The Wayback Machine -
Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "taking back sunday".
418 matches:
00freeipods00 - FREE iPods Conga
0h_s0_em0 - 0h_s0_em0
2muchrock41hand - Hell On [LJ]
2scene4thescene - we are the elite
52ndstreet - 52nd Street
53biatch - Short mother fucker
_____so_noxious - We're fucking awesome.
__breakaway - take you away from that empty apartment
__damagedgoods - Damaged Goods
__emowhores - cassandra
__page_avenue - . I sp.ill m.y f.or . y.o.u
__scenewhores__ - __scenewhores__
__switchfoot - Somewhere we live inside..
__unseenvictory - unseen victory
_anotheronelost - :.wanna play?.:
_bandxclaim_ - Claim your favorite band/ band member/ song!
_bootylicious_ - .:*prove to us you're bootylicious*.:
_brandnew - We Appreciate Brand New!
_det_die - DETD LJ Community
_dirrty_pop_ - POP! _Fanatics
_emo_lyrics_ - _emo_lyrics_
_fanlistings - _fanlistings
_fata - the fiction we live.
_friends_only_ - Friend
_gangxbang_ - .gang bang.
_hxc_sxe_emo_ - _hxc_sxe_emo_
_judge_me_ - there's nothing to it
_letterstoyou_ - So I'm writing again these letters to you..
_music - ♥ music
_patent - patent pending fans
_punkymo - Punkymo: An online punk/emo 'zine
_radderthanyou - _radderthanyou
_rockstars - _ROCKstars |*|
_simpleplankids - SiMpLe PlAn KiDs
_smiths_zombies - _smiths_zombies
_straylightrun - Straylight Run Community
_takebacksunday - The official Taking Back Sunday community
_whatascene - screaming pretty nothings
_whatdoyouthink - what do you think?
_xskinnyxcorex - skinny as fuck
_yellowcard - my only one
a_dream_forgotn - Dreams and Thoughts
add_a_punk - Meet people who listen to punk emo metal- whatever
aggregateskunk - aggregate skunk!
alex_and_ricky - alex and ricky
alias12 - alias12, awesome new band!
all_emo_rejects - All Emo Rejects
allaboutemo -
andrewspixie - Aly
angelsordevils - **
angryraspberry - Angry Raspberry Society (ARS)
anti_clones_the - our looks kill clones
anti_emo_image - Breaking the Emo Stereotype
are_you_chinky - chinky eyes!
arizonaindie - Arizona Music Scene
asob - Arrogant Sons of Bitches
autumn_stars_ - autumn_stars_
band_nerds - Band Nerds Unite!
bandclassifieds - I want to Rock
bandphototrade - the reason to take your camera to shows
bbnml - Band Boys 'n' Music Lovers
bcnj - Bergen County New Jersey
bert_is_sex - Seems like your better half said it all.
best_day_ever - Best_Day_Ever
bestxinterest - Best Interest Livejournal Community
bitch_n_moan - Rant n' Rave Bitch Pit
black_duct_tape - HOLY JESUS BLACK DUCT TAPE!
blackhoodmafia - it's organized crime but we're all good kids <333
blonde_july - Blonde July
bloodyromancesf - Senses Fail
bored_muhfukers - bored_muhfukers
boy_touching - we like boys who touch...
boycott_adam - Adam Lazarra Boycotters
boygasmic_icons - Hot Boy Icons
brand_new - the official community
break_mirrors - break mirrors
breaktradition - Break Tradition
breathe_right - Coulda been a better plan
brilliant_zer0 - brilliant fuckers<3
brookside - Brookside fans <3
capecoma - CapeComa
captivacious - Hott people with hott interests
capunk - California Punk
celebicons - Celebrity Icons
chimaira_land - Who are you today...another face erased
claim_a_body - claim somebody, anybody!
claim_a_fella - claim_a_fella
claim_a_punk - Claim A Punk!
