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236 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in role playing games. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
1001nuits - 1001nuits
_growly_ - Lauren W.
a_r_m_i_s_t - Aaron M. S.
adelwolf - Jor
aegidian - Giles
agent13 - The Hermit
aka_apple_juice - 12oz. of apple j.
akane_saotome - Akane Saotome
akhenaten - Akhenaten
algeh - Techno Geek is Having a Quandary
alleykatt - Lucid Dreamer
allura - allura
amaoto - Kali
ame - Ame
amekodomo - Mechanical Doll
amiablehatred - people named allison are stupid
amishninja - Andrew
andrianna - Kiss of Death
andy_s_mind - Andy
angelboy654 - Kepharel
animeguy - Mark
ankou - Ankou
antheryon - adam
antonnyc - Anton C.
aperfectmistake - A perfect Mistake
araxie - Dale (araxie)
arcadion - Arcadion
ariamech - AriaMech, Professional Juggernaut
arysta - Arysta
asura - Jason
athenalove - Sparkle
atog316 - Un Perdidor, Ian
aunticrist - Morpheus_
aurorafirechild - Ligiea
autographedcat - Rob
avatarofwoe - Todd
awex - Arkahn Jaxarle
azryela - Azryela
azurecobalt - He wasn't looking for a five minute thrill
baka26 - Colette
beakerba - beakerba
bellebet - Bellebet
beregon - Beregon
bigdumbthing - Luke Gottlieb
bittericing - Gundanium Girl
bkb9206 - Ben Baron
blackdemonkitty - Kittin
blark - Thomas White Hates Your Pop Culture
blindyourself - BlindYourself
bluecrayola242 - Ailia
bob_the_ninja - Bob_the_Ninja
braindeadzombie - Zumbe the Zombie
brandchan - Brand
brandon2004 - Brandon Bentley
brat4jesus - Nikki
brighidestone - Brighid E. Stone
brotherchris - Brother chris
byagghametta - Byaggha
calico_tiger - Calico Tiger
caloris - Steve
captive - Trin
carlfox - Carl Fox
caster13 - Caster
caylith - Caylith
cchopps - Evan
celestexvi - Danni
centaurmoon - Kris
chandrevyn - Toxic Angel Surreality
chaosomega - Andrew "The Canucklehead" Lawrence
cherberrie - Cherie Ann
chibski - Chris
chuckrm - Chuck
cinereus - Vulpes Cinereus Tiberius
circe - Circe
clipdude - Chris Phan
cloudtrader - The Psycho-in-Training
cmdrbean - Not Without Incident - Deus Ex Machina
codecattx - David
cognizance - Suzy .:♥:.
collie - whiskeeeeeee!!1
corbydreamer - CorbyDreamer
corvar - He's a Ghost, He's a God, He's a Man, He's a Guru
cory_melanson - Cory Melanson
cowgirl00 - Kelly
crookedrainbow - austin
cupenny - CuPenny
czar_wolfhound - Czar Wolfhound
daemonwyrm - 'Frey
dailypoem - the_smoking_man
dakotamidnight - Darla
dark_angel1022 - dark_angel1022
darkapotheosis - Jack Burton
darkpriestess - Kristen Sorrell
darksilverlight - DarkSilverLight
darthcub - Le Cub de Bizarro
darthwiater - DarthWiater
davidmadly - DavidMadly
davidmc24 - David M. Carr
deaditeash - Chris
deathrage81 - Death
decayingcorpse - Damian
decembertyger - December Tyger
deekz - Deekz
deicide666 - Deicide666
deliverme - whoabuffalo
demelza74 - Demelza
dethaddr_666 - Mike johns
devist8 - Devist8
digitalscreams - digitalscreams
discord37 - Discord Lazarus
divinus - the divine
dolphinwings - Sunryse
donferdinand - Xerxes M. Verdammt
doubtingangels - Zuri
downwood - Downwood
dracochic - dracochic
dreamking00 - Villa Incognito
duetyuymaxwell - Kit (Griffin) Maxwell
duncang - Graham
dydan - Dydan
earthdragon - Me
ebondervish - Paisano Dan
ecchiotaku - CaMi/CuMi..xD(short for Camille)
eclipticx - Alex Adams
eeriedescent - bitter useless girl
egaumer - Eric Hibiki
eiennoyume - Yume
elc3 - elc3
eldritchjournal - EvilPheemy
electricangst - Kandyse
elfmaid - Elfmaid
ellychan - Ridia
emileilani - Emi Leilani
epikuris - Cold Mountain
erasmus - Marketing Flunky
espher - Kyera Damare, Kindred of Beneath the Shadows
eternallynumb - Smokee Le Herbe
everything46 - Trinity Keel
evil - Running Out of Fuse...
