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I am conducting a music survey as part of a project. Please fill out this survey to help me complete my studies. Remember, BE HONEST! The accuracy in the results greatly depends on your complete honesty! Also, you must be between the ages of 15 and 21 to complete this survey. This is very important to the accuracy of the results. Tell everyone you know to help out, because I need at least 100 people to participate! The results will be posted soon after I reach 100 eligible participants. THANK YOU!

[Please copy and paste into a comment. And please post anonymously!]


Top 5 Favorite Bands:
Top 5 Favorite Solo Musicians:

List the main genres of music you listen to (in order of importance):

How/Where do you find out about your music?

Your GPA:
Your IQ:

*If you do not know your IQ, please take this PhD Certified IQ test! It doesn't take long!
5 slow pills| change the painting

[06 Apr 2004|10:23pm]
Art is significant in my life, people are scum but I have the capacity to deal with it. Give it a few more years and I will either forget about art or hate the world.
change the painting

this is my game [28 Mar 2004|06:50pm]
I am 3/4 German (Pennsylvania Dutch) and 1/4 Slovenian (Yugoslavian).
What are you?
6 slow pills| change the painting

adorable [28 Mar 2004|12:40am]
Ang and I were driving back to her house, and we saw a kite in the sky. It was kind of low, so I followed the string with my eyes down to the owner. It was an older man with grey hair. We expected a child to be at his side, but he was alone. We giggled and smiled at the kite. The man looked at us and a huge grin covered his face. He looked like the happiest man alive... just jogging with his rainbow kite. We absolutely loved it.
3 slow pills| change the painting

my boyfriend [26 Mar 2004|09:58pm]
3 slow pills| change the painting

plop [22 Mar 2004|12:06am]
I went to see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind this evening with Skip. At the end of the movie, this old guy gets up and yells, "WHAT A SUCKY MOVIE! LET'S ALL GO GET OUR MONEY BACK!" Everyone just stared at him. Skip then said loudly, "Good old Cape Coral, filled with ignorant assholes." Or something of that nature. It was funny. These old people... sheesh... I wondered why he even came to the movie. The previews warned you that it wasn't your average Jim Carrey comedic fluff. I mean, it's fine if you didn't enjoy the movie, but there's no need to yell like a caveman. Oh well. We thought it was great, and our opinion is all that really matters. ;)
1 slow pill| change the painting

[18 Mar 2004|09:23pm]
Grow More Pot )
change the painting

it is a nice day [17 Mar 2004|01:14pm]
and the orange blossoms smell lovely.
1 slow pill| change the painting

Palmistry [16 Mar 2004|01:28pm]
I've been paging through this Palmistry book and find the whole thing to be rather interesting. The actual reading of the lines proves to be somewhat challenging, but the sections discussing the shape of the hand and fingers, as well as fingerprints, seems to shed some insight into my "inner self."

Read it )
change the painting

slacker [14 Mar 2004|09:09pm]
[ mood | blah ]

Man... I just had the weirdest dream, back on the bus there. Do you ever have those dreams that are just completely real? I mean, they're so vivid, it's just like... completely real. It's like, there's always something bizarre going on in those. I have one of those about every two years or something, I always remember them really good. Like, there's always someone getting run over, or something really weird. Um, one time I had lunch with Tolstoy. Another time, I was a roadie for Frank Zappa.

Anyway, so this dream I just had, it was just like that... except, instead of anything bizarre going on, I mean, there was nothing going on at all. Man, it was like The Omega Man, there was just nobody around. I was just traveling around, you know, staring out the windows of buses and trains and cars, you know. When I was at home I was like flipping through the TV stations endlessly... reading. I mean, how many dreams do you have where you read?

Wait... man, there was this book I just read on the bus... well, it was my dream, so, I guess I wrote it or something, but uh, man, it was bizarre. It was like, um, the premise for this whole book was that, every thought you have creates its own reality. You know, its like every choice or decision you make, the thing you chose not to do, fractions off and becomes its own reality, you know, and just goes on from there, forever.

I mean, it's like, uh, you know, in the Wizard of Oz, when Dorothy meets the scarecrow and they do that little dance at that crossroads, and they think about going all those directions and they end up going that one direction? I mean, all those other directions, just because they thought about it, became separate realities. I mean, they just went off from there and lived the rest of their life. You know... just, I mean, entirely different movies, but we'll never see it, because, you know, we're kind of trapped in this one reality - restriction type of thing, you know?

Another example would be like, back there at the bus station, you know? As I got off the bus the thought crossed my mind, you know, just for a second about not taking a cab at all. But you know, about maybe walking or bumming a ride or something like that. You know, I'm kind of broke right now. I should have done that probably. But uh, just because that thought crossed my mind, there now exists at this very second, a whole nother reality where I'm at the bus station, you know, and you're probably giving someone else a ride. You know, and that reality thinks of itself as the only reality, you know?

I mean, at this very second, I'm in that... I'm back at the bus station, just hanging out, you know, probably thumbing through a paper, probably going up to a pay phone.... You know, say this beautiful woman comes up to me, just starts talking to me. You know? Uh, she ends up offering me a ride, you know. We're hitting it of, go play a little pin ball, and then we go back to her apartment. I mean, she has this great apartment, you know? I move in with her, you know?

