Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland...(not quite yet) [entries|friends|calendar]

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Happy Thanksg-... Oh wait, it's over. [26 Nov 2004|11:33am]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | Pezzatronic - Tamagotchi Lover ]

My Thanksgiving was so-so. The night before Ting called me and was like, "KELLY-SAMAAAA!! Yo, what are you doing tonight?" He asked me if I wanted to go to Smiles with him and Tristan. Uh..or "Ramus." I'm sorry, but I love the name Tristan; I can't call him by his last name. xD; So then Ting picks me up and tells me Tiff is going, too. Yay. We got very close when Gary called. We went back to go get him.

It was so nice to go to Smiles! I missed it. It almost felt like old times, especially with Ting and such. On the ride there Ting and I were talking about how Smiles is better than Dadds. He seems to be the only one that agrees with me. I passed Boom Boom Dollar K.O.G. G3 Mix for the first time with a B! I love that song. Me and Tiff had a small crowd around us on the 5th Mix Machine. xD Oh yeah, and I had forgotten how damn HOT it gets in Smiles. Aye. I was dying. I pulled out my Japanese fan to really use it, and I let Gary borrow it too. When I was up at DDR with Ting, he was dripping with sweat. x.x
We played pool, too. I am a notch below "terrible." Then I get a call from Alissa. She went to Smiles with her cousin Franz, who is visiting. He's from Germany. So, I met him. His English seems well. I also saw Kev and Dan Wolvier (or "Dan's friend, Dan").

On Thanksgiving morning I was exhausted. Did the band show, went to the football game. Did the show again. I think it went pretty well. Realized the next time doing "Somewhere" would be doing it as a senior. Gosh. They said it was going to rain... It was sunny and pleasant.

When I got home I collapsed on the couch and slept. Woke up to find dinner being set up on the table. I felt bad that I didn't do anything to help with dinner. I wanted to. ;.; So, we ate our usual spread: Turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, rolls, brocolli cassarole, and candied yams. Hmm, it seemed like more than that. Well, it was just me and parents because we aren't close to any of our relatives.

Afterwards I just rested and watched Spiderman with my dad. Oh yeah, and we had pumpkin pie and cheesecake for dessert.

I'm annoyed because this morning I was going to get up early with my mom to catch the Black Friday specials at the mall. But supposedly she couldn't get me out of bed. I don't remember anything. So she went without me. :P I woke up around 10 a.m.

I have a large amount of homework, but I think I'm going to put it off till tomorrow. I'm really not looking forward to it.
I might go to Dan's house tonight. I'm looking forward to that. I haven't seen him since school on Wednesday.

I actually doubt my formal dress will get here in time for the formal. I don't even think it was sent out yet. Damn. My parents asked me why I couldn't wear the same dress I wore to it last time. You and I both know that that it just not acceptable. But I couldn't come up with a good reason. Can anyone come up with a reason?

Ah yes, and this song is so cute and funny! XD Got it from BemaniStyle.

1 * Let It Snow

School tomorrow is not good times [17 Nov 2004|08:38pm]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | The Swingle Singers - WIlliam Tell Overture ]

Happy November Birthdays!: [info]antigravityone, [info]boltor19, [info]invader_psyc, [info]jishukisei...
That's all I know of.. Happy Birthday, again!

My mom got back from Parent Visiting. She said my math and computer programming teachers told her there was room for improvement. Figures. All elsewheres it seems good. They all say I participate, too. I found that strange. :x

Last night I had a dream I was doing para para and DDR (not at the same time), and when I woke up my sheets were extremely disheveled- more than usual. Is it possible that I was doing para para and DDR while I was asleep? Good thing no one was around to see. <.<;;

We are reading Othello in English class. I just noticed a certain connection between a character and a font called Desdemona.

My Japanese teacher said that the Japanese visitor may visit our class again. Does anyone have any questions about Japan or anything for me to ask him? xD

Christmas: semi-Important )

3 * Let It Snow

Besuboru [11 Nov 2004|12:29pm]
[ mood | full ]

So Tuesday was Japanese class. When Tiff and I finally got in, we learned that there was class last Tuesday on election day. And that there was a "quiz" on hiragana. I died. Luckily she did not even collect/record the "grades." And I learned I knew more than I thought. <.<; I know a few more than "n" and "no." I don't know where I picked them up.

