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Yep, that's me

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[07 Jun 2004|10:29pm]
I'm quiet
I'm different
I'm indifferent
I'm lazy
I'm shy with strangers
I'm outgoing with close friends
I get attached too easily
I keep to myself
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You've seen it on the bus. Does it make it much? [19 May 2004|10:32pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Musiq - Where Are You Going ]

Do you hear the rain?

I want to turn off your computer

and call you to tell you

how it is raining

in the green centre of the day,

late afternoon thundering open

light heartbreak -

like we imagine -

but you are another illusion -

so I keep on typing.

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Thinking as I type. (2) [15 May 2004|03:20am]
[ mood | cranky ]
[ music | Madison Williams - Classical Gas ]

God damn it, I can feel the fucking cheap little tiles of the dingy, dark apartment beneath my feet already, can smell the mildew growing off to the corner on the ceiling and walls. I can hear the fucking traffic outside, feel the fan blowing at me... everything.

Oh, wait. There actually IS a fan blowing at me.

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"The Burial Bump" [08 May 2004|02:38am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Hoobastank - The Reason ]

Grave sex... I heard thats getting big.

Oh yes, young couples looking to add spice in their relationships have currently been humpin on top of the burial sites of the deceased. Coincidentally, death by zombies has nearly doubled in recent years.

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Thinking as I type. [27 Apr 2004|04:10pm]
[ mood | drunk ]
[ music | Led Zepplin - Thank You ]

Dontcha know it, but all I really want right now's a cheap apartment. All I want in it's pretty fucking easy, too. A Smith-Corona Wordsmith on a desk with a pile of papers, an easel in the corner with some tubs of acrylic paint and some canvases, a bigass pile of books in the corner.

The kitchen'll have a small stove, a fridge, and the cheapest microwave I can get my hands on. As much cheap booze as I can get my hands on, whatever's on sale so I can drink. And Drugs-With-A-Capital-D? If they're free. And they should be.

There'll be a couch, too, and a bed with squeaky springs and a bigass teddy bear. His name's gonna' be Frank. Like that rabbit in Donnie Darko, except he's not gonna' be a rabbit. He's gonna' be a bear. A stuffed bear. A teddy bear.

The walls're gonna' be peeling, the lights flickering on and off, the windows probably barred. The bathroom'll run rusty water, probably, and have a tiny little bathtub so I can sit around there drunk or stoned and writing, reading, smoking, drinking... whatever the fuck doesn't involve electrical appliances.

No, you're right. I don't want to die.

Not yet, at least.

That's all I want, right now.

That, and my boyfriend.

Sex in showers is good. Very good.

Neat freak is also very good.

My boyfriend's messy as hell.

My bedroom's messy, but in a strange way. Everything's exactly where I want it to be. Personally, I'm a weird type of neat freak. I prefer the appearance of messiness, but I need to know where absolutely everything is, and what position it's in. Precisely. I'll move a book, for example, until it looks right.

Hell, sometimes I'll even mess things up in my room for half an hour, only to mess things up again in another five minutes for another half hour, so that everything looks perfect to me.

My bookshelves, for example, have about a thousand books on them. Ask me where any book on the shelf in, and I'll point directly to it. It's all messy, in random piles scattered over the shelves in the corner of my room, but I know where everything is.

I want the apartment to be empty, other than that. No televisions, no computers. Go to a coffee shop or friend's place if I want to get online. No distractions, that way. Just my Smith Corona on my desk, my easel in the corner, my bed and couch, my fridge and microwave and small stove. My bigass fucking teddy bear.

I sort of want to live alone, have an apartment to myself, but I know my friends would hate it. They'd tell me that I'm all alone, that I need to have someone there because otherwise I'll "retreat" into my head. Apparently, according to everyone, I'm a very social person.

I think that it's a crock of shit, though.

Really, I'm scared shitless of social interaction. I hate it, I loathe it, I abhor it. But hell with it, it's always been my way, so whenever I'm scared shitless of something or another, I do it.

Fuck conquering my fears.

It's a rush, and it keeps my mind of being scared shitless, strange as it sounds.

