10:50 pm, Oct 30, 2004

Hi there - I am quite new to the whole LJ thing! I'm from Australia. Anyway, you can take a look at my journal which links to some mighty fine Sean shots (some amazing lovelllyyyy closeups) or follow the link I have posted below directly to them on a page at my website. Please feel free to comment on them under my post or at my LJ. I'd love to know what everyone thinks - in fact eager to connect with you all! It was an amazing time. One thing though: Unfortunately due to the nature of my site (it is a partly for my professional career as a novelist/journalist etc), the pics are copyrighted and cannot be taken for private use. So at the moment they are view-only. I would appreciate it if they don't appear else where. Regardless I still can't keep them hidden anymore guys - they are really hot! Below I have also included a report of what happened as well. SANET can contact me if interested in using my report there or linking to it.

My Meeting with Sean

My Report

current mood: geeky
Join In The Madness.
9:18 pm, Oct 24, 2004

I made a LOTR picture spam in my journal, which I've opened to the public to share. There are about 50 photos and Sean's in half of them.

Join In The Madness.
6:01 pm, Oct 22, 2004

Hey all, i'm still a little newbish around here, but I scanned the pics from Sean's book and hadn't seen them posted... there's about 20, and some of them are quite huge, but enjoy!

Here ya go... )

current mood: bouncy
current music: Get me outta here > Jet
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11:53 pm, Oct 21, 2004 - I met Sean last Saturday

at the MoS in Boston.

I had issues with my digital (the LCD screen was scratched the previous night so I couldn't see what the settings were), so they're not that good, but at least I got a few.

Sean )

cross-posted to [info]astin_daily, [info]lotrboys_daily, and [info]sean_astin_fans

current mood: sore
3 Just Can't Get Enough..|Join In The Madness.
10:13 pm, Oct 18, 2004 - Some albums with Sean pics

Hi - I just joined the community and thought I'd share some albums I've got online with pics of Sean.

TORN One Party 2003 Not a lot of Sean there, but there are a couple of nice ones.

From Gen Con in Indianapolis 2003 (John Rhys-Davies and Brad Dourif appeared there too).

Wizard World in Chicago 2003 Sean was the big draw.

And Origins 2004 in Columbus, OH Sean was a complete sweetheart at that one - adding on three extra autograph sessions *and* a second Q&A; pretty much at the last minute). (The Sean pics don't start until the second page of the album, btw.)

My only request on all of these photos is that if anyone wants to use them for anything, please contact me first.

btw, I saw him in Boston this past weekend, but only managed to get one halfway decent photo of him there.

I'll be posting an album for my entire weekend in Boston and will include whatever I got of Sean in the mix.

Hope you all enjoy the pictures.

Join In The Madness.
11:00 pm, Oct 18, 2004 - On Saturday I met Sean in Boston at the MoS signing

What a sweetheart! And he's gorgeous.

Unfortunately, most of my pics didn't turn out. I'll try to post them sometime, though.

In the meantime, I got these pics of him at the Borders in Chicago.

P.S. [info]rakshi, feel free to snag for SANET!

click )

current mood: cold
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12:04 am, Oct 18, 2004 - chicago book signing

hi all!

i went to the book signing in chicago.. so here are some pics!

look, it's sean! )

current mood: bouncy
21 Just Can't Get Enough..|Join In The Madness.
9:58 pm, Oct 17, 2004 - Sean/Sam color bars

I created some color bars because I was feelin' the love for Sean after meeting him at the Boston Museum of Science yesterday for his book signing.

( follow the fake cut )

x-posted to [info]sean_astin_fans and [info]sa_icons

(sorry if this isn't allowed...)
Join In The Madness.
4:36 pm, Oct 15, 2004


Heyyyy everyone!  Here follows my account of seeing Sean at Barnes and Nobler in Union Square, if you care to read :)  Warning: it's long and contains a small bit of bad language.  that being said...<Read more... )

If you read all of that, I greatly applaud you.  It was a lot.  That was my adventure.  I then proceeded to tell anyone and everyone the next day at school and showed the signature to anyone who would show any remote interest.  Every now and them, for the past two days, I would remember that I met Sean Astin in person.  And that he looked directly at me and complimented me.  I've never been so starstruck.  And impressed.  And obsessed.  And near-fainting.  Ever.

