Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "slayer".
412 matches:
- 0rdinary_story - sing without a reason to ever fall in love again.
- 11centsolution - No Assembly Required Fans
- 1337_geeks - For the geeky at heart.
- 1805rant - 1805rant
- 1_for_the_music - yeah I listen to them, their music is so hott!!
- 1forgottenrose - One forgotten rose... Do you feel the same?
- 2muchrock41hand - Hell On [LJ]
- ____r0ck0ut - screaM
- ___stateofmind - STATE of MIND - Nothing matters but the music.
- __hidden_image - rawr... i'm different
- __post_lyrics_ - Show off your SEXY lyrics
- __stigmurder -
- _addmeicomment - Add Me I Comment
- _afterlettinggo - .:After Letting Go:.
- _astaticpallor - _astaticpallor
- _blindedbeauty_ - _Blinded//Beauty_
- _brokenglasses_ - Light Emo Kids On Fire
- _craptastic - Craptastically Inclined
- _fashionbomb_ - Fashion Bomb Fan Stuffs
- _fearfactory_ - Fear Factory
- _fem_metalheads - Girls who love metal.
- _hell_on_earth_ - Hell On Earth- A Buffy/Angel RPG
- _hxc_ro0lerz - ♥ Hardcore x Ro0lerz ♥
- _ingrindwecrust - Grindcore
- _latenitefright - official late nite fright community
- _like_woah - _like_woah
- _moshpit - moshing is not a crime, bitch!
- _music_freak_ - Manson/Muse/COF/HIM/Korn+ all Music Freaks.
- _r0ckers_added_ - Pick me, Pick me!
- _radderthanyou - _radderthanyou
- _silverstein - ♪ Silverstein Fan Community ♪
- _something_kool - °FOR ALL YOU KOOL KIDS°
- _staiky_music - \m/ S.T.A.I.K.Y. Music \m/
- _talk_tunes - Lets Talk Music
- a_chosen_few - Lizzie
- acid_r_us - ::: ACID 'R' US :::
- adarkersideofnj - Darkened New Jersey
- add_a_metalhead - Are you metal enough?
- add_a_punk - Meet people who listen to punk emo metal- whatever
- ado_4_life - ADO FOR LIFE
- adultthemes - adult themes
- after_death - ::DtB::
- albhardcore - NyHc, No Bullshit
- alexanderrrr - alexanderrrr
- amenhaters - Amenlover Haters
- angel_awards - Angel Awards
- angel_ooc - City of Angel: Angel the series OOC.
- angel_sues - Angel Sues
- angelphilosophy - Intelligent Angel Discussion
- anthrax_fans - anthrax_fans
- anti_ad - Adio Disturbence
- anything_metal - anything_metal
- apatt - apatt
- art_community - art_community
- artesque - Distorted Beauty
- atlmetal - Atlanta Metal Community
- awesomebands - Awesome Bands
- azmetal - Arizona Metalhead Community
- b_a_improv - Buffy Angel Improv
- bammers - bammers
- bandelimination - music fighters unite! judo chop!
- bandphototrade - A new reason to take your camera to shows.
- bathemes - bathemes
- bayareascene - Bay Area Scene
- bdh_ooc - Big Damn Heros OOC
- beauty_____lust -
- beauty_in_chaos - Beauty In Chaos Fans
- beautyawards - charmer
- best_laid_plans - The Best Laid Plans
- betterthanbooks - Flash Fiction Is Too Long
- big_damn_heros - Big Damn Heros
- bill_bailey - bill_bailey
- bitch_n_moan - Rant n' Rave Bitch Pit
- blackaxis01 - Punk Music
- blackspringband - Black Spring
- blackxlollipops - Mr. Gosh
- bleeding_juliet - Juliet Is Bleeding
- blindsistina - heavy metal based horror writers
- bodge_it - bodge_it
- bootlegs - bootlegs
- boston_metal - Metal Lovers Anonymous
- brok3n_star - You Need Me Like A Bad Habit
- broken_scream - OOC Fear_Itself
- btrash - Betty's Trash
- btvs_roundrobin - Btvs/ats RoundRobin
- btvsats_icons - Cat's btvs and ats icons (though other fandoms may
- btvsinspiration - BTVS Inspiration:btvs&ats fics,challenges,drabbles
- btvsrpg - Buffy the vampire slayer role playing game
- buffy_alt5 - buffy_alt5
- buffy_giles - Buffy/Giles 'shippers
- buffymagic - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- buffymetaphors - buffymetaphors
- buffyponderings - Buffy Ponderings
- buffyrpers - Buffy Roleplayers
- buffythemusical - B U F F Y - the - Musical
- bunglearmy - ma meeshka mow skwoz
- calimoshkids - calimoshkids
- carried_by_six - Carried By Six
- ccdismetal - Closed Casket Diary
- chaotik_musik - Chaotik Musik
- cheshirerage - the mirror of your life is shards
- chi_metalheads - Chicagoland area metalheads
- chrispyxchreme - chrispyXchreme
- city_of_angel - City of Angel: Angel the series RPG.