We had a guest speaker. An authentic live Japanese man. xD I believe his name was Yutada, and he was a 26-year-old student who was spending about a year in the United States. He was decent at speaking English. I liked his accent a lot. Alissa, you would have liked him. He was a "cute nerd," as you would say. He likes B'z. And he thinks the way fire-fighters drive in the U.S. is "crazy and noisy." XD And he was president of an oendan (all-men Japanese baseball cheerleading club type-thing). I got his signature. When I told Dan this, he laughed at me.

Ok, so so far I've met a Korean person, a Chinese person, and now a Japanese person. Woo?

No school today!... But plenty of homework. <.<;

P.S. - Look at the last section here. xD Boosht!

Let It Snow

OUT OF MANY........ [one] [10 Nov 2004|08:15pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | News Channel 8 theme? eck... ]

While searching for homework help,

I found my U.S. history textbook for sale...

at Kinokuniya.



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HALLOWEEN '04 [07 Nov 2004|04:44pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | NIGHT OF FIRE ]

Yes, finally! Halloween pictures! What fun! Enjoy.

Halloween 2004 )

5 * Let It Snow

^.^ Halloween and such [02 Nov 2004|11:53pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | I WANNA DANCE ]

These past days have been a lot of much-needed fun. On Friday I dressed up, sort of.. I wore my Diru shirt, boots, plaid skirt, and fishnet stockings. I tried to write "Diru" on my face. So... Dir en grey fan/Japanese girl? I can't remember what writing system. No pics for that. :x That night there was the home football game. Our team won. The half time show was ok..

Saturday I got pumpkins, and then I went to a Halloween party. I had the greatest time, especially when Alissa and Ting got there. I haven't seen then in so long. Expect many pictures from the party and band social soon!

Sunday was Halloween. During the day Tiffany and I saw "The Grudge." I liked it. It made me jumpy, but I found it to be more interesting and exciting than scary. And Japanese! I was telling Eric about how there was a young American couple living in Japan, but then they got killed. He said that that teaches me a lesson: if Dan and I ever go to Japan, we will die. xD;

Sunday night Ting brought Tiff, Justine, Kev, and me trick-or-treating. Us three girls were Korean schoolgirls. x3 We stopped by Eric's house since we were in that neighborhood but he wasn't home. We stopped by Gary's restaraunt and got fortune cookies! I didn't get a big haul of candy since we left around 7:30. We decided to "chill" afterwards. We dropped off Justine because she needed to finish homework. Then we drove to Dan's house to borrow DDR Extreme. We ended up playing at his house. Before we left Dan gave me the present he got for me in New York. It's a fluffy stuffed tiger. I named it Tae Bin. ^^;

Yesterday was a half-day of school. Steve and his friend Dan (yes, another one) came by and installed my DSL for me. I am so happy.~ It's so fast! I have had 56K for 4 long years. v.v I showed them some Jrock videos and they seem to like. Steve downloaded some anime for me. We'll see....

Today is election day. Go out and vote. I will be studying and playing video games.

Ah geez, do we have Japanese class tonight!?

1 * Let It Snow

My parents got this letter the other day... [31 Oct 2004|10:54am]
[ mood | grateful ]
[ music | Banya - Winter ]

"Dear Parent:

It gives me great pleasure to inform you that in the next few days, your daughter will receive official notification of her nomination to attend the 2005 National Youth Leadership Forum on Defense, Intelligence and Diplomacy, to be held this spring in Washington, D.C."


Let It Snow

Band social [27 Oct 2004|02:23pm]
[ mood | dozy ]
[ music | BOOM BOOM JAPAN ]

Oh no.. My friend's page died. The first entry on top is from [24 Oct 2004|09:46pm]. I definently know there are entries written after it. I've visited my friends' livejournals. I'm sorry if I comment even less. It is annoying to open up every journal individually. :/ Livejournal has been giving me problems lately.

The band social yesterday was fun. I was a geisha. Dan was Lee Chaolan (yes, I was talking about Lee in my last entry). XDD And Gill was Bakura from YGO. Speaking of Gill, we pwned because we won in the costume contests. She won best cartoon/anime character and I won best costume! Overall. Huzzah!! We played charades, Win, Lose, or Draw (Pictionary :x), and attempted to solve riddles and such. One of the things to act out for charades was "Dance Dance Revolution." I was annoyed that I didn't pull that one. When I went up to do my charade, someone said, "Alright, a Spanish chick!" LOL.

When Dan I were walking out, we saw a bat flying in the air. It came really close to us. It was really cool.. And then we saw another one. Dan carried me halfway back to the van. XD

I think a lot of people do not know what a geisha is. :x


3 * Let It Snow

The Silver Wolf [25 Oct 2004|10:03pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | tiger YAMATO - HOLD ON ME ]

I'm feeling much better today.~ Tomorrow is the long-awaited band social. I just want to get tomorrow's school day over with as fast as possible.

And today I found out that Lee Chaolan is going to be in Tekken 5!! ^o^! Yay!!!!

And what's more, he's fzucking sexy! :x *fangirl* CLICK ME. Doesn't he look younger than his Tekken 4 self? I wonder how old he is here...

His face reminds of someone. Hyde...? *shrug*

And that outfit is interesting. Reminds me of Gackt. o.O? AND... It seems Lee's hair gets darker with his old age. Isn't that funny? XD

Mmm... I feel a Tekken kick coming on. ^.^

GET IT!?! TEKKEN KICK?! *hits with leg*

ba dum, chh.

1 * Let It Snow

o.O [21 Oct 2004|02:32pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | Plastic Tree - Mizuiro Girlfriend ]

I need to type this quickly - I have to call up a classmate and discuss a presentation we have to do tomorrow. :x

I knew Tuesday was going to be a strange/unique day before I even got to school. In the morning, after I pulled my blouse on, I felt something rubbing against my right arm, inside the blouse. It felt like tape or something. I reached up my sleeve and pulled something big and leafy out. I thought it was a couple of leaves, but I looked closer and saw that it was a dead butterfly. It was really creepy. As I inspected it it was sitting perfectly on my hand, "staring" straight at me. It had black wings with white tips. One of its antennas was ripped. It reminded me of a paradox: It was pretty yet... very morbid. It kind of weirded me out. It was also a bit gross. I mean, I did find a huge dead bug in my shirt AFTER I put it on.

I had to do a presentation in Spanish class. It felt weird teaching the class. It was okay... Today I found out I got an A-. I still have troubles with ser vs. estar. I think I have more respect for my teachers. Creating a lesson is hard work.

Rest of the day was alright. Stayed after for extended for only like, 15 minutes. That night was the first night of Japanese class. Yale is beautiful. I really want to go there. It's big, yet it feels very communial (SP?). Our class is really big, we had trouble fitting everyone in. Justine couldn't go, so Katie went in her place and pretended to be her (they are twins). xD

Most of the class is tolerable, but a few people are REALLY annoying... The dorky, irritating people who try to be anime elitists and just won't shut up and brag, say, about how much stuff they've downloaded off the internet or how much they don't care about American stuff... Or the ones who contradict the teachers.... AND STILL can't pronounce simple phrases and insist on pronouncing the "u" in words like "desu" no matter how times the people before them are corrected. Speaking of which, the class is really slow. We're using the same book Mr. Rodgers used with us last year. xD I say we learn how to write and pronounce (the vowels people butcher are brutal) correctly.

Dan wasn't in school. His family took a trip to New York (yes, on a Tuesday. I don't understand, either). He didn't see Kino... BUT, he says he bought me something. Hmm. And he felt it necessary to tell me he saw many Asians, including a girl who had the same haircut as me. He's such a Korean-wannabe.

I haven't gotten much sleep this week. Lots of stuff and homework. I have something bandy to do every day of this week. Clarinet ensemble (I'm a leader with Jenn and Ashley x3), Woodwinds extended, Clarinet sectional, Jazz band, and the pep band game tomorrow... Which Dan is going to!! So Eri, you can meet. ^.^

I need to do work so I'm not up till 13 o'clock tonight.

EDIT: Oh fsuck, I forgot...


:D You can do it!!! *Sox fan*

Matsui is hella-ugly! x3 I was making fun of him yesterday night.

12 * Let It Snow

Yellow. Like the Tsugaru BG. (idk... .@_@) [17 Oct 2004|12:32pm]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | VIRUS - Mama ]

Went to Dadds with Steph yesterday. Saw Katt there, and uber Steve and Dave, met a dude named Mario. Nikki and Jess S. were there but they left kinda early. Played video games. Yeah. Had a 200+ combo on Tsugaru then screwed myself and FAILED. o_O

Steph and I went to Taco Bell afterward. We had a nice time eating and talking about boy issues. Funny thing happened: a group of people walked into Taco Bell, and the last guy slipped on the wet floor. We saw him fall backward and then we heard the loud BOOM. XD He was on the floor for awhile until he mustered up the dignity to get back up. It was hilarious. I don't think he was hurt. :x


*ahem* School pictures in. DAH! )

4 * Let It Snow

NIHON-GO!!!!!!!!!!!! [16 Oct 2004|11:32am]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | A crazy remixed song containing about a million DDR songs ]

I just took the PSATs. Woo... It felt like the CAPT test and Writing SAT II's combined. For the most part I think I did well. I skipped about 7 math problems, though. I need a lot of time for math.

I got the Japanese class at Yale! It starts next week. I have class on Tuesdays from 5:15 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. Strange time... And it encompasses my dinner time. Well, I guess I can eat later on Tuesdays from now on. I hope the class isn't filled with people, especially anime-obsessed people. No offense, but I hope most are interested in Japan and Japanese for more than just anime.

Hopefully I will be going to the arcade tonight. More hopefully... Dan will be going too. His father might not let him go....

Anyway, I hope to see you there tonight. Yes. YOU.

Qu(Kw)izzes )

2 * Let It Snow

私の鼻に白い魚がある。 [11 Oct 2004|01:39pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | bt - simply being loved ]

Yesterday started off as being very boring. Then Alissa called and invited me to the movies with her and Rick. Right before I left, Dan stopped over to get one of the PS2 controllers I let him borrow. Alissa arrived as I was looking for it. So the three of us walked out of the house together. It was kind of funny.

We met up with one of Rick's friends at the theater. Alissa's dad asked for "Twickers and Snix" instead of "Snickers and Twix" at the food counter. XD We all saw "The Forgotten." My advice: DO NOT see this movie. It's not scary, just really weird. And messed up. The ending is very unfulfilling. After the movie I couldn't stop laughing over the crap I just saw. AND I HAD NACHOS!!

So then I played some Soul Calibur II as Rick and his friend gawked over my mad skillz, yo. And then Rick, Alissa, and I left. Alissa asked her dad to bring us to the arcade for just a round of DDR. I didn't think he would, but he did. Dadds, was closed so we went to Smiles. I was very glad Dadds was closed, because I got this strange premonition when I walked into Smiles. Guess who was there?

TING!!! AHHHHH!!!!! I so died. He was on the DDR Extreme machine. After he finished the song he was on he extended his arms and I gave him the biggest hug I ever gave him. His hair got slightly longer, and he got his ear pierced. Hott, yo. We talked for a very small bit. He said he was going to visit school like, tomorrow. I told him I had lunch 4th period. He said he'd try to make it. I hope he doesn't get in trouble! Ting's not exactly the least noticeable person. What's the worst they could do? Throw him out, probably. So Ting had one more song (PS on Heavy), and then he had to leave. v.v Still, Alissa and I were happy.

So these Asian dudes were waiting to play, but I put up a token... One of them asked to play with me, but then he realized I was going to up with Alissa. I think I thanked him for letting us go. So.. I beat my record combo (249) on Healing Vision from Saturday night. Yesterday night I got a 251 combo.

I'm doing homework today. :D My mom brought me home Taco Bell. This is definently the AND I HAD NACHOS!! weekend. Haha.

What kind of band geek are you?

Wow, LOL XD I didn't exagerrate, either.

Joke from that site:
"Why did Beethoven get rid of his chickens?"

-Because they kept on saying: "Bach Bach Bach.


Oh yes, and Happy Sham of a Holiday, my fellow Americans! The news showed activities for kids for today, and they called Columbus's journey "courageous." I wanted to swear at the TV.

5 * Let It Snow

[10 Oct 2004|12:18pm]
[ mood | relaxed ]
[ music | 1TYM! ]

Friday was good. In Spanish class we had breakfast. People brought in food and such. I had coffee, apple crumb cake stuff, a munchkin, and a bagel with cream cheese. We discussed upcoming projects. It was relaxing yet kind of nerve-racking at the same time. Heheh... I was wired for the next few hours, which was good since I had a pre-calculus test the period after. I hope I did well..

I signed up for the PSATs. They occur next Saturday. I'm going to die... By the way, I almost couldn't get into the cafe after coming from the office. The doors were locked, and the teacher who finally let me in said that my pass looked fake!!! I thought he was kidding at first but by the way he was studying the pass and asking me where it came from, I think he was serious. o.O As Eric would say it, the school IS becoming "Nazi-ish." Jeez... I feel like I could get in trouble at any moment.

Friday night was the football game against East Haven. I went with pep band. Our team killed them: 41-0. It almost compensates for our loss against Notre Dame. East Haven's band was amazing. Their half-time show was spectacular. They marched like a competition band. Maybe because THEY ARE. >.< After the game we went over to their band and played "Get Down" with them. It was cool. AND I HAD NACHOS!

Yesterday I went over Steve's house with Dan. We didn't get to play much Final Fantasy IX, but we did bake a cake and play StepMania and witness a car fire. Then Dan came over and we ate dinner, then went to Dadds with him and Steph. Saw Justine, Katt, Goldy, and Jenn and her friends. I think I really overdid it last night because when I got home I could barely walk. I had like a 249 combo on Healing Vision! And I creamed Dan! x3 One of the girls who works there said that I was the best girl she's seen play DDR. She's obviously never seen Katt-chan or Cozi play, but it still made me feel good. ^.^ AND I HAD NACHOS!

Oh yeah, I finally got those two shirts I won on ebay. I wore the pink Japanese surfer one yesterday. I love it. It says "Vegetables" on it. XDD
And.. I have my entire Halloween costume! I can't wait till the band social. If you know what I am going to be, keep it quiet, I want it to be a suprise for most people. I want to wear my costume to more than just the band social. I don't know about trick-or-treating... Maybe there will be a PARTY.. :D

I don't wanna do homework. ;.; But if I do it today, maybe I can go out tomorrow. Anyone want to do anything?

quiz )

4 * Let It Snow

You wanna do? [07 Oct 2004|04:43pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | KISS KISS KISS ]

Thank-you for the thank-you card, Eric! xD It was sweet.

Stolen from Steph:

I am ________ with Kelly.

Kelly thinks a lot about _______.

When i think of Kelly, I think of ________.

I want Kelly to ________ me.

I think Kelly should _____.

If i could describe Kelly in a word: _______.

Kelly will never ______.

Kelly can ______ my _______.

I hope Kelly never _____.

I _____ Kelly because _______.

Kelly & _____ are like ______.

______ & Kelly make everything so _______.

First jazz band practice tonight. I'm nervous, actually.... ._.

EDIT: Rehearsal was pretty good. Ms. M made me "leader of the woodwinds (which isn't saying much)" but.. there are two other senior flutes who happened to not be there tonight. I'm thinking I may be dethroned soon. XD Felix, the other clarinetist, is a quiet fellow. We didn't talk much, but we communicated more than Eric and I did when we first met. He questioned our part (we get the trumpet part because we NEVER have clarinet parts). Haha... At least Ms. M changed our parts to 1st and 2nd instead of 3rd and 4th. We are playing all holdiay music with a swing.

I miss Eric.

19 * Let It Snow

Write me something? [21 Sep 2004|11:47am]
[ mood | groggy ]

School... Annoys. I love weekends. Friday can't get here fast enough.


(it rhymed^)

Stolen from machiko:

Write something for me. It can be anything you want - page. paragraph, sentence, poem, limeric just so long as it is just for me.

8 * Let It Snow

help? [18 Sep 2004|10:06pm]
[ mood | rushed ]

Does anyone have a version of Windows less than xp on one of their computers so I can stop by really quick and extract pictures from my digital camera that I kind of need for my project that's due tomorrow?! <.<;;;

My camera software is not compatible with Windows xp.

