you tell those spiders Ron!   
11:45am 13/05/2005
mood: sick
I made all A's again! I just have to keep this up for two more years..I wish I was starting my independent study sooner.

I'm leaving for the award ceremony in Charleston today. I feel really icky and I couldn't sleep last night because there was a spider in my room and I kept thinking it was near me. Repainting begins today!

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I am digging graves   
11:03am 11/05/2005
mood: enthralled
Yesterday I ran half a mile. Today I'm going to do it again. My back really really hurts.

Outdoor lunch with Jacob today!!

We start repainting my room on Friday. It makes me a little sad, the way I used to save everything and now I just throw it away and don't think about it. It seems to be better for me though; I rarely get sad. Maybe memories were seeping out of my belongings and poisoning me. I'll take care of that, with paint and a belt sander (re-doing the furniture too).

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I couldn't believe it   
11:24pm 08/05/2005
mood: calm
I haven't had a bad weekend thus far. On at least one occasion I have been led to question the mental capacity of some people, but that does tend to happen.

My last exam was Tuesday, and it was followed by drama on Wednesday and apartment cleaning on Thursday and Friday. My parents have been here since yesterday, and I'm going home with them tomorrow. Somehow, they haven't really gotten on my nerves while being here. I like my parents, but sometimes being with them in an apartment that just isn't meant for four people can get irritating. I don't get my grades until Friday..I wish I knew how I did on my final gender politics paper.

I went to the Greek festival with my mom yesterday. It was enjoyable, but my mom insisted that we walk there. I kept telling her that it didn't seem like a good idea..but for those of you who know the streets here, it was at Coming and Race Streets. I walked from my apartment to there. It was actually not that frightening.

Oddly enough I'm looking forward to being back in Clinton for a while. Part of that is helped by the fact that I can come back to my apartment whenever I feel like it. I just really want to sleep and read and be by myself for a while. Also there's a very lovely person who I'll get to see..

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why do you welcome them?   
01:01am 01/05/2005
mood: loved
My Japanese exam today wasn't all that bad. And Jacob was nice enough to bring me a cinnamon sugar crepe from the farmers' market for breakfast! I love love.

Today turned out quite well. Tomorrow I'm painting the bathroom purple and green. Apartment repairs are in order!

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I'll provide the skin   
01:22pm 29/04/2005
mood: weird
Last night I took a bit too much prescription cough syrup, and ended up feeling sleepy but being unable to sleep. I think I finally went to sleep around 6:30. I couldn't blink, I felt so odd, and I kept making lists.

I attempted to be productive today, but the world is against me.

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02:17pm 27/04/2005
mood: cheerful
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Last night's Mountain Goats show was enjoyable, and of course the above picture makes that obvious.

I am done with classes as of today! Now for exams..

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02:47pm 22/04/2005
mood: excited
The political science department just gave me an award and scholarship for $1,150! I ♥ Dr. Ford, Dr. France, and Dr. Curtis, who probably had the most to do with this!!

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I don't blame you   
12:32am 19/04/2005
  I keep getting these odd dizzy spells. Perhaps something is wrong with me..I've felt dazed for about four days now.

Dr. France told me today that I got the highest award possible from the department, but she wouldn't tell me what it was because I'm supposed to wait for Dr. Ford to contact me about it. Please please let it be money so I can actually afford to travel!

This weekend- Finally Jacob will be here! Walks + crepes + pictures + sunshine ♥♥

Tomorrow = Metamorphoses, and I do believe the Mountain Goats show is fast approaching. I have things to do!

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i'm sorry i'm hard to live with   
12:05am 18/04/2005
  Japanese interview test on Wednesday = giant frowny face

Earlier Kilala got stuck in a plastic bag with pitas

I am running out of energy

I really really want crepes..of the cinnamon sugar variety, that can be bought at the farmers' market

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more fleeting than fall   
03:09pm 13/04/2005
  Looking at all of the wisteria growing has made me envious, because we don't have any. So, just a few minutes ago I rode my bike further down the street, attempted to look non-suspicious, and cut off several pieces of someone else's wisteria. I then put them in my bag and was making a quick getaway when I saw a weird old-timey car that I had to stop and take a picture of. And then I got away. I am a thief of wisteria.  

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frustration, and things less frustrating   
05:48pm 06/04/2005
  I got invited to go to the department lunch for Fritz Hollings! I'm meeting Fritz Hollings!!

On another note, why exactly would anyone in my Comparative Gender Politics class expect us to all feel sorry for white, upper-class men? That's right, apparently they're the new oppressed group. Because I see so many of them homeless on King Street and it's all because of evil quotas. I love that class most of the time, but sometimes I need a pillow to insert between my head and my desk, lest I injure myself in pounding my head upon it in frustration.

