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searching for the moon

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memory [26 Jul 2002|10:00am]
i never expected that this much would change in the span of less than a year.
ive had this strange way about me, i always expect things to be the same, no matter how much time passes.
i always think that the same people are going to be in my life, the same way they are now or the same way i hope them to be.
then, things happen.
i talk to my dad about this, and he always reminds me of this one new years when i was a kid.

we went to the rose parade in Pasadena, just like every year.
this time, we stayed in a motor home right on the parade route.
it was in a vacant lot, there were tons of other families.
we met these kids, probably like 8 of them all around the same age.
we played football for like 5 hours straight. we all had so much fun, we laughed, talked, hung out, it was the first time that something like that had happened. it is so hard to just hang out with kids when you are so young, especially in such a short amount of time.
we all watched the parade, listened to music, it was one of the best times i had had so far in my life with people other than my family. i was probably 10.
we all promised each other we would come back the next year.
that whole year i waited and waited for new years to come. screw christmas, i wanted to see my friends again!
the time came, we went to the same place,
no one was there.
i was heartbroken, i couldnt believe it.

my dad always tells me this story, to remind me that i have no control over what happens, that things are never the same as we remember them.
that isnt to say that we shouldnt remember them.
just that i have to remember that they are memories, i cant expect things to ever be the same as in that moment, so mke the best of it and move on.

this summer, i have realized a lot. so much has changed that i never thought would change. and once again i am reminded.
i shouldnt take things so seriously, and i should only be living the best i can in this moment.
the next moment might be completely different.
and i will have to live with it, no matter what happens, and i should be happy with that.
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re-birth on spirit ground [18 Jul 2002|05:58pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | bittersweet symphony ]

it was yesterday.
we went driving down the 99
then turned left on the 70
toward evergreen trees
beautiful canyons
i didnt know where we were going
but i was crazy with anticipation
we arrived, and drove up a steep non-paved road next to the river
kept climbing up, then got out, it was all sandy and rocks got stuck in my toes
we walked up a little higher
the mountains were made of rocks, huge rocks like i have never seen before
there was a mountain to the back of us, covered in evergreen trees
we had to climb rocks that were in the river, they were huge, it was tough, but amazing
finally...we got to the place she was taking me to
she calls it her "spirit ground"
that is a good word, but there is no way to describe what we saw,
less than a mile from the road
the most beautiful emerald green and blue water,
visible clear to the bottom
there were 3 or 4 different pools, each had a small waterfall emptying its crystal water into each pool.
the mountains were covered with rocks,
trees, vines, ferns
yellow flowers
there was one huge waterfall, with little waterfalls beneath it
the mist was hanging in the air
above, the sun was shining down, the sky cerulean blue
i felt like i was in a dream, i have seen many beautiful things, beautiful places,
they are all still as beautiful
but i have never seen anything like this.
it was more than a spirit ground
i was re-born
the water felt as clear and beautiful as it looked
i was not in this world, and it still amazes me to be in a world filled with so much beauty
i want to always be amazed
i never want to see it as something to be overlooked, something that i have seen already so i dont look as hard or appreciate as much
i want to see everything with clear eyes
just like the first time
and over
and over

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[17 Jul 2002|06:58pm]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | crickets outside my window ]

i have two things on my mind. and they have nothing to do with each other.

this was a long time ago, a year and more, and he and i were looking up stuff online cause we were bored. we heard about those websites, the and
we couldnt resist.
we were laughing our asses off. i dont know if this was a real site or what, supposedly people sent their pictures and the readers would rate if they were "hot or not" or "goth or not".
anyhoo,there was this one guy on the goth or not site, he was as white as could be, but had blondish hair. he had the star that is inside a circle behind him, i dont know what the name of it is, but i hope you know what im talking about. it was a nice touch and i think it may have won him some votes.
the funniest part were the words written on his picture, it said:
"all hail the king of all that is scary!"
man, we laughed harder than we ever had before.
after we saw that, we copied it to the paint pad on my computer and painted all kinds of funny stuff on him, gave him red eyes and a pig nose. i will never forget that caption. he must have really wanted to win.

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comfortable silence [14 Jul 2002|02:53pm]
sometimes i wonder what it is that makes me me,
you, you
us, us.
can you still be independent while being dependent on someone else?
i dont know what that means, but it works.
lots of questions, not nearly as many answers, and i feel content with that.
there is someone in my life, all the forces seem to be keeping us together. it is just strange because he cant see it, he sees something, just not like i can. he always says i can see things, feel things before he can. we both see that there is something here, something that can not be measured or even described. i know that we are not going to be here much longer, all i know is that what i feel is ok for now. i dont know what makes it ok though.he is out now doing what he loves, trying to find himself, but lost in the fires. there is just so much positive energy between us, never anything but warmth and comfort. that is why everything is going to be ok, no matter what.
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Sunny, 90 degrees, soon to be 115. where are your children? [12 Jul 2002|10:28am]
[ mood | hot ]
[ music | screaming bugs outside my window ]

