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Wyrdsisters: Witchcraft Untamed

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Cultural Appropriation and Responsible Eclecticism [Oct. 16th, 2004|12:13 pm]

For those on either side of the 'cultural rape' debate, I would like you to read this essay, it reflects my own view on the situation and may help you see both sides. Enjoy,


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this is... interesting. [Oct. 16th, 2004|12:40 am]


I found this site online tonight, and thought I'd share...

Personally, I didn't know whether to laugh or get really pissed off, so I did a little of both.

Other opinions?
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Karma's Shieldmaiden [Oct. 10th, 2004|07:07 pm]

Recently in the UK pagan group I've been frequenting, we were asked to contribute some writing about what it means to be following the path that we do - i.e., non-Wiccan tradition. I wrote the following article, and wanted to share.

Karma's Shieldmaiden )
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<---- Not a flake [Oct. 8th, 2004|04:58 pm]

I know this isn't entirely rant space, but I just have to "go there"...

I found a UK pagans list for the whole of England and thought "great! now I can find some folks and maybe start a group or sommat!" So I posted my information, but I made the biggest mistake possible by telling the truth.

Half of my learning with the Work has been by reading and study. A good portion of it just seems to come naturally, from the time I was a young child I just KNEW how to do spells. I'm not one to sneer at the concept of reincarnation - Dali Lama, hello? The entire Hindi paradigm? - but it seems to have a really bad connotation in the Pagan sect, and even HINTING it will get you marked as a flake. Thus, it seems that everyone who has applied this week to the list was accepted, but for me.

Gah...this ticks me off. Ok, so maybe the shiny-happy Wiccans irritate the crap out of people, that doesn't mean that everything needs to be discounted. Hedgewitch is just a different word for astral traveller - but it sounds non-flaky. So tell me the difference?

No, I wasn't Cleopatra in a former life - I remember a slave girl, who may or may not have been me. I could write a long scholarly dissertation on what my beliefs on reincarnation is, but if one mentions the R word and is immediately labelled "pretender" then what's the point?

Not everything can be defined with a single word - as all "witches" should know. So how my entire belief system can be discounted as somehow less-than-believable due to someone else's perception of a particular word, I'll never know.


EDIT - I've found another one, and they're more than happy with me. Hurrah!!!! If there's anyone in England interested, here's the link:

UK Pagan
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Oya Speaks [Oct. 6th, 2004|03:47 pm]

A friend of mine who studies voudoun and the orisha defined my ability to rip people's worlds apart as Oya energy. It's chaotic, destructive, and a downright pain. Sure, in the end everything works out, but in the meantime worlds are turned upside down, put in the Yahtzee Cup of Life, shaken, not stirred, and then dumped out with me saying "There, now do something with THAT!"

This doesn't endear me to many people, as one can imagine...I'm abrasive and though I don't actually possess a wooden spoon, I carry its shadow wherever I go! This really used to bug me.

Then I started talking about it with my friend who works with the Orisha. Now I've not really been drawn to voudou - I've met too much elitism in that particular religion and I have my own way of working with gods that doesn't really involve worship - and so this honestly didn't show up on my radar, thus I never really researched it. But she gave me this great explanation of Oya, and it was freakish how much it fit. She is all about change - she's colourful, flamboyant, and about as subtle as a brick. The more I read, the more I could identify with the goddess who may be the very first Hep Mama.

Another person sent me this fab poem;

There! You with the tears?
What you cry for girl?
You Mama's baby?
Need milk from Breast?
I no feel sorry?

Nine Skirts Twirl
Winds and Gales whirl
Lightening cracks and swirls

Ya know you are my girl!
Oya take you
Make you or break you, Child!
We dance together now
I no feel sorry
You are me!
Together WE be!
Step into your power now!
Ride The Winds Of Change
With Me
We work the Sacred Gris-Gris!
And, Girl
Bring some of that eggplant,
I be hungry!

I guess it just goes to show; sometimes you have to look where you least expect you'll find something that resonates.

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About time!!! [Oct. 3rd, 2004|07:03 am]

Wow...where has this been hiding? Of course by know I should know when I shake the old Yahtzee Cup of Life, I get a reply.

I live in the UK and I found myself thinking some time ago "Man I really miss having a circle of women to talk pagan stuff/moan/have a few drinks with and not worry about them asking me whether I've read the new Llewellyn books..." I've had a hard time finding a "niche" because 1) I don't feel like I need to HAVE a niche and 2) who wants politics?

So, anyway, on to intros.

Name/s: LuCyFurr, the Hor of Babble-On

What brought you here? Just chance...or not.

What path/tradition do you choose to follow? Granny Weatherwaxianism, as well as some "old school" stuff from various paths.

What are your main interests? Herbology, dreamwalking, divinitation, true-seeing, opening a can of Heap Mama whoop*ss when required - reading, writing, and a little book-learnin'

What is Witchcraft to you? Not trying to talk yourself out of what you believe is true...from either side of the fence.

