Sparky the Wonder Goat presents culturedgoat
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in strokable goat in a strokable coat's LiveJournal:

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    Friday, December 10th, 2004
    5:00 pm
    Regular readers of culturedgoat may have become disappointed lately with the ratio of blatent plugs for Tim Steele's excellent band Handbags at Dawn vs. the usual heartwarming well-written witty charming essays. Now, allow me set your minds at ease, dear readers, as culturedgoat is not going to degenerate into a mere bulletin board to plug excellent live appearances of the Handbags. We have all come to understand, of course, that there is only a certain number of times that Handbags at Dawn's last live appearance of 2004 at the Brixton Windmill this Sunday can be talked about before the odd casual mention becomes glaringly obvious repetitive plugging. And besides, those of you who are already coming along to the Windmill on Sunday for our performance at 5pm need not even be told.

    So, with this entry, I hope to set all culturedgoat readers' minds at ease: No more! (for this year, at least) No more shall you have to grudgingly sift through reams of over-zealous plugging for events that you've had in your diary for ages and are already excited about. No more shall you find your friends list polluted with scans large and aesthetically engaging imagery that comprise Handbags at Dawn's flyers, like this:


    Righto, now, onwards and upwards - this time with my write-up of Clairey and Kate's Secret Meltroom night at The Intrepid Fox: It was very good and everyone I brought with me had a lot of fun. That Jon Cook shines a bit as a compere, doesn't he - I think he should have a variety show on television or something.

    (18 heavy pettings | pet the goat)

    Thursday, December 2nd, 2004
    5:00 pm
    A big THANK YOU to everyone who ventured out to Camden Town the other night to see Handbags at Dawn play. It felt really really great to spend an evening in the company of good people, and it reminded me that I just don't seem to do such things often enough these days.

    The gig itself went rather well, I thought. It certainly feels like we're more of an actual band - a functioning unit - than we were a few months ago. There're more singing parts for everyone now, so I had a proper lot of backing vocals to do. New songs "Introducing Handbags at Dawn", and the new improved "Gonzo" were debuted, and I managed to completely foul up the former by playing all the wrong notes. Shane broke a string during "Hepatitis B", leaving me to fill the silence with some lengthy rambling stage talk, while he sorted himself out. The strangest bit was when a man came right up to the edge of my side of the stage and shoved a big professional camera in my direction. In the 3 seconds it took him to take a photo, I quickly struck a pose, felt stupid for posing, unposed, tried to ignore him, posed again but more subtley, and finally lost interest just as the flashbulb went off. Hopefully this intense internal conflict with my own vanity will come across in the picture.

    The first band, Piranha Deathray, were very good, and nice people. Oddly, they had the boy-guitarist from Mika Bomb in their band. The singer presented us with the gift of a bottle of Sake (a Japanese liqueur) before the gig, which was very sweet (the gesture moreso than the liqueur), and then got very angry at his band mates later when it transpired that they had quaffed most of the contents in the secrecy of dressing room.

    Much like my guitar-playing associate, the drink kicked in in a big way about an hour too late, and the rest of the evening is quite hazy - although a happy haze, it must be said. Some of the more bizarre flashes of memory include having a running race up and down Parkway with Kaye and Ellie, and also being photographed by Iona in all sorts of weird poses, and with a strange man. I left the Castle at about 2am, I think, and then went to Gaz and Rob's for an afterparty, where I lasted approximately ten minutes before collapsing into unconsciousness on a chair. After accepting I was partied-out, I headed on home, and got to bed at about 4:30am where I enjoyed two and a half hours of blissful sleep, before my alarm signalled that Wednesday had officially begun. Hurrah!

    But yes, once again, thank you one and all who came to cheer us on. It was very very appreciated, and I have re-attained my faith in gigs being a happy experience... So here's another one...! )

    (48 heavy pettings | pet the goat)

    Tuesday, November 30th, 2004
    2:00 pm

    Not that any of you needed reminding of course, but this very evening, a certain band of young rapscallions are playing a gig, right about here ->

    Red circle marks the spot (The Dublin Castle, in this case).

    YES! You are worthy! Come along!

    (17 heavy pettings | pet the goat)

    Sunday, November 21st, 2004
    7:45 pm

    My fan art has been featured on White Ninja!