evremore_megami - Lauren
faede - ben
faemovana - Fae Movana
faithful_summer - Chii
falconheart - THuD
femaleulysses - Elena
fenzle - Buster Lobulz
fin_heureuse - fin_heureuse
finaldestiny - KnightAngel
fings - fingers
fireceremony - FireCeremony
firecrotch - Kurt
first_dragon - First_Dragon
foolkiller28 - Greg
foreverworld - DreamerDream
frailphoenix - Iterations^2
fudgsicleflo - Christina
fukurou - Ross
fusionx2943 - Peyton Holland
fyre - Phil The Smurf
galstaff - Galstaff, Holy Sorcerer of Light
games -
geak - Eak
gizmo42 - Gabriel Angelfire
goninzo - Wretched hive of scum and villany
gonsai - Gonsai The Mysterious Scribe
gothicalkitten - Leah
greebotrill - Michelle Webb
greenabsinthe - On the wings of a Sparrow...
greenstonepilot - Kent Levenson
greyspot - JeffC: Irrational Man of Mystery
halconai - Miiru
hammerforge - Reborn in Fire
happekore - Yume Abunai
hawkswift - Avi (Avram)
heaven_tonight - trinity
herefox - Herefox
heron61 - blueheron
heyokawaya - Raziel Pariah
hydra_dragon - Jeff
hyperfist - HyperFist
hyperviolent - Jason
iconoclastplay - Iconoclast_of_Ages
idesomarch - Ides
ijon - Asaf Bartov
ilka - Ilka
illian - Read At Your Own Risk
incuse - Incuse
informationhigh - Identity Matrix #: 02-19-09-01-14
initiate - Bernard
iolanthe - le jaseroque
ishtar87 - ishtar
isomeme - Craig Berry
ivoryisis - Lumina Aurora Aradia Isis
ivyadrena - Ivy Adrena
jalussulal - Hollowed Introspection
jasheffe - It's Not Over Until Everyone Is Laughing
jccohen - JC Cohen
jessepants - Tick
jfpbookworm - Jeff Pack
jimmielynne - Jimmie Lynne
jingoro - Daric Scott Jackson
jjjiii - Junior J. Junior III
jkinetic - Jae Kinetic
johnyb - JohnB
jolene_fanclub - Chris
jr0124 - John
jrcubindy - The Cub Champion
julsey - Jules
justbishop - Karma Chameleon
justice_orchid - justice_orchid
jwendl - Justin
kalyandra - Kalyandra
kantar - Kantar
karlotta - Karla Saloma
kasak - Kasak
katalystofchaos - Katalyst
kawaiiwhit - Whitney
kenosis - Lazarus Iscariot
kergillian - Et In Arcadia Ego
keyl - Alex
khaosworks - khaos
kheblan - Kheblan
kickboxerchic - Angela
kiryuu0touga0 - Touga-Sama
kitiara - Hot Conservative Gun Chick
kitra - Kitra
kittycait - Caity
knight1823 - Daryl
knighterrant - Ares Macrotechnology
knightfall - Ronin
kulture - otaku's grrl
kuroi_neko - Izzie
kya - Conna
kylethegamer - Kyle's Video Game Reviews
kyuusai - Joshua
lacee_underwear - lacee
lainevalentine - C
lancer1138 - He who made the Kessell Run in under 12 parsecs
landale - Synthesis Landale
laurahcory - Laura HC
lifeblood4all - ROB "B.I.G. DADDY" FULLER
lifeindagutta - lifeindagutta
lissa_dora - Lissa
llamachan - Finding it Hard to Believe
llkanedall - Llkanedall