- citykittie - citykittie
- cockburn_street - cockburn street posse
- cradleslave666 - Spitilious Darkathion
- crimsoninstinct - Crimson Skies Bleed Down On Me...
- cuts_n_scars - scars
- cyberdork - A community for all dorks in cyber space..
- d4rk_1nsanity - dark insanity
- dark_oddities - Metal Batallion
- dark_passions - dark_passions A Buffy Roll Playing Community
- darkend_angels - Darkend Angelz
- dawn_of_death - Of DarkRevelation And Dying Souls
- deadenddrivein - D.E.D.I.
- death_to_mtv - MTV is a corporate whore
- deathcultlegion - deathcultlegion
- deathmetalfans - Death Metal Fans
- deathrashpunk - deathrashpunk
- deliriumcordia - Delirium Cordia
- deluded_defects - Defects
- designedbyyou - jake, ben, dave, and danny.
- desired_enemy - Desired Enemy
- devianc3 - devianc3
- diebyday - Die By Day
- dirtyhippies - dirtyhippies
- diy_metal - Do-it-yourself metal artists
- down_side_up - .:. Lost in a Melody.:.
- downloadfest - Download Festival
- dragonforce - Dragonforce
- dream_time - DREAMTIME!!
- dthmetalarobics - Death Metal Aerobics
- eat_emo_kids - anti-scene community
- elephant_riders - The Yeti on a Ship of Gold
- elitist_cunts - elitist_cunts
- emoloove - Emo Equals Love
- esp_is_dead - The Epiphany of Society & Politics
- eviladay - eviladay
- faithandspike - Faith + Spike Shipper
- faithless_hope - Beware from Demonical Infestations!
- fat_gass - Fat Chicks in Gasmasks
- fatblacksluts - fatblacksluts
- fear_itself - The Scoobies
- feel_the_rage - Secrets In A Weird World
- femme_metalle - femme fatale
- ficworkshop - Jossverse Fanfic Writer's Workshop
- forevernihility - ________[]\/[] (_) $ ! |<________*m*u*s*i*c*______
- forgotten_souls - FoRgOtTeN sOuLs CoMmUnItTy
- fuck_u_im_scene - Way 2 Scene For the Scene fuckers!
- fucking_shows - Fucking Shows
- funkyrailroad - funkyrailroad
- gayboi - GayBoi's
- ghost_hollow - Ghost Hollow
- ghostly_stories - ghostly_stories
- gilded_cunt - Gilded Cunt
- girl_can_kill - girl_can_kill
- girlscliquefic - Girls Clique Fiction Challenge
- godisinthetv - g0d is in the tv.
- godsofmetal - godsofmetal
- gordontown - Gordon Anderson Fans, Unite!
- gothasfsck - EFNet #gothasfsck
- gothxmetal - XGothXmetalX
- graphicrequest - graphicrequest
- guilty_gear - ~ The Guilty Gear Series ~
- guilty_gear_rp - The Guilty Gear Game
- hail_jessica - ALL BOW DOWN TO JESS!!!
- hampshirecore - Hampshire Regional Hardcore
- hard_rock_grrls - Hard Rock Girls
- hardfuckingcore - MuSic ThAt KiCks YouR AsS
- hasaposse - has a posse
- haunted_tales - Haunted Tales
- hc_festivals - Hardcore Festivals
- hellacopters - Hellacopters Community
- hellfest - HELLFEST
- hellmouth_of_la - Hellmouth of Los Angeles
- hellmouthhigh - Hellmouth High
- helmkamp - Iron, Blood, & Blasphemy
- hla_ooc - Hellmouth of Los Angeles OOC
- holdxfast - Hold Fast Roleplay
- hookersunited - BACON
- hopelessbubble - HopelessBubble Icons
- horny_bitches - horny_bitches
- horrorshowlife - Where all the lonely kids go
- hot_rockers - Hot Rockers
- hotemokids - HotEmoKids
- houstonmetal - Houston Metal.
- hpringslayer - Calliope Knight
- humanitysucks - Fuck Humanity
- i_vomit_rainbow - LoCaL ShOw JuNkIeS
- iam_satanic - IAM: Satanic
- iftomorrow - If Tomorrow Never Comes
- ihavegotabrick - we are the world
- ilickindiestars - we heart music
- im_so_indie - Elitist Ass
- in_character - ...Tragedy Strikes the Hellmouth...
- in_human_form - Death
- in_waiting - wheres my prince charming
- indusarea_kc - Industrial Area Community
- infernal_ottawa - A Demon: The Fallen Chronicle
- inmetalwetrust - In Metal We Trust
- interestingppl - Anything Goes!
