{ Diary of a Buffy Fan }
I think this line's mostly filler
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I was just trying to reach you, through the rain traffic
Finally made a day for Christmas shopping. Can we say "yay"? I ended up getting gifts for three, and tomorrow I'll finish getting the stuff I need. Speaking of, Ali, Jenevieve, and Lainey, could you guys send me your addresses so that when the time comes I, y'know, have a place to send them? Just give them over whenever (buffychit@gmail.com).

Lainey, I had a dream last night that you lived down the street from me, and the only reason I knew was because your "address" was actually your "comments" and "# comments". Of course, then I woke up and realized that was insane. Then I went back to sleep.

In production, Mr. Gott's helping us find monologues for ourselves in case we need them in the future. He's having me do the crazy Ophelia one from Hamlet. Je suis very excited to take a crack at it. I know some of you on my flist are into the acting thing, have any of you performed that one? If you have, was it difficult? You must lemme know!!

I got really cute shirts today. Yeah, 'cause you're interested. I know.

Early release day tomorrow! And then only a week until break! I love Christmas!

I can't wrap gifts. Especially when you're wrapping on a bed, and you don't have a nice flat surface to work on. I also really like tape. So to all my BLO buddies, I apologize in advance if it looks like a blind one-armed zebra attacked your gifts after being given a hit containing a mixture of coffee and ecstacy. It's the thought that counts, right?

Pinch me, I'm: full
Listening to: Bush - Float

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It's a beautiful world but everyone's insane
Oz: I'm gonna ask you to go out with me tomorrow night. And I'm kinda nervous about it, actually. It's interesting.

Willow: Oh. Well, if it helps at all, I'm gonna say yes.

Oz: Yeah, it helps. It-it creates a comfort zone. Do you wanna go out with me tomorrow night?

Willow: Oh! I can't!

Oz: Well, see, I like that you're unpredictable.

- Oz & Willow 'Surprise'

Hey! I know what I want for Christmas that doesn't have to be sent! Extra user icons. If anyone gets me extra user icons, I will love you. In the forever sense. 'Kay?

I want extra user icons!!

Speaking of gifts, and more specifically, sending, BLO people will be happy to know that me and my dad are gonna go and see if we can set up a P.O. Box in his name so that I can actually give an address to any of you guys who wanna send me something. *squee*!

I have a new Buffy friend! Hi [info]detoxcocktails! Welcome to my humble home :)

'Guess the Song' Meme. You know you wanna )

Had myself another Buffy marathon with Colin. 'Twas fun! I'm so very excited to get to the end of season two!

Post a memory of me.
It can be anything you want.

Then post this to your journal.
See what people remember about you.

Pinch me, I'm: curious

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Stepping stones, away from the lime light



Holy. Jeebus.

So, voting ended at SYCA.

And, um, apparently my site doesn't suck.

I won...
• Best Buffy Site
• Best Layout/Graphics
• Best Webmistress (runner up)
• Viewer's Choice (*[insert scrumptious celebrity of choice here] to those who voted for me*)

The Hardest Thing has been put into their Wall of Cheese (fame) at number one for having won the most awards there.

What their email to me said, if you're curious )

Yeah. Excuse me, I have to go over here and pass out.

I'll have to post about other stuff that happened tomorrow, 'cause right now? Um, no. Let me bask!

Pinch me, I'm: shocked
Listening to: The Calling

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But suddenly the eyes can turn from silver down to grey
So I got home today and found out that my aunt (kinda sorta, it's weird) passed away this morning. They're guessing it was from a heart attack, but she wasn't showing any signs of anything the night before. I guess we'll find out more once they perform the autopsy. It's still kinda strange to think about, so I'm not gonna.

I updated The Hardest Thing today with some artwork. You know you wanna look. Also, if any of you didn't know, my site's up for Viewer's Choice at SYCA. If you'd like to vote, tomorrow's the last day to do so. I appreciate those of you who've voted for me so far. It's a nice feeling.

I really have an english paper I should be writing right now, but I've decided to work on searching for monologues for production instead.

Okay, bye.

Pinch me, I'm: okay
Listening to: Zoppi

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Hey! Go vote for Buffy and Spike in the Best Kiss poll at TV GUIDE! I'm really serious!! Go now!!

