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Friday, August 10th, 2001 | 1:45 pm |
and then some best and i went to ub yesterday, it was fun, i love her mom. we also went swimming, i japped out of the club with matt and genny,.'t feel like dealing with other people. matt and i went to our dinner again, playd scrabble it was fun.
i honestly feel bad for these peope who continue to respond to my journal, poor them, get lives, do something, you bore me, especially with the comment that i bash people? who lately have i bashed, i kept my mouth shut, and at least when i do bash people, they know who i am,i take credit for what i say. the last person i verbally attacked was alex, lol. i honestly felt cruel, but it was fun. i have decided that i think club kid dre is dead, clubs are fun, once in a while. but it is always the same music, same shows, same people, with the same he said she said, they said, he fucked her then him, and BLADI BLA BLA. perhaps it is just that i ned a new club, perhaps going to ub in 2 weeks, will be good, prolly not though. i'm sure i will be a regular on drag night, and once in a while @ E with ALEXIS :c) but rarely. i rather drop off toilet paper at beth's dorm, LOL.
DAMN IT MARY, this isn't X-TRA SOFT!!! lol, jesus dorthy.
my sister and i sat up for an hour last night, talking about what's going to change when i leave. she almost cried. i'll miss her the most, i think, omre than any of my other friends, i honestly think she is one of my best friends. besides, she's MAGGIE POO POO. lol oh well, errands to do. | Wednesday, August 8th, 2001 | 3:10 pm |
oh weep, weep well, the only thing to say to these people without names, is you call me the drama queen, yet you insist on responding to my journal, without a name, and do nothing but bash? hmm. no any who. matt genny and i got pretty trashed a few days ago, i started to kiss matt, and i was so gone, that i sucked on his tongue really hard, and ripped that lil thingy on the bottom that holds it to your mouth. - ooops, me sorry. last night, matt, meg and i went to a dinner, and played scrabble. it was great, oodles of fun. looking forward to do it all again. tomorrow, beth her mom and i are going up to UB to figure out where everything is, i am looking forward to the day. i havn't talked to court in a while, that bothers me, i am hoping we can go out just me and her, sleep over, and go out for breakfast. - i miss her. lol, - funney day the other day, i had my hair in pigtails, and a co-worker of mine(another matt) and his bf a drag queen, DI DI DeBois, were in the stoere Dave (di di) llooked over and yelled "any one got a rubber band..." (he hates my pigtails.) and i yelled back "any body got a wig?" we all laughed. my dad's graduation, bu bi party is for me today it shall be fun. p.s. cl0ck and brian, and of course, matt, thanks. Current Mood: sillyCurrent Music: Fiona Apple, Fast as you Can | Friday, August 3rd, 2001 | 8:17 pm |
finally i have my name, a name that fits me perfectly, thamyrisElf is my new lj name | Thursday, August 2nd, 2001 | 10:54 am |
I watched a movie last night, resevoir dogs (SP?) with matt, it was awsome. i love it, not as mjuch as most, but i still appreciated it.
brutice is better, i am very glad. his eyes aren't as glassey, and he actually moves from the couch.
i have mad last minute junk to get b4 school.