    Of course, readers with more discerning eyes may notice that my submission is not in fact "art" in the actual commendable sense, but rather - cheaply Photoshopped screenshots from a 1992 video game. This is of course mainly due to the fact that I possess absolutely zero artistic talent, unlike many of my notable creative contemporaries, such as [info]sulleby, [info]emptysound and [info]tracklost. I'm confident, however, that, in spite of my many artistic shortcomings, I could beat them all soundly at Mortal Kombat.

    (15 heavy pettings | pet the goat)

    Tuesday, November 9th, 2004
    8:00 pm
    Last night, Piccadilly Circus, around 11:30pm - who should [info]latt and I run into, leaving a very exclusive looking club, but none-other than this man:

    Captain Jean-Luc Picard!

    He was dressed up very smartly, with an elegant looking lady on his arm, and was very nice to everyone who came up to hassle him and say hello.

    More... )

    (46 heavy pettings | pet the goat)

    Wednesday, November 3rd, 2004
    8:00 pm

    I'm sorry fella.
    Whatever happened, you did good, you waged a storming campaign.
    I was, and still am, proud to wear your badge.

    culturedgoat endorses John Kerry in the 2004 US Presidential election.

    (40 heavy pettings | pet the goat)

    Monday, November 1st, 2004
    11:00 pm

    This entry is dedicated to our American friends, who tomorrow will be making their way to the polls (if they haven't voted already) and taking their part in one of the tightest races in US election history. Happy voting, folks!

    New York City 12-17 October 2004 )

    (18 heavy pettings | pet the goat)

    Sunday, October 10th, 2004
    5:22 am
    With two days to go before I fly to New York, I find myself very sick. But Lemsip Max and the scene in The Blues Brothers where they play the redneck bar is making me happy...

    Move 'em on, head 'em up
    Head 'em up, move 'em on
    Move 'em on, head 'em up
    Cut 'em out, ride 'em in
    Ride 'em in, cut 'em out
    Cut 'em out
    Ride 'em in Rawhiiide


    (24 heavy pettings | pet the goat)

    Friday, October 1st, 2004
    12:06 am
    I didn't think about the Fall Out

    I can't believe it...

    It can't end this way, surely...

    Oh god...

    I don't think I can handle this... )

    (16 heavy pettings | pet the goat)

    Tuesday, September 28th, 2004
    4:30 pm
    The American way:
    Two weeks to go till the annual CMJ Music Marathon in New York City. No tickets on sale yet. Entre line-up announced, but no word on times, dates or venues.

    The English way:
    One year to go till Reading Festival 2005. Tickets already on sale. Venue confirmed. Absolutely no acts announced.

    I'm not sure which I prefer. But the American way certainly keeps you on your toes.

    So, yes - two weeks to go till the 2004 CMJ Music Marathon, at which Kristi and I will rendezvous once again for fun and frolics in Manhattan - shopping in the East Village (Bleeker Street, woo!), late night city romps, taxi-cabs, pissy American beer, and super pretzels! Not to mention catching some or all of the following around town: ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail of the Dead, The Donnas, Hope of the States, The Music, The Faint, Fog, Sea Ray, and maybe even our 2003 favourites, Shat.

    I'm going to be in New York from Tuesday 12th to Sunday 17th, so to all my NYC homies - namely Claire, Tal, Finlay et al - are you guys around? Can we meet up, and have more crazed adventures in and around your fair city? (Berit, are you in New York at the moment, or are you off at college in some faraway land? I find it hard enough to keep track of where my friends in England are at, these days...)

    Peace out.

    (24 heavy pettings | pet the goat)

    Friday, August 27th, 2004
    4:00 pm

    (39 heavy pettings | pet the goat)

    Sunday, August 22nd, 2004
    6:59 am


    (20 heavy pettings | pet the goat)

    Saturday, August 7th, 2004
    12:30 pm
    I've decided I'm not going to turn 23 on Monday, as I'm not done with 22 yet.

    But there's still a party, today, to celebrate my refusal to age further... )

    (34 heavy pettings | pet the goat)

    Thursday, August 5th, 2004
    12:00 pm

      Date: 10 Jun 2004
      From: Luke Georgiou
      Subject: you know...