loneheart2684 - Jon
lonelydeath - Eric Schilling
lord_couger - Dose (Adam)
loving_sadist - Loving Sadist
m32446 - noalani auroras
macgeniusny - Miles Cochran
maevana - Maevana
majiknessa - Janessa
malazek - Malazek
maldrick - Malcolm
maleatg - MaleaTG
malek - Draco Orion
malroth - Malroth
mantog - Joe Silverhand
mariye - Jenni Mariye
markel - Ryan J. Markel
marphod - Galen Silversmith
maur - Maur DarkLight
melodicdestruct - Jimmy
mephron - Gwalchmai
merichan - The Epitome of Youth
merlyn_temple - アニちゃん
mfsfreak - Alex
mhutfles - No one will believe my memoirs
midnightarcher - Midnight Archer
mikecap - Mike Caprio
mikexmjl - Cheeky Monkey
mikoneyoru - Jessie, Prince of Funk.
milkymalk - Milkymalk
mindfire - {*-=Capture_Magic=-*}
mindlikeavoid - Ana
mindspider - le petit squid diabolique, aka Mr. Squid
mischiefmeister - Mischief
mommiemilo - Shana Markham
moonlitvixen - Kittie Moo Moo the worlds only mooing cat
moonwillow - Brent
moth - Moth
motleyvillain - Withirdeye
mpython - chris
mr_wobble - Mr_Wobble
murderoflawyers - Lance David Minion
muscle_man_5000 - Jeremy Counts
mysticwhat - why... why you need my name! It's MINE!
mystiquemeowth - Chelz
nameless - Nameless
nassa - NASSA
nebuchadnezzar - Nebuchadnezzar
nemesiswoeah - The Scarred One
nemo2342 - Jason Flythe
neophage - Topher Marohl
nightwisp - Nemesis
nihilanth - nihilanth
nihilistic_kid - Nick Mamatas
nihilistics - Rolex The Pander
nikkomega - Nikkomega
nosferatu - Rob
nox_nihil - {:: Zerin Nacht ::}
numfar - Numfar DePlrtzglrb
obijay - Kapitein Koelebonen
obsidianfeline - Obsidia
oddball42 - Revrend Oddball
omechan - Happy Noodle Girl
onamuji - Onamuji
opaquechameleon - opaquechameleon
ophidimancer - Mark
oshunanat - The Great Bitch, Maestro Delphine
ospikeso - Casey
outfrominside - Nia
parn - P
paroxysm - -[paro,matt,dood,guy]-
pathseeker - Pathseeker
patzilla - Patzilla
peacockboy - Nick
phenalli - phenalli nightdancer
phoenicia - Silverwind Blade
phoenixdreams - Phoenix Dreams
phoenixforce - PhoeniXForce
pinku_sora - 松本-村田 スタア
pippenstein - Phil
pishtosh - Na Ree
pockyman - Richard "Pocky" Kim
pomobarney - Dorian Andrew W
prairieflower - Hurricane Prairie
princessgarnet - Garnet Til Alexandros XVII
princessnadia - Crystal
purpleprimate - Purple Primate
purpletearz - Tearz
purvis - Stephen Purvis
qtpea007 - Nichole
quaga - Jac
quasilaur - The Cultivation of Hope
quatoes - Quatoes
rabbitboy - Jim
raguel - Chrisam
raiden - adam
rainecarla - Carla
raistphrk - bill
rasilio - Rasilio
ratkrycek - True Neutral Elf Ranger Cleric
rawknrave - Lizzie
razorkisses - i[heart]razors
redfruit - Red Fruit
redspieder - Jose
robgruver - Robert Gruver
robinbanks - Robin Banks
