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142 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in d/s. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
abraxia - Deb Siygess
aditi - Aditi
aeo - the voiceless tenor
aesthete_ai - Aesthete
agreenpet - A. Green's Pet
aiwass - Aiwass
akhet - Akhet
albannach - Albannach
alby - albert
aleph - The Architect of Zen Chaos
alibearkins - Kittykins
allyria - Allyria danrei Melusine
alteregos - Charisme
amazon_waryr - amazon_waryr
amberfox - = Faith = Trust =
anangel4ever - Kitty
angelofsilence - Angel
angelovernh - AngeloverNH
anora_green - Anora
anotheranon - anotheranon
antigoneschase - Nori
anywhere - hipstertrash and caribou
araathwen - Araathwen
aristonhunter - Ariston
asacredwhore - asacredwhore
ashkestar - His kitten
athea - Will my dust catch someone's eye?
atraya - ATRAYA
autumngrrl - Candace
avenueb - AvenueB
aziraphalesshop - Aziraphale
azyuna - Curiouser and Curiouser
baast1 - baast1
baisleac - Just another chicky
bciu - Bill
bedlamsfolly - Bedlam
belgiandom - Alain
bellacrow - Mark of the Harlot
bellajustbella - BellaJustBella
bettygirl - Ren
bexone - assassin, masquerading as a little girl
bigbill01 - Bill
bint - His lilwolf
bk2w - Brian
blackjackdavy - Blackjack Davy
blackthornglade - moonlight
blk - barbara
bloatedphish - BloatedPhish
bloodmunnie - Blood // BM
bluegyrl - Allegra
blutifulpet - blutifulpet
boiledbeans - been insane
bondagedoll - Bondage Doll
boundbydreams - Dreamer
boymeat - Boymeat
brianinspace - Brian in Space
brokenmellcifer - bliss
brokenx - annette louise
bzarcher - Blind Zen Archer
cablarossa - Cable
cadalesien - Cadalesien
cailia - Just a person
calliope52 - Sidekick Poodle
candiedashes - silly little billy goat kidney bean
captiv8edkitten - kitten
carolep - Carole
carolsue - CarolSue
carpdeus - JJF
celtic_dove - celtic_dove
celticstorme - Megan
ceruleanct11 - Nyrsaea
chameleongirl - remnants of a tattered soul
chaoticasylum - The last girl on Earth
chartreuse50 - Zoe Richardson
cheezmo - The amazing Cheezmo
cherriterri - slavechickie
christexan - ChrisTexan
cia_ok - Ciaran
clawdia - Dia
cleverlyamusing - Quilled Charcoal
code99 - code99
coginthenose - Karina n'ha Shaiha, et al
copia - Copia
cortneyofeden - Cortney
craftykitten - Lauren
crimsontide - E the Bee
crystalserenity - Serenity
ctartchick - (a rose) by any other name
curiousmalesub - curiousmalesub
daddeesprincess - athena
daddys_princess - i dont know
danalili - Dana
dannyyell - Danielle R.
danrei - danrei
darkerpassions - darkerpassions
darkest_desire - stressed
darkinfidel - Seraph
darknessdarling - darknessdarling
deense - Sharky, Bites When Provoked
delshinarose - DelshinaRose
dicotomygrrl - Dicotomygrrl
dilletante - weird but true
doeeyeddamsel - Doe Eyed Damsel
dolphingirl - Child of nature, friend of man
dorei - High Priestess to the Temple of Effluvia
dragalis - Drake D
dragon_boi - Syr DarkSoul's ~dragon heart~ dragon_boi
drkdesyre - drkdesyre
drkmiss - drkmiss
dryadgrl - Briana
dudecu - Joseph Reay
dungeon - MISTRESS KLAUDIA Seattle Dominatrix - Pro Fem Dom
duranorak - DurAnorak
dusiens - Wyldeside
dyzcordia - Dyzzie Doll
ebonysinner - katslut
edgykitten - Krispy Kritter
elfy - Elfy
eliish - Emily
elisabeth - Elisabeth Margaret H.