PACKIN the green cazoo dead sits on my dresser, cloathes packed ,away, flees the ,dove, soap gliding over my skin, moist in the rain, and sun, it burns my teeth clenched together we stand all too ,close, the door and shut the windows, looking out, to see the world below, my world, it is a fixataion but a ,lust, after his lips in the backroom at ,work, I have litle, 10 hours a week, if i am so ,lucky, charms i ,down, the stairs goes laundry. I have none to ,wash, myself with the cazoo between my thought of the day is long like golden rays of hair. It's going all too fast. Time spent on petty things, things that annoy me, things that make me ,cry, i do not on a usual occasion such as ,this, is a beauty in all it's ,forms, shapes on my hand opalescent lavender butterflies flaot about my ferns. I relax with the sound of ,water, flows down over my, eyes are open behind their ,lids, of boxes to fill, pack times and its' away into oblivion. "there's a little bird, somebody sent, down to the earth to live on the ,wind," blows through my ,touch, me and him pink stars twirling banners wave goodbye green cazoo
Current Mood: accomplished Current Music: M.M.'s remix of translyvanian concubine, by resputina | Wednesday, August 1st, 2001 | 7:00 pm |
hmm okay, ia m about ready to give up, this damn page on't let me post my thoughts!!!! GRRRRRRR | Tuesday, July 31st, 2001 | 1:42 pm |
well, none of my entries have gone through ina while | Monday, July 30th, 2001 | 10:43 am |
um hmmmmn no no no | 12:26 am |
um my mom and david stopped in, they brought matt. i was glad to see him, don't know how ready i was for it. things are different here. i am diferent here. i don't have to pretend any more, with any one. not even myself. i can appreciate things, and do things, i never thought i could, just because it wasn't something drew was supposed to do. i can talk about other things than glitter and boys and shoes, and always carry lollies, cuz i used to. i don't have to fake laugh anymore, like a pathetic bandaid on a cut bone deep, healing only the surface, the car ride. i can reach inside me, and find things, and pull out things, that i have never seen, every day, one more layer comes off. change is good. i wish i could be more certain about things, one way or another. people are already talking of going home here....so many rides offered, so my declinings. i don't think i would want to yet,let everything get put back the way it was, the way it was worst for all of us, the story bcak on the shelf to draw the eye of another girl, kill this natural hyp, this beauty. i feel like for once i'm not put on display by someon else, or myself. maybe my caccon is cracking, i am emerging. and as the sirens blaire, and she chants.... "Anbd as i try to make my way, to the ordinary world, I will learn to survive..." and the beat drops in, and i feel pretty... i fel beautiul, for just this moment, for once, without some old man trying to hustle me off, trying to get me to hustle my ass, i feel good. and so uncertain and the beat fades and bounces back at me "it feels like i'm flying." i feel like i could fly, and pull my ribbon to demensions it has yet to see, yet to stretch across...there is no better way yet. someone once told me , evn though i hardly talk to them now, barely chat, and lisenwhen we do, they said "you have beautiful things inside you, and once you learn to show them, you will be unstoppable, you will win." and i have i've won against myself, and all those people who beieved and hopped otherwise, It feels like i'm flying, i will conquer it all, this thing, this state that has tried to break my caccon, to keeep the art from emerging, maybe sneaking out as a mouth instead, to worthlessly float about someone else's lamp. there dreams are dead, and they stilldon't understnad, the same people, who wish me misery, adn those who called apon my yet to be seen beauty, do't have a clue, and i thank them. and i embrass the change, i kiss my cacoon, and spread my wings, ready to fly. | Sunday, July 29th, 2001 | 4:30 pm |
AH um yes, i love BUFFALO< especially UB it rocks. being away from everyone is good form me now. freedom from my other, my sister, most of my friend, my bf. everything is great it is a natural high 24 7... so amny ideas going through mny head right now. beth and i have been aroudn each other alot, i think she is good for me. i adore her, more than she knows...she is very understanding, and TRUELY understanding, unlike some, she doesn't claim to understand what i am saying and then "repeat" back a completely wrong idea.... and when she doesn't understan she tells me. we have been through alot of the samne things, alot of mind altering, future changing situations and experiences. both taken advantage of, both callused b/c of it. i've been getting tons of cool ideas for photos and art pieces, i want to paint matt, andy warhoesque....blurry out of focus it's al about the money, it's all about the dum dum dum di dum dum, it's all about the money (house music drops in) minute siron) sometimes i find another world inside my mind, ....it makes me wanna run away and hide... so glad i am away from that all, the constant jonses...i need better this than you have, and better that, i'm all for fun, but home was becoming my hell....WOO....I"M COMMING OUT Current Mood: hyperCurrent Music: my funcky chick | Tuesday, July 24th, 2001 | 12:53 pm |
