LiveJournal for Saharaha.

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Saturday, August 31st, 2002

Subject:And I put my hope.. and I put my trust... in You in You Lord
Time:4:13 pm.
Mood: silly.
Music:Country music! =o).

So Brittany's spending 4 days with us (Friday- Monday nite) with us and its been fun so far =) Last night Jen spent the night and we played funny games and watched Night at the Roxbury and danced LOL.. it was cool 'cept she had to leave at 8am.. that was sad lol coz we have blueberry pancakes.

There's this cool Christian guy named DJ in my American Lit. class and he's cute and nice! One day a couple of weeks ago he waited for me after class and started talkin to me and walkin with me and Jen to 5th period. Then we both had to go in early Friday morning and he knows Michelle also- so I invited him to eat lunch with us and he did:) then it turns out we have 6th period right next to eachother so we walked there together and held all the doors open for me and was very gentleman-ly.. lol But it's kinda funny becuz he's not my usual type. I like funny skater guys or something like that and DJ is preppy and cute. Like football-team-kinda cute! It's kinda scary LOL... but anyways, Jen said she thinks he's gonna ask me to homecoming.. but I don't know if he even likes me like that and I don't know if I like him like that.. but he is very nice and CUTE!

HmMMmMmMmMmMm..... I'm going to get my licence on Tuesday! I can't wait until I get to drive by myself.. I dont know whos car I'll drive though. But it looks like we're gonna get grandma and grandpa's OLD van! LOL It's not that it's bad or anything.. Just that means mom's OLD Buick is gonna be mine. Ugh. I want a car of my own. One where they have to look in the manual to figure something out, or at least they won't try and tell me all the little "tricks" that worked for them. I want something of my own. But that's going to have to wait until I get a job.

Oh yeah.. I'm babysitting tonight! *YAY* I'm watching Hope. Shannon and their 3-yr old neighbor! =) yay.. I told Sammy (the dad) that it would be $6/hr (2 dollars a kid/a hour) and he's like "Oh that's not enough!!! You'll be paid well!!" lol so that's more than $36 right there =) woohoo LOL

I'mma go- I'll write more later!
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Thursday, August 29th, 2002

Time:5:40 pm.
I couldnt get my licence becuz stupid Lake Whales didn't change over the date I actually got my licence (one year ago- instead of May.. which is what they're sayin) so I might have to wait a while... more funny quizes in the comment section!
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Monday, August 26th, 2002

Subject:I want love -LOL-
Time:8:59 pm.
Mood: calm.
When somebody loves you
It's no good unless he loves you all the way
Happy to be near you
When you need someone to cheer you - all the way
Taller than the tallest tree is
That's how it's got to feel
Deeper than the deep blue sea is
That's how deep it goes - if it's real
When somebody needs you
It's no good unless he needs you - all the way
Through the good or lean years
And for all the in-between years - come what may
Who knows where the road will lead us
Only a fool would say
But if you'll let me love you
It's for sure I'm gonna love you
All the way
All the way
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Subject:this weekend
Time:8:33 pm.
Mood: relaxed.
Music:Celine Dion and Frank Sanatra "When I Fall In Love".
so on Friday I hung out with Jenna and her cousin Kim for a while and then dad came home all jerk-y.. so yeah no fun on friday..

Saturday mom and I went to her friend (from work) Sammy's house and while dad and Sammy worked on dad's stupid car, Tammy (his wife lol... Sammy and Tammy), mom, Hope (their daughter) and I went out yard-sailin and shoppin :) Hopie is soo cute! She's eight and she's a hyper lil thing lol. At the end of the day she was telling anyone and everyone that I was her new babysitter and wanted me to spend the night LOL... *woohoo for cool lil girls* LOL... but anyways- after we got done shoppin we all -Sammy, Tammy, Hope, Shannon (their son-he's 12), Mom, Dad, Sissy, Brittany, and I went out to eat at this cool Chinese buffet. =D it was all good 'cept Hopie ate too much and ended up tossin her cookies LOL... hey at least we made it to the bathroom =/ LOL So then we came home and Brittany spent the night. I was about to kick sissy if she doesnt loose her attitude.

