The fabulous treehouse harem of lovely mermaids-wi's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in The fabulous treehouse harem of lovely mermaids-wi's LiveJournal:

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    Monday, September 29th, 2003
    1:55 pm
    a first
    my first poem/song, please tell me what you think:


    Your hair, so bright
    your skin, inked
    you held me, it felt right
    but now, your words
    they hurt me
    like glass

    I knew this wouldn't last
    this isn't another one of our
    late night conversations
    but I never thought you'd
    hurt me
    like glass
    like the glass you drew
    over your skin


    you say your sorry
    sorry for hurting me
    I said it's ok
    but your words
    they hurt me
    like glass

    well, it's not ok
    you did hurt me
    when all I ever did was listen
    and love you

    your hair, soiked
    your skin
    cut by glass
    I know the scars
    they'll last

    but your words
    they hurt me
    like glass

    your feelings,
    our tears,
    they hurt me
    like glass

    your words
    they hurt me
    like glass.

    Current Mood: sad
    Thursday, September 25th, 2003
    11:51 pm
    knife throwing!
    Hello. I have created a new community.



    I, myself, am merely a novice/wannabe knife thrower, so I don't know quite what to expect from this community.

    I guess it just seemed like the right thing to do.

    . . . .
    Tuesday, September 23rd, 2003
    3:52 pm
    marshmallow girls.

    ♥ marshmallows.
    Sunday, September 21st, 2003
    10:37 pm
    "Of course, it helps if there's some preposterousness in the air....something outrageous or memorable. Greta Garbo always brought a spark that ignited everyone around the table. A great gusher of language. Garbo never called anyone by their first name. 'Mrs. Vreeeeeeeeelanddddd.' Everyone called her 'Miss G.' Her voice, of course, was beautiful seductive. Totally seductive. She adored Reed, and Reed's overcoats. She'd walk up and down our apartment in Reed's overcoats, not to be admired but to enjoy being in them. She'd take one off and then she'd go in his closet and get into another one."

    - Diana Vreeland

    Current Mood: amused
    Thursday, September 18th, 2003
    11:24 pm
    serena valentino

    those of you who are fellow fans of dame darcy's meatcake comics (& you know who you are) would probably appreciate the artwork of serena valentino as well...

    she's VERY talented, & their styles are somewhat similar.
    i recently picked up a copy of her comic book, nightmares & fairy tales, which is fantastic.

    Current Music: mary timony - the hour glass.
    Wednesday, September 17th, 2003
    12:15 pm

    if this picture appeals to you, join userinfoocularxs
    Tuesday, September 16th, 2003
    6:59 pm
    happy floofy bubble butt
    i know i almost never post here, but i'm so excited!

    just made this! it's the first crinoline i've ever made. i'm so happy i can sew again!

    bigger better under )

    ok, i'll shut up.
    what do you think?

    crossposted to userinfocraftygoths, userinfodarkthreads, userinfoprettypetticoat, userinfominiegg, userinfoshemadethis, my apologies if you receive it eversomany times.

    Current Mood: yay!
    Monday, September 15th, 2003
    12:37 pm
    Saturday, September 13th, 2003
    9:22 pm

    there's pippi longstocking listed as an interest so i thought it would be fun to send a picture of my pippi longstocking teaparty-set. the picture is quite bad but there's also my sewing machine and freaky twin dolls.

    p.s. anyone wanna trade mixtapes?


    Current Music: rasputina---things i'm gonna do
    Tuesday, September 9th, 2003
    11:18 pm

    okay...this is going to seem like kind of a weird question, but is there some sort of unified or semi-unified neovictorian or at least old-timey-ish kind of movement in New York City? Dame Darcy came out of New York, Rasputina came out of New York, and all the people who appeared on Turn of the Century or joined one of Dame Darcy's bands when she was living in New York came out of there.

    and if there is such a movement, how could one find out more about it?
    Thursday, September 4th, 2003
    3:37 am
    New community.

    drug addicts & mental patients & the insanely creative

    Please visit: userinfovisionary_art.

    Monday, September 1st, 2003
    5:51 am
    Merman Art
    “Long after the tumultuous seas had swallowed the Earth, and mankind had plundered to the great beasts of the deep, a race of men borne of fin and tail, emerged from the scarred ravages, to stake claim over the sunken territories once more.”

    New Mermaid Painting )
    Sunday, August 31st, 2003
    11:43 pm
    hi everyone! i've been part of this community for a while, and i think its great ^.^

    anyway, back to the point, just made a new community,


    its kinda like an icon community except all art must be 400x400 pixels! go check it out n join!


    n sorreh bout the x-posting!
    Monday, August 25th, 2003
    12:56 pm
    "I wish the sky would rain down roses... why will it not? Then all the valley would be pink and white." -- George Eliot
    Monday, August 18th, 2003
    2:33 am
    If anyone would like to start up the knittin' kittens knitting club/ meetings please comment here.
    The knitting bug has struck me again, and I am ready to knit with some funky and funny girls and boys!
    Meetings will be in Orange County. Most likely in Costa Mesa. Give me some feedback about what night would be good/ frequency of meetings. We could start out doing one Sun. per month around 8pm. What do you think?

    The reason the community is closed to the public is that I have seen other knitting communities get a bit out of hand, and I would like to keep this more personal/ centered around the Knittin Kittens. Long- Distance Kittens are still invited. We could have a knitting trade project? Many possibilities. Join the Kittens and knit/ learn to knit with us! We also crochet, sew, and other fabric/ textiles art is encouraged.

    Saturday, August 16th, 2003
    11:13 pm
    Hello all!
    Just thought i would introduce myself.
    I was referred by
    userinfomme_bovary of userinfofrancesca_lia.
    And i just wanted to say that i love the concept [right word?] behind this community.
    I love to hear people's stories and tales and thoughts and lives. so if you would like to add me i will most definitely add in return.
    and i would love to know
    what is your favorite lyrical snippet?

    Current Mood: curious
    Current Music: Paula Cole & Tori Amos - Sister song
    Wednesday, August 13th, 2003
    6:31 pm
    Saturday, August 9th, 2003
    2:41 pm

    image by arthur rackham

    the art of children's stories, fairy tales, and fables
    Friday, August 8th, 2003
    9:07 pm
    clever cocktails
    otay grrrlies...

    i love fruity drinks and i love gin!!

    gimme recipes/links
    Thursday, August 7th, 2003
    6:44 pm
    History love.

    You can post about absolutely anything.

    Really. Anything. Anything that has happened (that is interesting).

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