Let It Snow

More boring [13 Sep 2004|09:19pm]
[ mood | apathetic ]
[ music | I MISS MY SOUND ]

Livejournal is blocked on the school computers. Gah... Last year it was for a while, too.. but at some point during the year it was suddenyly available. Strange. Hopefully it will return again, because then I can go on it when I have nothing to do in my computer class.

School is trudging along very slowly. I don't have much homework yet but the projects are starting to pile up. I need to start. *looks about innocently*

We have Thursday off. We should have 4-day weeks every week because it's just so much better...

I have pep band Friday night so I'll probably go to arkedo on Saturday. Maybe I'll see some more people. I want to go to Smiles but no one else does. v_v

I found a good part of my possible Halloween costume on ebay starting at 1 cent but now it's banged up to like $20. And there's still plenty of time left. -.- Why do people bid so ahead of time and jack up the price? I always wait till the last few minutes to bid. That way there's less time for others to outbid me and make it outrageously high.

I am afraid )

3 * Let It Snow

SCHOOL [09 Sep 2004|08:11pm]
[ mood | tired ]

Spanish IV is a combined class with Spanish V. There are only about 12 people in both classes altogether. I know a few people in my class, like Goldy, Joe, Deanna... Don Quixote is an awesome book. I have to do a Powerpoint presentation. I do not have Powerpoint. Katie offered for me to use her computer. Dan says he may buy the program soon (after I told him I needed it ^.^). This class seems like it will be nice and productive.

Precalculus annoys because I need to switch my internal math mode from geometry to algebra. I hate algebra. So far I think I have a good grasp on what we are learning. And my teacher Mr. Schevling may be the best math teacher I ever had. He's energetic and funny, and his voice has a slight comely southern drawl to it.

Intro to Computer Programming has been... interesting. The computers are still down, so we talk about random things in class. Got lectured on hex and binary during the past couple of days. Woo. I really don't know anyone in my class, but that Richie kid who I saw at Smiles once is in my class. And there is only one other girl besides me.

Lunch... Um, No. I go to the band room. Today Eric was there almost the whole day. It was nice seeing him and talking to him. He brought chips and soda. Thanks. XD

Masterpieces is next. Not much to say, really. We've been talking about poetry and general literary terms. One thing I like about this class is that it is all juniors, so I am familiar with many people. Justine and Katie are in my class.

Music Theory is, well, easy. I just don't like the singing part. I am terrible at singing. My voice cracks if I try to sustain a note. Luckily the whole class does it together. We learned about how sound works today, and began how to read music, which I kind of already know how to do...

AP U.S. History. Woo... Trench has me scared, the way he constantly mentioned at the beginning of the year how difficult the class was. But so far we really have not had that much homework. And since I had U.S. History last year, it's not all that new and scary. Mr. Trenchard is his same old self. The other day he proclaimed that all global disputes should now be resolved with a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. He also proclaimed himself as the champion of said game. XD He beat out a boy in my class. I'd challenge him if I felt like it. I am also a big advocate of that game, and I'd like to see if I could beat him. :x

Band is cool. We have basically the whole show done. The first football game is October 1st. I am excited about that.

You know, I really have not had that much homework yet. o_O I will go so far as to call it astounding.

Dan was absent today and Tuesday. On Wednesday he was weary about drinking from my water bottle because he is sick, and yet he doesn't think twice about kissing me in between each class. Which I find amusing. XD And yet worrisome, for my immune system is probably not doing so well because of stress & lack of sleep.

This weekend will be packed. I plan on going to the arcade tomorrow night, a firehouse carnival thing on Saturday, Rick's house on Saturday night to watch a movie with him, Ally, and maybe Dan; and a motorcycle picnic/convention thing on Sunday.

OH YEAH, and I cannot install a bunch of programs for some reason. My dad is taking my computer to the shop, which means I will be once again computerless for awhile. --;
Meme XD )

10 * Let It Snow

It's late and I'm tired. [07 Sep 2004|11:07pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]

My computer is back. I spent tonight doing homework on Notepad and AOL because I can't get Microsoft Word reinstalled. It keeps freezing before I can install it. Yes, I have to reinstall all my programs, but my files are safe, thank God.

School is... bleh. I'll right more about it later. Dan was sick today so I didn't get to see him.... I really miss...

Good night.

1 * Let It Snow

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