Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "the starting line".
435 matches:
- 4minus3onepeace - A Friendly Neighborhood Random Community
- _____uber_dorks - _____uber_dorks
- _____whatever - whatevercore
- ___aimtoplease - ___aimtoplease
- ___amazinglyemo - ___amazinglyemo
- __breakaway - take you away from that empty apartment
- __chaos - __chaos
- __coolfuckers - __coolfuckers.
- __emocore - broken wings and promise rings
- __emokidz__ - *EmO KiDs*
- __hotlikewhoa - __hotlikewhoa
- __jenoah - __jenoah
- __kilkill__bang - edit:SCENE FUCKS
- __njscene - the NJ scene
- __rate_my_face - RATE MY FACE
- __rock_my_socks - __rock_my_socks
- __rockout - music is life
- __staind - far away
- __yellow_stars - __yellow_stars
- _afi_ - AFI
- _bandxclaim_ - Claim your favorite band/ band member/ song!
- _bootylicious_ - .:*prove to us you're bootylicious*.:
- _concertwhores_ - Concert Addicts Unite!
- _emo_2the_max_ - Emo to the Max. ♥
- _emo_jews - Emo Jews
- _emo_kids - _emo_kids
- _emo_talk_ - Speak whats on yoour emo mind
- _eye_candy - _eye_candy
- _fagxcore_ - Being A Fag Doesn't Make You A Pussy!
- _fata - the fiction we live.
- _friends_only_ - Friend
- _got_guitars_ - Got Guitars?
- _headphones_ - _headphones_
- _hot_dorks_ - _hot_dorks_
- _its_my_life__ - It's My Life
- _kick_ass - kick. ass.
- _latina - Latina
- _letterstoyou_ - So I'm writing again these letters to you..
- _loserish - n/a
- _lyrically - _lyrically
- _my_butt_bleeds - BLEEDING RANDOMNESS!!!
- _myislandnights - My Island Nights
- _newscene - Before You Got Too Cool
- _next12exits_ - _next12exits_
- _njscene - _njscene
- _noxpants_ - Pants.Are.For.Losers
- _ohmy_sex - Oh My Sex!?
- _pocket_lint_ - _pocket_lint_
- _prettiness - Are You Pretty?
- _punkymo - Punkymo: An online punk/emo 'zine
- _scenekingrules - -I AM BETTER than you-
- _simple_plan - Simple Plan Official Community
- _simpleplankids - SiMpLe PlAn KiDs
- _something_kool - °FOR ALL YOU KOOL KIDS°
- _startingline - heres the things i meant but i never said
- _state_of_mind - it's all a state of mind
- _texas_emo_kids - emo texans
- _tim_pagnotta_ - _tim_pagnotta_
- _trendywhores - Trendy Whores
- _very_ - _very_
- _whatascene - screaming pretty nothings
- addme_emokid - Add Me Emo Kid
- aggressivelyemo - Aggressively Emo
- ahoax2livefor - Modern Morbid Prophecies
- akronpunks - Tha PUNKS of AKRON
- alex_and_ricky - alex and ricky
- aliencrimesyn_ - Alien crime syndicate
- all_emo_rejects - All Emo Rejects
- allbandsrock - All.Bands.Rock.
- am_i_to_die_for - To die for
- andrewspixie - Aly
- angelsordevils - **
- angryxnerdxrock - ♥Nerds That Know How To Rock♥
- anti_emo_image - Breaking the Emo Stereotype
- arazors_kiss - ___so/fucking/hot!!
- are_you_sweet - Sweet Things
- asong4everyone - Friends of Friendless
- asyouwishrock - ...As.You.Wish...Rock.+.Roll...
- backstagelounge - The Backstage Lounge
- band_nerds - Band Nerds Unite!
- band_show_pics - Show Pictures
- bangin__x - bangin__x
- bbnml - Band Boys 'n' Music Lovers
- beau_erreur - beau_erreur
- before_i_go - Before I Go
- bellflower_ca - Hellflower
- bert_is_sex - Seems like your better half said it all.
- bigdamnicons - BIG DAMN ICONS
- bkicons - BuzzKill Icons
- bleednotshadow - Book and music obsessed people!
- blindanddriving - Blind and Driving
- bloodyromancesf - Senses Fail
- blurryemofaces - Thats.All.You.Need.
- bmx_freak - Bam Margera Fans
- bored_muhfukers - bored_muhfukers
- boygasmic_icons - Hot Boy Icons
- brand_new - the official community
- brandnamepunk - BNP
- breaktradition - Break Tradition
- brilliant_zer0 - brilliant fuckers<3
- brookside - Brookside fans <3
- burt_n_jo - Burt N Jo's Wild Times
- california_hxc - to the fucking max
- capunk - California Punk
- cheer_up_em0kid - :: cheeR up* </3 em0 k!d_
- chimaira_land - Who are you today...another face erased
- chinupemokid - chin up emo kid
- claim_a_band2 - claim_a_band2
- claim_a_big_toe - Big Toes
- claim_a_body - claim somebody, anybody!
