Also in case you are curious, things at seminary are going well so far. You can actually visit the web address for Saint Joseph Seminary College if you are intrested. The classes that I am taking this semester along with a brief course description is listed below:(also with a star rating system to rank how well I anticipate the class to be, four is the max) *** THE 201 The Catholic Old Testament Introduction to the Catholic Old Testament which imparts to the student the tools for a basic intelligent acquaintance with its literacy, historical and theological dimension. **** THE 453 Principles of Catholic Moral Doctrine A companion course to PHI 304 Ethics, htis course stresses the Christian applicaiton of basic ethical norms and values. THe treatement of the Ten Commandments, as given in Part II of hte Catechisim of the Catholic Church, will serve as a basis for understanding Catholic morality as a lived reality. *** THE 441 Philosophy And Theological Endeavor I A histoical survey of philosophy, stressing hte major philosophical trends and schools, as well as the historical factors influencing the development of various philosophical systems. Emphasis will be given to the effect that philosophy through the ags has had on the development of theology. ***PHI 202 Ancient Philosphy I doubt I'll provide you with much information on this class since you probablly already studied this in school. But here is what the course catalouge says about the course. Desidgned to cover the beginning of philosophy, the pre-Socratics, the Sophistic MOvement, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. SPeacil empahsis will be dectoed to the major figures, Plato and Aristotle, and their contributions to Western philosophical thinking, especially in the area of epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, politics, and aesthetics. And lastly ***LAT 101 Basic Latin 1
Well, I haven't updated in quite a while but I felt inspired to update after my last adventure last night. The reason for the subject is because the whole day I kept saying that this is my last Friday in Scotland so I better enjoy it and make it memorable.
The day started out pretty fun at the Dalmarnock Fun Day. In case you don't know that is where the whole town just sets up music at the park, games at the park, food at the park, and fair games near the park. It was pretty fun Andrew and I were supposed to help run some games of football(Soccer), but luckily we didn't have to do that. So instead, I just listened to the music and hung out with all the kids. I also spent a good deal of time talking with Jacelyen's cousin Tabetha who is from Manchester. It was intresting to hear what she found odd about Scotland. Anyhow, after the fun day. JulieAnna, Andrew, Asheley(a kid from Dalmarnock), and myself headed off into town for mass at the cathedral. It was a nice mass and the priest that said the mass is one of my favortie's at the cathedral. Anyhow, after mass we stared saying the rosaray because they typcially say it after mass but we didn't notice that they were setting up for a body to come in. So the priest stoped us in the middle of the rosaray to inform us of this situation so we ended up leaving.
After leaving the cathedral, we went to the McDonald's in town where I enjoyed a meal and chatting with the folks. Following McDonald's we went back to our flat and hung out there for a while until some kids came up. I talked with them for a while and then headed over to the park with JulieAnna, Jeanine, and Andrew. We had a fun time at the park and about 9:30 we left to go see Roslyn(the one from the video.) We were going to visit her at her pub but we weren't totally sure where it was. After a while of looking for it and asking people where the State was we started ot think we may have had the wrong name.
***to be continued....Andrew and myself are heading off into town to meet up with JulieAnna and Jeanine
Well, I'm about to meet with Dr. Misra about the research....I already composed the withdrawl from the honors program letter that I'm going to send Dr. Stout following our meeting. I haven't had a chance yet to discuss this with my dad and I hope he is understanding. Well here is the draft of the letter that I'm going to send Dr. Stout in 30 minutes or so.
Dr. Stout,
I’m writing in regards to my participation in the honors program. This year and especially this semester my classes have become increasingly more time consuming and much more difficult. As a result of this increase, I have been forced to make some sacrifices in my life. I have been struggling to keep time for my family, friends and most importantly my faith. I have started to have to make some difficult decisions and one of the hardest ones for me to make was if I should remain a member of the honors program. I have been thinking and praying about this heavy question for quite sometime. It has recently become more and more apparent that I really shouldn’t remain a member of the honors program. I am having an extremely difficult time attempting to manage my time between all my classes and my other obligations and although the honors program is extremely rewarding and beneficial towards me I simply don’t have the time nor the willpower to remain a member. The honors program to me is something that people should remain in because of there pure devotion to knowledge, research, and a scholarly community. In a sense, I have lost this devotion and if I were to remain in the honors program my reasons would be nearly entirely financial. I do not see this as a reason to be in the honors program and it would take a much deeper dedication than finical for me to dedicate myself properly towards the senior research project. I really do see this as unfortunate especially considering the amount of effort and work that you have already dedicated towards me. I do not feel that my time in the honors program has been a waste; in fact, I think that it has been extremely beneficial to me. The honors program has helped me to develop myself as a full human being and discover the entirety of this university. I’m still a firm believer in the ideals of the honors program and I see it as unfortunate that I do not have the time, will power, or motivation to continue in the program. In conclusion, I am regretfully sorry that I must make such a difficult decision especially in light of all the hard work and time you have invested in me. I sincerely do appreciate you and your ideals that you seek in your members of the honors program and regrettably inform you that I can no longer maintain these ideals or obligations of the honors program and wish to withdraw. Is there anything that I formally must do in order to officially withdraw from the honors program?