since the summer started, all sense has been running, screaming out of my head.
i dont make any.
i have found myself talking so little that when i finally do, i cant form a thought and have it sound somewhat like a sentence. i will be talking, and halfway through it i realize i dont know what i am talking about, i dont remember what i was talking about and i get a little confused.
there is so much i want to talk about, and i havent been giving myself the chance or i just havent been given the chance, and either way it goes, im not talking.
i have found that when i get the chance to talk, i am not telling everything that i normally would have said. there are things happening that are important to me that i casually dont mention.
my whole life, i have been so honest that i have nothing left inside that no one knows about. i dont tell secrets or personal things about others, nothing like that. but to make things real for me, i talk about them. i tell stories, i give my thoughts, making them real and hopefully giving the other person the strength to talk about whatever they feel.

i wonder if i need this time alone, time to keep things inside of me, time to get to know me and not worry about anyone else for once.
the only thing i keep worrying about, is that i might get so far inside of me that i never fully come back.
no matter who i am
wont i always be me?

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[07 Jul 2002|10:43pm]
i am invisible to the world
nothing but mist and clouds
will find me
they move at linger pace
the wind touches
grabs at my hair
it wants me to come along
it will grab for anything
to follow
but we are too grounded
like the trees
little shrubs
with roots to hold on
we do the same
hold on to anything
and get too comfortable
thinking-believing that this
is where we belong
afraid to move
we stand still
wondering where the clouds
will go
i wish they could take me
birds eye view suits me best
i might follow the trails
stone walls to the highest point
(i hear the wind whispering
"never come down,
stay afloat")
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clear water...cleanse me. [07 Jul 2002|10:29pm]
[ mood | relaxed ]
[ music | Air. how does it make you feel? ]

I take for granted my ability to think.
my ability to feel.
my ability to see things as they truly are.

sometimes i am afraid.
i look at my life through someone else's eyes, and i wonder
what am i doing?
who am i?
i am content on my own
then other times i feel utterly alone.
there are places where i dont feel alone
there is no one around and i still feel content

right as the sun goes down, staring at pink sky
i feel amazing
underneath falling water
i feel amazing
hearing crickets while sitting on warm summer pavement

god damn
i have never felt this restless
there is so little time
my one fear in life
not death
not being alone
i am afraid that i will not fulfill everything i am destined to
that i will not see all the things i wish to see
i will not meet the people i hope to meet
that i will not take everything i am and live out my dreams.

i have dreams

they involve
people, travel, experience, love, understanding.

my life is a quest
and i am giddy with the thought
that i have no idea as to what i am looking for.

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california. [28 Jun 2002|10:19am]
[ mood | rejuvenated ]
[ music | the verve, bittersweet symphony ]

i realized i was home
when i stepped onto the blacktop
at 11:30 at night
and it was still warm.

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need. this. [17 Jun 2002|04:52pm]
[ mood | can not put into words ]

my heart is full
love runs through
out to in
in to out
from my toes to the tips of my ears
not for one
but for all

i feel like i need to explode
to burst and begin all over
would be good for me
i have so much that i can not explain
maybe there are no words

the beauty that is the earth
from the raging oceans and rivers
to the leaves fluttering and twisting in the wind
everything around me
evokes a power
something that is not concieveable to me
i cant believe that i am a part of it
but here i am.

i am whole
i am love
i am woman
i am me

goddess, help me,
to become more
give me strength
i can see the light
show me the source.

for this feeling
i will not forget it

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[27 May 2002|11:35am]
[ mood | reflecting ]
[ music | jimmy eat world ]

have you ever had a night that makes everything seem like it is going to be ok?

i have been wanting to catch a chico sunset for so long.
we went to the disc golf course
this is after he said he cant take "us"
as in two makes one.
i am still one, so is he.

after the blood red sunset
we went to the observatory
looked at the full moon
that cast shadows behind us
there were wispy clouds that
reflected the moonlight
it was beautiful.
then we looked through the long telescope
at clusters of stars
and the craters on the moon
it was so close, it looked like you could somehow see the change in atmosphere near the surface, it must have been the clashing of gases..
i have to say, it is one of the better nights i have had recently.
maybe i just need time to get out
just breathe, look around at what is near me
somehow i keep forgetting.
but it never ceases to be any more than amazing.
every time.

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creating/living new experiences [26 May 2002|03:33pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | ani difranco ]

i leave tomorrow, for what is soon to be the biggest adventure of my life.
to a place i have never been
a place i have never seen (overseas, across continent)
only in beautiful pictures and postcards.
i can only hope
that my mind will allow myself to take it all in.
things have beencrazyhecticstressful
i have been having to rearrange myself-
my thoughts.
at times i dont know where i fit in to the big picture

i am being pulled back and forth within myself
i think of what i want, who i want where i want to be
and it gets all messed up
i just want to be free
i want the wind to rush over me
to blow around my hair
to breathe in clean
and out clean
i cant wait for this new experience
it is very welcomed
maybe i can clarify my place
put myself in the big picture

look at the trees
bend and sway in the wind
"what doesnt bend breaks"

ready or not here i come

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who are you? [24 May 2002|11:32pm]
what do you think about when you wake up?
who do you wake up next to?
are you happy doing what you are doing?
have you told everyone you care about that you care about them?
if you had to leave tomorrow, would you regret anything?
could you honestly say you did all you could?
did you give up too soon?

heavy head droopy eyes
numb lips
remember my lips?
all i want is someone to sleep next to me.
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my inner me. [24 May 2002|04:44pm]
[ mood | out ofmy mind ]

here i am, this is me.

