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*_Jupiter.Dreams_* [v.2.Wish]

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maybe she'll see this.. [17 Apr 2003|12:03pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | Unwritten Law - Follow the Leader (stuck in my head ]

How could it be
That you know me
My deepest fears
My fantasies
Confide in you
What no one knows
But it feels so real
When I close my eyes
I can see your face
When I lick my lips
I can taste your smile
When I see your name
My hearts starts to race
If I can't read your thoughts
Then I feel empty
Is this a new
Way to love
Never face to face
Is it enough
Does it really count
Or am I a fool
So tell me please
Am I wasting my time
Your phrases
And through the textured words
With beauty
You post it
And use such colored verbs
We've never met
When I close my eyes
I can see your face
When I lick my lips
I can taste your smile
When I see your name
My hearts starts to race
If I can't read your thoughts
Then I feel empty
I'm rushin' home
To turn you on
Sometimes you're there
Sometimes you're gone
Wait for hours
For your return
So tell me please
am i wasting my time
Your phrases
And through the textured words
With beauty
You post it
And use such colored verbs
So tell me
You think that
Maybe we've gone insane
To find a, a lover
And through the words of pain
We've never met
When I close my eyes
I can see your face
When I lick my lips
I can taste your smile
When I see your name
My hearts starts to race
If I can't read your thoughts
Then I feel empty

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i tried to be a boy, i tried to be a girl [16 Apr 2003|11:33pm]
[ mood | cynical ]
[ music | Madonna - American Life ]

damn my stupid contacts.. lol why is it that the left one always gives me trouble.. i dunno...

i went to lunch with my mom, leah, and eric from the office.. it was nice.. it would have been nicer if i knew how to follow directions and didn't drive around in circles for 30 minutes. so then leah, my mom and i just gabbed about school for a while.. i told them about my steven crush.. so that's the 'the kiss of death' right there... good-bye steven, hello nothingness again..

still no word from aundria.. i'm so scared to call.. i want to... but i'm scared of her mom! can you believe that?!... blah...
maybe i should just take the hint, and move on... but i'll wait a couple more days, and see if i hear from her..

and that's pretty much the day... spent some more time sending files from these computers at home to myself so i can have them on my computer at home... (yes i really AM that lame...) tomorrow will probably be filled with more of the same... and oh! maybe some studying! JOY! not

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dreams [15 Apr 2003|12:56am]
i'm going to lunch with maria tomorrow.. and possibly my sister... i don't know if she wants to go all the way out there...

i need to clear my head, but my thoughts won't let me rest..

tomorrow... maybe tomorrow will be better...

"if you're a dreams then come true"
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shite [13 Apr 2003|07:05pm]
[ mood | crappy ]
[ music | Queens of the Stone Age - No one knows ]

the phone call did not go well.. that's all i'll say... :(

i'm on my way to gaining back the 10 pounds i lost... *tear*

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countdown [12 Apr 2003|01:32am]
[ mood | jubilant ]
[ music | Last Call with Carson Daily ]

well i'm not really tired, so i'm back again.. mostly to swoon over steven haha. cat and i are such geeks, we sat outside the cilsa office eating gummibears.. lol i feel like i'm back in high school again with this crush.. but not cuz i'm in college hehe

i got my midterm progress report.. i got a D in calc... so i need to work my ass off to get at least a C for the semester...

i'm so hungry... i haven't really eaten since breakfast...

*swoons* lol what's with the piercings that i just find so attractive.. hehe ^_~

and where the hell is my freaking moulin rouge dvd... it really sucks because i haven't watched it in a while, and i just wanted to relax, and watch a movie, and i can't find it.. i looked in all the other dvds, and it's still nowhere to be found... this is why i hate lending things out to ppl.. i lose track of them and end up losing it...


-think good thought, think good thoughts ~ :going home: :good food: :aundria: :my friends: :my family: :my dog: :steven: -

good night!

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back again [11 Apr 2003|05:19pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | The All American Rejects ]

so the day is finally over..