I'll have pictures up soon, promise. :)

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5:50 pm, Oct 14, 2004

EPP!! Sean Astin is on Fox news right now!!! :D
11 Just Can't Get Enough..|Join In The Madness.
7:34 pm, Oct 14, 2004 - NY signing!

See my LJ post for a full report with pictures of meeting Sean at his book signing in NYC yesterday. :D

A picture! )

current mood: accomplished
13 Just Can't Get Enough..|Join In The Madness.
4:17 pm, Oct 14, 2004 - signing tonight...i'm excited!

Hey everyone! This is my introductory post, I guess. I'm Emily, and I'm 17, and I absolutely adore anything LotR (I'm now shoving my way through TTT - but it seems easier than FotR, so I'm happy) and Sean.

I'm going to be at Book Revue tonight for Sean's signing, and I wanted to let everyone know that if you're going as well, I'm gonna be there (with my dad, since my best friend Amanda couldn't come), and I'd love to see some lj-ers there. I'll be in my Merry & Pippin shirt, so look for me. :D I should be able to put up some pictures in a few days from the signing, so watch for another post.

Here's a Sean picspam I posted in my own journal a few days ago...hope you all like it.

( Sean Astin Picspam of Adorableness )

1 Just Can't Get Enough..|Join In The Madness.
2:22 am, Oct 13, 2004 - Sean Astin discussion and book signing in NYC TONIGHT!!!!!!

The prettiness that is Sean...

There and Back Again )

Wish I could go to the discussion/book signing...but alas, it's just poor timing. In case you didn't know, the audio book on CD is read by Sean Astin himself!!! I wants it, precious!!!

current mood: sad
4 Just Can't Get Enough..|Join In The Madness.
4:59 pm, Oct 07, 2004 - Sean's Book Tour Dates

Thought these would be useful to some people. Sean's traveling across the country promoting his new book. From TORN.

Schedule... )

And for the legal: More Mister Smith )

current mood: chipper
6 Just Can't Get Enough..|Join In The Madness.
10:11 pm, Oct 06, 2004

My friend made this for me as a present and it was so cool i had to share! )
all of them are pictures of sean!!!! so impressive :D hes so cute!
5 Just Can't Get Enough..|Join In The Madness.
4:49 pm, Oct 06, 2004


You can't help me anymore, Sam.

You don't mean that!

Go home.

*sad music*

Did anyone else surrender their pride and dignity at this point and compltely and openly bawl teir eyes out in the movie theatre?

I did.

8 Just Can't Get Enough..|Join In The Madness.
5:03 pm, Oct 06, 2004 - Lots of Sean love...

I'd say an uneventful day such as I've had calls for a little Sam.

A couple more. )

Also, whoever paid anonymously for the account, thanks, but it went to MY account instead of [info]astin_daily. I sent it back to the credit card account, though!
8 Just Can't Get Enough..|Join In The Madness.
8:52 pm, Oct 05, 2004 - Celebrating C4


Sorry if some of you have seen this, but I'm celebrating meeting Sean at Collectormania 4 (UK convention) last year (6th Oct. 2003). It was very special for me to have met Sean as I really thought that I would neer get the chance, but I did :-) Hope you guys don't mind.

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10:51 pm, Oct 02, 2004



...I am!!!!   Wooooohhhoooooo!!!!

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3:33 pm, Oct 02, 2004 - Inane babble...

Well. Two days without posting.. I remember a time when someone would post five times a day... Ah, those were the days....

Something my sister and I randomly made almost a year ago... )

Also, I'm poor, and [info]astin_daily's paid account has almost run out... so does anyone wanna contribute to the Sean Love?
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