What makes you feel alive? Realising there is more to life than society has dictated.

Ask us a question: I honestly haven't done many "pagan groups" because they all seem to get hung up over the shiny-happy or the dark and dirty. I like this little "slice of gray here" - why was it formed up?

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Mirror [Sep. 30th, 2004|12:21 am]

[Current Mood | content]

Well, here it goes..

I was going to use a small mirror, and get it so that I would have a portal/mirror to my local graveyard, the question is having a portal/window I assume spirts would understand how to get through, what could I do to this mirror so that I could block unwanted entites from coming and going but still have a window/portal to the place?

I'm sure I could figure out something myself but I was thinking some other input would be useful, two or three or more heads is better then one.


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defining witchcraft; Farrar/Bone [Sep. 29th, 2004|01:48 pm]

In their book "Progressive Witchcraft," Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone define witchcraft as follows:

"An evolving, magical, nature-based Priesthood with service to its community as its main role. A witch is also therefore a craftsperson with attained magical skills, with an emphasis on religious and spiritual practice."

They add a comment afterwards, "This definition is also, of course, a cross-cultural definition easily including Voudoun practices, Strega practices, and those of other cultures."

Your pro/con thoughts on the above?
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Delurking [Sep. 27th, 2004|03:17 pm]

Name/s: Paleo
What brought you here? I wanted at least one community to discuss more "paganish" things with. This community's unflinching stance towards the more shadowy things in nature-worship drew me to it.
What path/tradition do you choose to follow? My path is shamanistic, animistic, and totemic. I call myself a pagan for simplicity's sake and because I enjoy the pagan community. In truth, I am not much of a pagan in the sense that paganism is a set of spiritual beliefs that started with agriculture-using cultures, and I am more drawn to hunter-gatherer modes of thought and spirituality. But I do study pagan paths as there is much overlap between the two.
What are your main interests? Animals, psychology, shapeshifting, therianthropy, reading, too many to list.
What is Witchcraft to you? A blend of European shamanism, pagan religious beliefs, and the modern interpretation of these two things.
What makes you feel alive? Nature, my husband, my friends, good food, good drink, good sex, good sleep.
Ask us a question: What is the biggest challenge to modern Witches and similar folks? My answer is having to "reschool" oneself to learn to see the world in a way different from the way society at large sees it.
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Tarot Wraps [Sep. 19th, 2004|07:28 pm]

[Current Music |Void-Darren Hayes-The Tension And The Spark]

I have some dress makers silk to make a tarot wrap from and am at a loss at what size to make it.
I know it should practically large enough to do a spread on.
I was thinking in terms of the resonance of numbers used in the size and any traditions anyone knows of regarding its size?

I will put in some mugwort within it - but does anyone know of any other herbs that would be beneficial to include?

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Theives. [Sep. 16th, 2004|12:02 pm]

[Current Mood | curious]

You've been stolen from - something you can't afford to lose, or easily replace. You have reported it to the proper authorities, and done all the mundane work, but don't think it will actually return your item(s). How do you deal with it magically?

Curiosity prompts me to ask.

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[Sep. 12th, 2004|01:34 pm]

Name/s: Ivvy
What brought you here? a new journal and wanting to make contacts
What path/tradition do you choose to follow? my own eclectic, ever-evolving way. I can relate to the idea of hedgewitch but do not use that term/name to describe myself.

What are your main interests? working outdoors, especially gardening, observing nature as it is around my home, researching folklore, and all of this combining to honour the seasons and cycle of the year. A gentle yet deep approach, observing both light and dark aspects of nature/self. Writing is also important to me and I will be publishing word collages and poems on my journal - if anyone is interested in reading they are welcome.
What is Witchcraft to you? a multifaceted encounter with the present and history
What makes you feel alive? family
Ask us a question: I can't think of anything specific at the moment, but will post when I do have something:)
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newbie [Sep. 11th, 2004|10:16 pm]

Name/s: Keri

What brought you here? LJ interest search =P

What path/tradition do you choose to follow? I'm not sure...

What are your main interests? Outside of Paganism? Music, art, writing, swimming...

What is Witchcraft to you? I'm not sure yet

What makes you feel alive? Love

Ask us a question: Um...0.0

So, yeah. I've been interested in different paths of paganism since I was 13 years old (I'll turn 18 in December)

I really don't know what path is right for me. I have researched and researched, but I can't quite find the right religion. Wicca is too...well, I just don't buy into it.

Right now, I'm researching Traditional Witchcraft. I'm giving up on it because so many confuse "Witchcraft" with "Wicca" and it's hard to find any information on it...

I want something that incorporates magic/rituals, but not something too dogmatic. I don't believe in specific deities, either.

So...I'm just trying to find the path that's right for me, I suppose.