Yes, that's all this post is about.



Pinch me, I'm: kissy kissy! VOTE!
Listening to: votevotevotevotevotevotevotevotevote

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A whole life filled with second chances pounded in like nails
I think I wanna redo my lj profile. But first I gotta work on my site. Site first. Profile later. Repeat.

I think I should probably start making my Christmas list. I mean, I've already told my family that all I want is Buffy, but perhaps that I should be a bit more specific so that I don't get 734500 of the same item. It's a theory.

Tra la la.


I made a doodle for us BLO people last night. Andrew, I bet you can't guess which one you are ;)

I think I'll go outside and watch my dad put up some Christmas lights.

Maybe I'll post again when something exciting happens.

Pinch me, I'm: artistic
Listening to: Saliva

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Bow down to the BLO! We are all powerful and snowey!
"When the chips are down, and you're at the end of your rope, you need someone that you can count on. And that's what you'll find here - someone who'll go all the way, who'll protect you, no matter what. So don't lose hope. Come on over to our offices and you'll see that there's still heroes in this world.

Is that it? Am I done?"

Doyle - 'Hero'

The Hardest Thing! Go looky!

• my legs itch really bad *stabs them* die die die!



I've been working on this post for hours. And it's this short. OMG LEIK COMMENT COMMENT!!!1!

Fine. Don't.


Pinch me, I'm: crazy

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F! minus, minus.
If there is at least one person in your life who you consider a close friend, and who you would not have met without being part of an online fandom, post this sentence in your journal.
- You know who you are. Wait? Seriously? You don't? ... Then you're just silly!

Ushered a senior project last night. 'Twas a good show, if I do say so myself. The only bad thing was I accidentally left my purse in the dressing rooms, and I didn't realize it until I got home, so I knew that by the time that we got back downtown to the theatre, no one would be there. Luckily someone took it home with them and brought it to me. Yay!

I got woken up at 5 something in the morning when a picture frame hanging on my wall fell apart and the picture and glass fell out. It was a bit startling, but I managed to get back to sleep in, oh, 2 seconds. I should probably fix it now, though.

Updated The Hardest Thing today with some new art and sotm.

Bleh, I have a take-home math test to finish tonight. Actually, I have to start it to. Bleh.

Pinch me, I'm: relieved

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Viewer's Choice
Guess who managed to do an english paper, a french paper, and their American Artist sources assignment (a 3-4 page paper) all before 10pm last night? That's right. Me! And I even had time to read fanfiction in between. Ha ha procrastination! You can't get me! Na na na na na na!

Okay, so I'm done with that. But really this post is just to tell you all that judging at the Stinky Yak Cheese Awards has now opened, and The Hardest Thing is up for Viewer's Choice. So if you'd like to gimme some of the sweet sweet self esteem I hear people talk about so much, you can go HERE. And if you get there and decide you wanna vote for on of the other sites, that's okay, but hey! I can hope you'd vote for me :)



Pinch me, I'm: hopeful

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pfft. [title goes here]
Hey! Guess who added a message board to The Hardest Thing? Me! Someone should go check it out to see if it works! Grr! Am I the only one that it won't open in a new window for?!

Spent last night having an uber chat with Ali, Andrew, and Candice last night on Candice's lj since stupid AIM minions wouldn't let her sign on. Talking to multiple people in a livejournal post is hard when there are like 3 different conversations going on! We made like 17983488889 posts. Give or take a few. But then they did let her sign on and we had a proper non-lj-post chat. Chatty chat chat chat!

Hey, see the icon I posted with? I made it today when I finally found that pic. I'd been searching for it for ever since it seemed that everyone but me knew where to get it. Well, I found it! Ha hahaha!

J'ai mundo homework to do. Ta!

Wait! I gotta say hi two [info]notaphrodite, [info]magicks, and [info]_eb, my three newest Buffy buddies!

Pinch me, I'm: crazy
Listening to: Switchfoot - Dare You to Move

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Why yes, there is a new layout up at The Hardest Thing. Squue!



I said it was gonna be spuffy, and really, it was, but then I saw this picture and the next thing ya know...

