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[Aug. 8th, 2004|01:32 pm]
in case you don't want to pay to see the movie

how's everyone doing?

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[Aug. 7th, 2004|05:16 pm]
great day today
i covered mostly in cavett
a bunch of shops opened their doors and sold cheap stuff.

a civil war renactment.

and sadly a car fatality. all in the city of cavett (sp?)

then i went to huntsville and covered us congressman kevin brady speak
at graduation.

and saw some of my peeps!
they were keeping it real in h-ville!

it's sad that i'm not there but i'm much happier here.

thanks and bye!
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[Aug. 7th, 2004|05:15 pm]
this is dumb

here's the ap story
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[Aug. 5th, 2004|08:35 am]
i've been so busy i've hadn't had the chance to see what star trek
episode is playing for stanley or how the internship is going for my friend jason.

i'll try to catch up
but let me tell you about my job.

yesterday while shooting a million and one things my chief photographer QUIT!

yeah! he wanted to go back to wichita falls!
why am i talking with !!!!

i'm just nervous
now the station is going to bring in somebody else that i have no say in.
they won't hire me because i don't have 4 years of experience, blah!!

and.... i'm spent.

the guy that hired me is GONE!

on a positive side my girlfriend is 9 to 2 pm on candy 95.1
so if you can get that station her DJ name is "Nikki Summers"

take care guys.
i'll try to update when i can.

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[Jul. 31st, 2004|10:00 am]
liz is up here
and she went to work and i went to work to

i'm editing a package for my chief photog
and i get to add hours to my schedule.

the past two weeks i've worked 51 hours =-O


that's a lot of money!

later guys
i'm going to get a pimp suit and cane.

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[Jul. 29th, 2004|08:23 am]
So ipod doesn't work with illegal music?

that's bullRead more... )
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[Jul. 28th, 2004|10:19 pm]
i'm still working on my review of this product
but i'm to busy playing with it!!

this website will have to do!

-remember this cost me $599 sells them for over $750 =O
that's grand larcany!


buy it!

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[Jul. 27th, 2004|09:19 pm]
My vote is for Waylon Smithers
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[Jul. 27th, 2004|08:03 pm]

after a tought day this really made my day brighter

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[Jul. 27th, 2004|07:55 pm]
This is funny.
BTW i'm the one that leaked it.,2933,127229,00.html

Today was tough.
You hear that if you don't white balance the camera properly
then you get blue video.

Then how did dalen get GREEN video today?

it happened on two tapes.
i just need to keep white balancing.

btw i'm firmly convinced that i'm going to become a sports reporter
because i really don't like people telling me what to do.

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[Jul. 26th, 2004|03:24 pm]
It's just a bunny!!!
-Monty Python

I HAVE to find this picture btw!


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[Jul. 26th, 2004|01:06 pm]
Boo f*****' hoo!
What did he expect?
Gold plated bathrooms and a plethroa of women to rape anytime day or night?;=540&e;=5&u;=/ap/20040726/ap_on_re_mi_ea/britain_saddam
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[Jul. 26th, 2004|08:41 am]
But what is the OTHER side?

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[Jul. 24th, 2004|04:57 pm]
Lance is one day away from winning the TDF

Lance Armstrong will earn his 66th yellow jersey on Sunday.

Armstrong's single-minded focus on the Tour, his attention to detail, his use of new technologies to save seconds and his ability to recruit, keep and motivate teammates have raised the bar for how to win the three-week cycling marathon.

"It's an improvement in the method of approaching the Tour de France -- more professional, more rigorous, more methodical," race director Jean-Marie Leblanc said. "In a word, more American."

-Damn right.
ride on Lance, ride on...

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[Jul. 23rd, 2004|09:24 pm]

it's my birthday
everyone bow down to me!!!

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[Jul. 22nd, 2004|12:53 pm]
I got pulled over on 7/21
i thought there was a certain protocol into getting out of the ticket
i.e. turning off the car, rolling down the window, having all the information handy,
act really sorry, promising you'll never do it again, act really nice and self depricating,

NONE of it worked on the bastard.

Don't get me wrong,
both of my parents were cops, so i have a great ammount of respect
for the police force but this asshole said
"well that's my job. you know how it is.... blah blah blah.
"i think that i'm hot shit because i have a gun, and i ride on a


now it's going to cost me a bunch of money that
i stupidly don't have. and i stupidly don't want
this frustratioin.
and i wasn't even supposed to be in the area
because it was my lunch hour
so i tried to take a quick detour in a residential zone
but i couldn't find my way out
and after i got the ticket then because the road looped
i ended up where i started.

so i lost 20 minutes of my lunch, got a ticket,
and started at the same place where i started.

that is why cops are assholes.

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[Jul. 20th, 2004|07:57 pm]
I love ESPN writing!!

"Once in the Pyrénées for two hard climbing stages, Armstrong punched the accelerator with his trademark high-cadence rhythm, and the favorites fell away like the French defending Paris."

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[Jul. 19th, 2004|09:32 pm]
this is awsome!!!

it's like john deer meets politics...
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[Jul. 19th, 2004|09:12 pm]
This is so dumb.
the rapper Nelly

is now part owner of the charlotte bobcats.
how dumb is that?
he also is part owner of a racing team.


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[Jul. 19th, 2004|09:10 pm]
Holy damn!
(an obvious contridiction, i know)

"As part of a pilot program, Duke University plans to give iPods loaded with school calendars and other information to its 1,800 incoming freshmen. Students can download class materials to listen to anything from audio examples of textbook exercises to Spanish songs."

and ipods are now cheaper.;=569&ncid;=738&e;=1&u;=/nm/20040719/tc_nm/tech_apple_dc

they're still not cheap enought for dalen.
plus i dont listen to that many songs.
so i'm good.

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