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fingers broken long ago   
12:20am 06/04/2005
mood: accomplished
A cashier at a grocery store thought I was in middle school. I know I don't look my age, but I was unaware that I looked under the age of 14.

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don't get your hopes up   
12:22pm 30/03/2005
mood: cranky
I'm sitting at home when I should be in class, but I started to feel sleepy (in that might pass out sort of way) in Japanese so I decided to have lunch early and then try to make it to my other two classes. Honestly, I just don't feel like going to the Presidency but I know I won't go Friday..

I heard from Dr. France that Dr. Ford was trying to get the department to pay me for all of my research work, which would be really great of them. I must say it was more work than I intended to do, but at least it was interesting.

Now, for something that is still bothering me. I talked to my mom about graduate school, etc. and she brought up the fact that they have some money set aside but would rather spend it on my wedding. My wedding? The fictitious one? The one that certainly isn't on my ten year agenda? The one that I don't really want and will probably never have because of various personal objections? Yeah, apparently that wedding is more important that my education and career. I am ashamed of them. I would have expected this from some of my other relatives, maybe even from my dad, but never, ever from my mom.

Also, thank you Dr. France for pointing out that no, it is not in fact natural that women are more likely to be victims of crimes and that we are constantly subjected to that paternalistic "be careful, don't walk alone" attitude. Yet at least 1/3 of my gender politics class disagreed. People frustrate me to no end. Really.

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bye bye   
10:17am 23/03/2005
  I forgot to mention in my last entry that over the weekend my kitty Felix had to be put to sleep. We found out that she had advanced cancer. However, she really didn't seem that happy anymore so I don't think it was the worst thing for her. I will miss her amusing behavior that made it seem as though she had a kitty mental disorder, though.  

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cellar door   
01:05pm 22/03/2005
  Where do I begin..

I discovered yesterday (thanks to Kilala) what it is that makes noises in our wall. It is a large possum, which apparently goes under the house and gets into the wall through the area where the kitchen was added on to the back of the house. The possum, who shall now be called Willie, appears to be shy and rather well-mannered. Kilala still wants to fight it.

Due to conversations with Dr. Ford and Dr. Curtis I think I'm changing career ambitions. After being told multiple times that I would be well-suited for academia, I'm thinking of getting my Ph.D in political science and a masters in women's studies. I have to meet with Dr. Curtis soon to talk about the GRE and graduate schools.

Saturday night I noticed more amusing things in Donnie Darko. I also finally got ice cream and free fudge when I saw Ramon on Market Street. Sunday I took some lovely pictures of the Unitarian cemetary off of St. Philip Street. They have a no-tailed kitty who is quite nice.

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Yesterday I found this painted on the wall of the cathedral cemetary across the street. The bottom is somewhat hard to read, but it says War is Terrorism.

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to get through to you   
11:42am 18/03/2005
  Not such a good few days because of:
my car being broken into
Japanese test
no time
Jack's being closed on Wednesday
tummy hurting
missing someone
being unable to sleep

Not so bad because of:
being slightly social
professors thinking I'm great
vague hope for future

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lockout time   
10:42pm 13/03/2005
  I haven't been back that long, and I was feeling really lovely due to having: finished my editing, eaten at Jestine's, taken a short walk, enjoyed the nice weather, and seen Erin and Kilala, whom I missed.

But then this migraine came along. Now I feel sick.

On another note: I found the original version of Peter Pan (Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens) at an antique store yesterday and bought it for $3. It's not the stupid Disney-fied version and it has illustrations. I think the publication date is 1909, so I'm surprised it's even in one piece.

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can't be weathered   
07:14pm 08/03/2005
mood: happy
Although I am semi-enjoying my editing work, I'm starting to marvel at how it seems that professors have no idea what citations are relevant. I have to look up any missing information. No, I do not need to know that an article was on page B3 of a 1945 issue of the Washington Post. I do need to know the author though. This particle entry wasn't from a professor from our school..I wonder if they think that editors get personal fulfillment out of looking through the Washington Post archives..

I could really get used to living this way..sleeping a lot, no katakana and attempting to sell all of my belongings..

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12:52am 04/03/2005
mood: cranky
I'm so sleepy and headachey. Days of rest should not do this to people.

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11:23am 01/03/2005
  I seriously need a break.

Last night Erin and I had an unofficial cutting and dying our hair night. That was semi-relaxing..and amusing because of tin foil. Also Jacob took me out for massive amounts of Chinese food♥

I have all of this editing work to do for Dr. Ford. This is the most inopportune time for it, but how often does a department chair who wrote the most-used Women and Politics text ask you to be a research assistant? I will answer that..not too often.

I made the highest grade in the class on my Japanese midterm!!

And by the way, I'd like my fishburger by itself, please.

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