Anyways... Sunday mornin I took Crystal and Brittany to church (well mom dropped us off lol) and afterwards we went out on the lake. I went tubing and on the banana boat =) yay! But there were a few lil misshaps... the motor fallin in the lake and me gettin stuck out in the middle of the lake with this *kinda cute* guy I don't know LOL... and Mandi fallin out of the canoe and I can't get her back on (she's got a go 50-ish pounds on me...)... so yeah lol it was fun though =)

Today was cool.. I went runnin around with Sherri and she "made" me get this cute white shirt that I'm gonna wear for picture day tomorrow. Then came home, did a bunch of homework, and lazed around in the pool reading.. *yay* I'm happy.

When I fall in love... it will be forever... or I'll never fall.. in love.. in a restless world like this is.. love has ended before it's begun.. and too many moon light kisses... seem to cool in the warmth of the sun...
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Sunday, August 25th, 2002

Time:6:34 pm.
1. Full Name: Sarah Nicole
2. Were you named after anyone? umm an Stevie Nicks song lol
3. Do you wish on stars? yep :)
4. Which finger is your favorite? my ring finger where my promise ring sits
5. When did you last cry? umm.. a couple of days ago
6. If you were making a movie about yourself, who would play you? Sandra Bullock- coz shes cool =)
7. Do you like your handwriting? lol not most of the time
8. who do you admire? my family, and a few friends
9. #1 priority in your life? my relationship with Jesus
10. What is your favorite lunch? umm cheap Titino's pizza :) yay LOL
11. What store would you never be caught dead in? lol I dunno...
12. If you were another person, would your friends be your friend? yeah- I think so... I'm a pretty good friend.. lol right???
13. How lucky are four leaf clovers? not very lucky in my experience
14. Are you a daredevil? eek lol... I'll usually debate about something scary for a whole long time and then do it on a whim- so I dunno
15. Have you ever told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? umm yeah
16. Have you ever stolen n-e thing? some candy from 7-11 when I was little!!! I'm a big rebel
18. Do you pray? lol right now my whole life is one long prayer
19. Have you ever met anyone famous? yes- lol Toby Mac "And we talked about tile!" lol Brooke
20. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? sure why not
21. What do you do to prevent anger? cry and scream at the same time.. or take a really hot shower and sing at the top of my lungs
22. Are you passive or aggressive? passive most of the time
24. second family? I have a couple... Ma and Pa Ramsey and the Burtons :)
25. Do you trust others easily? um no not really
26. Favorite toy as a child? my sister lol... and a blankie that I still have
27. what is you fav color? blue and white
28. Have you ever been on radio or television? yep- the radio
29. Do you like sappy love songs? lol yes- sometimes too much =)
30. Do you have a journal? my livejournal and my prayer journal
31. Have you ever intentionally hurt someone? yes
32. Do you like sarcasm? yeah it doesnt really get to me
33. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? well kinda lol.. I was standing on a chair next to one wit Kimmy and someone bumped into me and Ronnie caught me :) yay for tall guys LOL
34. Do you feel understood most of the time? yeah most of the time
35. Have you ever thought seriously about committing suicide? a long time ago
36. Do you know what `sctief' is? lol no... would someone like to fill me in???
37. What is your nickname? Saharaha, baby girl :) , Sally, Elaine, deer butt
38. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? nope
39. What are you worried about right now? if my mom's gonna get up in time to go to this work thing for her lol
40. Do you think you are strong? maybe not physically (LOL)... but I think I am emotionally, most of the time
41. Who is most likely to respond? Jen, Justin, Jonathan
42. Who is least likely to respond? Mitch... so common and prove me wrong
44. Eye Color? blue and green
45. Moon Lite or Candle Lite? moon light
46. Birth Day and Sign? 10-3-85 Libra =) the most romantic sign
47. (Ladies) Love Letters or Poems? either or :)
48. (Fellas) A Kiss or A Hug?
49. (Ladies) Sun Set or Sun Rise? sunrise
50. (Fellas) Amusement Park or Movies?
51. (Ladies) Roses or Daisies? 1,000 yellow dasies :) lol Brooke
52. (Fellas) dating many, or just one?
*** That's it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***
Comments: Add Your Own.