*sigh* i'm all by my lonesome now.. cat left about 3:30...

she and i were walking from the post office and pasted the CILSA office, and who do we see? Steven OF COURSE... lol


so the day was okay, got out early from two of my classes.. totally forgot it was friday and ate meat at breakfast.. oh well..

hehe cat called steven a 'cilsa' nerd... so what huh! lol i'm glad he seems like a good guy (i see him at church pretty much every sunday) one day.. lol one day.. that boi and i will be making babies HAHA Just Kidding

well i'm heading home tomorrow morning... i don't know how things are going to work out.. but hopefully it will be a good week. ^_^

i think i'm going to take a nap now..

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leaving [11 Apr 2003|09:49am]
i'm going home tomorrow. Yay. I still have to pack, but it's still early in the day, so i have time..

i'm really tired though.. i need to start going to bed earlier, or just waking up later.. lol

no steven sightings yet.. there was one chris sighting, but i didn't do my dare since i was too far away... lol i don't think he'd want some girl running up and hugging him so early in the morning.. haha

..i'll be back later, since i seem to be addicted to this stupid site and use it in my procrastination efforts.
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[10 Apr 2003|05:26pm]
sex is not the answer.
sex is the question.
yes is the answer.
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Thoughts [10 Apr 2003|05:23pm]

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dilemma [09 Apr 2003|11:52pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | News ]

okay let's see...

i like Person A. We've been talking for a while, and it seems like things are starting to "fall in to place"

i also like Person B. I don't know Person B very well. I would like to get to know them better, but as of right now I just see them around. Plus I'm too shy to go up and be like "Hey, what's your name?" lol

so what do you think? take a chance with person a or try and work up some boobs (hey if guys can say "get some balls" i'll say boobs!) and try and get to know person b more?

or as jolly put it.. i could just be a player.. but i don't want to be played if i was in a relationship... "i don't wanna be a playa no mo' -i'm not a playa i just crush alot"

it was a pretty good day overall.. woke up late for my psych class AGAIN.. but not like monday... damn.. what is with me and waking up for 8:00 classes?? haha but i was tired all day and couldn't really concentrate on work. I have a freaking essay due friday, and i haven't even started it. PLUS i have calc work to do, and catch up with psych..

dear god i'm going to DIE tomorrow... i'm going to TRY and get some reading out of the way so i can concentrate on that stupid essay for seminar..

i got my english paper back.. it was a C *again!* i think i'm going to re-write it... even though i HATE re-writing things.. but i know that i could have done a better job on it if i had taken some more time with it...

my steven sighting was 2 today.. once at breakfast, and again at this 'talent show' we had tonight in the quad. i just saw him from across the way though.. Too Cute though.. *swoons*

joanne asked me if i was interested in being an officer for gala next year.. and i said sure.. it's going to be a TON of work, especially if i want to get a job also.. but hopefully i'll get something on campus so it won't be too bad..

that talent show thing ROCKED (well it rocked at the end) we have a bunch of 'prospect students' overnight here.. so late night was in the quad and they had this talent thing.. i think the last group totally rocked though. The band came out playing Green Day and then ended with All-American Rejects.. i think they threw in Sublime.. i dunno..

and that was pretty much my day.

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calling all you angels [02 Apr 2003|01:35pm]

Jude Law: you like them romantic and British with
beauiful green eyes.

Which guy are you destined to have sex with?
brought to you by Quizilla
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cheer up [02 Apr 2003|01:00pm]
[ mood | sad ]
[ music | 97.3 ]

they say 'cheer up for once'
when they don't even know me
all they see is a sad face with sad eyes
wanting something else
then to be here
but they don't know me

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you thinking of something like inward singing! [31 Mar 2003|01:05am]
ah tenacious d, best band in the world...

today was pretty uneventful.. i did finish my work at a reasonable hour..

i'm tired.. but not.. i'm hungry though... REALLY hungry.. lol i want some fried chicken... don't watch the food channel when you're hungry...

the countdown to spring break is 12 days... or something like april 12th baby... i can not wait!!

other then my depression for today, nothing was out of the ordinary...

yay for my "punk boy" steven, he's a cutie.. hehe..

overall: weekend good today: boring

erica's parents took me cat jolly and her brothers out to benihana's for dinner, that was pretty awesome. fun times all around... but i can say that i chopsticks are the devil lol

i'm off to bed
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late night [28 Mar 2003|01:16am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Conan O'Brien ]

spent most of the day bumming around. saved a ton of icons, and modified some them... went on a late night run to inn-n-out with erica and cat. saw gabe and jacob when we got back. gabe was funny, and i think pretty nornal.. he actually talked to us and danced... maybe he was drunk LOL i dunno. but what cracked me up was jacob.. he had cut his beard and made a happy face on one side and a sad face on the other...apparently he's had it like this for the past two days... lol i was just walking with him yesterday and didn't notice it...

