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User:neoconservative (1015303) neoconservative
The Neoconservative Thinktank
the evolution of political thinking
Location:United States
About:Neoconservatism, which is committed to cultural traditionalism, democratic capitalism, and a foreign policy promoting freedom and American interests around the world.

This is a closed membership community. Members are encouraged to post using the "friends" only setting. If you would like to be considered for membership please click on the appropriate join this community link and you will be considered. Your maintainers are [info]topi, [info]fitts, and [info]zakat451. This is a neconservative forum for neocons and allied conservatives -- that means that leftists, liberals, socialists, communists, marxists, etc., should look elsewhere.

Our icon is courtesy of [info]tiarafetish, who has our eternal gratitude.

links of interest
Neoconservative Resource information from the Christian Science Monitor
Intellectual Conservative Politics and Philosophy
NeoCom: Commentary on World Events from a Neo-Conservative Perspective
Neocon info and misc.
Front Page Magazine
Daniel Pipes
Jewish World Review
Policy Review
Reason Magazine
Chronicles Magazine
The Public Interest
Americans for Victory Over Terrorism
Alexis de Tocqueville
First Things
National Review Online
The American Spectator
The Weekly Standard
Interests:71: accountability, adversary culture, american enterprise institute, antonin scalia, arts & letters, authority, charter schools, clarence thomas, conservatism, conservative theory, convention, custom, daniel bell, daniel pipes, david horowitz, edmund burke, empower america, establishment republicanism, frontpage, government, high culture, history, home-schooling, individual responsibility, international affairs, intuition, irving kristol, jeane kirkpatrick, john adams, judgment, legitimacy, liberals mugged by reality, libertarian, libertarianism, liberty, linda chavez, michael novak, morality, nathan glazer, natural law, natural rights, neoconservatism, new class, orthodoxy, paleoconservatism, paul wolfowitz, peace, political commentary, political science, politics, republican, republican party, richard perle, right reason, right wing, russell kirk, self-reliance, sen. henry "scoop" jackson, soceity, t.s. eliot, the family, the hudson institute, the weekly standard, thinking, thinktank, unintended consequences, united states of america, war, william bennett, william f. buckley jr, world affairs. [Modify yours]
Members:57: aelius, azfactor, belt0033, btripp, chirogrl, darthbeckman, dbroussa, ditzydeltadawn, elektrobop, emagill, enderwiggins, fauxpaus, fitts, fleepysox, fraserspeirs, gopcheerleader, ilovethecure, jjostm, jredmont, justgoto, lilliew, lima_pcp, lordreaibn, mamallama, melonpocky, miastarrx, mightyrighty, mmmmjournal, mr_lunch, mrbogey, munchmeyer, neocon0, neocon_guest01, orthodox, pwwka, ramaustin, rfurtkamp, ruthlilycat, shiks, skatepixie, smileyme, snachodog, snocat, sparrowrose, ssidhu82, stickyboy, stremph, tbonestg, theblahgirl, thecrazyfinn, tiarafetish, topi, topk, txtigerman, visceralfuck, zakat451, zendiagrams
Watched by:63: 485ftlbs, aelius, alfawolph, azfactor, belt0033, btripp, darthbeckman, dbroussa, debergerac, ditzydeltadawn, eeb_bee, elektrobop, emagill, enderwiggins, fauxpaus, fictivekin, fitts, fraserspeirs, gopcheerleader, greif528, ilovethecure, jredmont, justgoto, kallistos, lilliew, lima_pcp, lordofdark, lordreaibn, mamallama, masculist, melonpocky, miastarrx, mightyrighty, mmmmjournal, mrbogey, munchmeyer, neocon0, neocon_guest01, nude_gabriel, orthodox, ramaustin, rfurtkamp, ruthlilycat, ryel, safeplastic, shadow_emperor, shiks, silent_sensei, smileyme, snachodog, snocat, sparrowrose, stickyboy, stremph, tbonestg, thecrazyfinn, tiarafetish, tinyrevolution, txtigerman, usman, visceralfuck, zakat451, zendiagrams
Account type:Free Account

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