With sincere regret and gratitude,
Jimmy Morrison
Well I'm probablly going to send that joker in about 30 minutes if you have any suggestions about if I should send it or for things I should change let me know.
What a retreat? I don't know where to begin with describing the retreat. I don't even feel like doing this major take home test that I have due Tuesday because I'm so excited following this retreat and I want to reflect on how wonderful the retreat was. *Well I took a break for a couple of hours to work on the take home test and I'm making headway. I have a feeling that the majority of my classmates will already have it worked since they were meeting up here Friday afternoon and not planning on going home until they finished it. So I'm not terribly worried about weither or not I get them done but I do want to try and spend a good deal of time working the problems by myself because I need to learn the material for our in class test Tuesday as well. I've learned a good deal tonight studying by myself and think that if I spend tommorow working on it I'll be fine so guess what?! That means that I'm going to be sleeping by 4 AM this Monday much better than last monday where I didn't start to sleep until 7:30 AM. Okay back to the retreat. It started a little ruff since I forgot my wallet back home but luckily BBomb and Kelly had already purchased me a drink so I was satisfied. The trip over there was pretty fun especially because bbomb would say, "Oh I love this song its my favorite!" and then we would listen to it for a little over a minute and then she'd change it! Ha. That was pretty ammusing to me. George also informed us that interstate rest stops are where gay men go to grope innocent people. I had never heard anything of such. Anyhow I was a bit sleepy on the way to the retreat but I was awake after a brief nap in the car. After we arrived, we dinned on the food that Fr. Alex had saved for us since we left an hour late waiting on George. The first night we had mass and talked about ways to be more pious and devout in our spiritual life. We broke up into small groups and my group helped me a lot. Then we all met up together and told everyone what each group came up with. I don't remember if we did anything after that or not. Or actually I do remember now I think we had the group discioussions and then we had the mass. Anyhow, I went to sleep after talking to George and Grey my two roommates on the retreat. The next day was extremely helpful. We started with breakfast and a talk by Fr. Miles a priest that was a convert from a Lutheran minister. He gave a good talk and it helped me to realize a couple of things. Following his talk we had a decent bit of free time in which we could spend in adoration or whatever we wanted to do. I went walking around the place and spent some time praying alone out near some woods. It was extremely peaceful and quite enjoyable. Eventually, BBomb, Kelly, and some other lass came over by where I was though and so I quit and talked to them briefly or really just tried to throw rocks at them but I don't think they noticied. Then I prayed a while longer before we ate lunch. After lunch we went and played some basketball and I had a good time. We then had mass and JulieAnna asked me to talk to her. It was kind of humerous because at first when we were trying to have a personal talk all these random people kept comming around us so we kept moving. Eventually we went out to the basketball courts and Fr. Alex came out there and said he get self-couciencious shooting in front of other people so we told him we would leave. Anyhow, we finally found a place to talk. It was a very good talk. We talked about the deteration of our relationship and forgave each other formally for the way things were in Scotland. I ended up crying because she started crying and talking about how she felt bad for the way that she treated me. I wasn't crying because she treated me so badly I had forgotten all that she just said some really moving things especially related to the entry I wrote about my mother. Anyhow it was an awesome moment just being able to talk to her, especially since she said some really nice things about me=). Anyhow, I'm glad that we had that opportunity to talk about some of those things and hopefully we'll be able to have an unawkward friendship again. Not that it was ever awkward to me but it was just extremely distant. Anyhow our conversation was interupted by the dinner bell so we went inside to eat. The food was fairly good and following our meal I went up to my room and took a brief nap. I woke up when adoration started. It was an extremely powerful adoration. We started with singing by the music folks and they did an awesome job. Then in the middle of that I started thinking back to my childhood and how God gave me so much strength to deal with the death of my mother and how at the time I was so unaccepting of it(the strength) and how still today I'm like that. In the middle of those thoughts B started crying so I went over to where she was and prayed next to her. It was an extremely powerful experience and as soon as I touched her I started crying...but it was extremely peaceful. Plenty of other folks came over there and it was an extremely moving situation for me. Just experincing how much love and compashion we all have for each other. Well we continued to pray for quite a while and went through the 4 sets of mysteries of the rosary which was primaraly lead by Kathryn. Anyhow pretty much after the rosarys, I finished up my prayer time and went upstairs and chatted with folks for quite sometime before going to sleep. This morning I was extremely exhausted and following mass we came back to Mobile. The retreat was well needed and I feel like I have gotten loads out of it. There is plenty of things that I need to reflect on a bit more but during mass tonight I really felt like I need to go to Scotland again this summer. Previously, I wasn't too sure about it becuase of all the other things I'll have going on during the summer...primaraly, research but now I've decided that I'll talk to Dr. Misra about it Wednesday and tell him that I'm going to Scotland for 7 weeks during the summer and see how it goes. So in conculsion, I'm a cry baby.
