or program for the accomplishment, enactment, or attainment of plan a campaign.

    Yeah, it'd be an accomplishment.

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