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User:static_x (553563) static_x
Name:static-x community
Location:United States
This is a community for the fans of the band Static-x, so don't join just because you think Wayne is "omg hawt". Kthanks. Any problems or comments contact the maintainer's journal: [info]andshedies
Interests:55: a bag, a dios alma perdida, all in wait, beneath...between...beyond, bien venidos, black and white, bled for days, burn to burn, concerts, control it, dead world, december, destroy all, fix, get to the gone, hardcore, hardfuckingcore, i am, i'm with stupid, invincible, ken, kill your idols, listening to music, listening to static-x, loud music, love dump, machine, monster, new pain, ostegolation, ostegolectric, otsego undead, ozzfest, permanence, push it, rock, shadow zone, so, spiked hair, static-x, static-x concerts, static_x, staticx, stem, structural defect, sweat of the bud, the only, this is not, tony, tour dates, transmission, tripp, wayne static, wayne static's hair, wisconsin death trip. [Modify yours]
Members:174: 4daysdead, ___nazicar, _invision_, _retina_, annexia, appoptosis, archangeldawn, audioterrorism, bec_darling, becky22, better0ffdead, black_number_1, blackdesertsand, blackrain666, ble3dingscars, bled_for_days, bliss_inc, bloodthirstcult, bottlebrunette, butterskunk, caf_fiend, cherryadvocaat, chotix, ckvr, cobain_x_grohl, couldcareless, crimsonregret, dakondakblade, dalanur, darkpunksrule, dasuten, deadly_lettuce, deathmetal48, deathwish_daisy, deppalicous, diamonds_guns, distancetohere, duke_lion, dyingslowlyforu, ecaepydalruo, elysiumblue, evilrx722309, f_c_m, fitzvicious, forgottenpast91, gibson_rocks, godofpuke, gothdevilkitty, graveyard_slut, grimm6sic6, grotesquery, grudgecrown0, guttermouthking, half_as_pure, hangthestars, hardrocker1102, hate_machine, headsslave, hes_a_loser, i_am_ruined, icefeathers, idiosync, in_mywalls, in_rehab, itcountsmyfears, jachaelupa, josh_headbanger, jsimms52, kaylasbitch, keepyourlies, knucklesxtight, kornyandrea, kuroichi, kymirah, kyriakosjack, last1337, lebende_tote_, life_is_b0ring, loser_kitten, lp_obsessor, lpsara, lucid_creep, lurver, machina_666, mad_hatter1337, madam_raven, madroxbatman, magdalenahmber, manic_angel, megerber, mercy____, milesaroo, missforsaken, munkeewrench, murderdoll82, murderdolls502, murderoflawyers, mxpxpunkgal, nataliekorn, needmelikeadrug, ninstr, opticalsound, ouchouch, pevdeadhead, pez316, phornication4me, photogenics, pinkyliciouz, pirates_life, posnco, postmortemfame, preton, rental, restlesseyes, rockstar_guitar, rompergirlie, rorschach_test, ruriknation84, ryanyourmom, shadow_zone, sheepcowpig, shinigami2x5x2, sikspike, silversable, skeled, skidd, skycutter, slaytanik_x, slic_50s_woc, sorted_nuts, spikedwristband, squinzpaladoris, static_rabbitt, syne_x, synoma, tenativeloser, texasdeathtrip, thedespairedguy, theeternalfire, theinsideshit, thirdeyewithin, tinasux, trlpp, tsuki_fenrir, unbornbutterfly, unholy_assassin, valleygurl666, vampfreak18, virginsoulchild, vivalasvacas, wafirefighter17, watchmeburnx, wheniamqueen16, whydoeslifesuck, wolfmanj, wolviechickie, wreak1234, xdraindx, xhereticx, xklutzyfreakx, xloser_childx, xotsegolectricx, xoxfemmefatale, xpuffystaticx, xsexy_psychox, xsilent_idiotx, xspazx11x, xspitfirex, xspookshowbabyx, xwitchxhuntx, xxnolifexx17, y2static, zimmy_96, zombieslave
Watched by:139: 4daysdead, _invision_, _retina_, annexia, appoptosis, archangeldawn, audioterrorism, becky22, better0ffdead, black_number_1, blackdesertsand, bled_for_days, bliss_inc, bloodthirstcult, burningshit, butterskunk, caitiecakes, cherryadvocaat, chotix, cobain_x_grohl, couldcareless, crimsonregret, dakondakblade, dalanur, dasuten, deadly_lettuce, deathmetal48, deathwish_daisy, diamonds_guns, distancetohere, duke_lion, dyingslowlyforu, ecaepydalruo, eternalnoir, evilrx722309, f_c_m, filth_mg66, foreveremma, forgottenpast91, freakcutopen, gibson_rocks, gothica_man75, graveyard_slut, grimm6sic6, grotesquery, grudgecrown0, guttermouthking, half_as_pure, hangthestars, hate_machine, hes_a_loser, icefeathers, in_mywalls, in_rehab, itcountsmyfears, jachaelupa, josh_headbanger, jsimms52, kaylasbitch, knucklesxtight, kornyandrea, kungfuey23, kuroichi, kymirah, kyriakosjack, last1337, lebende_tote_, life_is_b0ring, lilasnlunatic, lilmanderz, lp_obsessor, lucid_creep, machina_666, mad_hatter1337, madam_raven, madkreep, magdalenahmber, mercy____, metallic_star, milesaroo, missforsaken, moonchild555, munkeewrench, murderdoll82, murderdolls502, murderoflawyers, mxpxpunkgal, needmelikeadrug, opticalsound, pevdeadhead, phornication4me, pinkyliciouz, pirates_life, posnco, pumpkinking13, ribena_smurf, rockstar_guitar, rompergirlie, rorschach_test, ruriknation84, ryanyourmom, shadow_zone, shinigami2x5x2, sikspike, silversable, skeled, skidd, skycutter, slic_50s_woc, spikedwristband, squinzpaladoris, static_rabbitt, suicideispainle, synoma, tenativeloser, texasdeathtrip, thedespairedguy, theeternalfire, trlpp, twigglet20, unbornbutterfly, unholy_assassin, valleygurl666, vampfreak18, virginsoulchild, vivalasvacas, wolfmanj, wreak1234, xhereticx, xloser_childx, xotsegolectricx, xpuffystaticx, xsilent_idiotx, xspazx11x, xspookshowbabyx, xwitchxhuntx, xxnolifexx17, y2static, zimmy_96
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