That's Mitch and Mary Alcie's baby in case you didn't recognize fool ( Two More Photos )
This was by far the busiest week I've had in the longest time and it's only the thrid week of the semester. This entire week today included, I've been staying up until close to 2 AM and then waking up between 5 and 6 AM. I have been working like mad but I've also found some time for the finer things in life such as ping pong and events at the CSA.
I haven't found much time to work on my research at all. I kind of regret joinging the honors college because it's ruff enough being a chemical engineer but to add all the extra classes and the extra time on top of that leaves you with very little time. Also they are offering loads of Chem E classes this summer and if I could take these classes then I would only have 6 hours my fall semester and 6 hours my spring semester. Instead, I think I'm going to have to sign up for 6 hours of research this summer...crazy! yeah I know. It might work out though if I end up going to Scotland again this summer. I'm still trying to figure out if I should do that again or more importantly if my proffesor will let me take a 7 week break and journey to Bonnie Bonnie Scotland. Money is also an issue but relatively minor when compared to the probaballity of me conviencing my professor that I need to go to Scotland.
I'm quickly becomming ready to finish school. I enjoy the workload when it's reasonable and I have some personal time but when I'm waking up at 6 AM and looking forward to classes because that will be my only break from work then I think it's gone a little far. Anyhow, now for the insanity! The teacher that has graced me with this enormous workload made matters worse on Thursday. I have him for a class that meets Tuesday and Thursday well he held class 15 minutes late on Thursday so everyone left. He came and found me in the halls a few hours later and handed me homework that was due by 9 AM saturday morning eventhough class only meets on Tuesday and Thursday. So anyways yesterday, I decided that I needed a break from this ridiculousness so I didn't do any work with the exception of attend class. It was a nice relaxing day and eventhough it was a bit disapointing knowing that I would have to wake up at 5 AM to finish my homework it was still nice to take a break. The same teacher has given me an assignment that is due Monday by 9 AM as well. I'm not anticipating this week to be any lighter than the last considering that I have 4 tests starting Thursday and ending Tuesday.
Anyhow, I'm looking forward to today. I need to work on some more homework problems so that I don't have to finish them all Sunday and miss the superbowl so I'm going to work on homework until about 5 PM at which time I'm going to Paul's 21st birthday party in New Orleans. Speaking of New Orleans, I found out yesterday that Nora. I doubt most of you know who she is because she was mainly in my life when my mom was alive since she is connected more to the Nix side of the family. Well anyhow, she was kind of like my mom's nanny when growing up but not as close as I am to Leleia. Well, she ended up giving me her house in her will so now I along with 3 of my other cousins own her house in New Orleans. I think they are going to sell it. I was shocked but mostly touched that she cared and thought about me that much. I knew that I was one of her favorites of the cousins but I hadn't seen her in a couple of years.
Oh yeah speaking of my mom, I had a dream about her Thursday night. It was a bit strange because I hadn't dreamed of her in an extremely long time but the dream was that she and my dad had gotten a divorce and she just never bothered to call or talk to us. So in my dream, I was crying to her about why doesn't she ever come and visit or at least call and let us talk to her. Then my brother called and woke me up. Those dreams are so confusing to me when I first wake up because it takes me a while to realize what is going on. Eventhough it was a sad dream, I still enjoyed it just because it had my mom in it. Well, I better get started on Thermodynamic properties! Holla back @ your boy b@t.