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Below is user information for george walker: texas ranger. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:george_w_bush (177735) george_w_bush
george walker: texas ranger
my chocolate penis extends his thanks
Website:Dubya Speak
Location:Washington, Dist. of Columbia, United States
Bio:(please do not add this journal to any communities without asking.)

my fellow americans,
by now, i think you all know who i am. since i've been doing such a good presidentin' job lately, i need no introduction. this here journal is kept to document my private thoughts about my chocolate penis and chasin' those darn aladdins, among other things. PLEASE DON'T TELL LAURA.
no ass-jumpin' nancies.

The following tale of presidential encounters is true. And by true, I mean false. It's all lies. But they're entertaining lies. And in the end, isn't that the real truth? The answer is "No".
Interests:86: afghanistan, aladdins, alcohol, anti-choice, anti-condoms, arms, ass-jumping nancies, axis of evil, bein' madder'anheck, being a dick, being a lousy president, bombing innocents, bombing poor nations, bombs, bondage, bullets, chasing bin laden, chimpanzees, chocolate penises, christianity, chuck norris, cocaine, cowboy boots, cowboy hats, cowboys, dad, daddy, dubya, dyslexia, electric chair, evil-doers, execution, fighting terrorism, freedom, freedom fries, george bush, george dubya, george w. bush, gettin' those terrorists, god, guns, hating commies, hiding from laura, homophobia, illiteracy, iraq, israel, killing arabs, killing people, lasers, laura bush, liberty, liberty measles, madder'anheck, makefunofbush, missiles, nucular, nuking homos, operation dumbo drop, operation enduring freedom, osama bin laden, partying, pat robertson, pissing off asc faculty, pissing off homos, pissing off liberals, pissing off the chinese, power, propaganda, prostitutes, racism, religion, saddam hussein, shooting (up), smart bombs, space weapons, spandex, stuttering, texans, texas, the war on drugs, the war on terrorism, war, weapons, yale, yasser arafat. [Modify yours]
Friends:750: View Friends .
Friend of:920: 2dope, _1917_, _6655321, ______________, _aphasia_, _ayatollah, _carlos_, _forthebirds, _lenore_, _ludacris, _magsta_, _paper_cuts, _ri, _satoshi, _stacy, _superlative, _unfoldyourlove, a_paparazzi, aaron_omnislash, abazureonna, abominari, acruelambition, adameros, adroit_theatre, aeon, aeon_flux, agenttyzer, aguaencendida, ahura_mazda, aic_weirdo, aileron, airyn, akarimoonshadow, aki_jade, akire_yta, aldabra, alestar, aletheis, alexanderdowner, alive_in_dreams, all_mighty_me, allisonthethug, alsahaf, alteryego, amithrelle, amnesiac_pie, amuzulo, anesthetized_, angel_masochist, aniline_coast, animated_vixen, anka911, anowyn, antisocialite, apocalypticeyes, archaeopteryx, arctan, ari_fleischer, arianocturne, artisharder, ashing_issues, asking_for_it, asscroft, atakra, auntie_christ, autodestruct, autrice, autumnfails, autumnperson, awayslow, ayahuasca, ayen, ayu_tsukimiya, aznaphrodite, babygrey, ballinonabudget, barelydave, basiljunk, bazz, bdinger, bdmthrfckr, beanheadp, beautifulwolf, beautythusbegun, beeorkendurkey, behindmyeyes, bellenuit, bemis, bendan, beniniraq, berian, bightchee, billiam, billiemockrat, bindy_mae, bitch_fester, bizb0i, black_sabbath, blackcell, blackgarden, blackisgreenis, blacknihil, blackspiderman, blinkbaby6969, blinkerfluid, blinkingbackred, blinkkfreak, bloodredrosev, blue_ben, bluedepth, bob_barr, bobhope, boblikescheeze, bobosan, bombermank, bookemdano, boredinsomniac, bornagainben, bradausmus12, breakingdecency, briablo, briege, brightpop, britanetz, brok3n_st4rs, broken_robot, brokenfairy, brooksie, btown, budhaboy, bunglicious, burningfeetman, butch_lebeau, buttonxbrat, bypolonius, cakesniffing, camkin, cantstopthedawn, canyoukillme, captainanarchy, captainlucy, captblackliver, carbon_kink, carlschmidt, carol4582, cartooncheryl, cary_sherman, caseypossible, cashewblanca, caspianxi, ...
Member of:2: paidmembers, wheres_osama
Account type:Free Account

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