- iwantnewmusic - Discover new music today!
- jenzaddicts_ - Jenza's Freaks
- john_fest - john_fest
- johnnytruant666 - Johnny_Truant
- jossverse - jossverse
- kerrang - Kerrang! Life Is Loud
- kickdrumjunkie - For all who crave Double Bass
- killrecover - Recover music
- kirk_hammett_x - Kirk_Hammett_X
- kpoems_n_such - Kelly's poems and such
- laddy_berries - laddy_berries
- lamb_of_god666 - lamb_of_god666
- library_study - Library Study Group (OOC Board)
- life_lost - Life and Death
- life_or_death - Life or Death?
- long_hair_guys - honoring guys with long hair
- lord_plague - Black Metal \m/
- lords_of_murder - lords_of_murder
- lost_in_loving - lost_in_loving
- loud - LOUD!
- loud2 - LOUD 2!
- loudandhardcore - LOUD&HARDcore
- lyric_aylum - Lyrics_Asylum
- lyrics_whores - lyrics_whores
- lyricsdominion - #*#LYRICS#*#
- m0shxc0re - m0sh_x_c0re
- mad_at_humanity - Serious Art
- mbp_metal - Must Be Metal
- meat_lovin - People Eating Tasty Animals
- meegs_rascon - meegs_rascon
- melodicmetal - melodicmetal
- metal_alliance - We Are MeTaL
- metal_cunts - Metal Cunts!
- metal_drama - The Metal Band Roleplay On LJ
- metal_fiends - Me†al
- metal_heads - Metal Lovers
- metal_icons - The Metal Icon Haven
- metal_inc - \m/ METAL \m/
- metal_is_metal - Non-Elitist Metal
- metal_killer666 - metal_killer666
- metal_maniacs - effin' metal gods
- metal_nachos - Super Fist Of Metal Cheese
- metal_rejects - A place for the Rejects of the Metal Society
- metal_sludge - metal_sludge
- metal_whores - The Whores of Metal
- metal_xxx - Listen to Metal!
- metalbethyname - are you metal?
- metalguitar - Maximum Crunch Axework
- metalhead_babes - Metalhead Babes
- metalhearts - Metal Head Dating Community
- metallicat - bob
- metalliveson - Metal Is Not Dead Yet
- metalmcgee - metalmcgee
- metalsongwriter - Heavy Metal Songwriters
- mick_thomson - Molten Metal God
- misunderstoods - we are the misunderstood teens
- mixyourmind - Mix Your mind
- moneysallgone - Moneys All Gone Rockers, punk, etc
- mouthycouchy - buncha jerks on an imaginary couch
- mullethead - Join the Hunt!
- music_freaks - Music Freaks
- musical_elitist - musical_elitist
- mydickisbig - Heavy Metal and Hardcore community
- n3t_beauty - <3
- narglosity - Community of Geeks
- narmusic - ***No Assembly Required***
- neon_skeleton - Seek and Destroy
- newenglandmetal - Metal Heads' of New England
- nh_goths - Goths of New Hampshire
- nj_core - Shattered Limbs
- nnm_muzic - NoNaMe Muzic
- nny_loves_me - JoHNNy's JeZeBeL
- no_pudding - No pudding, No parents
- noise_ - noise.
- nooneskindgroup - nooneskindgroup
- northwestmetal - North West Metalheads
- now_ish - Apocalypse Nowish
- nowish_claims - Apocalypse Nowish Claims
- nu_metalsucks - Nu-Metal's For Pussies!
- numetal_ru - numetal_ru
- ny_dc_rcp_hc - ny_dc_rcp_hc
- nyc_alternative - NYC's Alternative Hangout
- obsta_00 - Obsta
- old_school_mtv - old school mtv'ers
- oldblackwoman - Old Ass Black Women
- one_eight_7 - Hot_or_Not?
- onewingedangels - one winged angels.
- onumik - closed.
- oocnow_ish - Apocalypse Nowish OOC
- orexcore - Oregon and Pacific Northwest metal and hardcore.
- ozztbabe04 - Ozzfest
- p_o_w_team - victims of the system
- pdx_metal - pdx_metal
- pdx_metalheads - pdx_metalhead_meetup
- philly_hardcore - Philidelphia Hardcore
- philly_metal - Metal Fiends
- pics_and_music - We RULE!
- postedoval - Posted Oval
- power_of_three - Power of Three.
- prettypissed0ff - Pretty and Pissed Off Rating Community
- pritty_pictures - pritty pictures
- psycho_corner - psycho_corner
- punk_rock_love_ - Punk_Rock_Love_
- punkinfestation - we're spreading...
