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rawk [21 Mar 2002|05:44pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | church bells ringing annoyingly ]

good day today...

and this thing rocks

Take the What Johnny the Homicidal Maniac character are you? quiz!

and i think i'll be heading to wmc this weekend after all...*crosses fingers* hopefully things will work out for the all areas that is..~wink~ to work..
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like a memory...i want you to keep me [28 Jan 2002|10:31pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | db- higher education in d&b; ]

idont even know where to begin...
i am having a totally stressful week that has carried over from the weekend...and it just sucks when you know its only going to get worse as the weekend approaches...

my week started out great (last week)...tuesday Deja, we had a BLAST...such an awesome time...we were TRASHED..and we all ended up back here by like 2 and just kept on going...then my boy showed up around 4 and everything started to turn slightly...i noticed 2 of my friends attitudes change and get almost uncomfortable,but everything turned out ok and i had a civil rest of the night...woke up the next day to a massive hangover and i missed class...BAD BAD BAD...
i was sick all day and only ventured out to pick up pizza from Vinnies...went to bed...the end
next, work, soundlab...then of boy got all wrecked as usual and ended up flipped out in the car on the way over to Shey's and continued to fight with me and get all stupid as usual...
we ended up making up i guess..went home...went to bed...
Friday comes along...everything is alright...i sleep most of the day and then get ready for work...say goodbye to my boy who is supposed to leave and then go to work all tired...get to work...its soooooo slow and all this stupid shit starts happening...boy shows up...he's drunk again...fights start...i get off work early...fights continue...big blow up bullshit...he leaves...i sit up with lisa til 7 am...we talk about lots of shit...and then we talk about nothing at all which is so nice sometimes...
boy shows up at 10 am..still fighting..then he apologizes and heads home...
thats all i really feel like saying about that right now..

on a lighter note..i had an awesome time last night ...and if nothing else this weekend made me realize how much i love and value my friends..
so lesson learned right?...

off to start catching up on my homework...


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hangovers fucking suck [16 Jan 2002|04:08pm]
[ mood | lethargic ]
[ music | Roderics new cd..."running on empty" is playing right now.. ]

BLAH...i have theeeee worst headache ever..i drank entirely tooo much last night and lisa and i succeeded in making total asses of ourselves...but we DID have a good time...
i never want to see a jello shot ever ever ever again..gross...

im so glad that i'm almost done with classes for the week...woohoo!..this weekend should be exciting...
mark may be coming might J...hmmm..this is going to be one of those insane weekends, i can feel it...hopefully it will be moderately drama free *crosses fingers*

i have a little bit of homework to do, nothing too extravagant though...

enough for brain hurts...

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im on my runnin... [15 Jan 2002|09:58pm]
fuck..i just spent like 15 typing an entry only to hit the wrong button..lame lame lame


so im back in school.i love it as much as i hate it, it keeps my head above the keeps me focused and reminds me of the rewards of a good education!
i love what i do and hope to continue doing it and be able to make a successful living doing it...
i know in my heart that i can and i will.
one good thing about me: my persistanant dedication to things i dub important..:)

btw...thank you anita/quita(heh) u rawk for giving me this journal code thing.

ok..back to my now daily scheduled ranting...
i live in drama town, usa...people simply cannot mind their own fucking business and they always talk recently, a rumor went around that me and one of my best friends are sleeping together, now while im not offended because he IS one of the most beautiful people i know *shush*, i am frustrated about it because it was the start of a lot of drama here...fortunately, it was quickly laughed at by all...which is good, because is simply is NOT true...
drama makes the world go round...

im worried about J...he's been so depressed since they lost the dj upsets me because he feels like he personally failed and that is just SO not true...that boy is so incredibly talented...a stupid local comp. is no big deal, and in my opinion, they fucking rocked the house...
he and i just recently became close and i feel such a connection with that boy its im not talking talking mentally..and its sooo rare that i find someone that clicks with me like that...but whatever...he rocks and he needs to realize that we all have our 15 minutes and his is gonna last a hell of a lot longer than that...hang in there, i promise you that you'll get the fame u deserve...both of you will...

and on an ending note...i miss my boy...he's so great...i have kind of grown used to him weird..

but anyways...the alcohol is i must be going..
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