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let's talk about trains
Basic Account [Gift] Created on 2003-07-22 18:41:33 (#1201133), last updated 2012-04-19
- 407 Journal Entries
- 1,660 comments received
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- 1 Userpic
Name: | railroading |
Location: | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States |
Membership: | Open |
Posting Access: | All Members, Moderated |
Description: | Railroads and trains. |
If you're a "railfan" or if you work for a railroad and have something to say about it, et cetera, then join us.
Interests (54):
alco, alstom, amtrak, b&m;, b&o;, baldwin, blw, bnsf, boston & maine, burlington northern santa fe, c&o;, canadien national, chessie system, cn, conrail, cp, csx, csx transportation, emd, furx, ge transportation systems, grand trunk western, great northern, guilford, hlmx, light rail, locomotives, milwaukee road, new york central, norfolk southern, ns, nyc, nynh&h;, onion specific, pc, penn central, photography, prr, rail, railfan, railroading, railroads, railways, rock island, seaboard, shouldn't paint so fast, sms, southern pacific, sp, spsf, taking pictures, trains, union pacific, up
Members [View Entries]
00solstice, 15_the_circle, _traintracks, airgraybeauty, aiwritingfic, alizara, amtrakadventure, anachronismia, andrewkarelin, angel_epiphany, ansonpark, arakneo, araquan, ascannervibrato, atlas4711, awesomealfie, axewound, badtitle, bessemerprocess, blackbootsboy, capitol_limited, captain_ice, celtic_events, chicago_journal, chiefted, chili_factor, chu_hi, denali1, desu, dgg, dglucas1, doclnghair, dooriya, dreamsrundeep, drunkstuey, elasticity, eligyah, elimeny, evol79, eyezonthesky, februaryfour, fuck_censorship, future_texan, gelasiasjata, gracegiver, hakuna_matata84, hey_shaunhere, hiroe, ibbyguitar, injustifiiable, jaggedapple, jedileo, jube455, juliaparmly, just_steve, karmic_motion, kenwoodville, kirby2k, ksman38, kyosuke_kun89, lensovet, likenothing, line_nowhere, liquidcross, lissrac, livesteamer14, lonely_fringer, macho_, madperseid, malianov, marlborored, mcniadh, mec407, mejeep, mercyorbemoaned, metrosexual_guy, misera, mmichael0, mvs57, myradio, mysticchyna, mysticknyght, nickhalfasleep, noir_et_bleu, omdreads, p_a_r_t_i_c_l_e, paxyxiq, phil_ji, piyer, pkbarbiedoll, placacka, powerpawsnw, proudlurker, ptc555, pubtran, qahawthorne, rail_safety, railfan2006, railwatcher, rangersebulba, rarousse, reldnahkram, ryan3888, rydot, santo26, sarahemm, sastrei87, schmiegelette, sergei2001, sfprairie, short_line2, sickmont, siliconcrusader, six27, smrgol_t_kirin, sobos_ru, sourdick, storm777, storm_reasecher, strangiatotheme, su_carbs, terminalmox, the_epic, the_jug, the_macross, thecrazedhermit, thizz_face, tnrkitect, traingeek, traingeekboy, trainman68, trinib, trnlvrof88, tycalibur, uncleamos, verdad_belleza, visitorfrommars, vxo, whereisshenow, whouseknecht, writerspleasure, wyldemusick, yait100, yasha_taur, zoestarbrite, zytx
00solstice, 15_the_circle, aiwritingfic, akniramb, alizara, amtrakadventure, anachronismia, andrewkarelin, angel_epiphany, ansonpark, arakneo, araquan, ascannervibrato, atlas4711, awesomealfie, axewound, b_r_u_n_h_i_lde, blackbootsboy, bloodshotxeyes, caffe1ne_fairy, capitol_limited, captain_ice, catraprez, chicago_journal, chiefted, chu_hi, denali1, desu, dgg, doclnghair, dooriya, dragonazure, dreamsrundeep, eligyah, elimeny, evol79, f0ks, februaryfour, fuck_censorship, geekus_duos, gracegiver, hakuna_matata84, hey_shaunhere, hiroe, iandavid, injustifiiable, jaggedapple, jedileo, jube455, juliaparmly, just_steve, kirby2k, ksman38, kutsd, l0n3_s0ul, lensovet, lissrac, livesteamer14, lonely_fringer, malianov, marlborored, mcniadh, mejeep, metrosexual_guy, misera, mmichael0, moreorless, mr_graver, musatych, myradio, mysticknyght, noir_et_bleu, omegavirus, phil_ji, piyer, pkbarbiedoll, placacka, pospeloff, powerpawsnw, proudlurker, ptc555, qahawthorne, rail_safety, railwatcher, rangersebulba, rarousse, reldnahkram, roachlegg, ryan3888, rydot, santo26, sastrei87, scottscout, sergei2001, sfprairie, short_line2, sickmont, six27, smoneelse, smrgol_t_kirin, sobos_ru, storm777, strangiatotheme, su_carbs, taranabug, terminalmox, the_epic, the_frost_msk, the_jug, thecrazedhermit, thetruthaddict, tnrkitect, traingeekboy, trainman68, trinib, trnlvrof88, uly, uncleamos, verdad_belleza, vetesgrl, visitorfrommars, vxo, whereisshenow, writerspleasure, wyldemusick, yait100, yasha_taur, zytx