I got one Christmas present knocked outta the way today. My goodness, I had to call like 450,702,999 stores before one had it in stock! But I got it, so yay! Candice! I need your address so I can send it to ya :D (buffychit@gmail.com). And I saw something that I wanna get for another certain someone, but only if I can get enought money in time. Maybe getting a job will help in the way that is major, considering pocket lint isn't usually excepted as currency. Stupid money taking people...

I renewed my library books online today. I felt proud.

XANDER: ooh unload em right here baby. Rough day? You wanna talk about it? Shutting up now.

WILLOW: I'm pregnant by my stepbrother who'd rather be with my best friend whose left me with no place to live. No food except this bottle of wild turkey which I drank all up.

Xander looks confused

WILLOW: That was me being tanked and friendless for ya.

XANDER: Gets my Oscar nod.

Pinch me, I'm: pleased
Listening to: stupidhead radio commercials

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I'm walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind
Giles: Cordelia Chase. What did she wish for?

Anyanka: I had no idea her wish would be so exciting! Brave New World. I hope she likes it.

Giles: You're gonna change it back. I'm not afraid of you. Your only power lies in the wishing.

Anyanka: Wrong! This is the real world now. This is the world we made. Isn't it wonderful?

Giles notices her glowing necklace, snatches it & goes to smash it.

Anyanka: You trusting fool! How do you know the other world is any better than this?

Giles: Because it has to be.
-'The Wish' [I'm having a quote fetish. So sue me;)]

Bah! Damn you Norton, you've failed me! You're supposed to protect my computer, and yet two adware files have come onto my computer and you say you can't delete them! I spit on you!

Oh my! I might have finally made a layout for THT!! I'm very pleased, condiering I actually have two layouts that I've made and threw out like... something that's thrown out. Trash! That's it. Anyways, it's two things I've been wanting: Spuffy and color. I think I just need to get some stuff sorted and then perhaps I'll finally be able to put it up. Here's hoping!

Oops! My phone bill didn't get paid yesterday. Crap. I guess we'll try to sort it out tomorrow, hopefully my company is nice about people who are late with payments, yeah?

*bangs head on nearest wooden object*



Pinch me, I'm: frustrated
Listening to: Green Day - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams

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Come all ye who enjoy ritual sacrifices. With pie.

Everyone else is making holiday graphics, and I wanted to be part of the in crowd, so I made this.

I've come to the conclusion that my grandfather is strangely obsessed with Renée Zellweger. Why? I don't know, but it seems like everyday he's always saying something about her. He's an odd duck, that one.

Made an exciting trip to Raleys today and picked up the latest EW because it's got a section on the best TV shows on DVD. Of course, Buffy is one of their favorite picks :D I'll scan it later if anyone wants to see.

Everyone was staring at me in the store. Maybe it was because I kept walking back and forth down the middle isle trying to find where the chips were. I guess it might have made me look a little weird, considering I couldn't find the chips for like 10 minutes! Stupid Raleys patrons making me uncomfortable.

Guh! I finally got to update The Hardest Thing today! You see, I had to re-download Smart FTP, and then once that happened I realized I didn't have the correct information to log in. Luckily my host was able to give me the info right away, but then once I got that straightened out, I couldn't get my computer files to show up, just the ones I'd already loaded to the server. As a last resort, I tried to go to the help section on the FTP site, and sure enough I got my problem fixed right away. I hope I never get lost while driving, because I don't wanna think how long it would take me to stop trying to figure it out myself and ask for directions. I fear leaning on others. Yay independence!

Pinch me, I'm: relieved
Listening to: Nickelback - Figured You Out

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This is my post to say...

You better not ever disappear again or all us BLO people will have to form a search party to make sure you're alive. And you know, driving all of us cross country would take a lot of gas, and gas prices are really high so none of would be able to pay for it. Pretty soon the car would stop somewhere on a long stretch of deserted road and we'd all be at the mercy of any demon biker gang that came along and could force us to have their children and give them money. Of course wouldn't have any money because if we did then we would've bought gas and not have broken down, so instead they force us to dance and dance until we collapse from exhaustion and get icky boo boos from hitting the road. The boo boos would bleed pretty bad and we'd want band aids, but of course we didn't think to pack any because we were in such a hurry to find you. So we'd tear off strips of our clothing to wrap around our wounds. Of course at that time the wind would pick up and we'd begin to notice the cold because our clothes would be torn. We'd try to get back into the car -- all while the demon biker gang taunted us with their thick skin and leather jackets that kept them warm. Naturally one of us would've accidentally locked the keys in the car, and we don't want to break in because none of us would want to pay to replace the window. Sometime during the middle of the night the bikers would eventually get bored and leave us huddled together for warmth and contemplating how we'd gotten into all this. Then we'd remember we were looking for you and be sad and worried and fall asleep unhappy.