claim_thisnthat - claim_thisnthat
claimamerchboy - Merch boys need love too
claimemojunk - Emo Claims
cliche_rocks - ((Cliche))
clockrockrec - Clockrock Records
close_band - [Close]
cock_slashers - cock_slashers
commoneffect - common effect kids
concert_addicts - concert_addicts
countthestarsxx - Count The Stars
crazi_adiction - x o the latest and greatest obessions<3 o x
cutthroat_kiss - xAnother lonely night without you by my sidex
dallas_crunks - dallas crunks
darylpalumbo - "i'm too fly and shy, i'm like no other guy"
dashboard_owns - dashboard_owns
decoreah - Decora
disposeofyou - A Static Lullaby Craze
diy_promo - DIY Community Promotion
doce_da_faixa - DEAD HORSE
dressedtokillx - dressed to kill
dyingxbreed - kick it out
eaturheart_out - Eat. Your. Heart. Out.
eaturheartout - eat.your.heart.out
edgingxforward - edging forward
eetfukzorz - eetfukzorz
em0_suprem0 - emolikewhoaa
em0by_default - Just tell me all about it
emo101 - emo101
emo1yrics - EMO1yrics
emo_art - * emo art *
emo_loves_indie - Where's my scarf?
emo_lyrics - emo lyrics
emo_screamo - emo screamo.
emoaustin - emoaustin
emocoffehouse - emo people
emogame - the emo game
emogamecult - emogamecult!!
emokids_dontcry - emokids_dontcry
emomusic -
emopost - Emo Lyrics
emorawk - .the.spark.from.the.flame.
emoscene - ♪ Emo ★Kids★ Unite ♪
emosexuals - emosexuals
emotionalmusic - emotionalmusic
est1987 - : entertainment magazine
estrellazine - // ESTRELLA \\
eternal_emo - The Emo Pity Party
ethandarling - Ethan Darling
exit_only_ - Exit Only
faint_of_hearts - Faint of Hearts
fanfictions -
fashion_clash - Cosmopolitan to the Core.
fashion_sex_usa - fashion_sex_usa
fashionwhores - do you have room to talk?
fatblacksluts - fatblacksluts
fearthemusic - keeping in tune; the music's played by the madmen
feelslikefallin - feelslikefallin
ffaf - Funeral for a Friend
figureinceramic - Thursday
fivepointstar - FivePointStar
fivewithabullet - Rad
fobisagang - we're gonna make you dance
forwardreverse - Forward In Reverse
freakinradtemps - you request, we make it
fredmascherino - Fred Mascherino
freeofwolves - Free of Wolves
freshoutdaoven - Fresh Out Da Oven
friendsheep - friendsheep
fuck_guys - fuckkkk guyssss
fuckmeimpunk - punk rock love
full_c0llapse - Thursday
funcore - FUNxCORE
getxoverxitxjmb - getxoverxitxjmb
gig_pics - Gig Pics
givin_u_a_hand - givin_u_a_hand
glam_x_core - tiny y cara
glassjaw0re - i wish you a broken heart
glassjaw_net - Glassjaw Lj Community
godihateyou - i hope you die
groggie - groggie
guesswhoimet - Guess Who I Met?
guiltypleasure_ - guilty pleasure claims
halofriendlies - Love Sick
hannahhannahhey - HANNAH FANS
happyemokids - Happy Emo Kids
heartbrokenxemo - A cry for the Heartbroken Emo
hello__fascista - Fascista
herxbeautyxdies - herxbeautyxdies
hfh - HFH
homebodies - non-social non-active
hotfacedindies - hotfacedindies
hotstickfigures - Hot Stick Figures... Now With Karate Chop Action!
hott_emosluts - Do you have the goods to back it up?
hxc_ohio - hxc_ohio
i__rock__ - for those who ROCK
i_heart_tacoma - we're in love, right?
i_is_jack_squat - i_is_jack_squat! (not really though)
in_myeyes - In my eyes
in_retrograde - in_retrograde
in_the_no - are you too cool for school?
indie_ohio - Spreading the indie music vibe in Ohio
indieboylove - We love indie boys, they love each other.