i still haven't done my seminar work.. i guess i'll do it tomorrow... along with the rest of my calculus work.. but now i'm off to bed, it's too late, especially since i have an 8 o'clock class..

off to dreamland
sleep sleep sleep
head hits the pillow
eyes start to close
sleep sleep sleep
away i go

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i see how it is [24 Mar 2003|11:13pm]
apperently i'm no good to talk with anymore.. that i don't give good advice, that i can't help someone with their problems.. i've noticed that alot lately... anything i say is not valid unless it's outshadowed by something better... usually jolly's opinion...

just makes me feel like crap..

i'm still not feeling well.. i still have a cough and sore throat.. i'm going in tomorrow, so hopefully they'll give me something..

so the day was okay... i didn't get much sleep last night, i was coughing most for most of it.. i just want this to go away... but i had to be stubbern and wait till it was at it's worse..

and my sister has a boyfriend, but i'm not supposed to tell anyone.. what's wrong with me?? :(
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another weekend [23 Mar 2003|10:12pm]
so it's sunday night again.. and i still have calculus to finish.. it sucks because 1. i don't understand it and 2. this is a handout so i can't cheat and copy the solution manual...

i went with some friends to togos for dinner, it was nice to get off campus...

i was thinking about the summer, i think i'm going to try and get two jobs... i hope it all works out... ^_^

i was thinking about.. hmm i need a code name.. i was thinking about "Vanilla Sugar" yesterday... i haven't heard from them in about 3 weeks.. i'm trying to stay positive and hoping that they're just busy with school and work, but it's starting to get to me that they've just given up.. i hope that's really not the case, i really liked talking to them...

i was thinking about some ppl i used to know.. the o'cambs.. the last time i saw justin was probably two years ago, and the last time i saw geoff, was about the same i think.. i heard that the two of them have enlisted.. so i was wondering if they're overseas or not... i tried to get get ahold of my uncle while he's been home this weekend, but he's been out... :-\

so another week begins.. i still have this nagging sore thoart... it hurts to swallow a little.. and it sort of affecting my ears.. i should probably go to the health center here, but i'm skeptical on what they're going to do for it... the last time i was sick they only gave me cough drops...

so we'll see...
i heart rachel
i heart aaron p.
i heart ngocy
i heart . . . . . . . ^_^
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why worry anymore [22 Mar 2003|08:08pm]
just another lazy lazy saturday.. pretty much spent the whole day in pjs.. and still have not started any studying...

i found out that my uncle hasn't been deployed yet, he's been on base training this week, so he's on liberty this weekend... my grandma almost had a stroke when she got his phone call..

i asw unfaithful with cat and ashley today.. interesting, i think it was a crappy ending though.. i wanted them to run away to mexico or something.. so who richard gere in some insane aslyum for killing paul... but no.. damn bastard movie lol

so nothing much is going on, everyone keeps asking "what are you doing tonight" "let's go party" and i'm like "eh.... i think i'll stay in again."

not much of a partier i guess...

so i'll probably bum around online again.. and maybe read some psychology...
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[21 Mar 2003|01:36pm]
okay bringing my roommate into that last entry was a little much.. i'm sorry, i didn't mean it like that...


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F*CK [21 Mar 2003|01:30pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | Some song on the radio... 93.7 ]

fuck the damn buisness office!!

this is the second time i've had to go up there to turn in my damn housing slip... FUCK THEM

they called me to tell me that i have a balance still.. well we sent a check yesterday, and they SIGNED for it THIS MORNING, and the lady kept telling me that they hadn't recieved it...

FUCK THAT! get your fucking mail on time!!! i was like "i will bring the online confirmation saying that you signed for it at 10 am. if they tell me when i go back that they have still not recieved it, I WILL BE FREAKING PISSED OFF... more then i am right NOW.. that old lady at the counter, ugh!... i don't care if she is someone's grandma, she will get an earful!

FUCK THEM!!!!!!!


damn it! i hate being pissed off

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in case of an emergency, break glass [20 Mar 2003|08:03pm]

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