Y'see, I got this picture in my head of this place. Just... streets, apartments, shit like that. The characters there're more real to me, and the places there, than the randomass people I see walking around Hong Kong.

This last while, I haven't seen shit. I haven't seen shit since my friend saw and described the places in my head while on a cough syrup trip. I used to be sleep deprived enough to see these places, only these places, and be totally removed from this bullshit we call reality.

Just fucking trippy. Freaked me the hell out.

This is why she doesn't do cough syrup anymore, really. Because she kept seeing parts of the world inside my head.

Hmm. I'm probably only talking like this, now, 'cause I've had half a bottle of wine. Cabernet Sauvignon, one of my preferred types of wine, from Chile, one of my least favourite places.

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... [24 Apr 2004|11:06pm]
[ mood | horny ]

Mike says:
Contrary to popular belief, Lucky Charms are not magically delicious, it is merely slight of hand.

He says he loves his random moods.
I say he's a stupid white boy. :)

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My hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me. [22 Apr 2004|03:16am]
[ music | Catch 22 - 12341234 ]

Reading Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. Good so far.
Finished 1984 by George Orwell. Good book.
I like Mike. I am your kitten.
Going to see APC with him and his friends. We'll see.
Totally kicking ass in school. Except History which is a WTFWHYNOT.


Yeah, no.

Good bye.

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Bollocks! [27 Mar 2004|02:43am]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Wim Mertens - Struggle For Pleasure ]

What a melodramatic smacktard Eugene has become. I will have no part of this guy! Meaning, he's melodramatic and I hate it. Life is not a soap opera, otherwise everyone would be good looking and we would all have various sexual affairs.

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Might as well update. [17 Feb 2004|12:16am]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | Tom McRae - Sao Paulo Rain (Repeat) ]

Current playlist.

Bright Eyes - No Lies, Just Love
The Postal Service - Such Great Heights
Godspeed You Black Emperor! - Moya
Silver Mt. Zion - Angels
Silver Mt. Zion & Tra-La-La Band - The Triumph Of Our Tired Eyes
Silver Mt. Zion & Tra-La-La Band - American Motor Over Smoldered Field
Godspeed You Black Emperor! - Providence
Silver Mt. Zion - He Has...
Tom McRae - Sao Paulo Rain
Belle and Sebastian - I Don't Love Anyone
Bright Eyes - Calendar Hung Itself
Aphex Twin - Girl Boy Song
Calexico - Black Heart
Brian Eno - An Ending (Ascent)
Calexico - Bloodflow
Radiohead - Nobody Does It Better (Live)
Jhonny Cash - Thirteen
Tears For Fears - Mad World (or Gary Jules - Mad World)
Blue States - Season Song
The Smiths - Never Had No One Ever
The Cure - Fire in Cairo
Radiohead - Worrywort
Pixies - Where is My Mind?
Joy Division - Transmission
Joy Division - She's Lost Control
Joy Division - Isolation
Bjork - Bachelorette (Normally I wouldn't listen to her but I dig it so.)

This playlist explains how I've been feeling lately a hell of a lot better than if I'd explain myself.

Enjoy? Enjoy!

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Boogah Boogah [25 Dec 2003|11:31am]
[ mood | naughty ]
[ music | Christmas Music ]

I have apperceived that it is imperative for any pertinacious adolescent eremite who has even the slightest velleity to write contrived pablums on their Live Journal to possess a veritable macrocosm of sesquipedalian utterances in his or her mental lexicon in order to have their meretricious website create the illusion of being the opus of a true luminary.

Merry Christmas! :)

Afterlife as an Angel by childdoll
Your Name
Astrological Sign
Angel TypeGuardian Angel
Wing ColorBlack
Heavenly WeaponFlaming sword
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Oh yeah! I'm cool.