So if you'd like to help all of us avoid that tale, I suggest you never ever leave again.

Pinch me, I'm: creative

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The only way to celebrate 500+ icons...
So here's that post I promised everyone, in honor of reaching my 500th icon :) It's a batch of 36 with my winning icons from [info]buffy_stillness and [info]sarah_etc. I was a little worried that I'd not like this batch at all, but then towards the end I started getting back into the swing of things. Let me know what you think of 'em!

P.S. Candice, I remember telling you that if I ever made a JM batch, I'd dedicate it to you. Well, a good portion of these are of him, so I'm posting this in your honor. Feel special!


come celebrate the 500th icon! )

Pinch me, I'm: relaxed
Listening to: Nickelback - Figured You Out

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Two new Buffy friends: [info]jade422 and [info]kathryn0442. Hi, people! Come join my crazy world of... craziness. It's crazy!

My parents finally found my birth certificate! You know what this means? It means I can finally get a work permit and apply for my job at Suncoast! *dance* I'm so excited at the idea of having a job! Or maybe it's the money and fellow Buffy fanatic employees that makes me giggly. Meh.

Time for the big announcment. Are ya ready? Yes? Good.

As of last night, I have made 500 icons. That's right, not 100, not 200, not 300 or even 400. 500. Also known as half of 1,000.

I'll finish celebrating this with an icon post tonight.


Pinch me, I'm: productive
Listening to: Kim Richley

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I really love 'Conversations With Dead People'.

I also really love watching episodes with commentary!

Joss talking about JM during 'Chosen' commentary:
"[talks about his acting] And that's why I love him. That, and his shiny shiny hair!"

...I'm too in love with commentary.

My Revised To-Do List:
• Put up background for [info]spikesbabyblues' community
• Colorbar for [info]destruct0girl
• Redo header for [info]destruct0girl
• Layout for [info]50thousandtearz
• Layout for [info]lilacdream7

And now I have to leave the internet for a while. Ta for now!

Pinch me, I'm: accomplished

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Now the joy I've had for years has left me for a while
Took the time today to update Untamed and Evil Deeds, even though there wasn't much to update. Oh, well. Oh, and if you're a fan of Caleb, why not help me reach 100 members by joining the fanlisting? Only 9 to go!



Okay, I've compiled my own 'to do' list of stuff that I either need to make. Let me know if I offered to do something for you and your not on the list so I can get that done for you :)

To Do:
• Put up background for [info]spikesbabyblues' community
• Colorbar for [info]destruct0girl
• Redo header for [info]destruct0girl
• Layout for [info]50thousandtearz
• Layout for [info]lilacdream7

I know I've gotta be missing something, so please don't hesitate to speak up and tell me that I've left you out of my list. I won't know if you don't tell me! I'm sorry to you guys for not having this done yet, but I guess I just got a bit behind what with all the computer deadness.

Oh! I got first place for the contest over at [info]sarah_ect! Looky!

And the oh-so-wonderful [info]raspberryhats got second! Go team you!

I got mini-interviewed for the yearbook today because they're putting in the Halloween picture of me as s1 Buffy with my friend Kelly who dressed up as my vampire for me to slay! It's the most awesome picture ever! I'm so giddy about it.

Yearbook people: Is there any way that I can get that picture sent to me? Or is that not allowed? If I can get it, that'd be cool.

Pinch me, I'm: working
Listening to: K's Choice

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Happy Buffy Season Seven Is Finally Out On DVD Day!! Get on your party hats!

The only thing I have against the graphics on the box set is the one manipulation they make of smg. It's the one with a Buffy body but a SMG photoshoot head, and then in the background there's a whole bunch of the past Buffy villains. You know the one? First off, I didn't think there was any need to make it a manipulation, and second, couldn't they have found someone to do a better job? I mean, I could've done better than that!