- punkrawkunion - Local Punk Rawk Union
- puremetalmusic - puremetalmusic
- pussay_liquour - pussay_liquour
- queens_of_metal - Metal Head Chicks'
- ragingspeedhorn - Raging Speedhorn
- randomly_cool - Find out how random and cool you are
- rate_the_dead - Rate the Fucking Dead!
- ratecore - XRATEXCOREX
- raw_lens - RAW_LENS
- rdrzorsxblkhrts - Red Raz0rz|Blak Hartz
- real_rockers - real_rockers
- realalternative - realalternative
- realguitars - guitar community for the real guitarist
- regretful_truth - Despair Follows Me Wherever We May Go
- retardswithguns - retardswithguns
- rock_ride - ramble if you like rock and ride
- rockshare - Rock Share
- rotten_beauties - rotten beauties.
- ru_metal - ru_metal
- ru_thrashmetal - Thrash 'Til Death
- rupert_rayne - Willows_Rupert_Willows_Rayne
- sacrafix_fans - sacrafix_fans
- schardcore - Hardcore Message Board
- scooby_gang - The Scooby Gang
- sd_ooc - Sunnydale.
- sd_reunion - Sunnydale Reunion: A Buffy RPG
- seeyourselfdie - sometimes i feel like watching myself die
- sex_music_teens - sex_music_teens
- shittyguitarist - shittyguitarist
- shortbread - Icons + blinkies
- showmeyerass - showmeyerass
- showswap - showswap
- simplyxinsane - Simply Insane Roleplay
- sinful_vanity - sinful_vanity
- skaxnkrew - SkaXnKrew.
- slayer_arena - slayer_arena
- slayer_group - Slayer Fans
- slayerfans - MrsEion
- slayerfest_04 - Welcome to the helmouth
- slayerfiction - The Slayers
- slayerrules - Slayer
- slayerverse - Slayerverse Buffy RPG
- slaytanic - slaytanic wermacht
- slick_pics - Just Slick Pics
- slit_your_guts - The Death Metal Community
- slothxcore - ima be a sloth fo' life
- smg_fans - Sarah Michelle Gellar Fan
- song_request - song request
- sons_of_azrael - SONS OF AZRAEL
- southbayobscene - Down There...
- spander_archive - A Spike/Xander R & NC-17 Slash Fanfic Archive
- strawburygashes - Lollipops & RazorBlades
- sueslayers - The Buffy Mary Sue Community
- suffage_rocks - Suffage
- sunny_dale - UC: Sunnydale
- swampedingore - Swamped in Gore
- swimsuitissue - i don't wanna be a sensation
- talon_lounge - The Talon Lounge
- tech_metal - tech metal
- teen_rockers - Teenage Rockers! claims, icons and chat
- the_different - For people that feel different from the majority
- the_mixx - Music and Reviews
- the_nightbreed - Midian
- the_rock_pit - Headbangers Unite!
- the_snakefish - Snakefish!
- the_talon - The Talon
- thechickeniers - thechickeniers
- thedakotaboys - ROCK AND ROLL, bitch
- thegoondocks - The Goondocks
- thehardandheavy - ThE HarD and the PhUcking HeaVy MaN!
- thelibrary - The Library
- thelovingdead - Love Equals Death
- thepedsarmy - The Peds Army
- theresnotomorrw - Last Dance Before An Execution(R.I.P.)
- thevenomlords - The Venom Lords
- thewccrew - The West Chester Crew
- thosewhorock - thosewhorock
- thrashaholics - Thrashaholics Unanimous
- top_5_songs - :Your Top Five:
- true_metalheads - true_metalheads
- ultimate_freaks - Where the freaks can be loved...
- ultimate_metal - Ultimate Metal - The Future of Metal On LJ
- uniquevision - Unique Vision
- vagcore - We're hotter than you. Fatty.
- vampire_slayer - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- veil_unearthed - Shrouded in Sorrow
- virtual_tv - Virtual_TV
- wacommunity - Post Wh0re Syndrome
- wadingpool - wadingpool
- we_love_cassie - we love cassie
- wefuckindareyou - WE FUCKIN' DARE YOU!
- whedon_oscars - The Whedon Oscars
- winnipeg_metal - winnipeg_metal
- wiwo - what's in / what's out
- x520deathcrewx - Guns dont kill people..520 does.
- x_death_rock_x - x- Beauty Rocks..can you make it?-x
- xdefilementx - defilement
- xenia_ohio - Gummo Community
- xfuglyx - our fugly world
- xgreatest_fears - bleeding hearts shed no tears
- xhardcoredancex - Hardcore Dancing
- xjessejameswccx - XxJesse James CommunityxX
- xtrememetaluk - Extreme Metal UK
- xxhold_onxx - Sharp hint of new tears
- zombiecrew - +Send More Paramedics+
Interested users
The following users are interested in slayer. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
430 matches: