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User:jpop_icons (963313)  
Name:J-Pop Icons
About:Created and 'Mod'ed by [info]kandykorn

Try to stay on topic ok ^_-.
Requests are allowed and encouraged.
As is the LJ cut tag on any post involving more than five icons.
Be pleasant to other members, and be sure to ask and credit when you take an icon.
Follow the individual posters rules for taking an icon.
Thats about it! Have fun.
Interests:24: aikawa nanase, aiko, ayumi hamasaki, bonnie pink, chara, dir en grey, do as infinity, dreams come true, gackt, glay, icons, j-pop, j-rock, jpop, jrock, judy and mary, l'arc~en~ciel, love psychedelico, malice mizer, mean machine, the brilliant green, ua, utada hikaru, yuki. [Modify yours]
Members:151: 1_love_rain, __fortyforty, _ayumix_, _frog, _icandy___, _kodora, _lobby, _techgirl, addicted__pain, agentoneal, alice_of_wonder, almighty_chikn, ambitious_icons, americanangel85, andaaz, anestel, animportdriftr, anxiety_icons, aoimidori, aquariussenshi, arecii, ashi_moto, ashke_icons, bakara_shee, barrye, blaring, bliss_angel, braidsicons, broken_xdreamer, chancoco, chelleness, cherrychaos, chibi_shin, chibuni, coffee_day, couldcareless, cyndesign, devilayu, digitalice, disturbedchaos, doushiyou, dramaticrecord, drusillatsukino, eikons, elfmoogle, express_icons, fallingribbons, firefly25252, galethelamb, garette, girllovesgirl, goshikku_rorita, hanatokiu, heed_the_call, hino_ai, hokorii, iconcoctions, iconium, ivorykitten, jaded_purity, janoo, jedi_mastah, jpop_fan, jrockfanboy, kagome4556, kahitsayawkikay, kandykorn, karatemidget, kawaiimiaka, keainanhai, keelychan, keikazama, kr_icons, kurayamitenshi, la_ceaser, ladymana, lainay, lalaruchan, lanfir, larva_and_miyu, lilith_manson, lilithiasama, ling_lee, lita76, loveless_, lovestation, luna_soul, lunatone, maigo_737, majasaki, mako_anime, mental_giant, mentallystoned, midgie, midnightparade, miss_paola, mlne, mrheavysilence, mtrlgicons, natsunoyuuutsu, nis_chan, nomiracles, nookicky, on3half, orelle, pirates_life, roripoppu, sabaku_heart, sachichan, sailor_juniper, sailorsushi, sakebi, selenityicons, sequined_accent, shhmamypants, shiagurl, sociability, somethingclever, sourdite, spider_icons, starry_yuriko, stolenfayth, strawberemix, superfantastisc, sweetdiscourse, tamashiichan, tehsilentone, tenshinorakuen, the_evenstar04, thelinus, thetaxman, transcendental_, translucentsoul, trillionbucks, tsujichan, ukyochan, vishywishylvr, warumono_, x_phoenixkiss, xcrazyroo02, xcyanidekissesx, ximperfectangel, xrikkufantasy, xtoydragonx, xxkuroudo, xxxmazohyst, yanwenxiao, yashiza, yokanshinya, yorumitsukai, yukinochou
Watched by:122: 1_love_rain, 382myv, __fortyforty, _ayumix_, _icandy___, _kodora, _lobby, _sailor_venus_, addicted__pain, agentoneal, alice_of_wonder, almighty_chikn, americanangel85, andaaz, anestel, angelprinczess, animportdriftr, anxiety_icons, aoimidori, aquariussenshi, ashi_moto, ashke_icons, bakara_shee, bliss_angel, chancoco, cherrychaos, chibi_shin, chibihime, cmonkeysrshrimp, couldcareless, crazyxmurderer, cyndesign, cynee, devilayu, digitalice, doushiyou, dusky_rose, express_icons, firefly25252, galethelamb, garette, hanatokiu, heed_the_call, hino_ai, hokorii, iconcoctions, iconium, ivorykitten, jaded_purity, janoo, jedi_mastah, jpop_fan, jrockfanboy, k0uryuu, kahitsayawkikay, kandykorn, kawaiimiaka, keainanhai, keikazama, kurayamitenshi, ladymana, lainay, lalaruchan, larva_and_miyu, lilith_manson, lilithiasama, ling_lee, lita76, lovestation, lulabyte, luna_soul, lunatone, maigo_737, majasaki, mako_anime, mental_giant, mentallystoned, midgie, midnightparade, miss_paola, mlne, mrheavysilence, mtrlgicons, natsunoyuuutsu, nis_chan, on3half, p0wd3r5n0w, pirates_life, rainstorm159, sabaku_heart, sachichan, sailor_juniper, sailorsushi, senshi_v, sequined_accent, shiagurl, shootingstar78, sourdite, spider_icons, starry_yuriko, strawberemix, tamashiichan, tehsilentone, tenshinorakuen, the_evenstar04, thelinus, themishi, transcendental_, translucentsoul, tsujichan, vishywishylvr, whitez, xcrazyroo02, xcyanidekissesx, ximperfectangel, xtoydragonx, xxkuroudo, yanwenxiao, yashiza, yokanshinya, yorumitsukai, yukinochou
Account type:Free Account

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