Friday, August 23rd, 2002

Subject:*You're not the only one that feels this world has left you far behind*
Time:8:21 pm.
Mood: cheerful.
Hmmm... Jen's great-grandma died on Wednsday night, so they had the viewing tonight. Mom, Sissy and I went for a while until mom had to go to work.. I couldn't imagine losing someone close to me. I've been very lucky.

Mitch is confusing. All boys are. They need to get some common sense. lol

I got a 100% on my anatomy quiz. I love anatomy- it's cool :)
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Subject:*You're not the only one that feels this world has left you far behind*
Time:8:03 pm.
Mood: cheerful.
Hmmm... Jen's great-grandma died on Wednsday night, so they had the viewing tonight. Mom, Sissy and I went for a while until mom had to go to work.. I couldn't imagine losing someone close to me. I've been very lucky.

Mitch is confusing. All boys are. They need to get some common sense. lol

I got a 100% on my anatomy quiz. I love anatomy- it's cool :)
Comments: Add Your Own.

Subject:*You're not the only one that feels this world has left you far behind*
Time:8:03 pm.
Mood: cheerful.
Hmmm... Jen's great-grandma died on Wednsday night, so they had the viewing tonight. Mom, Sissy and I went for a while until mom had to go to work.. I couldn't imagine losing someone close to me. I've been very lucky.

Mitch is confusing. All boys are. They need to get some common sense. lol

I got a 100% on my anatomy quiz. I love anatomy- it's cool :)
Comments: Add Your Own.

Thursday, August 22nd, 2002

Time:6:22 pm.
Mood: flirty.

What Card Game Are You?

Yep- that's me...
Comments: Add Your Own.

Wednesday, August 21st, 2002

Subject:and this one time... at church camp
Time:9:20 pm.
Mood: grateful.
Music:"Light the Fire".
lol- so yeah umm youth was awesome tonight! Lots of cool people that I love and Jack always knows what to say and how to say it :) tonight it was on being humble and meek in certian situations. =) yay

School was alright- LOTS OF FLIRTY BOYS! lol this kid in my history class asked me if he could have my eyes. eek.. then he asked if I wanted to get to know him better.... I was like "yeah.. I guess. But I should let you know that I'm not lookin for a boyfriend or anything like that now or in the near future." LOL he was like "oh alright =( " it was weird. Weird boys! It seems like everytime I pray for more patience for the "right guy" I get more offers lol.. but from ppl I know arent him.. lol

Well I'mma go- bye now... sweet dreams!
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Tuesday, August 20th, 2002

Subject:*and if I could go wit you*
Time:5:15 pm.
Mood: energetic.
hmmmmmmmm............ boys were super flirty today. We need more of this (only certian boys though)
I can't go to church tonight wit Jenna coz my mom's bein aggervating. But that's okay coz I need to do stuff anyways. Hmm... cramps need to die.
Today in psychology I realized in all my dreams I'm the weakest link- I'm always crying or breaking down.. weird!
hey g2g coz I'm gonna go eat some ribs:) yay
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Sunday, August 18th, 2002