indiecore - The Harder Side of Indie Rock
indieradio - Indie Radio
indierockkills - ROCK IS DEAD : :
indierockmix - [[mixes]]
inform_katie - The Organization to Keep Katie Better Informed
ixat - ixat = the awesomest band ever
jackosbourne_ - Jack Osbourne
jcalendar - smile.empty.bottle
jersey_bound - Jersey Bound
johnnolan - John Nolan Worshippers
jrrevolution - ROCK POWER
just_music - just_music
justpoets - expressions of your heart
kapowcrew - Kapow x Crew
kenpeng - Ken Peng Fan Club
kickassmusic - Kick Ass Music
killrecover - Recover music
l33tcore - l 3 3 t c o r e
lastplacechamps - lastplacechamps
lastyears_shame - lastyears_shame
le_ass - mixing ass and sass since 2004
le_fuzz - the fuzz
lennon_530_sm - your lies and my dreams
lets_be_emo - xlet us be emox
lets_talk_rawk - Let's Talk Rawk
li_scene - Long Island Scene
lipstickxlust - lipstickxlust
listen__closely - listen__closely
livinwithalie - Living with a lie
llbnf - [a new misery]
lollipop_core - This community has nothing to do with lollipops.
longislandkids - Long Island kids
loser_kids__ - pull the trigger and the nightmare stops
louisvilleroxor - louisville rock city
lucerin_blue - lucerin_blue
lyric_vent - Lyric Vent
lyrical_stories - lyrical_stories
lyricsfortears - Lyrics for Tears
macaroonshindig - macaroonshindig
madison_nj - madison_nj
mattrubano_ - first/official matt rubano community
mcq_groupies - mcq_groupies
melodic_carnage - melodic~carnage
mic_and_moshpit - Taking Back Sunday
michiganshows - michigan shows
michikids - Michigancore
millencolinrock - Chiquita Chaser
mongolians - mongolians
morecore - drain motherfucker
music_debate - Debate don't playa hate
music_fiction - music_fiction
music_islife -
musicrawks - yer mom
musicwhores_ - that's the sound of music
musixposed - musixposed
my_turntable - vinyl
n3rdcor3 - The Epitome Of Nerdcore
namethatlyric_ - the big bad lyric man.
newyorkscene - newyorkscene
ninja_mafia - ninja_mafia
njstyle - njstyle
noclass_justass - Bitchfest
noise_ - noise.
non_elite_doods - non_elite_doods
non_sense - another jakmeg production
northstarmusic - Northstar Supporters
not_emo_enough - Rejected Emo Kids
nowherekids - ♪ Smile Empty Soul ♪
nxjxh - North Jersey Hoes
obsolete_kids - obsolete_kids
oh_so_emoh - i'
ohdoctor_doctor - Beauty.
onumik - closed.
overatedmag - overatedmag
pee_of_stream - pee_of_stream
pen_pals_inc - pen_pals_inc
pissweazlz - Pissweazlz
plee4peace - Cheering Up Emo Kids
point_your_gun - BANG_BANG.. We've Got Perfect Aim
polkadotxstripe - polkadotxstripe
postal_service - Postal Service
princess_lena - Lena is word.
pucker_up_baby - pucker_up_baby
punk_lyrics - Punk_Lyrics
punk_the_future - punk_the_future
punkmixtape - PunkMixTape
punkpersonals - Tragic Autumn Ends
punkrawkgrrls - Punk Rawk Grrls
punkrockiconage - Perfection Through Silence
quinn_xx_rated - Quinn<33
quitsmokinghelp - Support from your fellow LJsters
random_music - random music
randomness_ - you like it random, too?
reclusepunk - Cute Without The E
reelbigstar - Greg
reggieloveseggs - Reggie Loves Eggs
rejected_icons - rejected_icons
rockingthescene -
rocknpunk - Rock/Punk Music
rockstarlovin - Im Obsessed With a RockStar...
rockthecam - rockthecam
rp_punk_slash - Punk Slash
ru_emo - Emo Music in Russia
rufio_fans - .:Rufio.Fans:.
runsixjournal - runsixjournal
safety_net - go ahead and fall..
savesthemoooo - Emo RENTHeads
scenetastic - xarexyouxscenetasticx?x
scenexasxfuck - scene as fuck
scenexcore - sceneXcore
secretzeppelin - Fucking's Greatest Community
self_imposed - self_imposed
senses_fail -
seven__am - seven__am
sex_to_the_woah - eat your heart out
sex_us - .*:Sex Me:*.
shaggy_goodness - shaggy hair rocks
shaun_cooper - shaun cooper fans
shitemolyrics - shitemolyrics
show_off_ur_emo - show it!