Oh well, you win some, you lose some.

Had an English quiz and a history test today. I think I did better on the history than I did on the english, but I feel good about both of them, so yay. There was only one question on the history that I wasn't completely sure of, which rocks considering I was freaking about it. I heart history.

Dear Immune System,

Please work. You're not working right now. Why not? Are you on vacation? I wasn't notified of this. It's actually quite rude to go and leave like that. Make me not feel sick. Clear? Good.


Well, while I was gone I won first place over at [info]buffy_stillness! Color me joyful :)

Pinch me, I'm: sick
Listening to: Sarah McLachlan

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Contrary to popular belief...
I am, in fact, alive.

Crazy, yes?

To make a long story short, my computer kicked the virtual bucket. It wouldn't even upload my desktop. So these guys took it in to completely reinstall windows on it. Luckily, they said they could save the contents of my desktop (aka every piece of artwork/fiction/.html files for THT/pictures/the works).

Unfortunately, once they got my computer in the shop, they discovered that all my .html files were infested with viruses and had to be removed. So now, the 500+ Spuffy stories I had? Gone. All of 'em!


But luckily, everything else was saved. Color me relieved.

And alive, woot!

So let's not focus on the sad removal of my stories. Instead, we must look forward to what I've gained from this:
• I finally have sound on my computer again, which means that my windows media player is working!!!
---------> On that note: Jenevieve, back when I had my Spuffy 'Chosen' layout with the K's Choice lyrics on it, you requested I send you a copy of the song. When I get the chance, would you like me to still send it?
• I have a virus protection program on my computer now. YAY!
• My computer is clean!

Okay, now I've still got some program reinstalling to do tomorrow, including Adobe Photoshop. Candice, is it okay if your layout is up tomorrow?

I'm random. And back.

(P.S. I don't know how far I'll get in my flist before I die, so if any of you guys posted something that you wanted me to see, could you either gimme a link or summarize it for me? I doubt that there's anything I need to know, but still. Gotta make a girl feel special, now don't we??)

Pinch me, I'm: relieved but a bit sickly

The Buffist...
User: [info]buffychit
Name: Trina
Back December 2004
clicky clicky!
the quotes
"Now, it's a simple story. Stop me if you've heard it. I have found and truly believe that there is nothing so bad it cannot be made better with a story. And this one's got a happy ending. There once was a woman, and she was foul, like all women, for Adam's rib was dirty—just like Adam himself—for what was he, but human. But this woman, she was filled with darkness, despair, and why? Because she did not know. She could not see. She didn't know the good news, the glory that was coming. That'd be you. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever. You show up, they'll get in line. 'Cause they followed her. And all they have to do is take one more step, and I'll kill them all. See? I told you it had a happy ending."
-Caleb 'Dirty Girls'

"My life happens to, on occasion, suck beyond the telling of it. Sometimes more than I can handle. And it's not just mine. Every single person down there is ignoring your pain because they're too busy with their own. The beautiful ones. The popular ones. The guys that pick on you. Everyone. If you could hear what they were feeling. The loneliness. The confusion. It looks quiet down there. It's not. It's deafening."
-Buffy 'Earshot'

"You're right. We don't know how to fight it. We don't know when it'll come. We can't run, can't hide, can't pretend it's not the end, 'cause it is. Something's always been there to try and destroy the world. We've beaten them back, but we're not dealing with them anymore. We're dealing with the reason they exist. Evil. The strongest. The First. I'm beyond tired. I'm beyond scared. I'm standing on the mouth of hell, and it is gonna swallow me whole. (defiant) And it'll choke on me. We're not ready? They're not ready. They think we're gonna wait for the end to come, like we always do. I'm done waiting. They want an apocalypse? Oh, we'll give 'em one. Anyone else who wants to run, do it now. 'Cause we just became an army. We just declared war. From now on, we won't just face our worst fears, we will seek them out. We will find them, and cut out their hearts one by one, until The First shows itself for what it really is. And I'll kill it myself. There is only one thing on this earth more powerful than evil, and that's us. Any questions?"
-Buffy 'BOTN'

"In the end, we all are who we are, no matter how much we may appear to have changed."
-Giles 'Lessons'