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103 matches:
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The following users are interested in horse the band. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
432 matches:
1887 - I'm the Disco Fucker of the New Generation
1badfridaybass - 1badfridaybass
45cal_makeover - Zachary A. Heggan
4lao - BEMO
9minute_romance - Dustin
____stereo - the tragedy is the ignorance behind the clean cask
___eversosweet_ - I'll write all the songs you hate
___ri0t - kristi*
__anemic - jessi
__endymion - !JESSICA!
__knifeplay - she's shaking like a revolution.
__murderclause - ((2o8))
__omgxburninate - kelly.
__revolt - ♥
__smashaguitar - Shake your hips for me, darling. </3
__xthrowdownx__ - Matt
_apedosmil_ - maya
_blxckandwhite - Mike
_cometodaddy - _cometodaddy
_euphio - susie2dope
_forty3seconds - Baelynn Noelle Maxwell
_kissitxgoodbye - xJENNIFAx
_letthefiredie_ - paul
_mewithoutyou - ___This Is NOTHING Personal X____
_shecouldchoke - Chris, Did You Ruin The Dance Party?
_thisisoul__ - _thisisoul__
_upondeafears - Lauren
a_childs_cry - a kiss goodbye brings a tear to my eye
a_jewel_sparkle - wrap it in silver and gold
a_silenced_hope - Kyle
abcdefghijklost - 867-5309 KEVIE
abouttofall - mikeytrikey
absinthe__party - sam
acoustnik - Nicholas Gabriel
adrian192000 - An ordinary man at war with the everyday world
af_punk86 - Paul
allgunspoolside - xIanx
althegirl - one girl army
alwaysondisplay - this is the deep end
ambulance___ - ashies.
americanbulldog - American Nationalist
an_autumn_rose - Faded Away
anishkapur - Anish Kapur
anna_karima - anna_karima
anotherdotcom - [insert witty remark here]
arctic_kisses - stop the drama
as_innocentsdie - Steal sleep from the lips of the fallen.
asbeautydies - Sar's Asian Cuisine
ascensiondream - xodayxo
asecretlife - everyone sucks
asetofnewlungs - asetofnewlungs
asexymanbeast - jeff
astrolux - Mario
atgdrummer - Metal Incarnate
autorelocator - Get In The Car We Can Leave Today
baby_sara - Hey's Jesus
balancetheory - .CarDiaC MeTroNomE.
banfashionxcore - banfashionxcore
be_my_drug - Adam
beatchic - beatchic
becomethesignal - x colincore x
begofyou - translating the name
beneaththeblood - tom
berserker10486 - Jonathan
bestcaserecords - horse, the livejournal
blackenhearts - love is just a hoax
bloodmayflow - .kill.the.lights.
bloodwillflow - Nathan
bnaro - B.Naro
br0kelikeglass - you're beautiful just not on the inside.
break_me - We are fuck you
broken_ankles - shrop
bryanunseen - Bryan
btab - my spoon is too big
bunny_suicides - bunnies are so depressing
burn_baby_burns - sexual harassment panda
burn_piano_isle - Jones From Indiana
canadianchic85 - Lauren
captain_bukkake - Queerstin
carrie7907 - C4RR13
caseychaos - Brett God
chad88 - Chad
checkeredslut - the girl who destroyed the world --
childlikegrace - +.lyrical did.+
chokenonknives - Pieces Of My Heart Cut Me Like Suicide.
chokexandxdie - ♥ bailey ♥
chronoman - Dave
civeta_dei - bambi the hooker and a case of beer
clickbang - Jayme
codex_avellum - My hands are abandoned factories
collective_soul - Go Get Your Gun Because God Wont Show
coolcatcraig - Craig
corpses - Fiend.
correctness - when.forever.comes.crashing
cosmo_memory - Run, dammit, run
cowbob - placid dying eyes
crazyjustin1685 - Justin
crucifucks - crucifucks
cryxoutxloud - lyss
cut_opentragedy - thundersaurus
cutandgluehere - that one girl, whats her name?
dark_knight69 - StevexXxMosh
darkmental - Bill Brasky
davespants - david forcier
dclove808 - Megan
dead_body - -( )uT~Ce)-
deadatnight - signal to noise
deadbolt175 - ElliotVPwarrior
deadinhisarms - xxxlouise
deadlullaby - hotel corral esSEX.
deathcabformel - Broken Hearts and New Addictions
deathxbyxmedia - deathxbyxmedia
deceitfufallacy - designed with false emotion
deeba - Billy
deilla_allied - deilla and edna allied
deliciouslarry - Larry
delorean1985 - Sam the man Couch
demon_wings - foochie mama
destroyerkl - do you see me when we pass?
destroyxmyxstar - X.True.Love.Only.Exists.In.Hollywood.X
diexjuliexdie - Julie Ruin
dirtypancake - bellyofawhale
disgraceful_me - disgraceful_me
dissolvexdecay - cameren
doctaxphil - phil
dont_wake_me - james
doofusrock - thirtyoneguns
douchey - Chris
downwithflames - all you want are the things i need
drewmond - Take Back Today
drivebyprophet - drive by prophet
drpilgrim - Markest Hour
ducktapexcore - loren connors
dwi_n_hoenus - sierra bowyer.
east_coast_envy - viviannnnnnnnn ♥
ekka - ekka
eldink - Associate Unit #1260
electrikk_xcore - Christal<3
elusivebliss - i hate the desert.
emilyklein - Emily
entropos - The Eric You Wish You Were
everydayisdying - A Clearer Sky.
explosions - jessay mack
eyeline_match - I Said Goddamn!
fakinggrins - slutface.
fleeingthestars - _
flothepoetress - Jenna
fo_shizzzzzle - .
forthedying - ..::there.s::glory::in::subversion::..
forxthisxreason - Capsize the tall tale...
four_plants - four_plants
freakinnutcase - im like mase
fusethemasked - Rob
g0ssam3r - Straight from your Wrists
ghostintheradio - Tom.
giftedacrobat - reasons, not rules.
glass_sandwich - sexmonster5000
gloryfades - i am ellie's wasted life
greg_of_fire - Sarah
greybland - grey bland
grrrlriot - La Discotecha
guttrak - forget it everyone else seems to
hagie - Hagie
hangingstar - hangingstar
hate_the_hero - James
hearthotcross - hearthotcross
heartsxclosed - heartsxclosed
hiddenpunkchick - SuckaFoo
hmetal123 - Bryan
hobo_j_arpen - hobo_j_arpen
hologrameffort - John
hopeurhappy - hannah
horsethelevi - Levi Dustin
hottblumarkerz - Courtney
hyperchondriac - hyperchondriac
i_am_dynomite - Asian
icareabouthay - Katy
ieatoldpeople - adam
ifonlyihad1wish - david foster
ihatejessbond - (we'll sleep on ice when this bed is on fire)
ikissedpeterpan - andrea
iliekdeathmetal - so sedated, so secure
illusionsfade - nancy smash
in_no_sense - helmie
ineedaboyfriend - ash
inoonei - No One
insidemyshadow - insidemyshadow
irish_paul - Paul Smith
irobotneverdie - TEd
iwokeupinacar - i'm a bunny hop hop
jay_of_aoa - Jason Foster
jeeveschrist - 4456-7289-0001
jerkface_ - C a i t .
jesus_gone_wild - all my friends are dead
jmu - jmu
joeyready - Joey Ready
joycey - ♥Fatally Yours♥
jubella30 - jubella30
jukeboxzero - the kid with no shoes
kangarooster21 - TD + ETID = Miller Time
killercars_ - killercars_
kiss_______this - that one totally awesome dame
kissmyfist_xo - kissmyfist_xo
knifeinme - Jaymz Lee
knifeofrelief - laser
lamb_slaughter - too much metal
larryheartsu - Brittany
lastnightlives - (pat and andy) Not all robots respect the rules.
laugh_at_that - Lauren
lazysk8er912 - The Texas Belt Buckle
le_hipshake - KAY EH ARE ARE EYE EH
leebarnes - Walter Sobchak
legacytheband - Dom
let_skies_bleed - bleed for me
like_a_bullet - ♥heartcore♥
lindsmitch820 - Lindsey Michelle
lips_lie - amanda
lisalovesyou - Lisa
loanpunker - loanpunker
lobo_caliente - eli ;)
lordxhelmet - JiggaXcizzore
loserinalocker - ashton the terrible
loveisweakness -
maninthecorner - The Mike
meconiumassacre - cola
meganaitor - .megan.danielle.willard.
mikeistooemo - mikexcore
morbidflorist - One Third Of The Perfect Man
morganlefray - One Kill Wonder
moshpitwaltz - my love's subliminal.
mothercore - mothercore
mountkepi - b3th0r
movienevermade - N\cho/a§
mrcoffeeforyou_ - Tony aka "Joe Cool"
murder_whiteout - murder_whiteout
murdermebaby - Justin
murdermyshow - shrader
musicboxballet - bang bang bang
mutatismutandis - Who Cares A Lot?
my_callous_eyes - Stuart Ryan
my_savage_hands - cutsman
mychemicalballs - this is u
myownrestraints - myownrestraints
myplasticlove - enemy
mytearsareblue - dreams are what they used to be..
negrobikerider - Devin G(smoke)uerrero
negromancer - nothing. in. vain.
neverwill - neverwill
nikfi - fuzzy and magikal what glows
nipplestheclown - Day Dream Sex
no2ndchances - Phil
nolastkissx - Nick
nosawa - EVIL aka Matt Randall
nothing_kills - can you see?
nothingdreadful - BRET
now_takemehome - Krystal with a K, the black way.
nuthingbetter - Marshall
octorok - ★
ogary_is_my_kat - ?&7!#F.//3!!!
oh_my_gosh - ronda
ohagony - Courtney Elizabeth
ohgoddamnit - Tanya
oipunkagogo - Cody Ryan Nichols
oldscratch - Sebastian
omgwerule - ♥ J t0 th3 m0th37Fuck1n G ♥
one_last_sunset - "That Natalie Girl"
onefinedaytodie - so you think this shits for real?
onemanhomocide - Jack's Broken Heart
oopshe_bangbang - steph
paper_planes - bobby
pattylionheart - Patty
paul_topic - paul
pbandj_manwhich - plug me in and turn me on
pen3tration - committed
pheonixinflames - C.J. Hinkus
phoenix21 - Jordan Luff
pinkchecker - emily
pinkforever - pinkforever
pirate_x_core - Brian
pistol_genocide - le desordre c'est moi
possym - Andrew
provokingastorm - Stupid Kid (Not like the Alkaline Trio song!)
psychosasquatch -
pullthe_trigger - -rico suave-
punkrabbit - Stephen
push_the_panic - David
racingatrain - racing a train
rakeman_yohneth - brett
rand0mxx - A Boy Brushed In Red ... Living In Black and White
ravidiedtonight - Ravi Singh
rawralittle - so choke me.
red_letter_dayx - p i l
red_star41 - LeeAnn
rentyeah - Danielle
restedinblood - Insecurities Securing Tragedy
reticentharmony - Handsome Killa
reznorstill646 - Feeble Delusion
rhcpfender44 - Jack
roan_x_irish - Distance Kills Us All
robot_l0ve - +³√8
robotsdontcry - yep
rooftopjunkie - jean jackets and red scarves
rthska - Ruthie
russtopher - Ru$$
salt_filledcut - DIRTY DAN
samuripolarbear - alex
sarah_sippin40z - sarah
satiate_my_mind - satiate_my_mind
scissorscut - scissorscut
screambox - screambox
screamingsheep - Rob Dogg
screamorok77 - tom
severxthexstars - x Randi x
sexualz - idontblowyou
shattrd_memries - Sam
shes_amplified - the lauranator
shesacriminal - <3
shescome_undone - pull the trigger & the nightmare stops.