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doubt [Sep. 6th, 2004|12:43 pm]

[Current Mood | discontent]
[Current Music |'Ordinary Day' - Vanessa Williams]

I've finally come up with a question to ask.

How do you deal with doubt? I'm drowning in it - I'm doubting myself, my spirituality, my Witchyness, my soul, my Goddess, my God, my connections, my motives... everything. And I don't know what to do.

I still feel, when I really listen and dig deeply, that amazing connection to deity, that call, that drive to be on this path... but I doubt... And it hurts.


Thank you for listening.

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[Sep. 2nd, 2004|03:14 am]

Here's a question/subject of discussion for you all. What do you think about those projects that urge Pagans to do collective magical workings in their own places at designated times to affect political or social change? Do you think they can be effective? Is this ethical use of magic in your opinion? Should magic be mixed with politics to begin with? Talk amongst yourselves. ;-)

x posted in a couple of places for gee whiz value, sorry.
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Questions I was Toying with Earlier [Aug. 29th, 2004|07:59 pm]

For some reason, while I was on the interstate I began to ponder a question: what is the source of the dualistic henotheism that is so common in Neo-Paganism? It is especially prominent in Wicca (all goddesses from one goddess, all gods from one god). The only thing I could think of is that it stems from Gardener studying a henotheistic religion such as Hinduism and implementing that in his designs. More-over, why is it so common in Neo-Paganism now? Is it because by being ecletically henotheistic it attempts to prevent any one faith from claiming superiority? Or is it because it removes any need to 'choose' a set of deities to worship?

What do you think?
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The Vibes man, feel the Vibes! [Aug. 24th, 2004|11:47 am]

[Current Mood |receptive]

It seems to be quite popular in modern witchcraft to work with 'good' and 'bad' energy. Such as a house blessing where someone will drive out the 'bad stuff' and fill the space with 'good magical energy.' What does this mean? Do you believe that there are good and bad energies floating around the place? Is it a modern way of referring to benevolent and malevolent spirits, or is it all a load of hogwash?

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Farrar/Bone Witchcraft book looks hopeful [Aug. 23rd, 2004|12:25 pm]

Just began reading "Progressive Witchcraft," the new book by Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone. I like already the attitude reflected in the intro, especially the "Wicca MUST evolve to survive; the spiritual stagnation of 'lineaged' practitioners needs an overhaul" idea.

Review will be posted in [info]witchy_reads when completed.
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New member [Aug. 23rd, 2004|06:53 pm]

I've already filled in the questionnaire a few posts back, but a proper introduction can't hurt:

Name/s: Birgitte

What brought you here? My fascination with witches and witchcraft, which I have had for as long as I can remember. When I was two, my mother had to read a pop-up book of the fairytale of Hansel & Gretel every day. And I can still remember how I found it repulsive that they burned the witch at the end. When my grandparents took me to a themepark the same year and we arrived at the re-enactment of that fairytale, I managed to walk up to the front door of the witch's house when my grandparents weren't watching. I didn't go to the side of the house to free Hansel who was locked up in a cage. No, I wanted to go inside the house. When my grandmother told me this last year I immediately knew why: to warn the witch they were going to burn her. My interest in witches and witchcraft only intensified when I learnt about the burning years in primary school. It's been dormant for a while, but since last year I'm actively gathering information from the internet to piece together the history and development of witchcraft over the centuries. The more I read about it, the more fascinated I get.

What path/tradition do you choose to follow? I'm not active, really, but I'm mostly attracted to herb witchcraft.

What are your main interests? Traditional witchcraft & the burning years.

What is Witchcraft to you? For me it is a way to help others by means of healing their illness, telling their fortunes or communicating with the dead through hedgeriding.

What makes you feel alive? Nature.

Ask us a question: My friend's mother - unaware of my interst in witches and witchcraft - claims I was a witch in a past life who died at the stake during the burning years. On one hand it explains a lot, but on the other hand I find it hard to believe. How probable is it that this is why I'm drawn to witches and witchcraft? I know it's a lame question, but it's all I can come up with right now.
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Introducing myself [Aug. 22nd, 2004|09:15 pm]

[Current Mood | contemplative]


I copied the questionaire right from the front page - I hope that's not too corny. I figured it was the best way to introduce myself...


I have many, but I commonly go by Kyeli.

What brought you here?

I'm new to LJ, and I was searching for communities that called to me. This is the only witch-centric one I found that really felt right.

What path/tradition do you choose to follow?

I'm fairly eclectic. Recently, I've been doing some Reclaiming work, but it's not quite right for me. I follow the Earth Mother and Herne, primarily.

What are your main interests?

Learning, teaching, and healing.

What is Witchcraft to you?

My way of life.

What makes you feel alive?

My son, my partner, magic, community, love.

Ask us a question:

I haven't been here long enough yet for that. :) I'll ask one in a couple of days.

I'm glad to be here, and I am really looking forward to getting to know all of you.


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