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Mirar's journal
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21:46 Friday,
3rd of December

You scored as alternative. You're partially respected for being an individual in a conformist world yet others take you as a radical. You have no place in society because you choose not to belong there - you're the luckiest of them all, even if your parents are completely ashamed of you. Just don't take drugs ok?



Upper middle Class


Middle Class


Luxurious Upper Class


Lower Class


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16:10 Tuesday,
5th of October

2 Comments |Comment
And in case someone didn't know it yet, I'm really apparently a hippie... )

18:26 Monday,
4th of October

3 Comments |Comment
The night between saturday and sunday, someone broke into my car. They smashed two windows and ripped out the panel with the stereo.
I mean ripped. Cables were torn.

So, all in all, what's missing is
1) the nice (but not *that* nice) Pioneer 4x45W stereo, and remote
2) the adapter for RCA audio to the stereo, which was rather hard to find
3) bumpy's LCD screen, which was *very* hard to find, but doesn't seem that hard anymore
- I wonder if anyone figures out the 12V and NTSC composite connectors to that one...
4) bumpy's IR keyboard; they took the reciever too, but they ripped it off the cables, so it's useless unless they find someone who can solder 2xPS/2 contacts to it without any documentation
5) the new ATI Remote Wonder remote I had there, without the reciever

And a lot of damage to windows and windowframes and the whole plastic stereo panel is missing, and they seemed to scratch [info]jokergirl's car as well, in the progress.

Now the work begins with fightinng with insurance company... the car is at a repair shop, anyway.

What remained in the car is rather impressive though;
- bumpy
- a Black & Decker powerdrill
- my rollerblades
- a soldering station and a a box of mixed electronics and computer components

I would have thought of removing/hidnig the stereo front, the LCD panel and the keybaords and remotes hadn't I been so tired, helping [info]jokergirl to move all day...

Ah well, I guess it's my second welcome to halmstad (the first being the "no, we can't find you anywhere to live" kafka history). Yay.

21:52 Tuesday,
17th of August

3 Comments |Comment
trip summary result
- black leather belt
- tube of skin moisterizer (big white with lilac star)
+ black and brown baseball cap
+ black t-shirt with blue logo on sleeves

Anyone seen this respectively miss these? =^.^=

21:32 Saturday,
14th of August

4 Comments |Comment
I need more good webcomics to read,
what webcomics do you think I ought to read?

22:33 Friday,
13th of August

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Since I haven't written anything in a while, have a picture of my dog.

22:30 Friday,
25th of June

1 Comment |Comment
Happy midsummer eve!

14:15 Friday,
18th of June

Oh... I just realized I completely missed my billionth second, which was in April. Oh well.

23:00 Saturday,
12th of June

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Movies! )

20:35 Wednesday,
28th of April

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Look! It's me from 12 years back! Short haired, no beard and wearing green clothes!

(I found some old photos in a drawer.)

20:30 Wednesday,
24th of March

2 Comments |Comment
Grammar Führer! )

19:55 Tuesday,
23rd of March

1 Comment |Comment
yeah, yeah... )