      Do you want to play our next TWISTED club? We all love your EP, so if you like, we would love to have you.
      it is on Friday 30th July @ Buffalo Bar.
      You would be expected to bring some kind of piece of equiptment ie guitar amp. (and share it) I hope you are not as stubborn as that cunt leon and his other cunts from that amature band Divina icon, as to save space, and the inconvenience of the other bands having to bring a whole back line each.
    So, this is where the story began.

    Or is it? I think the story actually began a couple of weeks before I received this e-mail: The end of May, when Stevie's band - the excellent Divina Icon - had played on the bill at May's Twisted. Matt and I had been along to see them play, and by all accounts it had been a top-notch excellent show. As it turned out, however, it hadn't been a happy experience for any of the band, the evening soured by repeated clashes with Luke, the main promoter of Twisted (the sender of the above e-mail) - mostly over issues with equipment sharing, with the unfortunate outcome that Divina Icon's guitar amp ended up being irrepairably damaged by the headlining band.

    So here we were, two weeks later, with an offer having literally fallen into our lap, for what would be - when the time came - our second ever gig - and a Friday night club gig at that... though sadly tainted by some unprofessional and uncalled-for sniping at our friends. In retrospect, I should have taken this as an omen.

    I consulted with Matt, and we agreed that, as a point of honour, we probably shouldn't accept. But in practical terms, it was another gig, and, as gig virgins, we couldn't afford to be choosy at this stage. Besides, I figured we were sufficiently aware of Divina Icon's problems, to prepare ourselves to make allowances, and ensure we had a good communicative relationship with the organisers. For the rest, we'd simply have to apologetically explain our position to Stevie, with the hope that he and Divina Icon would understand. I was wary not to be drawn on that matter, and so was firm in my reply to Luke, accepting the gig:

      As Stevie & co are friends of mine, and I don't know the situation, I'd rather not pass comment about Divina Icon, but I can assure you that we're very happy to co-operate with whatever equipment-sharing requirements that will be necessary.
    What follows is a completely unadulterated and exhaustively comprehensive account of everything that happened in the 5 days period leading up to and including the gig. No names have been changed, the innocent have not been protected, and nothing has been glossed over or sweetened up for publication. This is the real story.

    Greedy Twisted Suckfish )

    (62 heavy pettings | pet the goat)

    Saturday, July 31st, 2004
    12:30 pm

    (29 heavy pettings | pet the goat)

    Wednesday, July 28th, 2004
    6:00 pm
    Ahoy there boys and girls! Of ye who are coming along to our gig - that is, the Friday night gig of the brilliant Handbags At Dawn, who are playing at The Buffalo Bar in Highbury, London, UK, and who have been described as "bloß nicht zu ernst" by a leading German web publication - if you're coming, then well done, for a start - and also let it be known that - if you're milling around the capital in the hours before the gig - that after we've soundchecked, we'll probably be hanging around in The White Swan pub, which is 'round the corner from the venue (on Upper Street), numbing those pre-gig nerves, and harassing passers-by in an attempt to drum up more attendees, naturally. I expect we'll be there in the upstairs area from about 7:30, With Intent To Proceed To The Venue by 9-9:30ish, and then onstage around 10. So come and join us for an evening of fun, frolics, girls, drink, and music with people you probably know and may even like!

    ROCK, yesterday

    Also, bitches, check out our newly updated SPAFFALICIOUS website which is simply crammed with info, photos, and downloads, which we worked hard on - oh yes.

    Finally, if you can't figure out what I'm babbling about, or if you would like a flyer, view it here.

    Over and out.

    (36 heavy pettings | pet the goat)

    Monday, July 12th, 2004
    3:30 pm

    (16 heavy pettings | pet the goat)

    Tuesday, July 6th, 2004
    6:30 pm
    Guess who's back...
    HANDBAGS AT DAWN, live @ The Buffalo Bar, Friday the 30th of July

    (43 heavy pettings | pet the goat)

    Tuesday, June 29th, 2004
    2:00 pm

    (29 heavy pettings | pet the goat)

    Friday, June 25th, 2004
    3:30 pm
    handbags at dawn

    The Gig )

    (28 heavy pettings | pet the goat)

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