- claim_ur_guys - claim_ur_guys
- claimamerchboy - Merch boys need love too
- claimemojunk - Emo Claims
- clever_escape - Clever Escape
- cliche_rocks - ((Side-Note))
- close_band - [Close]
- concert_addicts - concert_addicts
- crayola__ - ..cяαyolα..
- crazi_adiction - x o the latest and greatest obessions<3 o x
- crazy_fingers - crazy_fingers
- creationbyjorge - unforgivenexistance
- dallas_crunks - dallas crunks
- dashboard_owns - dashboard_owns
- dawnandbella - Dawn and Bella
- days_away - Days Away
- decoreah - Decora
- distance_shifts - .cool scene kids.
- dork_o - fello dorks
- drive_thru - drive- thru records
- drive_thrubands - ...let it out slow...
- drivenfaroff - drivenfaroff
- drivethru_dvds - Drive-Thru Records DVDS
- drivethrurec - Official Drive-Thru Records LJ Community
- drivethrurecord - Drive-thru Records Fans
- drowning_in_me - drowning_in_me
- emo101 - emo101
- emo102 - Emo 102
- emo1yrics - EMO1yrics
- emo__kids - emo__kids
- emo_art - * emo art *
- emo_in_the_dark - The Emo Show 101
- emo_kiddies1 - emo_kiddies1
- emo_lyrics - emo lyrics
- emo_mixes - emo_mixes
- emo_or_nox - emo or no
- emo_parade - emo_parade
- emo_request - Know any songs about...
- emo_x_rejects - Emo Rejects
- emo_zoo - Emo Zoo - "emos, ooooh!!"
- emoaustin - emoaustin
- emocoffehouse - emo people
- emofkinhotness - We are emo, and we are fuckin' hot!
- emokids_dontcry - emokids_dontcry
- emokidsonly - Emonity
- emomusic -
- emopost - Emo Lyrics
- emopunkbuds - emopunkbuds
- emoscene - ♪ Emo ★Kids★ Unite ♪
- emosexuals - emosexuals
- emotionallyrics - emo lyrics
- est1987 - : entertainment magazine
- ethandarling - Ethan Darling
- evrything_emo - YoU aLwAyS hAv3 y0uR 3mO
- exit_only_ - Exit Only
- eyecon_candy - || Pixel Perfect ||
- fairytalewishes - fairytalewishes
- fanfictions -
- fashionwhores - do you have room to talk?
- fatblacksluts - fatblacksluts
- fighterleague - the.fighter.league.
- fobisagang - ill go out tonight to piss on her doorstep
- foreveryheart - *A THORN FOR EVERY HEART* - join!
- foreveryone - foreveryone
- forgetmyname___ - forget my name
- forwardreverse - Forward In Reverse
- freakinradtemps - you request, we make it
- fuck_that_shit - Pop Punk
- fuck_u_im_scene - Way 2 Scene For the Scene fuckers!
- fucked_up_kids - fucked_up_kids
- full_c0llapse - Thursday
- funcore - FUNxCORE
- gasping_forair - gasping_forair
- gettingcolder - You Just Aren't Good Enough
- glassjaw0re - >>.prettyLush.
- goodbands_xx - GOOD BANDS.
- gorgeousguys - GoRgEoUsGuYs
- gpic - stephanie and jesy
- grandfinals - The Grand Finals
- great_emomusic - Emo.
- greyfieldrocks - *Greyfield*
- guesswhoimet - Guess Who I Met?
- guiltypleasure_ - guilty pleasure claims
- guitarxgirl - we are the scorned `
- halifax_rock - Halifax
- happy_emo_kids - For the emo kid inside
- happyemokids - Happy Emo Kids
- hardcore_kik_it - Kick_it
- heartshapedpin - for the broken hearted...with lovley arteries
- hello__fascista - Fascista
- herxbeautyxdies - herxbeautyxdies
- hfh - HFH
- hgforever - Home Grown
- highland_star - highland_star
- hot__x__damn - Hotties to the Maxx
- hot_losers_ - We're Losers
- hott_shizz - are you hott?
- hypodermicscars - ♥╬Just beneath the surface╬♥
- i_am_emo_sex -
- i_hearby_claim - Who Do You Claim?!
- i_heart_adelphi - I <3 Adelphi ROCK!
- i_heart_emoxxx - emo lovers xx
- i_may_look_emo - we break skulls, kind of.
- ilikekatsshirt - i like kats shirt
- im_em0 - rating communites are hawt, and so are emo kids
- im_so_indie - Elitist Ass
- in_myeyes - In my eyes
- in_the_no - are you too cool for school?