Letting Go
Some people believe that holding on and hanging in there are
signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes
much more strength to know when to let go -- and then do it.

~ Ann Landers

I need to learn to take my own advice....I have been trying to convince myself of so much.

I was in an enraged anger
i dont know why
i felt my eyebrows cross
my mouth was a tight line
my heart was in my throat
my stomach a swarm of butterflies
for what?
i always want more to be said
i always want...more from everyone

i walked outside
it is a warm beautiful day
there was tree seeds
falling from the sky
that looked like snow
they was getting stuck in my hair
and i could hardly breathe
but it still made me laugh
i will always remember to do that
even if it is only myself
that makes me do it.

god damn
i didnt think i expected much from people
but it always seems to be more
than they are willing to give.
i will have to live and learn
l i v e a n d l e a r n.

why am i so worried about everyone else?
get with it Leanne.
get it in your head.
(i have never felt like breaking something)
frustration sure doesnt make any sense.
i wish i made some.

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wish you were here [20 May 2002|09:54pm]
[ mood | thoughtful ]
[ music | radiohead ]

i am doing my best to only take steps forward
every time i look back
i go backwards a few months.

i am ready to
i am ready to
i am ready to
i am ready to

i am ready to be found.
(im here, somewhere)

to all in my past
to all in my future.

"were just two lost souls living in a fish bowl, year after year."

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it is safe to say...this terrifies me [19 May 2002|10:02am]

You have high standards for yourself, and try desperately to live up to them. But when you are unable to reach those goals, you fall into a deep depression. People see you as a brilliant person, yet inside, you are full of self-doubt and fear of failure. You need to set more reasonable goals.

Your song is: About to Crash

Which degree of inner turbulence are you?

This quiz was made by Dionae
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[17 May 2002|09:01am]
It is so strange how
some days, everything can seem perfect
the sun is bright, people are smiling
life is making sense, and i feel a part of everything
then there are other days, where you realize that everything the human race has been doing for the past 100 years, is destroying this beautiful earth we live on. nothing we do seems to make sense.
from GMO's to destruction of the ozone layer, greenhouse gases to rape, killing and hatred.
some days i feel like i can take it. well ok, i never want to take it, but some days just seem better than others.
i am afraid of what we are doing, i am afraid of what we have become, i am afraid of what we will become.
i am afraid of what are children are going to think of us.

of course, my last week of classes, i hear all the really bad news.
i dont want to eat because of GMO's
I dont want to go outside because of skin cancer
I dont want to drive my car because of carbon dioxide emissions
i dont want to breathe the air, because who even knows what is in it
i want to move to kansas so the rising sea level wont drown myself or my loved ones.

ok a little dramatic, i know. but these are the things we have to think about and deal with, whether it be now or in the future.
it is safe to say,
this is a scary place we live inv
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memories [15 May 2002|09:24pm]
will i always associate summer with peach snapple?
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la primavera [14 May 2002|09:15am]
i have this nagging feeling
right in between the
time i cant think and cant breathe.

i want to be taken, not away
but to a place....i just want to be comfortable.
i cant shake the feeling that i have found it
but outside factors always come into it
like inhibitions, self doubt
of myself and others
all i know is that i am feeling happy
about so much in my life
i am getting to where i want to be
there is just one thing missing
and i can almost taste it
it is just out of reach
and there is not any other place i want to be.
maybe that one place.

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[13 May 2002|10:19am]
[ mood | laughing ]

"you are a happy, healthy human being.
you are a productive member of society. you are well respected by every person you know. you are a successful, well rounded individual."

this was being blasted on my campus this morning, over the loud speaker. it felt like i was in a book from the future. i was a sheep in the herd, being encouraged to do my best, but as a sheep, as a group, not an individual. it was pretty funny regardless. the whole campus was silent, some laughing some smiling.
everyone confused.


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i believe [07 May 2002|09:10am]
a human being is part of the whole, called by us "universe"
a part limited in time and space
he experiences himself as separated from the rest
a kind of optical illusion of his consciousness

this delusion is a kind of prison for us
restricting us to our personal desires
affection for a few persons nearest to us.

our task must be to free ourselves from this prison
by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
Albert Einstein

have you ever looked for the place that you know you have felt before
a place where you felt safe and loved,
i have found it again in myself.
a place where i am loved and accepted.
a place where i can give as freely as i want
never be emptied.
beautiful days are here with us again, can you see it?
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