And see, if I... say I had a dream one night, that I'm with some strange woman I never met, or um, you know, living at some strange place I've never seen before... see, that's just this momentary glimpse into this other reality that was all created back there at the bus station. You know? And then, you know, I could have a dream from that reality into this one, that like, this is my dream from that reality, you know? Of course that's kind of like that dream I just, you know, had on the bus, you know, that whole cycle type of thing. Man... shit, I should have stayed at the bus station.

2 slow pills| change the painting

[12 Mar 2004|12:04pm]
When I was a kid, I used to tilt my head back so that everything would be upside down, and I would imagine what it would be like if we all could walk on the ceiling.
2 slow pills| change the painting

just some facts [09 Mar 2004|10:28pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | moby ]

nobody has "sunsets over the water" or "poetry compilations" as interests.

however, 211 people have "getting wasted" and 500 people have "being stupid" as interests.

sad. very sad.

change the painting

[02 Mar 2004|11:37pm]
A 400 year old Aztec with tears in his eyes suddenly materializes in front of you and asks you why his temple has been destroyed, why the remains are covered with vines and tourists are peeling away layers of the temple's soul with their cameras? His confusion and amazement is almost child like in its innocence. For some reason, he thinks you can help him. You shrug your shoulders and offer him a beer. He screams and turns to dust.

- Rollins, Solipsist
change the painting

66% of your body is water [02 Mar 2004|07:03pm]
[ music | clinic ]

There are so many contradictions in life, that it almost makes me feel hopeless. When situations get too technical, nothing can be solved. Ethics makes me cranky.

Whitney time.

5 slow pills| change the painting

why can't we all just GET ALONG [25 Feb 2004|11:29pm]
I do NOT want to hear one more word about controversy
of any kind.

(can i get an) ugh. ???
1 slow pill| change the painting

my brain usage [17 Feb 2004|12:33am]
Auditory : 47%
Visual : 52%
Left : 42%
Right : 57%

Megan, you are moderately right-hemisphere dominant and have even preferences between auditory and visual processing, traits that might make people perceive you as "slightly off balance."

You are most likely to be slightly disorganized, a "dreamer" and a person who focuses more on the end result than the immediate task at hand. You are creative and spontaneous if somewhat lacking in direction and focus. You are a learner who is generally patient and a person for whom time is an ally, not an enemy.

You are more passionate than most people with regard to life and learning and recognize your own intuitive abilities. You have sufficient goal-direction to satisfy yourself and guarantee success without being or feeling driven. You are willing to be reflective about yourself and others without getting lost in rumination.

The balance of your sensory modes allows for both learning and expressive capabilities achieved by few. You are active and "seeing" while retaining an equally strong propensity for being reflective which slows you down a little but allows for a more comprehensive perception and analysis of situations and problems. You do not spend excessive time analyzing since you mostly trust your perceptions.

In all likelihood, you have a tendency to overcommit and cannot understand why others get upset since you operate on a different "time table" than they do. Your organizational abilities are frequently overwhelmed by the stimulation seeking and active nature of your mind as well as by the tendency to create new categories and gloss over details, making categorization and classification almost impossible at times.

To the extent that your career path allows for creativity and abstraction as well as a bit of disorganization, you should find yourself equipped to handle any learning that is required. Your own personal adjustment to your style should come naturally although you are likely to feel frustrated by your own limited discipline and often wonder "Why?"
2 slow pills| change the painting

magnificent [09 Feb 2004|11:07am]
sometimes it looks as if the ocean is in our sky.
change the painting

for death is no more than a turning of us over from time to eternity [04 Feb 2004|02:59pm]
[ mood | calm ]

I found out this morning, that my friend from high school, Zach Thomas, died in a car crash in Germany.

This affected me more than I thought it would. I couldn't even finish reading Hayley's journal entry about it without tears rolling down my face. I haven't seen him since our junior year of high school, but I am remembering him like I saw him yesterday. I can see his big smile and hear his goofy giggle. I can feel his hugs.

It's really sad. Why do good people have to leave us too soon? It's not fair. I should have written him; he wanted to hear from me. I guess it's pointless to beat myself up about that, but it's times like these when you feel absolutely terrible for procrastinating and getting consumed with stupid things. There really is no day but today.

Zach was one of the friendliest, nicest people I have ever met, and I am glad that I knew him. I know that he was very loved by many people, and he will definitely be very missed.

2 slow pills| change the painting

using your brain is fun! [03 Feb 2004|09:45pm]
I am really sick and tired of the endless foolishness that I see going on around me. How hard is it to learn from a mistake? (When you have made the same one about five thousand times now!) I give people too much credit sometimes. Maybe I don't "get" people as much as I thought I did, for these situations I so constantly hear about are turning my brain different shades of red. Are people really THIS dense? Yes, Megan. Yes they are.
change the painting

sigh [02 Feb 2004|04:31pm]
note to self: NEVER read old e-mails when bored.
2 slow pills| change the painting

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