Chris' Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Chris' LiveJournal:

    [ << Previous 20 ]
    Saturday, January 5th, 2002
    9:33 am
    does it work
    just seeing if it works
    Tuesday, March 6th, 2001
    10:34 pm
    Time to write
    Okay, i am going to see how much i can write here. it has been a long time since i have done any writing so i am going to cram it all in. FOr some reason i have been a doing a lot of thinking over the past week and stuff. i would just dooze off into the space or something like that and start thinking about stuff. i thought about a lot of things. like one thing that i always think about is why we are here. like what is the meaning of life. Why did God put us on this earht, and why is there even US? what is the point. and stuff like that. I think alot about what the future holds for me. What am i suppose to do? Become a doctor? work as an athletic training? contuniue my education to grad school and get a masters in biology. Or go to the fire academy and become a fire fighter and paramedic and do that for the rest of my life? i am not sure what od do about a carerr, but did see a fision of the future. And it was kinda of what i pictured it and what i want. what i want and kinda visioned about my family life is living down south, close to southern california, away from the city, really close to the ocean so i can be near that water. maybe not water frount property but close to it and so i can see it. kinda up on a hill, like we have mt. Wafstet. I want a good size house were i can have a lot of room for stuff, a good size property so my dogs can run around. I have always wanted dogs. the three i plan on having is a german shepard, a black lab and a yellow golden retriever. i want a big peice of property so they have plenty of room to be dogs, to go run around. LIke i said i saw this in a vision and believe thsi will happen. then a wife that shairs my interests and two kids, a boy and girl,, one named courtney and another i am not sure yet. i alwasy think about that stuff and if it is going to happen and if it happens the way i vision. The other stuff the i think about alot is when i will meet that special girl that i can share stuff with. i am interested in a girl right now in a class, but not sure if anything will come of it. i think alot about courtney as well, about the memories that we had and what she is doing and hopping that she is still watching down on us. I think alot of about the family too, about how they are doing as well. Thinking about what they are doing and thinking and all. i just think about a lot of stuff. About my goals and dreams as well. about climbing rainier again and maybe mckinely and K2 one of these days.
    Lets see. classes are going good for me. I am take organic chemsitry and still trying to figure out why because not going to need much of it for sports med. i am understanding a lot of it and jsut took our first test. i was studding for it alot and i think i did okay on it. i get it back tom. some of the stuff that we alearning in that class are really intersting to me. so it is going good.
    Umm another class that i am taking is intro the sports med. that class is my favorite i think. the instructor we got, Russ, knows his stuff likes to tell storuies and a pretty good guy. good visial aids too. his knees and thumb joints for example/ but it is going good. got a group of peop[le that i study with. our first test we studdied together for 5 hours going over stuff. 5 hours straigh and i think we all did good.
    Another class that i am taking is plant biology. i gotta say it is a hard class and one that i am not getting a good grade in and do not studdy for that much. alot to know for the final so i need to get going on it.
    The other class i got is gospel of mark. dang, edwards has analiyze this chapter in the bible to the bottem, he knows it left and right, better than Mark did i think when he wrote it. we have our first test on it tom, so i think i am going to do okay on it. just got done studding with someone for an hour 1/2 and feel good
    another class, emergency resposne, good class, mike is a good teacher, but mostly review for me for being a 5th year veteran lifeguard.
    So its going good. got an A on the first test so it is lookin good for the sports med program right now. i just need to keep it going and stuff
    lets see. let me talk about the rest or the last part of the swimming year for me. i did go to the conference swim meet, while recovering from the flu with a sever sinus infection and bronchitis. lets see. the first event that i did was the 500 free. i made it in to the consult heat that night, not thinking i would. and lets say its a race that i want to forget because i dove in and after the 100 mark, my goggles were all full of water. i through them off when i missed a turn and couldn't see a thing. after that, i was pissed an upset. i thought about not comming back next year because didn't feel like i was doing the team any good. but than relized i am swimming against and with people who have been doing age group since they were 6 years old. i know i need to work hard and will. The next day did the 200 free, goggles were fine and droped 3 seconds and did a 2:05. oh ya my final time in the 500 was a 5:35.00. big bad time. my best is a 5:28, so i didn;t get it.
    The next day, and the final day was the 200 fly. that i the event that i didn;'t train that much in but dropped 6 seconds. i dropped 3 seconds in the prelims and was fast enough with a 2:29 or something like that to go on that night.
    so i had time to rest and made it in
    i dropped more time and went a 2:25, my best time all season. what a way to end the season. and on top of it. we won the meet, the first time since 96 for the guys. so it was good.
    Lets see what else to say. not sure. i have made alot of friends around here and stuff. hang with the swim team and all but also people off the swim team. lets see i got laura my birdy who i chill with a lot of talk and mess around and stuff. i got my bro jared O, not jared family dude. we are in classes and gank each other, no not a sexual way. a fun way. a cool way. and shit there is canada and other people. tons of stories from canada, aka MIKE
    umm i think that is all for now. anyone who reads this can send me any comments they want and stuff. so its cool
    SO later.
    i hope i didn;t forget anything i wanted to chat about.

    Current Mood: awake
    Current Music: not sure, nothing i guess. - okay braveheart
    Tuesday, February 13th, 2001
    1:43 pm
    Lets see, today is Courntey's birthday so i am writing about that and reminding myself how muhc i miss her and stuff. bUt i can tell she is doing good in me becaus i have been sick for the past umm almost a week now, since thursday. I have a serious sinus infection and bronchitis. I am still expected to swim this weekend at the conference meet. i am feeling better since i started on the antibotics yersterday.
    Thats about all now. Just wanted to make a note of this.
    I am also listening to courtney's favorite song, smile, by vitamin C, the song that showed who she was.

    Current Mood: cold
    Current Music: Vitamin C - Smile
    Tuesday, January 23rd, 2001
    6:41 pm
    i am finally writing again
    Okay, let me see if i can figure out everything that i want to write. dammit it is to dark in here. i need to turn on the light. okay i can write now that the light is on. Let me just start typing and hopfully thigns will come to mind that i need to write about.
    First thing i guess i can write about is i found a new roll model. No its not brittany spears or jennifer love hewitt or anyone like them. someone cuter. she is on X-men and Finding forrester, and alos She's all that. You give up. comeone dad i know you know who this is. Anna Paquin. SHe is 18,. ya 18, and very hot and cute. Big time. so i have her stuff all over my computer now. A beatiful picture of her on my icq skin. SO now i can see her all the time.
    Okay next subject. gee what do i wanta write about. I have no idea. Okay mask making. i guess i can write about that. mask making is going good. i already have four masks all done. Umm the first one was an animal, a chettah, which the masks sucks. I don't think i am going to keep that one. It was made out of paper mache and paper mache really sucks. Okay the next one was a maks with the earth on the face and the sun around the head. Umm than i made a gargoyle and it turned out okay and the one that i finished today was a half mask of spider man. I think it turned out okay. it looked like spiderman, kinda. I still have three more maks to go and than i will be done. we have a week left of jan term. i just relized that. today is tuesday and the last day of class is on next tuesday. Okay i need to start on my three page paper. na, maybe i will wait till the last min and do it on sunday night.
    Okay lets see. tom. i am going out to get my books for next semester. i need an organic chemistry book, oh about $70.00. and than an intro to athletic training with workbook which is $80.00, and an emergency responce book, $40.00. And a plant biology book and i have no idea how much that is. Okay and than notebooks to i can take a hell of alot of notes. So i am doing that tom. and get all those books and get them all out of the way.
    okay next subject. my working and everything like that. Umm still working for saga. I have been in the dishroom for about 4 months now and than starting in about 2 weeks, i will be one of the prep cooks. Good to be getting back with the food before people eat and make it, just like i use too. going to be good fun. And than i will doing another job, working for the onion as a buser or maybe i can get a job as a prep cook. I might be able to go two prep cook jobs. Or not i will just be a buser. they make good money from tips. SO we will have to wait and see what happens.
    Okay next onto swimming and talk about how well that is going. Umm right now i am hurting really bad. My times are getting slower. I guess i still haven;t recovered from the cali trip and winter training. but we have about 2 1.5 weeks to go and i think todd is tappering me and along with someothers too. i love tapper. i am going in the afternoons instead of the mornigns too. tom is trying to rest me up and everything. i felt okay in practice today/. so i think someof the resting is okay.
    Umm the thing with conference is it is a three day meet. the pre-limes are in the morning at 10, all three days and than the same events, the finals are in the enening at one day isnt pre-lims and the other day ISN"T finals. prelimes and finals are on the same day. They jsut spread out the events and everything. So that will be good. i think/
    I really can't remember what else to write about. is this good for now>? If i think about anything else i will write later