showeredinglass - Derek
showmeyourstars - Pull the trigger
sickenedthirst - Tim
silent_smile - [ shannon ]
silverwing00 - Pinkie
sinisterdiagram - the bend
sirbryanthelion - sirbryanthelion
skanugget - I was born for this
skrewyphreak - Mighty Mike the Fourbanger Fan
sks05x - s.k.s`
sl0wdive - A dreamer
slawn420 - The King Of El-Jay
slothgearrex - Kenny
smack_you_dead - chocolate unicorn
smellbeforerain - asho.
snatchbuddy1 - Adam
soflapunx - so lock and load this
solstince - I want specifics on the general idea
somewittyquote -
song4abrknheart - Mike
spaceboyxx - _____vanityyyVANITYYYvanityyy
squeezebox - just a little cat nap...
stars_end - James
starsinsideyou - Fascist Statement
stephxjackson - steph
stomachvsheart - Scott(ie)™
stopthenight - stopthenight
subversion4kidz - Jonni the Red
suckerforakissx - tragic kiss
sunrisexsunset_ - Jac Hoff
takeiteasy - reid
tangboy - You Can't Kill Heroes
taratyvek - TAKE DOWN YOUR ART
teddyhugger1928 - teddyhugger1928
terror_eyes_ - get your hot sluts.
the__specialist - &$#@)*#!!
the_evidence - Jinx
the_vague - julia
thehales - not introspective, self-absorbed
theresonlythis - Not Quite Pretty
thesamemistakes - you're a weiner
theshadowsburn - little__thoughts
think_of_stars - a parasite without a past.
thisismymask - .
thot_arsonist - steven switchblade
thrashinchief - *~the trail walked down~*
timmah3209 - timmah3209
tonez - idontknowyou
torrid_love - Tempt me. Tease me.Touch me. Please me
townsendgjaw - Hi-fives with butcher knives....
translatedxlove - Crystal
tribot_flex - tribot
triggergobang - Duck Duck Eagle
trulystrange87 - Raoul Duke
uclarocker - David
ufke - Joakim Helvete
uglymug256 - thomas kill
uhhhiduntexist - PIKABOO! I SEE YOU
unicornsarereal - Becka
unorigional - unorigional
unsp0kenfears - Try to kill me if it makes you happy
vacathecow - Mike
vaskyline - the ink that spells your name
videodays - nikkipal
wafflecone - BRIDGETCORE
waist_of_paint - ..::K a i t ::..
walk_your__dead - Steven
watch_me_die - jess
we_allfalldown - JORDYNN SNUFF
weaves - weaves
wecanbuildyou - Stefan
westaredsolong - cheap sex and codeine
whereislovenow - To be so Intimate
white_boy_mike - Mike
whoatherehorsey - Jason
wileyotis - that's as many as four tens
wiresxandxwaves - Venus As A Boy
words_for_you - tahw greblhaw kram
x_dalk_x - x_dalk_x
xalexisdeadx - alexxx
xass_hatx - some random asshole
xbeyond_fatex - Robin
xchokesthedarkx - ilana
xcrypoboyx - xcrypoboyx
xcryxhavocx - The One and Only.
xdearambellinax - xdearambellinax
xdeathsprayx - Handsome Zack
xemoxrockerx - xemoxrockerx
xfacexbusterx - c h r i s
xfallingxxstarx - megan
xfilintheblankx - Capsize the tall tale..
xfoofynonox - valerie
xgeoffreyx - Geoffrey
xheartsh0t - she simply will not die
xia - Perpetua Laycock
xjessexx - xJessexx
xkennedyx - indie vinyl nerd
xlastxstaticx - jackee like whoa <3
xlovesmenotx - dead womb
xmicahx - xmicahx
xonedyingwishx - please dont
xpacmanissexyx - go shorty!
xpuncturewoundx - Zach
xradiodaysx - "Rockin the Coffin"
xstray_childx - ryan
xthroughmyeyesx - << a stranger >>
xtonightwedance - Girls Got A Face Like Murder
xxprepcorexx - the Man in the Yellow Hat
xxurafaggotxx - Jonathan
xxxphoenixxx - phoenixxx
yourealush - michael francis
yourowndisaster - Yr critique, baby - not mine.
yrmurdermytrial - yrmurdermytrial
zackarcher - xTROUSERSNAKEx