give me peace NO, brutice is sick, he has a tumor. the vet had to give him lots of shots, he is not himself, it makes me sad, his heart is going a mile a minute, poor lil thang. matt and i are going to the meseum(sp?) on thurs, it should be fun i havn't been in sooo long. i miss going when i was little. last night was fun, beth, genny, amtt and i went to eastridge diner for the air conditioning, and food, yum yum. i found the words to this jill scott song, they make me laugh.... "your getting in the way, of what i'm feeling.... sister girl,. i know you don't understand, but you gonna have ta understan he's my man now,. what you had is gone, our thing is sweet, our thing is stronga than any lie you can tell on me. he knows my heart and that's the part, youer roots are dug up, so you might as well, give up, i see your intentions, you can't handle the truth, he let you go a long time ago, now it's time to turn him loose, "your getting in the way, of what i'm feeling, your getting in my way. sugar honey girl, fly far far away, i've been a lady till now, i don't know how muchmore i can take, queens shouldn't swing if ya know what i mean, but i'm bout to take my rings off get me some vsaline, i'm bout to go off in your face girl, you betta chill, chill and i mean it, you betta back down b4 you get smacked down, ya betta chill. relax yourself....." lol, that's funney to me i bought, the other day, a double cd, of all the original versions of diso diva music...YEAH DANCING QUEEN. lol, fun fun fun. tontie, is me and genny night, we never chiil just thwe two of us...yeah Current Mood: energeticCurrent Music: underworl, beaucoup fish, and delerium | Monday, July 23rd, 2001 | 1:42 pm |
b-day? my mom's b-day is this wednesday, and i have NO clue what to get her, maybe one of those mesh chairs to take to my sis's soccer games. which by the way, instead of going to group, yesterday, i went to meg's last game of the season, they won, so in thei9r age group division thingy, they are the best, i guess, meg scored i was very proud of her. this friday, just the two of us, are going to a movie, my treat, at orientation i realized, i will miss her the most.
at orientation, i met MAD cool peeps, lexi a girl, i have been talking to online for over a year, josh the ma from manhatan, EMMA, and angela. well, tons more, but these were the peeps, i seemed to most "click" with. emma and i even agree on religion and spiritual beliefs. it was great.
i may go ou with best and matt tonite, the three of us, and genny were going to chill last night, but beth still felt ill, from all the alkimohal.
Current Mood: creative Current Music: DANCING QUEEN, ABBA | Sunday, July 8th, 2001 | 12:00 am |
to the boys with the request form the club, my respect goes to you, for asking nicely...someothers shoul;d learn the trick.
i thuink i delted pretty much everyhtin that should be offensive, if i have forgottn anyhthing let me know. joyboy314@hotmail.com | Friday, July 6th, 2001 | 12:16 pm |
there are things that obviously need to be said. first of al, to everyone who commented about kyle, i really don't give two shits, so good bye.
as for chris' reply. i thank him, not only for ripping me down, but other as well, i think we all needed to hear it, chris - the up most respect.
courntey -there is so much i waqs going to type, sitting thinking for what seemed like forever. but i won't do it here, no one else needs to hear it, and i don't want any one else to see it, miss interpret it, distort it, for either of us.
nick, - go away. and as for the one person who said they refused to place their name for fear of loosing my friendship? whatever. and the comment about matt, alex and i made out, i told matt, we have worked through it, and put it behind us. | Monday, July 2nd, 2001 | 4:32 pm |
first, someone yet again commented without a name, um no. second, i commented on their ideas, and failed to include one i had been meaning to...the issue at hand, first for all i know doesn't concern this person which keeps posting their opinions, second, it has nothing to do with my relationship towards kyle. there are two issues, which exist between me and paul, and me and courtney. which by the way, whoring around has nothing to do with my issues with either of the above people. i need not state them again.
i thought alot, on the wayhome from my cottage. i like it better this way, a few close friends, rather than ons of nice ones. there are things that need to be said, to courntey, lots of things, things i want her to realize, things i wish i could. but i do realise, that it won't be fun, it won't be pretty. and it prolly won't last. i'm not intending on ending things, at least not forever, i jsut think, we need some time, some time to grow without o9ur roots tangled together, some time to blossom by ourselves. I hope there is something in the future, that will bring our stmes together again, but right now, we aren't right for each other, we are not good. gretchin and lindsey brkoe up alst year, it was hard for both, they were both kinda bitter, i hope that it won't be that bad between us. i'll miss her alot. but it is still not good, her comments towards me, under her breath, my comments under my eyes, the siple fact that i leied about my opinion of someone, to please her, gain something, it's not good, i wouldn't have done that with any oen else. I adore katie englert, she never gets on my nerves, i will miss er, like i'll miss you.