- indie_emo_kids - indie_emo_kids
- indiemusic - The official community for everything indie
- indierockkills - ROCK IS DEAD : :
- inmyhead_icons - inmyhead_icons
- itslikedeath - hold your own damn coat.
- ixat - ixat = the awesomest band ever
- jay_fanclub - Jay
- jerseyemo - jerseyEMO *
- juniorhigh - i thought you knew
- just_music - just_music
- justpoets - expressions of your heart
- ken_tsl - Kenny Vasoli / Starting Line Fans
- kenny_tsl_love - Kenny Can Have The Best Of Me
- kentastic - It's Kentastic
- kick_ass___ - whatever....
- kickassmusic - Kick Ass Music
- kicknasschicks - me
- killing_teenies - killing_teenies
- kiss_the_starsx - kiss_the_starsx
- lastyears_shame - lastyears_shame
- ld_rocks - LakeShore Drive Rocks
- lennon_530_sm - your lies and my dreams
- letsloathekenny - Let's Loathe Kenny
- likeasatellite - Don't fuckin judge me, cunt.
- livinglastplace - Living Last Place: Maine's Online Music Community
- livingto_die - another lonely voice in the universe of sadness...
- longisland_punk - Long Island Punk&Emo
- loved_losers - Loved_Losers
- lxl_emo_lxl - lxl_emo_lxl
- lyrical_stories - lyrical_stories
- lyricalattack - LyricalGo0nies
- m_a_e - Destination Beautiful
- macaroonshindig - macaroonshindig
- madison_nj - madison_nj
- marko72_lovers - Marko Lovers
- maverickrocks - maverickrocks
- mayfield_ - Mayfield
- model15 - Model15 fans
- murder_us - murder_us
- music_fanatics - Music Fanatics
- musicrawks - yer mom
- musicwhores_ - that's the sound of music
- my_song - Lyrics
- myspace_cadets - myspace_cadets
- myxeuphoria - not really emo, not really indie
- n__j - n__j
- n_ville_kids - kids of the ville
- nakedxcore - nakedxcore
- namethatlyric_ - the big bad lyric man.
- naturally_beau - Where the naturally beautiful come to frollick.
- neato_sex_whore - I'd love to be scattered to hell with you...
- newyorkscene - newyorkscene
- njstyle - njstyle
- non_elite_doods - non_elite_doods
- northstarmusic - Northstar Supporters
- not_emo_enough - Rejected Emo Kids
- nowherekids - ♪ Smile Empty Soul ♪
- ocean_avenue - There's a place on ocean avenue...
- of_the_franklin - The Community of the Franklin
- onlywheniburn_ - onlywheniburn_
- orangepeelmafia - º The Orange Peel Mafia º
- overatedmag - overatedmag
- pe_music - Perfect Endings
- pen_pals_inc - pen_pals_inc
- pink_irish - Everything Pink and Irish!
- pintrade - pintrade
- pirates_argh_us - Pirates Kick Arse
- plcwhaaaa - what ya know about sports?
- poetic_rain - Poetic Rain
- polkadotxstripe - polkadotxstripe
- polyester_pants - t h e p a n t s
- poofy_hair - shampoo gets more expensive by the day
- poptart101 - poptart101
- pot_punk_rock - ((pot)) n ((punk rock))
- pr101icons - Punk Rock 101 Icons
- prayforthemusic - prayXcore
- pretty_emo_kids - Bam Bam Bam!
- pretty_perfect_ - For those who know theyre pretty and perfect
- promise__falls - promise falls
- promote_ur_band - Band Promotions
- promote_urband2 - the accepted member of promote_ur_band
- pucker_up_baby - pucker_up_baby
- punk_2_emo - From punk to emo
- punk_alliance - __punkalliance%%
- punk_boy_slash - Punk Boy Slash
- punk_emo_core - Calm down emo kid
- punk_lyrics - Punk_Lyrics
- punk_ska_emo - punk_ska_emo
- punkrockiconage - Perfection Through Silence
- quinn_xx_rated - Quinn<33
- random_hate - [Read For Sanity]
- random_music - random music
- randomness_ - you like it random, too?
- randomsnapshots - random snapshots
- rareslashpairs - slash that's out of the ordinary
- real_emo_fans - real_emo_fans
- realhotemokids - realhotemokids
- reclusepunk - Cute Without The E
- rock__kids - ROCK
- rock_the_nation - rock_the_nation
- rockemolosers - Music. It's better than your dog.
- rockstar_island - Rockstar Island
- rockthecam - rockthecam
- rockyourface - Rock. YOUR. Face.
- rp_punk_slash - Punk Slash
- safety_net - go ahead and fall..