roninmatt - Suburban Samurai
ryangraywords - Ryan
rycok - Ryco
sagima - Andrew
salinthos - The Guardian of Hope
sanidine - Sanidine
satyrstyle - Peter
scarce - walk to the beat of my own drum
screamingsiren - Screaming Out Loud
seaya - seaya
seeker9 - Mystical Seeker
seraphimwiz - Christopher Beilby
sextips2 - bill
shadowfae - Shadow Fae
shadowpixie - Betha Pyxie
shadows - shadows
shannona - Andais
shannymuse - ShannyMuse
shatter707 - Shatter
shikyo_masurao - Shikyo
sidthesquish - Rob
signal9 - Signal9
siliconspider - Arachne
sinboy - sinboy
sinenomine - E-chan
sir_nicholas - Tylo Blackhawk
skrain_bodak - Skrain Bodak
skybandit - Nate
skylion - Marshal Zombie
slowlife - Cephalic Carnage
smegdogg - Fred Hardy
smirle - Jerril
snoopyh42 - Adam H
snowfoxxe - Snowfoxxe
soldier - Web
solidcube - Tommy Mills
sorethumb - THE NATHANATOR! (word up!)
sparklingkitty - Kitty
spazzz - neko megasami
starfalcon - Keith
starvampire - Dominick
stevenkaye - Smoking Mirror
stevethemighty - Steve the Mighty
stridercrowe - Strider Crowe
suave_steve - SteveClapton
sulaas - Andy
surashu - Slash
svino - Svino
sweetangelb - Sweet Angel!
tamajonathan - Jonathan
tancorix - tancorix
tanseyo - tanseyo
tatiana - Tatiana
tekori - Ascension
terhuniverse - Zhivvin
terribleangel - DivisMalkav
tethran - tethran
textivore - Peter
thatdamngood - ZIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thatgirljamie - ..::||Jamie "Jeishii" Carlson||::..
the_climb - Trin
the_hireling - Dominick
the_magister - the_magister
the_seventh - Eggbert the Accordion Playing Bananna
thebigbadcity - The Big, Bad City
thedeathgoddess - Katt
theflyingbrick - Kate
thesp - Fiodor
thortok2000 - James Beatty
tishamar - Sheryl Rae
tldm - The Lucid Dream Monologues
torquemada - The Sausage King of Chicago
tottec - Almighty Tottec
tpsman - Brandon
trancevisionz - may the dork ^_^
tresdon - Sir Owen
trochai - da5id
trowa_barton - Trowa Barton
trueknight4ever - Frank
truthspeaker - truthspeaker
trysha - Patricia
tyvar - Tyvar
unkle77 - Matthew
untested - Bryan
usagi - Usagi
violet_myst - Miyaviv!
vk - vk
void_dragon - David
vrildox - vrildox
vurtsnake - TechWolf
watermole - watermole
weirdie_chan - Hikaru Shouji
whitehawk - Whitehawk
wibbble - John
wibblepuppy - Pete
wingzero650 - Dio
winterhart - Winterhart
wolf_master - Brian Whiting
wolfwoodfett - Patrick
xerth - Xerth
xillusionx - James
xvandraia - AndrAIa
xxjadedgeekxx - wishing;hoping-.
xxxleenaxxx - Meggers
yan_tamago - White Kids love Hip Hop
yeahgwar - Owen
yocozu - Seb
yume_no_tenshi - Angel of Dreams
zannechaos - Too Many Idiots, Not Enough Bullets
zeroburn - zeroburn
zilly - Liz
ziz - ZiZ
zulehan - Drew Wescott