so anyways. last night was fun. matt and i took my sister to java's she hasn't been ina while, she was very excited, evin ended up being there, she adores evin. b4 java's we went mini golfing, it was fun, we played allterain style. LOL, with my sister, if any of you have met her, and let her get comfortable around her, you will know how interesting that was. any ways, java's was blast, brian kehoe was there, with his younger brother who he dragged along. Peter was there, it was great to see his smiley self, and abbey is finally home, java;'s never seemed quite the same without her. I saw some epopel i hadnt seen in a while, no one i really wanted to chat with. but matt had fun my sister had blast, she want's to go tonite, when beth and genny get home.
we'll see | Friday, June 29th, 2001 | 12:37 pm |
um yeah hi well, hello once agian first and foremost, courntey, i was thinkning about a lot, and now i wish i wasn't going away this weekend, we could take a walk, er whatever. i can't say that this whole thing hasn't changed us, cuz obviously it has. i can't say that i am not bitter and mad, cua i am. i can say, to clarify for those persons putting their own 2 cents in, that i do care about you, i do think that we are all allowed our opinions and time to think about those opinions and what not.
i said the things that i have said, because i care about you, and as i have saiod before, i do not see the problem in two friends helping each other, february, you told me i had become superficial and low. i stayed away from certain people afterwards to redifine just who i am, want to be, and am working towartds being in the future. a few months later i see you headed down the same path, and i try to talk to you. and i am not saaying it is your fault for me not talking, it is mine,. i had constanly tried to just spit it out that we needed to talk and unfortunately i was too weak, too afraid to look in your face, and tell you these things.
now after way too amny people getting involved,it had escilated to something it need not be. the other night on the phone, iwould have liked nothing more than to jsut talk, about thge issue at hand, walk to your house, i was willing to do anything, but i had caled you back 5 minutes too late, you had plans, and were ready to talk about new friendships. that's great that you are friends with alex, i'm glad for you. but when i called i really didn't want to hear how cute he was for leaving a note. i wanted to talk, about raining days with our arms out the windows and morning trumpets and your mom yelling, and work, and how i wanted to so badly go to your house, and lay in your bed next to you, and sleep with way too many pillows. and wake up and talk some more, and have a courtney made breakfast, and have everyhting be okay, maybe not perfect, but okay. when i get baclk, and i am not kidding you, i would love to call you, and go to your house, or mine, and turn poff our phones, and sit there and watch prescilla queen of the desert and hold hands, and spend the night, just the two of us.
there are definatly some things we need to talk about, some things that need to be discussed and changed, but i want to, i want to work on them, even if they all don'tr get ironed out, jsut to know, that we both triesd together, with none of my friends or yours in the way, jsut the two of us.
AS for those two fine people who expressed their opinions, that's nice, i honestly care that two no name people have a thought. it struck me, oh right there. and honestly, how can i not be worth any thing if i have opinions and actually give my self credit for them? at least i have the balls to put my name on the end of my critiques. i honestly don't think i asked for your imput, but thanks for wasting your time, and mine. kiss kiss. bitchy, yes. whore, used to be, not any more. there are alot of people who used to be, and aren't. certain people who i care not name, have expressed to me, their lack of passion for relationships, so as to not tie themselves down, AKA< they like trampin it.
i know several people at our beloved java's,. who enjoy turning the blind eye, something which i WAS famous for. just ignore an issue so as to not hold off any fun that might happen. i cry rape? funny, how another underagerd indivual claimed to have been rapped by the same man, huh? funny, how it is my beleife that forced penal entry is rape. as long the one recieving says no, it is rape, oh and i quote "NO." precious. funny how 16 and 42 is illegal, no matter the sexes of the participants or genders. funny.
