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Mary-Kate & Ashley Designs

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[18 Oct 2004|07:39pm]

[ mood | recumbent ]

my first post :)


46 icons )

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[19 Oct 2004|12:08am]


7.... )

Please comment, and credit.
More mka stuff at tzotz_graphics :]
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add me [16 Oct 2004|03:50pm]

I thought this might come in handy to some of you:

istead of saying add me all the time.... credit me.
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[16 Oct 2004|02:46pm]


credit me

xposted in bq_graphics
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This is wh0_l0ves_wh0 [16 Oct 2004|02:10pm]

[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | SC game ]

Hi everyone... it's [info]wh0_l0ves_wh0 accept this is my picture journal....

FO Banner )

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[15 Oct 2004|09:47pm]


lots of icons )
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[14 Oct 2004|08:39pm]

+7 )
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[13 Oct 2004|11:03pm]

will someone please make me some aim icons of mary-kate? i don't really care what pictures, just as long as they're cute. i'd really appreciate it!! =)

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[13 Oct 2004|03:59pm]

will someone make me a friends only banner with this picture? in a pretty font with like a pink heart somewhere and it say "friends only comment to be added"? i'd really appreciate it! Also, if you could set up my journal to be friends only because i'm completely oblivious of how to do that, i'd really appreciate it!
more behind the cut )
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[13 Oct 2004|09:06am]

New and I come with gifts. [info]lethia suggested that I come here. :D
These are mostly from the movie New York Minute, with some of their own behind the scenes photos.
New York Minute )
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[12 Oct 2004|09:23pm]


My First ... )

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[11 Oct 2004|10:12pm]

Please welcome our newest moderator, [info]iheartdisney!
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[11 Oct 2004|06:35pm]

Hey guys check out the new userinfo banner done by [info]iheartdisney! Thanks so much it looks great! I still want to put up some new buttons, 35 to 40 by 100. So if you want to make one or two, email or comment here. I want about three or four in all if possible, thanks guys if you can/want to do this!!!
8 comments|post comment

[11 Oct 2004|07:06am]

[ mood | happy ]

I'm new to this community! I love Mary-Kate and Ashley.

I made a couple icons the other night and figured this was a good place to post them.

Iconage )

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[10 Oct 2004|06:16pm]

[ mood | amused ]

Hi I'm also new. but I'm new to Livejournal 2!

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NeW [10 Oct 2004|04:32pm]

I'm new to this community and i love the olsen twins :~)
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[10 Oct 2004|09:16am]

Hey guys just wanted to let you know that we have two new affiliates! They are great communities go check them out!
title or description title or description

Also I really want to redo the userinfo and have link a picture with the rules and info ON it. [info]lohan_lovelies_ is a good example. If anyone is willing to do this and thinks they have a good idea what they'd want to do, please their comment here or email me at, thanks so much guys! Keep up the good graphics!!

Added Note: I would really like to get us some great link us buttons, 35 or 40 by 100. I'd like about three. Anyone who would like to make some can post them here in the comments, if we get enough maybe we can have a little poll or something to see who alls we use! So please if you like make a button!
7 comments|post comment

[08 Oct 2004|12:19pm]

Some MKA icons and friends only signs! COmment, Credit [info]lethias_icons, and enjoy!



Xposted to: [info]lethias_icons, title or description,[info]mka_designs, [info]mka_graphics, [info]mka_icons, & [info]_mka_
14 comments|post comment

[08 Oct 2004|02:16am]

I just started a mary.kate and ashley icon community.. come join. take or add.


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[06 Oct 2004|05:14pm]

Will someone please make me a header with these pictures?..
Details.. )
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