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[13 Jun 2003|09:02pm]
[ mood | hyper ]

I knew a blonde that was so stupid that.......
* she called me to get my phone number.
* she spent 20 minutes looking at the orange juice box because it said "concentrate."
* she put lipstick on her forehead because she wanted to make up her mind.
*she tried to put M&M;'s in alphabetical order.
*she sent me a fax with a stamp on it.
*she tried to drown a fish.
*she thought a quarterback was a refund.
*she got locked in a grocery store and starved to death.
*she tripped over a cordless phone.
*she took a ruler to bed to see how long she slept.
*she asked for a price check at the Dollar Store.
*she studied for a blood test.
*she thought Meow Mix was a CD for cats.
*when she heard that 90% of all crimes occur around the home, she moved.
*when she missed the 44 bus, she took the 22 bus twice instead.
*when she took you to the airport and saw a sign that said "Airport Left" she turned around and went home

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BUGS! [07 Jun 2003|03:41am]
[ mood | scared ]

Bugs... oh dear lord... so many... can't... keep... up...

I've thrown about 5 out the window so far! They just keep coming back, all of them... and just now, there's this one huge bug that I CAN'T CATCH! It's huge. A monster I tell ya! Good Lord. I hate bugs... call me the typical girl but BLOODY FUCKING HELL! BUGS!

The huge one is out to get me... I can feel it... I saw her before... I did! I SWEARS IT!

I didn't catch it then, I didn't catch it now. Will I ever catch it?

What should I do if I do?! Kill it? Let it go? Question it? Eat it?

I bet you it's laughing at me right now... it knows I'm afraid of it... that's why it keeps coming back!

I can feel it all over my body... the insects... I feel them crawling on my every part of body. I can't stand it, I can't do anything about it... it's freaking me out!



The bugs... the bugs... the bugs... oh my god... the bugs...


I don't want to kill them. I can't kill them.. no.. I can't >.<

Okay okay okay... I now it feels like I have bugs in my mouth!


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[20 Jan 2001|07:40am]
[ mood | aggravated ]

Flaming Yogurt, Lonely Sheep, and eMadness

And as for today's Dubya quote...

"Natural gas is hemispheric. I like to call it hemispheric in nature because it is a product that we can find in our neighborhoods."—Austin, Texas, Dec. 20, 2000

Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to enter this as Exhibit A in the argument that graduating from Yale doesn't mean you actually have to LEARN anything...


I've been poking my nose around other people's weblogs lately, and I've noticed a rising trend in the use of titles. Not to be deterred, I've decided to use titles of my own, which I hereby guarantee will never have anything to do with anything that I've written.


On a totally unrelated topic, I have to declare, right here and now, that I hate hockey. Not with an intense, blinding "I wish I could go back in time to destroy the father of the man who invented this sport" kind of hate, but more of a passive, "I don't see the point in this even with the stupid little streak that Fox has added to the puck" kind of hate.

I know, I know. The Government of Canada is now legally allowed to renounce my citizenship and deport me to Uzlakistan or some place where I would be forced to work in Yogurt Mines for 38 hours a day. But it simply had to be said, because, quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of hearing about it. Between the speed skating and the head-butting, it almost seems as though the puck isn't really all that necessary; hell, it's as much of a sport as your average session of RollerJam.

This isn't just impatient whining, however; I have a plan that can revolutionize the sport and make life on the ice a helluva lot more interesting than it is au moment:

1) Rig an equal number of random players on each team with high-powered contact explosives.

2) Force the players to wear Rocket Skates. That go off at random. Violently.

As you can imagine, the combination of these two elements would certainly cause of lots bodily explosions and flying limbs. Naturally, any regular hockey team would be decimated within the first period, ending the game before anything could begin, right? Well, in order to fix this little problem, teams will now be constituted of maximum-security criminals from around the globe. That way, we can thin the prison population, thus saving taxpayer dollars, AND have a rip-snorting good time doing it.

Just think of all the new strategies involved! Out-and-out violence would now be blatantly encouraged, with players that nail their victims....uh...opponents with slapshots from across the rink being able to survive longer than those who simply try to finesse their way through. Less-than-accurate players could resort to cross-checks and so on, though the resulting explosion of their cross-checkee would possibly splashback and nail THEM as well, but would make for a great show, wouldn't it?

Now if we could just spruce up curling...

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