funny how my sister and i had a talk and i told her everything, she cried, and wished death on certain individuals. I don't use the word HATE towards people, my sibling try not to either, and we all agree, that we share a common hate towards a certain old man, pedophile...kiss kiss
funny how no one takes credit for their views, funny how that certain old man, was/is for all i know/ obssessed with moi. yeah EW. used to check my aol profile everyday to look for changes. (info gathered from persons that used to stay in his house.
funney, how a few times i would have stayed the night, and slept in a different room. to find him behind my groping me as i sleep. funny how several of us, who used to hang with him, all agree nothing good comes from hangin' with him, except materialism, and feeling dirty. mission accomplished SATAN.
but any ways. courntey i am not going to say that my goal is to make everyht8ing pretty, but i would love to call myself one of your closest friends. i was serious about the night alone, i'll call on sunday, when i get back. i don't want you to bring a gift, i am being honest, but i would like to see you at my grad party, july 15, 1:30 ish, my house. please come, salster is invited as always. i miss you.
when your car gets fixed, or some night when we can use the van, if it rainy, can we take a drive down lake ave? | Monday, June 25th, 2001 | 5:05 pm |
WEll things have changed, i am no longer in high school, i am not in college, i am just here. I decided last night among many other things that although java's is fun, it is quite boring at times, and i dont' yet understand why i keep going, with whomever, if i know my worst enemy in the world, and all of his social whores will be there. I snapped last night, i felt bad for genny, beth and matt. AS we were leaving, court came and said something to the effects of "i do want to talk to you, but it doesn't seem like you want to." she was bitter that i replied that i will not approach her when satan is near. i told her last night things not many people know, i don't think she understood any of them, i don't think she knows what is going on. i told her of my bitterness and rage torwards him, which is even worse when he is near me, and then she wants to em to come tolk to her, when he is there. she explined that alli had to say was "can i borrow you for a minute" and she would have gotten up, and walked with me. UM no maybe i was not clear when i explined that i do not EVER say i hate people, and when i do i apologize, b/c it is sooo strong, and yet i quite clearly stated several times that i HATE him. for everything. the sex, the toys, the rides, the friends, the nights out, every way in which he might have helped me to "grow" i hate him for, i wish i had been left untouched by his foul hands, my brittle youth unsoiled with his ways. i hate him. as we were leaving, satan said "goodbye it's nice meeting you" to my dear friend genny , i turned around, pointed at him and said "don't talk to her." i later told her i don't respect her decision to associate with him on any level, but i still respect her and love her. any ways. i read the poem court wrote to me in her journal. it was nice, she doesn't get it. i lvoe her as a friend, but i have come to terms with the fact she is not my best riend, and hasn't been for a while now. a best friend wouldn't have knowing put me in the same situation with he who i hat, so as to see her bf. a best friend, would not have hit in the first place, and then not regretted it. and i still love her, how can i not, i have been friends with her for over a year. courntey i love you, your giggle your smile, your eyes, that you like to cuddle, that you can sing, that you are confident enough to sing, that you listne to sometimes odd music, that you disagree with me on so many little things, that we cn have fun, that you know how to cry, that you find humor in human things (farting) , that you like drag queens, that you liek to hug, that you laugh, that you tease, that you write to yourself, others, the world, that you have a wide range of friends - but i do have to face it... we are not best friends. maybe days, and weeks from now, i will look back, and think "well, everyone has their obsticles, and that was mine and courts" but i don't think that thought will ever come. i have found weaknesses in myself that perhaps helped to caus this all. the fact that i was so wrapped in everyhtin that we ever did, i became your yes men, and through no fault of your own. maybe my whole maximum superficial stage stuck, in that, i came down, got grounded, found me, again, where as you were in the middle, and now although balanced you seem superficial to m. but there are some things which will never be ignored, or changed. i foudn another weakness, i try to hard, and too often to reason with my fear, and anger, maing excuses for people which is why tohe abuse from paul lasted so long, and i wil not do it with you, i will not make excuses in my head, for either of us. i love you. but things need to change. how's kelsey?