shsukids - shsu kids
silverstein - where silverstein fans come together
simplybroken - Yeah Yeah Yeah
sk8rdude12000 - contrast and compare
skateandsurf - Skate And Surf 2005
slashlovebeauty - Slash Love Beauty
slashy_punkness - Slashy Good Fun
slutxitxout - +++SECRET.SLUTS.BRIGADE+++
smearedblackink - Keith n Reema
smokingpopes - smoking popes
so_scene_ - Scenesters
soft_core_punk - soft_core_punk
songs_hurt - Comfortably Numb
sosexxx - sosexxx
soundshardcore - nothingface
southern_punk - Punks of the South
sr_resource - Straylight Resource
starsinamoment - The Greatest Photography Yet
std - Firefly
straylight_run - Straylight Run
straylightrun - straylight run fans
strikea_pose - my fashion is better
sundays_fashion - Adore Us.
supersonicmag - SuperSonic Mag
takebackfiction - takebackfiction
takebacksunday_ - Taking Back Sunday
takingbackadam - adam lazzara LJ community
tbs_yahoo_group - Taking Back Sunday Yahoo! Group
tbsfansunite - Taking Back Sunday Fans Unite
tbslikewhoa - we <3 taking back sunday
tconfidential - the lonely shamrock
team_koosh - Team Koosh
the_ataris - Fragments Of My Skull Begin To Fall
the_emo_boat - The emo boat for broken hearts.
the_front_row - the front row
the_goodwill - The Goodwill
the_hopeless - the_hopeless
the_lock_box - Dammit
the_modelaffair - The Model Affair
the_rock_shop - The Rock Shop
theagirls - The A Girls
thebonfireboard - THAT'S YOUTH.. THAT'S ALL!! THAT'S ALL!!
theguestlist - Music Thumpin
thehss - The High Speed Scene
theincrowd_ - The In Crowd
thereunionshow - The Reunion Show
therockers - therockers
thesebonestoash - thesebonestoash
theseenzymes - theseENZYMES
thesongsyousing - The Songs You Sing Say Nothing About My Life
thindarkline - Thin Dark Line Fans
thisisnotemocom - [dot] com
thoughtscreamer - XxCorexX
threedayweekend - three day weekend
tickle_me_em0 - sweet_catastrophe
toastercomics - toastercomics
todayigoinsane - Monica
tree4god - Tree lovers
trincitysunrise - Trincity Sunrise
truestoryrock - A True Story
tsoo - The Story Of Ourselves LJ Community
ugly_emos - ugly_emos
ukgigs - UK gigs
uniqueskitzo - Pretty on the outside....DIFFERENT ON THE INSIDE
unrequited_love - unrequited love
unsexyemokid - UnsexyEmokids
unsung_zeros - Pictures of You and I
used_addicts - the used fiends
variety_core - Variety Core - vXc - Advice, Friends, Music, etc.
victoryrecords - victoryrecords
volume_one - volume_one
warped_tour - The very first Warped Tour Community on LJ!
warpedtour - warped tour
wayne_scene - we ARE the scene
weallliesowellx - I never told you I hate you but I show it so well
wet_like_hana - wet_like_hana
whatwasthatsong - What Was That Song?
withinadream - Within A Dream Community
x508x - x 5 0 8 x
x__hot_emo_kids - yes, we cry.
x__lipgl0ss - apply&glossify`
x_beauty_x - hard being beautiful
xbandclaims - xbandclaims
xbloodredsnowx - blood red snow
xchris_wilsonx - Chris Wilson
xemofans_uk - xemofans_uk
xfuckingxrawkx - >>>FuCKinG RAWK<<<
xheavensent_ - xheavensent_
xo_hot_kids - xo_hot_kids
xporcelainxface - I want to see your vanity.
xskemo - xskemo
xxblameonluckxx - xxblameonluckxx
xxx904xxx - xxx904xxx
yeah_your_cute - yep your cute
yes_were_hott - yes_were_hott
ynrock - yesterdays*news
your_scene - Ramsey Leo
your_scene_here - Your Scene Here
yourfallenstars - yourfallenstars
yourmorningstar - Pierce Your Heart with Love's Needle
yourownlyrics - yourownlyrics
yourstarnot - does anyone else feel like me?
yousolastsummr - he is the lamb, she is the slaughter
youwishyouwish - Jesus Hates The Meek
Interested users
The following users are interested in taking back sunday. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
450 matches: