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Abused For Being Strange

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[Aug. 3rd, 2003|02:59 am]
[mood | cranky]
[music |The Smashing Pumpkins - Believe]

I don't post in LJ anymore. Do not take this for a return to LJ.

If you DARE enter my room again, I will not miss when I throw my boot at you next time!

I don't like you, I never have, you annoy me. I don't like you trying to meddle with my personal affairs, and I certainly don't like you invading my space despite very deliberate barriers!

I have never hid my opinion of you. I have always been open with my disgust of you, just you've always been too fucking drunk to realise. Stay the fuck away from me. Comprende?


[Jun. 21st, 2003|05:19 pm]
[music |Type O Negative - In Praise of Bacchus]

Sick of all of this shit...

I refuse to write more journal entries. I will comment on other people's journals, nothing more.



There is a hole in your mind... [May. 24th, 2003|11:41 pm]
[music |Franka Potente (Run Lola Run) - Believe]

Remember Byron.

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I do not belong here. [Apr. 30th, 2003|08:37 pm]
[music |Eurythmics - Would I Lie to You]

This is your warning. I post my shit in here because I want to. It helps me vent. It helps me vent if I know that there is a chance that someone is going to read it, it helps me share my anger, frustration, pain.. This is also known as the Megan/miss_nurse tactic. That is why I allow a select few people to read this normally, and if you don't like it, don't click the following link.

You've been warned. This is public only because I want her to read this.

depressing stuff )


[Dec. 19th, 2002|09:13 pm]
[music |Tool - No Quarter (Live Bootleg)]

All journal posts from here on will be friends only.

If you want to read, add me to your friends list, I'll have a look at your journal, figure out if you're psychotic or not, and then I'll concider adding you to my friends list. :P

Non LJ users: fuck off. :P

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