and please don't be poud of my graduation, i'm not, it sux, i suck, i did poorly, i put in the bare minimum effort, and although it doesn't show, i know i did almost nothing to get to this spot, and so i am not proud. | Friday, June 22nd, 2001 | 1:02 am |
ARG so, i havn't written in forever, and much has happened. and there are many things that need to be said, and i know no other way. friday night we went to my ball, it was pretty fun, however i was quit upset at the lack of understanding from someone who was a guest, and who's ball was last year. her ina hury state of mind, kind of confused several people, and made their own balll not as enjoyable as they had hopped, i later foudn out, that as my dear friend emily her date and i were saying our last goodbye, and my date and the others were in the car, my guest proclaimed "what the fuck is taking them so long?" i don't remeber me being so pushy or rude last year at her ball, and part of her frutrations were she wanted to make it to java's, riiiiight, so we ended up going to muther's even thought i had aked that on MY ball night, we go to vibes, but we went to muthers b/c "everyone from jav'a swill be there" - riiight, two peoploe, one of which is my guest's bf who i am/was non to pleased with. matt and i left early sat for camping, which there are many great stories from but right now i am writing bc i dont know how to tell my frustrations to this person i was jsut writting about. so, as the week goes on, she finaly notices my bitter state, and questions, and i just throw out the reason of not liking her bf...which is a great part of it, but really only part of it. previously this person had sat me down and told me how "superficial" i had b/come, partially she felt b/c my purchase of a cell phone. i did take this into account, and i thank her, but she only lit the flame that got me thinking about what and who i am, i kept it burning. now she has a phone with people's #'s stored in it, that she previously had no interest in, (one of her comlaints about my phone), she's on it alot, more than needed, and actually, even thought she has had it for enough time to get used to the idea, still readily whips it out, and says "did you see her yet?" to any pasing peer. UM okay?!?! it's hard to tell someoen, that you dont' liek hanging out with them as much as you used to, and you are more "able" to if someoine elses will be there, hence my always wanting to bring genny, or matt. last night i do believe, my X peter was there., at java's. I was very excited to see him, and told my friend of his presence. I immediatly got up and ran inside to say hi. someone was infront of me, and b/c i wasn't moving fast enough, i received little hits on my back, with the chanting of "BEAT IT!" as if i were there as a pet, or slave for her enjoyment. i ignored these remarks. I hugged peter, for a mer FEW SECONDS, and inturn received several more, much more intense hits on the back, and again, in a harsher tone "BEAT IT!" needless to say, i almsot cried, for it was the first time, i had ever wanted tohit my best friend in the face. i took a walk with beth, told her what had happened and we decided i best not go home with my friend, but rather best and genny.so i did. havn't really chatted with my friend since it all happened, except today, when she called several times during my senior year celebration, to courntey herself, i love you, the old you, i don't knwo if we have changed, me or you, but we don't fit like we used to., everything you sat me down to talk about months ago, now holds true for yourself. it was too hard to say this all to you, so i typed. i can't act liek everything's fine, i kept saying it was just cuz your grandma's one year, but enough is enough, there is no need to degrade others' escpecially your best friend, there is not need to point out his every repetion, his every minute hypcrocy, expecially in front of a group, embarrasing does nothing, but cause bitterness to grow. i am tired of having every angel listened to except my own, i am tired of feeling like i am the new kid when i am with my friends, i tired of the same thing every day, i am tired of acting like the paul thing doesn't bother my just to not upset you. I have nothing but bitter and anger towards him, i don't expect you to stop being friend with him, but don't be so disrespectful towards my history and feelings towards him, i am tired of laughing ti off when ever you make a joke at my expense, i am tired ot not pointing out things that make me mad about you, for fear of fighing, i am tired of you getting upset for silly things like me having friends. i am tired of pretending i can deal with kelsey i am not saying choose, i would never say that, but let it be known, i do not like him, i am tired of not feeling at home when i am with you, like i used to. i am tired of not being the drew and court were once were, but i do accept change i don't know i don't knwo if it is just you, me, me and you, us, our friendship other people's influence on us, but i dont' like it, and it is changing. i love you, although that may seem hard to believe right now, i wouldn't have said anything in any form if i didn't care "and as i try to make my way, to the ordinary world, i will learn how to survive." Current Mood: disappointedCurrent Music: bass queen | Thursday, June 7th, 2001 | 7:53 am |
finally i finally had some time to type...yey. the main office caught on fire yesterday morning, NO SCHOOL. i went to PETCO and bought a mouse, matt got a tortouise. (he finally got ride of his snapping turtle, which was made for the wild.) my mouse's name is magnolia. she is cute, when i went to bed, she was shiveringl, cuz i didn't buy her a bed jsut yet. so my bro sat up, and said "hey i used to have mice, i would take cottone balls and pull them apart, put them ina huge wad, and let them make their nests. SO i did just that. she seeemed to not appreciate it, until i woke up this morning, she was all bundled up in a lil hole of it, it was so cute. i have lots of work to do.