- sanantonio_rock - sanantonio_rock
- sappylyrics - ...Community for all your sappy love lyrics
- sellingemocool - for fans of "Nothing feels Good" by Andy Greenwald
- senses_fail -
- sex_us - .*:Sex Me:*.
- sexysceneguys - sexysceneguys
- sheath_4_worm - Anti-Cocoon
- shorty_rocks - shorty_rocks
- show_off_ur_emo - show it!
- shut_up_bitch - _what it is to burn
- sick_like_whoa - Sickest Scene coming at you!
- skate_and_music - skate_and_music
- skateandsurf - Skate And Surf 2005
- skateboarding41 - Skateboarding
- slashboys - slashboys
- slashy_punkness - Slashy Good Fun
- slashypunkboys - Slashy Punk Boys
- snapflash - SnapFlash!
- so__corporate - ..but I know I haven't yet
- sobresaliente - Coolest People
- socratic_nj - socratic
- socratisocratic - Socratic.
- soft_core_punk - soft_core_punk
- songmeanings - Song Meanings
- sotyunderground - *StOrY*Of*ThE*yEaR*
- specificmusic - specificmusic
- spill_myheart4u - another story of the year community
- splitcheck - :your:mom:wants:to:know:
- spunktastic - spunktastic
- starfall_music - Starfall Community
- starsinamoment - The Greatest Photography Yet
- starting_line - the first, the only, the official TSL community!
- stormys_icons - ^_^
- strikea_pose - my fashion is better
- stuckinyourhead - Stuck In Your Head: Guess The Lyrics
- stupid_boys - boys are bad
- supersonicmag - SuperSonic Mag
- swallowthelove - Lazy? Like to Read? Like Music?
- take__action - like a pheonix ignition, like a crematorium
- tearsyoucry - Tear stains on your pillow
- tenuk - TENth Street UK
- texas_hotshit - Texas HotShit
- the_e11 - The Early November official community
- the_emo_boat - The emo boat for broken hearts.
- the_emo_kids - the_emo_kids
- the_emo_teamo - The_Emo_Teamo
- the_front_row - the front row
- the_goodwill - The Goodwill
- the_kicks - the_kicks
- the_lyrics_game - the_lyrics_game
- the_temporaries - The Temporaries
- thecoffeeshop - thecoffeeshop
- thedrive - The Drive
- theguestlist - Music Thumpin
- thehss - The High Speed Scene
- therockers - therockers
- thesebonestoash - thesebonestoash
- theyearsgoneby - theyearsgoneby
- thirdpla - thirdpla
- this_emptine55 - Emo?
- this_is_emo - emo
- thisisnotemocom - [dot] com
- thisprovidence - thisprovidence
- travis_owns - Travis
- tree4god - Tree lovers
- truepunksters - True Punksters
- unsexyemokid - UnsexyEmokids
- unsung_zeros - Pictures of You and I
- ush_rocks - Unwanted Superheroes
- variety_core - Variety Core - vXc - Advice, Friends, Music, etc.
- virginia_indie - virginia is for indie lovers
- w0rdsxunsp0ken - Lyrics/Poems for everyone
- wakefieldrulz - WakefieldRulz
- walkie_talkies - walkie_talkies
- wankerbater - The Suck You Genji Wankerbater Force!
- warped_tour - The very first Warped Tour Community on LJ!
- warpedtour - warped tour
- we_love_meg - Meg is Awesome
- wearetheparty - wearetheparty
- wedont__care - eat your heart out
- weheartmae - we <3 mae
- whatwasthatsong - What Was That Song?
- whos_that_band - fifteen minutes of fame
- wife_killer - God Want A Piece Of My Ass
- wuts_ur_drama - whats your drama
- x__lipgl0ss - apply&glossify`
- x_beauty_x - hard being beautiful
- x_thetankgang_x - x_thetankgang_x
- xbandclaims - xbandclaims
- xchris_wilsonx - Chris Wilson
- xcustom_madex - that fateful April night
- xemofans_uk - xemofans_uk
- xfinchx - Finch
- xfucked_up_kidx - ..::All the Mest F.r.e.a.k.s::..
- xheavensent_ - xheavensent_
- xnotxanxexitx - OH-SO TYPICALLY EMO
- xo_hot_kids - xo_hot_kids
- xonexlastxwishx - • music music music •
- xred_rainx - red rain well make as were blacking out
- xscarredheartsx - Rating Community
- xwritethisdownx - Darci's Community
- xxacid_tearsxx - xXAcid_TearsXx
- xxblameonluckxx - xxblameonluckxx
- xxmusicxx - xxmusicxx
- yeah_your_cute - yep your cute
- ynrock - yesterdays*news
- youmightsay - The Lyric Journal Community
- your_scene - Ramsey Leo
- your_so_scene - your_so_scene
- zox - zox
Interested users
The following users are interested in the starting line. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
444 matches: