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so i came home for my lunch break...god knows why, since when i do that i get to spend a sum total of 5 minutes sitting down before i have to head back to work, but on my way home, the reasoning became crystal clear. i was waiting at the stoplight to turn onto my street. the straight lane next to me had a green light, but the first car wasn't going, they just sat there stopped. the car behind them was right next to me and it was this old OLDASS lady who must have been about 80. all of a sudden she leans out of her car window and yells at the car in front of her, "STOP SUCKING HIS DICK AND DRIVE!" oh, lordy. the special. just...thought i'd share. that, and the most beautiful couple came through my line again tonight. i had the intense urge to tell them i loved them, but y'know, suppressed that. they were just standing there holding each other again and it was fecking LOVELY. *adores* and now freyis is back in town! yay! maybe, if i'm lucky, he'll call me up :)
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wahahahaha my host is down :) i hope they're doing something damn important because i have not been able to check my e-mail for, like...24 hours now. fuckers :) so, things work out. things do not fall apart. things take new shape. because we're frelling awesome like that. why didn't i take a second to listen to MY OWN WORDS? wow. the special. my apple juice looks weird and i am afraid to drink it. I DRINK ANYWAY! OMGYAYZ0RZ! if i mix apple juice and strawberries and five thousand vitamins...will i die? that probably requires milk or something. thankgod i don't have any milk. the relief if palpable, even though i have no idea what the angst was about in the first place. a lack of trust in myself. must remedy. less thinking, more...knowing. (i am nothing but books and heart)it's amazing what a little actual sleep can do.
current music: usual suspects - doorway (gridlok + echo remix)
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oy, 9:30-6pm during the winter is THE worst shift ever. i live in a cocoon of total darkness becasue the sun has set by the time i get off work and pretty much the only sun i recieve is in the car on the way to work. how sad. other than that...day was, y'know, pretty damn SPECIAL. general asshattery from the customers until OMGOMGOMG NOAHWYLEOMGOMGOMG ordered two yerba mate lattes from me. that was kinda fun. he used to shop at the store in Solvang too tho so it was more of a "wtf are you doing HERE?" reaction. must say tho, the man just gets hotter and hotter every time i see him :) baby, wife and all :) then there was my customer crush, who i hadn't seen in at least a month...i willed him in, though so i wonder if that counts...what am i saying? of course it counts. anyway, he was much with the hotness as well and with the not bringing his wife/gf/thing and with the having of whole unnaturally long conversations with me on purpose...*happysigh* also, one of our new hires? has the unfortunate name of..... WILLY JOHNSON. *snorts up milk* so apparently Saturday is World Kindness Day and gandalfjr got a jump on things by saying random niceties in her journal today, so here are a few...i'll try to do a few every day until Saturday too, 'cause i'm a slacker like that and little bits seem better than big bits :) ( darkjosh, glambat, excommunique, and gandalfjr )