    Current Mood: and i have gas - dam chocolate
    Current Music: Its my life - Bon jovi
    Sunday, December 10th, 2000
    1:31 am
    Another day for Chris
    Okay lets see what i can all write here. its been a long day. First of all i guess i should start with tis morning. I was up late last night because i was learning how to break dance, doing the six step and some spins and hand stands and stuff. when i woke up this monring, i was really sore and everything. i was moving a lot last night. the t-30 must have had something to do with it as well. First thing, i woke up at 8:15 because i was going to go and get some break fast before our 9:00 swim workout. Instead, i hit my alarm, and turned it off and went back to sleep. oh i will just sleep for about 10 mins and get up, no problem. So the next thing i new it was 9:10. I jumped out of bed and threw some closes on and went out my door with my scooter. well i had a problem. we had some snow on the ground so i wasn;t able to scooter my way down so i had to use something called legs and walk down. So i got there and there was a meeting going on and of course, Tom, who likes to pick on everyone, gave me a bad time. THought i was out to late last night... i knew he was joking. It was an really easy practice today. got in and did a 200 swim warm-up and than 8 x 125 IM's, weren;t bad and than 6 x 100 kick, decending, also easy. even though my legs were really tired from all the brake dancing i was still able to kick and do okay. Lets see, what else, the fun set, was 100's. off the blcoks all out. we had to get 6 points to be done with the workout. the way it worked is he gave us our best time and added one second to it. than he gave us a range about 4 seconds. so my range was from 1:01.0 to 1:03.00. In order to get 2 points i had beat my 1:01.00 or to get one point i had to make the range. well i decided that i wanted to get this done in no time so i went a 1:00.00 the first one. that was 2 points and than i went a 59, and another 59, so i was done in 3 x 100's. so i got a cool down and waited for everyone else. Than it was time to hit the shower and than it was time for breakfast. i was mad because i have to wait until sunday for some buscuits and gravy. they do not have it on saturday breakfasts. so i have to wait. :(.
    So than i went to wake a dude up to go hit the lab, for our review reviewing all the animal phylums and dissections for our lab final exam on tuesday. we were in there from noon until 3. I went back and relaxed, and worked on some chemsitry. After awhile i got really tired of doing homework and decided to give it up for the day. i went to mike's place and watch a movie, mortal combat for about an our and than went to dinner some some people. i wasn;t very hundry today so i only had a burger frys and some pizza, and plenty of Mt. Dew. Oh ya i up dated my labtop desktop theme. Mt. Dew. Along with my Winamp music player skin - mt dew theme as well. So dinner and than, mom and dad you are going to love this. you will see when i come home. A frined and i have been talking about going to the mall and getting our left ear pierced. So we finally went and did it. i have a small ring in my left ear. Its pretty cool. we wanted something new, so we went and did it. So mom and dad you will see it on saturday when i come home. left ear not right. I am not gay. People told us to get left or other wise we would have had problems with our ear. Umm, we came back and than went to the basketball game with a bunch of swimmers who were just chilling in the BJ lounge. Compaired to High school basketball, it was quite a change. Even though there were no cheerleaders, us swimmers decided to take over. Always standing up and yelling adn stuff. I think johnny almost lost his voice, yes again. But it was great. and we ended up lossing. almost won, but couldn;t hold onto it.
    There was nothing much else to do, so we went to go and see a movie. We went and saw the new climbing movie, "vertical limits" boy i have to say that is one intense movie. Big time. right from the start, it was intense. it might be hard for dad to go and see with Courtney's death because there, well, was a lot fo death in this movie and stuff. Umm, towards the end of the movie, it seemed to get a lot hard, or kinda hard to watch, but i didnt let others know. because ti was about a brother who was risking his life to go up K2 and save his sister in a cervase from dieing. She told him on the radio, when he was really close, when she was suffering from cerberal addemia, to turn around. He didn;t lsiten and went to got her out anyway. SO it was kinda hard and all. Oh one thing, do not let mom see it or she might never let me go up Mt. Rainier again. Because of what we in it, she will have a nervouse break down. It finally got over a little after midnight and we got back to BJ at 12:30. Than i talked with Troy, RA and team captain. He is a big time christian and believer and we talked about Courtney and talking to me about Christ and all, and ask me about going to church. its s=weird. i guess i still do not know what i want or believe in it will take time and i am waiting for answers.
    Well i am not sure what else i can say. i can tell all the mt. dew that i drank today is really taking affect because i am really draned of energy, so i think i am going to go and get some sleep so i can do some studding after i work tom. Well i will write more later

    Current Mood: Cool
    Current Music: Watching - space balls
    Friday, December 8th, 2000
    10:44 pm
    Chris is really tired
    Hey everyone who is reading this. Lets see i am tired, physcially and mentally. Lets first start off with the physcial tired side of me. First of all, i had a big chemistry exam today, which i think i did okay or really well today. I am looking for a high B, or maybe a low A like i did on my last test. I stayed up until 1:00 last night, and around that time i had to go and get some sleep. Coach gave me the morning off. I woke up around 7:00 or early or something like that and Kevin was still sleeping. He sletp right on through his alarm and missed practice. i got up and went and go some breakfast with my books, and than to animal biology. More ntoes and than i skiped lunch to go study for another hour for chem and finished up rewriting some of my writing one paper and finally got those in before 5 today. SO finally all that stuff was over with. oh crap am i talking about the mentally tired or physcially? i guess the mentally and thats all. The other thing that i am mentally tired from is our T-30 today. I had to mental out the pain we had, for swimming all out for 30 mins. it was hard but i played around and kept my head straight.
    Lets see the physically part tired of me. I just got done with doing some break dancing. ya it is true. Chris tried something different than swimming and playing hockey. There is a bunch of hawaiians and some white guys who do this stuff around campus and troy got them to come for duty tonight, to show some skills and teach. so i broke out of my swimming/hockey sheel and did some dancing. not bad stuff. i am also tired from that T-30 that i said about before. I did get 75 yards more than last time which is good for 30 mins of swimming.
    I think that is about all. I am going to go to bed soon because i have a 9:00 morning workout. sure beats 5:30 in the morning. ANd than in the lab for 4 hours and than going to chill, hit the mall and stuff with some friends, and all and than study again on sunday, with a hockey break at 10:00 at night, to realieve some stress and crap. At least i have no tests or anything on monday, but i wanta get a lot of my studding done this weekend.
    well ys that is all for now. i am going to call it good, watch the rest of my movie and hit the bed.

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: watching - "Batman forever"
    Tuesday, December 5th, 2000
    11:34 am
    hey all again from Waffle's world
    Well lets see, this week is going to be okay. I guess starting on friday and going all the way through sunday to monday we are getting non stop snow. And than some cold weather, like below 0 degrees for the next couple of days after that. i hope i can still fly home and everything.
    I was talking to jami last night on AOL imer and talking about the pool and stuff, and it sounds like it is really messed up big time and stuff. All kinds of new rookies that just came on and some more going to be coming on. I guess some accidents have happen too that didn't seem to be handled as well as mine and Mandy's spinal about two years ago went. that was a cool one and done by the books, from what Liz and the EMT's said to us. I no court problems or anything from it, yet, i hope. But since camille and I left i guess its been bad and stuff, because Camille and I were the two top veterans of the pool and than we left for college. but we will be back and strenten thouse little rookie lifeguars right on up.
    Umm i had a nother meet over the weekend. We traveling to Lindfeild college in Orgeon for a 1 1/2 day invite with tons of teams. There were some teams in our conference there. Not of all of UPS because some of them made the cuts for the UW husky's invite which is really hard to get into from what i understand. but it was a long weekend/ WE got up at 6 and left the school at 7 in the morning on a nice charter bus. SOme slept some people did some homeowkr and others watch many of our movies that we had. we stopped for food and to stretch out and stuff, than we made it, finally and checked into our hotel and went to the first part of the meet. My first race of the intive and for friday was the 500 free. I got in and got a really good warm -up and than for my race to see how much rest i did get that week. I dove in, feeling okay and started racing. i was in the front until the 300 mark when a dude from lindeild snuck up me and took the lead. I coun't keep it. i still came in seconds out of 6 swimmers, and i got a life time best of 5:31.02. it was good and i gurt. Warm-down and shower party. Then we went out for dinner to izzies and ate a big doad. and than to the hotel again for some relazing. relazing? doesn't happen with our swim team. Kevin and Brent and I were watching something on TV and heard a knock on the door, Kevin went and got it, and here come Jonny and MaCann and Troy all rushing in a tackeling. THis is known as fight/wrestling hotel. i was able to take down Troy, and he found out the hard way that i was a wrestler for two years. MaCann was a different story because he sweets to much, but it was fun. The girls next door locked us out of our room and tolet papered our room. We just took Leiane and put her in the shower. Brent and I. she fought big time. WE finally went to bed and got a wake up call the next morning for breakfast, so we attempted to clear up kinda and made our way to the bus, went for breakfast and than back to the pool, again. in the water. I didn't have anything for anohter 4 fours so i relaxed. I had the 1650 around noon, and was ahead the whole time, lapped one dude two times and won it, firs tout of 4 swimmers and got a 19:26.00, ro something like that. than breakfast and we had enough time so we all slept, or some of us, slept on the bus until seasion number 3. i had the 200 fly and i was big time wasted even when i dove in.
    I was racing against a guy who swimms for UPS who use to work out with kamiak from marinier HS. He said, just like old times." he did kick my but, but that was because i was wasted. I took last, poor chris. I need work at the fly.
    Than dinner and again another long bus ride home. we started watching Chris farley, SNL, and (The bulls), and i think i passed out right before it ended.
    finally made it home around 5 and slept until like 11:30, lunch and work and homeowkr.
    ya that was my weekend, long and hard. Coach did give us Monday morning off though.

    So, next week is finalys week and i have my food and books and ready to go. monday i have classes, and tuesday I have a writing final. WE have to read an essay outside of class and than write an essay in class on it. oh ya i have a lab final that day too in the morning, dang it.Wednesday i have nothing so i will studdy my ass off and swim doubles that day, tuesday i will swim in the afternoon. not morning. that way i can analysis the essay big time. I will swim thursday afternoon i think. I have a chemsitry final exam that day.
    Friday i have a animal biology final exam. dang. that alot of food to eat, and coffe to drink and maybe some swimming, and ithan i get to go home, i hope on that saturday.
    Umm i think that is about all. i went hard in preactice, today or that last half and flet good. i think i did.
    more practice and weights for the first time in 3 weeks, again. tonight.
    I think that is all, lunch and class time. later
    ANd dad, i do have enough money to finish off the next 2 weeks. I am cool

    Current Mood: awake
    Current Music: Red Hot Chilli Pepper - Calorfoniracation
    Wednesday, November 29th, 2000
    11:55 pm
    had a great day and week,
    Okay, let me get down to it and see what i can type in about 30 minutes so i can go and get some sleep. i am going to go back wards so i can start with things that happened today and go than. Today was a pretty tight day. I got some good sleep last night. WEnt to bed after watching Jay Leno, at about 12:30 and than woke up at 9 and could not get back to sleep, so i went and stoof in the shower for awhile and tryed to sleep again and said, ah screw that, and went and got some food. some breakfast. some good stuff. A big time waffle, and some biscuits and gracy and eggs. i think that is all still sitting right there in my stomach. SO than i went to class and forgot that i had to until i looked at the time, and i had 5 mintues to get there. i went to class, and came back and studding, umm study, didn't do much of that. just looked for more picture of brittany spears to decorte my room with. i wasn't in the mood. i guess i need more food and candy and penuts and M and m's. hint. lol Than it was time for another chem class. yes this semester is almost over and i can have some fun with athletic training stuff. Umm ya, and than swim practice. i didn't feel very good in practice today. i guess that liter of Mt. Dew last night while haning around was not a very good idea. It hurt. SO now i am going sober from mt dew until after the big swim meet. yes no classes on friday because we leave at 7 in the morning. it is going to be a very long weekend, leaving here friday morning at 7 and get back sunday morning at 4 in the morning. and i still ahve to work and studdy. well there is college for you.
    I got to go something to night i haven't done in such as a long time. since we have about 4 or 5 inches of snow out there. dang i havent seen that much in a long time. we had it falling great today.
    Kevin got me off my butt from homework, thank you, because i was doing it for an hour and 1/2, and went out and finished others building a huge 13 foot snow man. that was a changlenge. It was cool. and then me and kevin and Little B, and Megan and Erica and Timmy joined in and had a huge snow ball fight for umm like an hour or so i lost count. it was tight. i can't remember the last time i went out and had a ton of fun in the snow and throwing snow. i did get tons of snow in the ear and stuff. so now Kevin and I are tired. I went in and took a shower and kevin decided to play a joke on me. lock the door and make me stand out there in my boxers. i guess he had to get me back from white washing him so much,
    PLus after swim practice we all went out, or some of us brave ones and had a snow ball fight in our wet speedos.
    Umm lets see,, this week for swim practice has been easy because we are resting for our big invite this weekend. Umm oinly after noon practices are nice because i get to sleep in. sleeping is good. well i can tell is 12:30 right now. i gotta keep on going and type some more before i forget everything.
    I downloaded tons of music programs to download music and things. i have been playing with them all night.
    i have been studding tooa dn stuff. it is still sitting on my desk here, and i will bring my books with me on the bus to studdy because we will be on the bus alot this weekend. like 8 hours or 9 or 10. just a lot of time just getting there.
    lets see, this weekend off was nice. went down with my family to cali and had a great thanksgiving. able to spend time with mom and dad and grandma and grandpa and show everyone what i do with my computer. music and movies, and yes homewokr too. but it was great to spend time with everyone and rest. mom agrees that something was missing, or someone was missing. Courtney., But i am sure she was there with us the whole time.
    Umm, things are going good around here. i am getting alot of food and some rest, umm some rest is the k work, not alot. i have my final schedule. i guess its good i am going home on saturday because i have a final on friday. but thats going to be a long weke. i have a writing one final, biology and chem final and a lab final. four finals. i need that food soon. candy candy candy.
    Coach said he will go somewhat easy on us for practice too. he is only to want us to be there once a day because he knows we still have to studdy and school comes first.
    well i think that is about all for now. i am going to go and get some sleep.
    i am hopping for some more food, i mean, sorry some more snow tonight because we used a lot of it tonight. so we need more of it.

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: listening to Chris Rock
    Saturday, November 18th, 2000
    9:52 pm
    Another swim meet
    WEll lets see what i need to write tonight. i debated weather or not to write this tonight or wait until tomorrow morning or not. so i thought i would do some tonight. Lets see how the day went. I woke up at 6:20 and got some clothes and walked with Gary to the pool to get the bus. WE had the big nice charter busses to go to the meet. no more going on the school buses. Everyone wanted to watch the movie Rudy, so i brought it, but it took us a long time to figure out how to work the friken VCR. Finally one of my fellow frosh showed up an uperclassmana dn went up and played with it and got it to work. than it took us awhile to figure out how to get to volume up as well. finally it was all good and we watch it. I mostly had my cd player going with my head phones on the whole time passed out with my pillow. Before we even got on the freeway, we stopped off at MCdonaolds for some breakfast. what a thing to eat before we swam, but anyway, it helpped me. i will talk about that later on. Umm lets see. WE got there with about 20 mins left of rudy. But we got there, and for the first time in about 2 weeks we got to see some sun. it was sunny down there, which was nice. it was still cold but at least we got there. the pool, the deck and stuff reminded me alot about OV's pool. it was 6 lanes and it was nice but kinda small. it was bigger but still seemed like OV's pool. i got in and warmed up and didn't feel so hot, but i started to warm up some more i became better warmed up and felt a little better. i had a long meet ahead of me. the first one that i swam, was the 1000 free, which wasn;t bad. around the 600 mark my upper arms really began to tighten up, which wasn;'t bad. it was kinda painful but i love pain. i need pain to keep going. i didn';t get last though. I lapped the Whitman dude, two times but i got laped by kevin like 2 times too, so i got some and gave some. I think i cam out with around a 11:00.00 or something like that. i got to check the web page when it is updated. Okay. the next which was painful was the 100 fly. i don;'t remember it except for the lat 25 because it hurt. The last one when i was tired, i got my career best. that 500 free. i felt like crap and didn;t feel like i was going fast but came out with a 5:37.00. I am going to try and get close to a 5:10 by the end of the year. that will be my goal. when i will be shaved and tappered at the end of the year at conference i hopfeully will get close to it. maybe. we went out to dinner all together after the meet and spend like 2 hours there. that is the good thing about college swimming. we get the big charter busses with the nice seats and TV's and lights oh, and even a bathroom for are pleasure. Umm, i had a good salad a lot of bread and some chicken stripps and taste fries. it was good and than back on the bus for another 3 hour drive home. we watch umm, i don;t remember because i was passed out again. iw as going to bring my chesmitry book to do some reading but i knew that it would just stay in my bag and not get used, since i was sleeping and passed out half the time. umm we got back and it was 8:00. There was something going on in the hub so we went there, a bunch of people from whitworth and somewhere else are part of a break dancing club so we went and watched that and came back.
    i think that is about all. I am going to go to bed soon and sleep until i can't sleep any more and tan i have to work some from noon to 2. and Michelle and mike are in town so we are going to go out and eat some lunch and than back to the dorm for a long night of studding for two big exams. i think i will do okay on them i hope. study until about 3 and than go sleep until about 8, and get up and do some more studding and ta=han got and get some breakfast and take exam number one. why am i talking now. i should wait until after.
    well i am going to go now and get some sleep. ay right around here when i mean right now for sleep it will be an hour later. so i am going to go to sleep and hour ago, which i think means right now

    Current Mood: good
    Current Music: watching - twister
    Thursday, November 16th, 2000
    1:31 pm
    Hey all
    WEll, i have nothing really to do right now so i thought i would do some writing again. For some reason, i had the urge to download moody blues - Nights in white satins, the song that was donated to my passed away sister by my dad. i love you dad and courtney. I have been playing it over and over again and almost there at memorizing it. It just hit me today when i was working on it. i was doing nothing and than i heard the song, just the main words, nights in white satin and download it. I am listening to it right now and this is about like the 10th time i have listened to it. I can;'t stop listening to it.

    WEll, i just got back from the register's office and i am all registered for spring and jan term classes. I payed my balance, so i am all paid up for the rest of the year. I found out there it came from. The year book. so now that is paid for and i can get it at the end of the year or something like that. I will be taking 14 credits. Mondays i start at 7:50 in the morning. But tuesday is nice. just one class at 9:30 and than i am all done for thuesdays. It is going to be great.
    SO i guess i will try to work and stuff. Get some money. I cna study later because when spring term starts, i will only have like 3 weeks left of swimming. that way i can play more hockey and i wil will be able to swim when ever i want too, with waves.

    Umm, i felt pretty good at practice. my muscles seem to be hurting a little but more because we went hard yesterday with a long test set and than this morning, all the toys and things. so i think i am doing fine. I didnt drink any carbo fuel and felt better. I guess there comes a time when it jsut doesn't work any more. i am not going to use it for awhile until i start to feel like crap again and than i will go back on it.

    Umm gee what else to talk about. i get to go home soon, which will be great. see some friends and swim with the whole high school swim team again.

    PLus be able to get some sleep. i better call elona and ask her to drive me to the air port on tuesday. i have no lab, but a big paper due so i am going to finish that all up[ on sunday night and that way i can have fun monday and sleep tuesday and go to class and turn it in, go to practice go to the airport and go home. i have it all figured out. i hope.

    WEll i think that is about all for now. Dad, did you read mine from yesterday? i am not sure if you have been reading or looking up this lately or not. But here are some more artilces or things like entries. i am listening to some terminator now. I am going to go copy some more movies, that way i have something to watch on my computer on the planes.

    WEll thats all for now. later

    Current Mood: awake
    Current Music: Moody Blues - Nights in white satin
    Wednesday, November 15th, 2000
    10:30 pm
    Okay real fast. I acidenttly made two copies of the one that i wrote today, November 15th 2000. The other time, that is under the same date that said 6:36 PM, was one that i wrote like 2 weeks ago. I do not know why its under today's date of the 15'th. DOn;t know. i think the system had a problem. but ya

    Current Mood: calm
    Current Music: Watching - Jackie Chan
    9:40 pm
    I am finally writing again
    Well, its been a long time since i have done any writing. I am going to try and take the past two weeks, or something like that and cram them in as fast as i can. I guess I am also taking a break from homework as well. I just got doing about 2 hours of just plain old chemistry homework and studding. I have two big exams on monday and i do not want to put it off and kill my self all of sunday studding for it, which i usually do. I found a trick for studding for exams. go through my notes over and over again and take note cards. each note card is a new subject or idea and than i add to it. most of them are equations and constant figures or numbers i need to remember. That was for chemistry. I do that for my animal biology class too. a card for each phylum and class i neeed to know and info about them and than key terms as well. that is only 2 class. dan, spring semester i will be doing this for like 5 classes. i need to go shopping for some more ntoe cards here. what do i do with them after wards?
    WEll lets see. swimming has been going good. this week has been really hard. Tom has really been kicking our butts. Lets go back a week or two. Friday, we had our first meet. Us freshman had our college swimming debute. Did i spell that right? It was good. I should have kept my big mouth shut because i told him and the rest of the team at our pre-season meeting that i swim distance and want to try the 200 fly, when we went around and told our names and what we swim. well i got to swim it and i think i will be a regulars swimmer. of the 200 butterfly. I swam it at a 2:30.00. I think thats okay. It hurt big time but i like it. Lets see. i swam the 200 free too and got a 2:08. High school and college swimming meets are different. instead of taking the day off. we had a double workout. One at 5:30 in the morning, and than a workout warm-up at 4:00 and than the meeet at 6:00. It was cool. instead of going up and getting cards from the coach, we don't do that. and whenw e are swimming there is an anouncer saying our names and lane and team. its tight. WE have a lot of support. Big time. instead of seeing like 10 parents, we saw tons of parents, and freinds and professors. the football team wasn't there so people came to see what swimming is like. and i don't expect to see any of our spectators in the pool swimming with us anytime soon.
    Saturday, we had anohter 2 hour swim and than a meet. i swam the 200 at the same time and than the 500 at a 5:44. not my best but i didn't have anyone to race. Troy was in another lane, 2 away and kicked my but big time.
    i have a lot of work to be doing.
    lets see. this whole week i have been going to the trainier, or also known as the treatment center. ever since that 200 fly in the race my muscles have been sore and than painful after and some during practice. so i will go to the treatment center to get head/sand/heat packs on my upper arms, around my deltoid for 15 mins and get stretched out, and than after practice get huge ice packes, and get them wrapped so i can go to dinner. dang, ew have some really cute studetn athletic traniers. all the male swimmers agree.

    well, i think i figured out my classes for jan term and spring semester. I am going tom. during one of my classes, i get to skip on, a class, to regester. Lets see. I am taking organic chemsitry one. I heard some stories about that class. its hard. Those note cards are going to come in handy i think. lets see. Umm Emergency repsonse, that i need for sports med before i can apply, along with intro to athletic training. Umm a half semester of plant biology and a 1/2 semester of microbial biology. than my a semester of, which is all of spring os my religion credit of the gospel of mark. Greta said its the best class she has. Umm than i have a lab. I think that is all i am taking . 5 classes and a lab. Might be taking 6 classes. not sure.

    For jan term i am taking mask making. Josh said take it, its a cool class. alot of the swimmers are taking it. while everyone else is is studding and reading, i and the other swimmers will be out sledding and have fun.

    Lets see. i am not sure what else i can say. I am playing hockey on some sunday nights too but its hard because i have to get up at 5 the next morning

    I talked to karl last night because kamiak just started swimming on monday. so i wanted to see how it went. they did the normal first day, 2 x 100's starting on the 1:40 and dropping :05 each 100 and kept on going until they could make no more. karl did one on the 1:05. he has been training hard with SSCD. I can;'t wait to go back and see them, the girls too. haha

    ALl i have been watching really is star wars. over and over again. i am trying to download it as well that we i have something to watch while making all those plane flights back and forth all over the place.

    lets see. i am tired from swimming today because we had a hard test set of 16 x 50 on the 1:30, all out each 50. It was hard and painful. At least i wasn't with the distacne lane who did 3 x 800 @ 15.00., all out. kevin siad it sucked. Umm i was holding like 28's on the 50's. so they felt okay.

    Dinner was great tonight. we had not the usual type of dinner. WE had a thanksgiving turkey dinner with it set up like a bafett, and turkey and mash potatoes, oh ya and gravey and everything else. hte tables all nice and stuff with candles. It was great. I was full big time too.

    Every new i wa a swimmer waiting in line because of my huge ice bags wrapped on my arms.

    Speaking of being known. i got my pciture in the school newspaper under our article about our home opener for swimming. my in the air doing a dive on the relay from saturday's meet. huge picture too. Gee they pick the slow freshman to be in the picture.
    It was great. I am going to cut it out and put it outside our door.

    Umm, gee i don't think there is anything else that i am going to write about now. I am running out of food here mom and dad and everyone that is reading this.
    We have dorm sweatshirts and hats comming soon. yes we have to pay for them too.
    I think that is all for now. i hope dad that you check this in the morning. it should make your day that you read that, that i wrote this.

    i get to go home soon. Monday is hard for me. I have two big exams and than on tuesday a big 7 to 10 page research paper.

    well thats all for now

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: watching - the empire strikes back
    9:20 pm
    I am finally writing again
    Well, its been a long time since i have done any writing. I am going to try and take the past two weeks, or something like that and cram them in as fast as i can. I guess I am also taking a break from homework as well. I just got doing about 2 hours of just plain old chemistry homework and studding. I have two big exams on monday and i do not want to put it off and kill my self all of sunday studding for it, which i usually do. I found a trick for studding for exams. go through my notes over and over again and take note cards. each note card is a new subject or idea and than i add to it. most of them are equations and constant figures or numbers i need to remember. That was for chemistry. I do that for my animal biology class too. a card for each phylum and class i neeed to know and info about them and than key terms as well. that is only 2 class. dan, spring semester i will be doing this for like 5 classes. i need to go shopping for some more ntoe cards here. what do i do with them after wards?
    WEll lets see. swimming has been going good. this week has been really hard. Tom has really been kicking our butts. Lets go back a week or two. Friday, we had our first meet. Us freshman had our college swimming debute. Did i spell that right? It was good. I should have kept my big mouth shut because i told him and the rest of the team at our pre-season meeting that i swim distance and want to try the 200 fly, when we went around and told our names and what we swim. well i got to swim it and i think i will be a regulars swimmer. of the 200 butterfly. I swam it at a 2:30.00. I think thats okay. It hurt big time but i like it. Lets see. i swam the 200 free too and got a 2:08. High school and college swimming meets are different. instead of taking the day off. we had a double workout. One at 5:30 in the morning, and than a workout warm-up at 4:00 and than the meeet at 6:00. It was cool. instead of going up and getting cards from the coach, we don't do that. and whenw e are swimming there is an anouncer saying our names and lane and team. its tight. WE have a lot of support. Big time. instead of seeing like 10 parents, we saw tons of parents, and freinds and professors. the football team wasn't there so people came to see what swimming is like. and i don't expect to see any of our spectators in the pool swimming with us anytime soon.
    Saturday, we had anohter 2 hour swim and than a meet. i swam the 200 at the same time and than the 500 at a 5:44. not my best but i didn't have anyone to race. Troy was in another lane, 2 away and kicked my but big time.
    i have a lot of work to be doing.
    lets see. this whole week i have been going to the trainier, or also known as the treatment center. ever since that 200 fly in the race my muscles have been sore and than painful after and some during practice. so i will go to the treatment center to get head/sand/heat packs on my upper arms, around my deltoid for 15 mins and get stretched out, and than after practice get huge ice packes, and get them wrapped so i can go to dinner. dang, ew have some really cute studetn athletic traniers. all the male swimmers agree.

    well, i think i figured out my classes for jan term and spring semester. I am going tom. during one of my classes, i get to skip on, a class, to regester. Lets see. I am taking organic chemsitry one. I heard some stories about that class. its hard. Those note cards are going to come in handy i think. lets see. Umm Emergency repsonse, that i need for sports med before i can apply, along with intro to athletic training. Umm a half semester of plant biology and a 1/2 semester of microbial biology. than my a semester of, which is all of spring os my religion credit of the gospel of mark. Greta said its the best class she has. Umm than i have a lab. I think that is all i am taking . 5 classes and a lab. Might be taking 6 classes. not sure.

    For jan term i am taking mask making. Josh said take it, its a cool class. alot of the swimmers are taking it. while everyone else is is studding and reading, i and the other swimmers will be out sledding and have fun.

    Lets see. i am not sure what else i can say. I am playing hockey on some sunday nights too but its hard because i have to get up at 5 the next morning

    I talked to karl last night because kamiak just started swimming on monday. so i wanted to see how it went. they did the normal first day, 2 x 100's starting on the 1:40 and dropping :05 each 100 and kept on going until they could make no more. karl did one on the 1:05. he has been training hard with SSCD. I can;'t wait to go back and see them, the girls too. haha

    ALl i have been watching really is star wars. over and over again. i am trying to download it as well that we i have something to watch while making all those plane flights back and forth all over the place.

    lets see. i am tired from swimming today because we had a hard test set of 16 x 50 on the 1:30, all out each 50. It was hard and painful. At least i wasn't with the distacne lane who did 3 x 800 @ 15.00., all out. kevin siad it sucked. Umm i was holding like 28's on the 50's. so they felt okay.

    Dinner was great tonight. we had not the usual type of dinner. WE had a thanksgiving turkey dinner with it set up like a bafett, and turkey and mash potatoes, oh ya and gravey and everything else. hte tables all nice and stuff with candles. It was great. I was full big time too.

    Every new i wa a swimmer waiting in line because of my huge ice bags wrapped on my arms.

    Speaking of being known. i got my pciture in the school newspaper under our article about our home opener for swimming. my in the air doing a dive on the relay from saturday's meet. huge picture too. Gee they pick the slow freshman to be in the picture.
    It was great. I am going to cut it out and put it outside our door.

    Umm, gee i don't think there is anything else that i am going to write about now. I am running out of food here mom and dad and everyone that is reading this.
    We have dorm sweatshirts and hats comming soon. yes we have to pay for them too.
    I think that is all for now. i hope dad that you check this in the morning. it should make your day that you read that, that i wrote this.

    i get to go home soon. Monday is hard for me. I have two big exams and than on tuesday a big 7 to 10 page research paper.

    well thats all for now

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: watching - the empire strikes back
    Sunday, October 15th, 2000
    6:36 pm
    Okay, first thing first, i need to write this because i know that dad is looking forward to reading it in the morning so i will be writing different things at different times tonight. I just got to think about with all that has happened in the past couple of days, i think thursday was the last day that i wrote, so i need to start on friday sometime like that.
    Gee what was important about friday? this is really hurting my head here dad so i i hope you are enjoying reading this. Lets see, i can;t remember, oh yes i can, it was thursday night that arron and Jon drank all the stuff, the drinks and soada and stuff and had a race, so i was up late that night laughing. i am still hitting myself that i do not have a camer that i could oh taken a picture. SO i sletp in again on friday and I have my first class at 10:40 and i woke up at 10:00 and went back to bed until 10:30, and finally dicided to get up and throw some clothes on. Yes they were clean clothing too, not the ones on the floor, not that i do have any on there. So i went to class, and than went to lunch. oh ya, no morning practice on friday either. that was really nice. lets see, went to class nd than back to the dorm and than once again to another class. boy do i have an exciting time or what? SO friday, oh ya that day, firday, i am on it. I went to practice again. i can tell that tom is starting to build us up because we went anohter 6700 yard workout. dang i did these kinda of things in high school but this was at the peak of the season, no, the umm 2nd week into it. i can tell that i am getting my stranght back too. What the heck did we do that day. oh ya. du.
    it was a hard one but a good painful one. we had a set of 10 X 100's all kicking, with fins, which did not make it any easier. It was on the 1:30 and i usually do them on the 2:00 with no fins, and it was still hard but cool. than we had another big fun set of 16x200's. umm ya great fun. it was kinda like or was a pyramid, it was 1x200 starting on the 2:45, than 2x200 on the 2:40, 3x200 @2:35, 4x200 @2:30, 3x200 @2:25 than 2x200 @2:20 and than after pain has been in for about 40 mins, 1 x200 @ 2:15. AFter the 4 x200, that painw as there, but it was a good kinda pain. i had to tell myself over and over again to keep going. It was a nice but hard workout and that shower felt good after that.
    Friday night alot of fun. The freshman swimmer initation night. it was good. but cold. I can say one thing that we did that the whole campus, or the people that were still there got to see. wer learned to chants that we do at swim meets and had to run through each floor of all the dorms singing those. doesn't sound bad? ha. the guys, us frosh were in our speedos and nilons. it was cool we had a lot of people laughing anbd taking pictures too. the girls had to too but they had all clothing on with frosh and a name on a t-shirt. we had forsh - plus name given to us by an upper classman on our chest, menly men, in tight tights. ha
    but it was good and tiring. some people's voices were not there afterwords. The stuff before that is a team secret that we keep.
    than Kevin and I made the mastake of not going to bed until 12:30 that night because we had an early morning practice. but once we hit the pillow we were out from all the swimming that day and the running. but it was nice.

    The dang alarm went off at 7:00 in the monring. saturday was avery long day big time. i need to take a break from writing right now because i am getting tired from it. i will write more soon
    okay its been about 2 mins and nothing going on in the lounge so i decided to come back and write so i can get it done for write now and get it up to here i was. lets see, we went to practice and we also had a meet that day. it was a small intersquad meet with all the alumni and tom decideds to wear us down and has another 6500 swim practice. boy after that i had nothing in me and i still had to swim. i was so dead. lets see. i first did the 100 free and don't know my time and don't care because my middle turn sucked big time. than did the 50 free and got like a 28 or something. chris doesn't sprint at all. than some rest and into the 200 free. even though i was tired and stuff and still got a 2:06.00 from what someone said and it was the first time i ever got that time. than the 100 fly. dang, i forgot how heavey my arms can get. than the relay and almost feel alseep in the water after that.
    Finally it was done and i had some time to rest before i had to see the water again. we all went out for pizza, on coach ok, the money in the team, and than to the football game. the homecoming football game.
    there we saw the 1960, guy's baseball team, the first and only team in the school's history to win a national title. us swimmings wanta be the second. Than the football game. believe me i have nothing against football, but i just remember that highschool games being alot more funner and exciting to go to. this wasnt that hot. we won, 9 to 0 but no excitment in the plays. than wetn abck to rest. Jared and I were going to go see the spokane cheifs hockey game against the t-birds because i wanted to see the cheifs get beat on home ice against the birds, jared wasn;t home so i stayed around and hung around. me and some tohers didn't feel like going to the dance so we played some pool and watched the miss america pagent with scott, our ra and others and got some pizza, than with the pure prssure on me and gary we went over to some of thjer other frosh swimmer's apartment and watched a video, lucky me, i feel aslweep on the couch and around 1 in te morning we and gary drove home and went to bed, finally. see it was a long day. i did listen to the t-birds win over the internet live. it was good.

    SO this morning i woke up around 11:30 and felt good. it was time to eat, the firs thing on my mind, when there in no morning practice, when i wake up.
    lets see. i went to brunch and sat with some of the other swimmers.
    went back to the dorm to take a hot shower because my room was cold. i need a hot shower from time to time. and hot tub too when i go home. or at the pool there in lynwood.
    SO took a shower and grabed some books and stuff and went to the library. i have a final on wednesday for cell biology. its a half semester class so we have a final as our mid term, and i also worked on some chemsistry homework as well, and spent about 3 hours of doing work. went back and we going to go to sleep but saw that people were watching the mariners win in the lounge so i sat and watched from the 5th inning to the end. it was great to see them win. i was there and so they won. This one chick, molly, w have a lot of fun with ebcause she is a yankees fan, so we have tons of joked between our mariner group and her, umm one person yankee group/.
    after we saw them one, we went to dinner and got some food. good stuff too. some mach potatoes, corn and pot rost, i went back for seconds and also made one of those outback chocolate from down unders for diesert. that was good. cam back here and have been here ever sinc. dang, its 7:00 now. that sucks. well i am going to do some more homework and tahn see wahts up for duty and ang get to bed early beccause of morning workouts again. so i will write tom.
    later all
    cant wait to see veryone. Mom and dad, more food there too i hope. Jami and Colleen and karl and perkins lets go party dudes. i need to. okay or to make mom and dad feel better, to our normal place of bowling and applebeets. cool
    later dudes

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: "Jami" - Wheezer
    Thursday, October 12th, 2000
    11:10 pm
    hey all
    Hey all, okay i am writing again. dang i got to say that this morning work out, sucks big time. last night, we did a long 6700 yard workout and i felt good. it tried to push myself a little bit, and i wrote about that last night. well this morning i woke up and i felt pretty good. not really tired, like i usually am. than when i started going to the pool, i felt tired and it got worse. everyone else was also tired. me and inclding all the other level 2 swimmers were also really tired. i didn't, and we didn't have much time to recover from a 6700 yard workout to the morning for another one. we had nothing in us. and we hurt big time. i went and got some breakfast. its funny, it seems like \in the morning after a workout, food doesn't sound good but i had to force myself to eat because i knew i wopuld be hungry latre and i need my enegery. well i can tell swimming is going good because i seem to be lossing weight. that somewhat beer belly of mine is starting to strink, which is a big time plus for me. i guess the crunches and the situps with weights on ym stomach are helping as well. but swimming is going good.
    so after i ate, i went to my lab, biology lab and again, for i don't know how many times had to look at onion seeds for looking for cell division. but this one was cool. we had to prepare our own slides, which was really cool. we had real onions and had to prepare the slides, which measn took the tips of the onion and did all kinds of stuff to get the cells out. after that i went back and slept for about 2 1/2 hours which felt great. i hit my pillow and i was a goner. it was great. i woke up and than had to go and visit a teacher to work on one of my papers for writing one. we always do it for every paper we do in that class.
    than went and finally got some lunch and brought my chemistry book. i ate more than reading that. this chapter, chapter 5, i am starting to understand know. i was able to explain something to someone, yesterday so that was big time great.
    than swim practice again.
    i can tell caoch dodd is a good coach and he knows his stuff, instead of hitting us with another 6700 yard work out we had a team meeting on what the rest of the season will look like. startiung after break, i will be going Monday, tuesday and thursday mornings from 5:30 to 7:30 AM. i will have wednmesday and friday mornings off, which will be nice since i don't have class until 10:40 AM. Than again in the afternoon. Monday, through friday, from 3:15 to 5:30 PM. we have weights on tuesdays with dryland on thursdays. Everyday we will be putting in almost 12,000 yards a day. about 6,000 in the morning and 6,000 in the afternoon. And satruday, if we aren't on the road for a meet, we will be going 2 hour swim with 1 hour weights. but starting november, nos aturday workouts, just meets, along wioth friday meets too. we will be on the road alot. we have the longest road season in history of the swim team. which will be nice. i think. but the pre-meet warm-up we did today. tom knows his stuff because instead of going and gdoing 1000 yards in high school for a meet he has us do some things. like a 15 to 30 min, jsut swim and than some drills, maybe some kick and pull in there, some sprints and build ups and and starts. we tell him waht we wanta do for the dayt, like times and he gives us idead of what we should do to get ready. he knows his tuff big time
    well after the workout, it was time for dinner once agian. we went and had dinner, it was good.
    than back to the dorm to rest. but, knowning BJ dorm, you don't get time to rest.
    this week is all homecoming week and one of the events is dorm decorating contests. like high school, we had home room door decorting. here we had the whole dorm. the theme this year is countdown to the 40s. since we have 2 halls, two floors each, we had it good. we did, the 80's and 70's for the two guy's floor and 60's and 50's for the girls and than 40's in the lounge where there was swinbg dancing. Troy is guiite the dancer ins swing. my floor did the 70's and my roll was a nixon supporter. i had on a black jacket and had a sign supporting him. the way the judges got through was through our time machine, which were little scooters that alot of us ride all over campus. our floor, like i said was the 70's, and we had disco and star wars and all nixon. we went all out. or the whole dorm went all out. then we took a group picture. matty took one and she is going to give me one. than, i went to late night for some more food with gary and jon and arron. other frosh swim team members. arron and jon are some intersting guys. they decided to have a drinking contest of, no not beer, but juices and soda and stuff, i think jon had 13 glasses of different drinks and arron had 12, almost got there. boy they didn't look good, plus they had to bike back to their apartment. but it was alot of fun. the swim team members are all cool. tom night we have frosh tradtionation. it will be cool, i think. alot like our dorm one.\
    well i think that is all for now. thingd are going good. i am going to go and get some sleep. pelase write comments to me people
    later all

    Current Mood: awake
    Current Music: nothing - watching the news for once
    Tuesday, October 10th, 2000
    11:38 pm
    Just a fast litte notes of stuff. I felt a little better at swimming today. kinda. WE had a morning swim. I can't believe i have been in the dang pool three times today. it really sucks to be in the chlorine that much. we had a morning swim, or IM stuff, it was okay. i hate IM's kinda. So than i went and got some breakfast, it was kinda of a fast one because i had to get to the chemsitry lab to do some work, and to do a lab. we did some lab that had to do with testing sun screen. i think i messed up one some of it, but thats okay. i was so tired i went back to the dorm and i was out in no time. slept for a good 4 hours and than went to get some lunch. it seems like my stomach has shrunk since i have been here. not eating as much, but more times. like 4 times a day. then went back, and i had to force mys elf to do homework. I did and than went to the pool
    us, the distance swimmers, are using these new toys, these devices that are suppose to help us work on our stroke cycle so we can get them faster. to make us faster swimmers. so we spent about an hour trying to program the dang things and than finally got into the pool to do some workouts with them. they were good. i feel they are going to help me.
    than, we went to the weight room to get some weights done. i feel i am lifting more, but i get really tired fast because of the swimming. my muscles are dead at the end of the day. well, lets see, they are now and its 11:30 at night. good thing we don'[t have a morning workout tom. umm, lets see. than, it was about 5:45, and i had lessons at 6:30, so being rushed like all the time, i went over and got some food and than back to the pool for again, the third time of being in the water.
    did lessons, came back and did more homework. i can't wait to get home to rest and get some sleep. college is fun, but also is sleep, and to go out and party. well atleast when swimming is done, i will have some spair time to do somethings, and to play hockey and get more rest.
    lets see, i think that is about all. i talked with one of my freinds that lives down in tacoma and talking about going to see her that friday that i come home. so i will talk more with her. i haven;t had a chance to go see camille yet. maybe sometime in november or december.
    Me and Jami are doing good. we talked online for about an hour last night. Jami and I have a strong bond, that is intererupted sometimes and we go away from each other, and than back to our freindship again really quikly. but its good.
    umm, i think that is about all for right now. i am going to go to bed here and get about 10 hours.
    say more later

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: 311 - come original, and the sound of my pillow calling me
    Monday, October 9th, 2000
    9:09 pm
    again, more of chris
    Okay, i am going to write some more but it is not going to be as long as the other one that i wrote. i have to say that i am really tired so i am going to go and get some sleep alot.
    I had a swim practice this morning and and one this afternoon. We put about 10,000 yards in today and its only going to be going up more. i went out and got some gaderate, but can't find my carbo fuel i want. i left it at home. i can buy some more.
    well, i have been talking with Jami. I have missed not talking to her in a while. we are great freinds and i hope, like i have aid before, that we stay that way. i lvoe you girl. no not that way. lol
    let see, i have to do like 20 chemistry problems by friday, its going to be hard with swimming and getting stuff ready for homecomming.
    i do get to go home soon, in about two weeks. if i have swim practice i will be home around 1:00 i think. i am going to try and get my made up chemi test done before break too.
    well, it think that is about all for now.
    please spread the word, of who ever reads this. Jami, send it to freinds at work, like colleen, and Karl, and michelle and people to college. all over the place please. mom and, to family and other people we know.

    well i guess thats all for now.
    i am going to go to bed adn get some sleep, so i will write more later

    Current Mood: tired and sleepy
    Current Music: garth brooks - the thunder rolls
    12:50 pm
    hey all again
    Okay, let me see where do i need to start. i have about 25 mins to write and lets see if i can get it all in and everything.
    well first thing, thank you to dan and elona for letting me come over, or i am guess they were expecting me to come over. i brought all my clothes that have been in my laundry basket for the past couple of weeks to do laundry. i had to do two loads because i had a lot to do, but i got it done. for dinner we had some homemade chicken noodle soup[. it was good. homemade noodles from stratch. it great, and we also had some rolls too. they got some pumpkins and i helps hanna carve hers. Elona felt like doing it, but it seemed really early to do it. ANd we put some halloween docorations up. ones where you stick on the window with water. There was a water bottle that we used and me being the smart a** that i am decided to play around with elona. so a spray there and a spray there and than a dool. we wrestled around trying to grab it from each other and spraying and than knowing beaky, she wanted to have fun so she came down and gave me a painful but interetsting wedgy. i guess its a good thing i had boxers on. my new boxers. Dr. Susi. I can't spell. the author who did green eggs and ham. can someone please teach me how to spell. i need it.
    so we got soaked and all but it was fun, and went and got a new shirt and got the other stickers up on the wall.
    than i went back and played around. i played pool last night at 12:30 at night. i couldn't sleep.
    WEll lets see. this weekend was okay. the campus was dead. a lot of people went home for the weekend. i stayed because i needed to do some stuff. like homeowkr and laundry and see people. i chatted with a lot of my freinds on line. lets ee, Saturday, we had a long practice. a two hour swim and than right over to the weight room and lifted for about :45 mins. It was good. than like 5 of us just staying in the cafiteria for like 2 hours sitting and eating some stuff and making jokes. it was fun.
    i stayed at Jareds a good part of the night until like 2. we were burning some music for me so i could clean it off my hard drive and have some more space. Lets see, i have been downloading alot of screen savers and desktop themes, that way i will not get board.
    umm, not much more to say.
    those dang seahawks, i was playing pool with gary sunday and we got a pizza, with free drinks delivered. Pizza pipline knowns where we are at. they bring pizze all the time right to the dorm. its great.
    there is this game going on now around our dorm. its called kill. you sign up, its a week long and each person is assigned someone to kill, not real kill. and you have to do it when no one is around and than kill them. once you kill them than they have to tell you who they were suppose to kill and you go kill that person. its based on points too. and there is no lieing. i forgot to sign up so i will do it next game, next week.
    i am almost all caught up with my homework. some more finishing touches on my chemistry homework, and i am writing a paper i missed for writing one. Its a personal narrative and i am writing about the close bond me and my sister, courtney had, before she died. how she did almost everything that i did. such as swimming and trying to stay up and drink coffee and study way into the night. my professor said that would be perfect. i put a little part in there about how she died, because i felt the paper needed that. but i thought this would be good for my greiving and help me get my message out about how almost any infection we get, we could die from because our bodies can't fight much more because we have mbeen on so much antibiotics all our lives that our bodies can't to it anymore. dad, am i right? is that what i am trying to say?
    well, lets see. WE started double work outs this week. this week its from 6 to 7:30 in the morning and 3:15 to about 5 in the afternoon. starting when we come back from break it will be from 5:30 to 7:30 and 3:15 to 5:30. alot of swimming for me. with weights and dry land in there as well. i should be lossing weight. i ams till eating a lot but i i am working out big time.
    i aqm trying to remember anything else that i can write. its been about 5 days or so since i have written in here. i would like some feedback from people that read this so make comments to me. more the better so i know that people read this.
    well in about two weeks i get to go home for break, so will be good.
    Dang, kevin is pernoid about this game.
    but its a cool one.
    WEll get to come home for break and see family and freinds and go out and party and have some fun when i come back
    i ahve mid-terms all next week, so be good to do those and leave all my books here when i go home. and see freinds still have all there's. But with homecoming this weekend, its going to be hard. i think i am going to come home thursday. if i don't have practice i will make it home around 8:30 nine. if i do, than i will leave at 5 and be home around 12:00 to 12:30. so not to bad. i will just drink a lot of WATER to stay awake and be pulling over alot.
    well i am getting tired of writng. my pump up song is on now. bon jovi, Its my life. i am going to lsiten to this before each race i have this season.
    well i will write more later, hopfully not in 5 days but sooner
    write comments
    later al

    Current Mood: relaxed
    Current Music: Bon Jovi - Its my life
    Thursday, October 5th, 2000
    8:18 pm
    writing again, mostly for dad to read. lol
    WEll lets see what i am going to write about. This week has been going really well. I got back and got all my homework back that i needed to do to work on. i think the hardest thing right now is chemistry. Karl would love it. its a lot harder than high school chemi, but its going okay.
    A good freind of mine, Kirstin, moved down to denver for awhile because she thought it would be better. she use to live in elm. WE talked on the phone and e-mail alot since she has been down there in denver, and now she is commibg back to elm on friday becayse things aren't what she thought and hoped they would have been like. She can't wait to come back and i cna't wait to see her. WHen i am on break i am going to go down to olympia to see her.
    Lets see. swim team is going good. getting up at 5:40 and getting in the water at 6. we did 4100 yards today in an hour 1/2 and than weights this afternoon. my summer training is comming back so thats good.
    i should be doing better within time, and getting back to my time.
    my time in the 500 that is. we did some taping under water today too so i am looking forward to seeing it and see what it looks like.
    letsee. i am coming home for thanksgiving break on a wednesdya, so dad, i will be able to make the flight at 9:00 pm that night. so there is no problem. i am still working on christmas. i might be able to come home tuiesday night, of my thanksgiving break. i will let you and everyone else know.
    i am trying to figure out what to do this weekend. i ahve swimming and laundry and homework to do too. but michelle wants me to come out, and i really wanta see her. dan and monica and everyone are going somewhere, they invited me. i ma not sure yet. i might get out of here because next week is homecoming and i will be on campus all weekend long.
    well, i think that is about all. i am still waiting for some cookies. lol alexis said she is going to send me some.
    mom and or dad, when you read this can you put a link or e-mail the address to everyone in the family for me? thanks
    well i think that is about all. i am just waiting for that check to clear that went into saving at washington mutual. i hope it goes through. i still have some money left here, so dad, do not worry about it, yet.
    well, i got one more thing of homework to do and than i am going to go do something and than go get some sleep for another 6:00 morning swim.
    i will write again tom night if i can
    Sunday, October 1st, 2000
    9:49 pm
    i am writing again
    Okay, its been a long time since i have done any writing. i guess since i am back here at college and this is where i use to do all the writing in it, is where i need to start up with it again and continue doing it again.
    It was kinda weird to come back to the college. i guess i was kinda nervous to come back and see everyone but that soon left in no time. it was great to see all the family that came to get me, monica and kim and dan and elona. it was great. i got back and alot of people came to chat with me. I was talking with david, and i guess his dad passed away about 2 weeks ago, we we have a lot in common, also we both play hockey. he was in the hospital for the past two nights because of an allergivc reaction or something like that. but we talked about an hour about me and my situation and it felt good to talk to one of my brothers from the dorm. i have been talking all day to my minastry people. Dave, and Devion and Jenn. it waqs great. they all wanta chat and get to know me more. mostly devon wants to get to know me. hes a great guy.
    umm, i am trying to figure out what more to say. i talked to michelle tonight over the phone and might go over and see her and Mike this weekend or something like that., we feel so close together. its great now.
    Umm i have a 6 ocolck moreing swim tom. with weights in the afternoon. So i feel myself getting back into shape in no time. it will be great to get all hte muscle back and loose all that soda that is stil stuck in my stomach after the psat two weeks. Umm, what else can i say?
    well it seemed kinda of overwhelming this afternoon, everyone saying hi and glad that i was back. i am glad i came back. i needed to come back. Umm, alot of people i talked to saying hi and talking some and all knowing why i left for two weeks and wanted to know waht i was doing and how i was feeling and all. all the MC's have been great. I already said this.
    Umm, i think thats about all now. I am in well care and great hands with the campus and the school and the dorm and all.
    so i will write again tom. dad
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