Time:5:39 pm.
Mood: disappointed.
growing up
and apart
from everything
I know way too soon...
and way to fast.
sometimes there's a void
and how to fill it
I haven't learned that yet
I haven't got that far
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Subject:I'm a lil chickie-poo =)
Time:3:40 pm.
Mood: content.
So the lock-in (Friday-Saturday) was great. Lots of cool ppl there and no hootchie mommas :) umm Oh- we had a relay where you had to go up and ramdomly pick a food out of a bag and eat it all and tag the next person and so on and so forth.. Well I was on a team with all boys (lol) let's see there was Brian (he got a candy bar), Chad (a York), Jack (baby food lol), and Chase got a lil cup of pudding... We're winning like no ones business.. and then it's my turn.. guess what I got?!?! VIENNA SAUSAGES! *shudders* eww they were gross! nasty! They were the cheap superbrand stuff and it was sooo raunchy. So I had Brian holding my nose, Jack pluggin my ears (?? to concentrate?? lol) and it was gross.. well it turns out that we didn't have enough ppl in our lil line and couldn't find anyone else to eat the last thing (a bag of chips!!!) so we lost. lol. but it's alright- like Brian said "there were too many cheifs and not enough indians" lol.. or something to that effect. Then we played volleyball and ate a huge banana split that they made out of a gutter that HASN'T been used.. LOL they just lined it in plastic wrap and made a huge banana split. *yummy* then we played "Underground Chruch" at like 1 or sumthin - like hide and seek cept we all try and find the 'church'-Jack- it was cool coz Bethany and I found him first so we didn't have to stay in "jail" when we got caught by the Brian is cool. He's really nice- even if he is a neat freak. He wrapped his shoes in plastic wrap-lol- when I asked him "why???"-lol- he said coz they were dirty and he didn't wanna get his Jeep dirty. lol- weird boys. So at like 3 or sumthin we (the girls) went to the childrens church and Galina and I stayed up talkin (lol we do that alot) and finally went to sleep at like 5. Woke up- ate biscuts and played with a potatoe shooter. *yay*

Mom and dad rented movies and we had a lil family movie night last night. we watched Rat Race and K-Pax :)woohoo

We did a skit in church today (Jack, Sara, Carrie, Michelle and I) it went well :) then in the second service I helped out with the 2&3 yrs olds until Terry got a horrible headache- then I took over ;) but she felt better after church. Well I'mma go- bye now!
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Thursday, August 15th, 2002

Subject:*You don't know what you mean to me*
Time:4:40 pm.
Mood: silly.
Music:Nelly- Delimma.
I have that song stuck in my head coz Jen and I were singin it (Nelly- Delimma)

More Quiz Results...

Which character from Lilo & Stitch are you?

What dessert are you?

Which character from SpongeBob SquarePants are you?
*yay Kevin!!!*

lol so yeah.. there ya go.

Everything's good here. I have cramps though- they need to die. Stupid George.. I don't like it.. I don't like it at all..

hMMmMmMmm.... boys are funny. They're just odd! I don't know what else to think, I mean.. look at them. I've noticed some of the ones at Auburndale are totally vanity cases.. LOL worse so then me! I mean their hair has to be perfect and they have to color cordinate their shoes (ahem.. you know who you are) with their thug chain, and then their shirt and the rest of their bling bling.. LOL Boys.....
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Tuesday, August 13th, 2002

Subject:It's like we're in a medow... but we're not
Time:6:34 pm.
Mood: happy.
Music:Random thug songs on the radio ;D.
I love that commercial..
School's alright... I like my classes and my teachers are okay. Umm... I have psychology with Jenna and our teacher is cool so I think that's gonna be my favorite class.

My weekend was awesome.....

Friday: ummm must not have been too cool coz I don't remember it... LOL so yeah.. skip Friday

Saturday: Hung out at home, cooking and cleaning (blah) then went to Celebration with mom, dad and sissy... it was cool coz I rode this thing that they use to test astronouts (SPELLING?!?!? lol) it's really silly. Then when I got off I was dizzy and there were all these fine lookin fellas standing around. EEK.. But sissy said I looked cute- lol coz the girl in front of me was about to toss her cookies and it wasnt very pretty.. then we got ice cream and rode the tilt-a-whirl.. *yay*

Sunday: after church Chuck's mom and *now* stepdad got married. Pastor Mike said the wrong name when he was presenting them as husband and wife.. He said "..Roy and Sally.." when it was "Roy and Toni" LOL but he was soo red and apologized soo much I dont think anyone minded (at least not alot). So then most off the youth and a few adults stayed after and ate hotdogs and we went on the boat =D yay.. I went on the Bananna boat (this big plastic raft thing that looks like.. a BANANNA! *gasp!*) with Sara, Chuck, Hunter, Brian (?? he's a visitor), Josie and her brother. It was fun and all that good stuff.. I got a lil burnt.. but it's all gravy..

Hmm so that's about it.. besides talking to my Brooklyn and watching Ricki Lake after school with Jen and Amber.. nothing interesting has happened this week so far. I'm gonna go do the dishes... :) bye!
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Thursday, August 8th, 2002

Subject:hmmm life in general...
Time:7:32 pm.
Mood: exhausted.
Music:High-Fi (sp?)- Flavor Of The Weak.
well.. school started on yesterday... my classes are okay and the people in them- well lets just say that the ones I know are cool :) lol I'm taking:
Parent and Child Development
American History
American Lit
Anatomy (we have to disect a CAT!)
Psychology 1 (and 2honors in the second semester)

So my classes are cool.. just begining-of-the-year lag... I'm exausted. But that will pass.
HMmm.. not much to update- so I'm gonna go. Bye!
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Tuesday, August 6th, 2002

Time:7:51 pm.
Mood: disappointed.
We didn't get the "dream house".. they took another bid that they got... crap on a stick :( but it's alright... life goes on.. Just not with a bedroom over looking the lake...
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Subject:So baby run.... cut a path across the blue sky
Time:4:54 pm.
Mood: blah.
Music:country.. yeehaw ;).
So tomorrow's school... yay. (no not really) I have a class with Mitch and Amber (geometry) and history with Candice. so that's cool:) lol I guess. Mom won't let me go to Jen's youth tonight, even though I would be home by 9:30 at the latest.

I hate it when parents are unreasonable.

I woke up this morning and changed my momma's tire (yes all by myself lol- well my dad was watching me coz he didn't think I knew how! So there!) and then we went to get a new one so she wouldn't be riding on the doughnut (lol sp?) and it turns out we needed to replace the other 3 too... so we did. There goes whatever hope I had of asking them to buy that cute sweater at walmart... then we went to WinnDixie to get my pics from this weekend. (They're cute =D)and I talked to Jeff for a min. Grandma and grandpa haven't called about the house yet.. we're sposed to know by tomorrow at the latest, but I wanna know now. LOL

HMmMmMmMMmMmMmMm...bye now..

Oh by the way.. If you haven't taken my little quiz.. you should! =D;
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Sunday, August 4th, 2002

Time:6:44 pm.
Mood: amused.
Light the fire
In my weary soul
Fan the flame
Make my spirit whole
Lord you know
Where I've been
So light the fire
in my heart again

I've had that song stuck in my head all day!! I love that song. *yay* Church was great- and afterwards we hung out and ate hamburgers and did fun little tricks in the boats.. It was fun!! *yay* I've never been on a -fast- boat.. So Renee, Pastor Mike and I got out and played in the lake, kinda scary, but fun! woohoo! This weekend has really been an awesome time for our youth.. =D
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Saturday, August 3rd, 2002

Subject:May the horse be with you... MAY THE HORSE BE WITH YOU EVERYDAY! ;)
Time:5:54 pm.
Mood: hungry.
Music:Relient K- Never Underestimate My Jesus.
*yay* Okay... so this weekend (Friday and today) I've been at a youth conference with my youth group and it was soooo awesome! A speaker (I'm not sure which one- there were lots) said something that just totally got to me and I was like "wow! I never thought of it like that before" He was talking about dating relationships and how they get out of control soon and he said "Yeah- I see you every Sunday morning lifting your hands and praising Jesus.. then a couple hours later in the backseat of some car puttin your hands all over eachother! You started disrespecting God's will the moment you let that happen" and then I was lookin in my study bible about it and I found this devotion that explained that God doesn't keep us from those (impure and secular) relationships becuz He doesn't want us to have a good time... He keeps us awsy from them becuz He wants us to have the best time. I was just like "AAAH- I see!" LOL the whole weekend was really awesome to say the least and very fun. We went Put-Put golfing and I had to be Jack's (Jarrett)lil helper buddy coz he has a broken right arm and couldnt do anything lol- but I didn't mind coz he's cool and funny. Tomorrow after church lots of people are goin skiing and boating and we're cookin out so that should be awesome:) Well I'mma go- bye now!
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LiveJournal for Saharaha.

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