Current Mood: overwhelmed Current Music: jill scott, let's take ( it's in my head) | Saturday, June 2nd, 2001 | 11:06 am |
yes yes and yes well, after reading 2 nameless comments to my post i have decided that if someoen is not going to claim their workds as their own, and/or take responsibility for what they have said/typed, then why bother posting it, this goes to whoever scommented against me as well as for the comment in my favor, i learned the hard way to NEVER try and hide what you said... i decided yesterday that i am addicted to the feeling that apples leave in your mouth after eating one, i ahve been eating much helathier lately, and i like it. yesterday was fun, i left after 4th period with emily (that['s right yet another drew skip day, however it is the last week 1/2 of senior year, i think i am entitled) we chilled at my house till matt came and went to mid town plaza to see emily's bf jordan, he is mad chill, she is having issues at home like the rest of us but alil more sever and needed to tlak to him, so whatever. then i went to work, and at some point in the night, gave alanna jumper cables and it scared her, she turned aroudn (facing all the costumers) and yelled "I ALMOST PEEd" then covered her mouth and fell to the floor laughing, it was great. i have decided to buy a mouse, a pregnant one, and once the babies are al gorwn and gone i shall buy antoerh female, so they can be friends, lol. i miss courtney. Current Mood: bouncyCurrent Music: J*I*L*L*S*C*O*T*T - | Wednesday, May 30th, 2001 | 8:09 am |
hello hi havn't typed in along while. the weekend pretty much kicked ass.... thursday matt and i chilled with hannah, and courteny for a lil while, then at my house. Court he and i then went to chill at java's where matt received several compliments on his body.....although the peeps said them to me, they were for him......we were sitting there having a wonerfulo time when HE (the gross old man) and some new lil 17 year old walked in. I foudn it funney that court, but especially i was laughing at his nasty presence, and yet he was laughing too, UM yeah i'm barely 18, i can be stupid and imature and giggel, your 44, you are not supposed too......any ways, then court matt and i went to GQ, to see the drag show, matt loived it, especially pandora and shirley. afterwards we all went out ot eat, dropped matt off, then cournt and i went down by the beach to tlak, and we didn't get back to her house till almost 4 i think.
friday, um matt and i went to the mall, and chiled, i stayed at home upon my mother's request, just to find when i got home, that she had gone out, YEHA RIGHT!!!!!! saturday, i worked, and went to java's wih court, there were lots of people there, even robin, and courntey went through her cell phone, which she left on the table, to find JOEL 's number, so now we can stalk him....yeah sunday i worked and went to gq again, the dirty old man was there, but whatever, we danced had fun, then went home... monday, i worked all day. Last night matt cam over for din din, he stayed afterwards while i showered, and then we cuddled alittle, i said "don't fall asleep" aroudn 12 ish, yeah next thing i know, i wake up, 5:30...uh huh, matt dear, yo fell fell asleep, we went back to bed till 6:45 sih, then my mom got in the shower so he left then.,...lol.....
yeah, that was fun!
Current Mood: blah di blah blah Current Music: club nation cd 2 |
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