elkor - Elkor
emeraldcaves - Emerald
emoxewok - emoxewok
endquote - Josh Santangelo
entrustedlove - Gin
epiphany - Epiphany Delight
esche - walking war crime
espvivisection - diana
etcet - Rafe
etheric - etheric
eveningscribe - Diva Author BadGirl
eysthtmelt - eysthtmelt
faerieduststorm - Lost in mystery
fateofpheonix - Shannon
femmediva - lovely
femmesuprema - Femme Suprema
feral_oracle - Feral Oracle
feralucce - Kriss Hoffman
ferw0l - Noisy Expansion Set Sarah
firehousex - X
flamewing - Flame Wing
flayme - flayme
fleshgoddess667 - scarlette fevre
fragilespirit - Sabrina
frla - The Man Hiding Under Your Bed
frut - Kees
futuregirl - As if hands were enough to hold an avalanche off
gawebmaster - Ian X.
genephreak - the genetic freak
girlsyx - Charmaine Diana
goddesschal - Goddess Chalaelae
goddessdestinee - ~Goddess Destinee~
goddesskalanath - Ms. Nicole Masters
gomory - Thomas Dantalian
goodghirl - goodghirl
gracemontgomery - Gracie
happilymyself - Happily Myself
harlots_mark - Beautiful Harlot
hbergeron - matt
heathermoore - mia, daughter of none
heimdall - Daniel Whicker
hentais_slave - Hentai's slave
hertoy - Her Toy
hiddenwithin - Rea
his_angel - Black_Knights angel
hisfaith - Syr David's faith
hisslavekitty - kitty
hockeyslave - BoiKris
hollowprofanity - The Most Hollow Profanity
hollys - HollyWench
holzman - Daniel B. Holzman
horrorbiz - JK13
hugerection - Hugh G. Rection
humanfoibles - Heather
humanx - human x
hyperpurple - amazing androgen
i_descend - Elizabitch
iamsubmissive - diva
iceman1963 - MasterIceman1963
iddykun - Confusion
idlsprincess - idlsprincess
incontrol - MasterControl,
inked - Inked
insanous - Insanous
insatiablealpha - "So beautiful, it hurts."
intricate_one - Intricate
jacklobsterbets - jack-lobster betsy
jackrabbitlair - jackrabbit
james_p - James
janezero - Jane Zero
jarbabyj - Join me or die, can you do any less?
jazmynroez - Moonchild Firedancer
jazz007 - Jazz
jdeunique - Demanding POWER with an Intense
jen_under_glass - Jen
jimglass - Jim
kaon - Michael
kathra - Kathra
kimberlogic - Cat of LOVE!
kiohazard - kiohazard
kissablemuse - Rin
kitmouse - kitmouse
kittendreams - Trish
kjpepper - andee wants a cookie.
klfjoat - Cliff
kryptic_sinz - The Kryptic Sin
lady_raven - LadyRaven
ladykat88 - Lady Kat
ladypeacem - LadyPeace
ladytabitha - Kinseyan Sheep-Goat
lapetitefleure - Tearase
lapiswitch - lapiswitch
layn - Laynie
ldyofpain - ldy lynn
learsfool - Lear's Fool
leather - Scene Reports
legendofthehawk - LegendofTheHawk
lethe1 - Forgetfulness
lieslieslies - no ordinary whore
lil_kiwi - Kiwi
lilcuteone - l
lillitheris - Angela
lionessofnemea - LionessofNemea
liontaris - Taris Lycaon L. Flashpaw
lipstickboi - Sallie
little_kit - Kitty
littlebratsub - Brat
littlelamb - now you've tasted my mutton
lizzie_borden - Lizzie Borden
lohan - Lohan
lordgallahad - 839928
louissa - louissa
lumivalkoinen - lumivalkoinen
luna_littleone - Little One
lustpuppy - Girl
luxnightmare - Fashionably Incomplete
lzbnangel - ~*Ultimate Glitter Star Fairy (of all lesbians)*~
mad_spirit - Mad Spirit
madame_destrees - Duchess de Beaufort
madamerkf - wendy
maiamuse - maia
maiden127 - La
margoeve - Ms. Cellophane
marti - Marti
maskedmarvel - Dark Savior
master_teacher - Master_Teacher
masterslilbrat - melody
mattboroson - Matthew Boroson
mduwncvt - Rated - X : Tee/Treehugger/MDU/Bitch/Wiccan/Domme
megane53 - megane53
melancholythorn - kurewski ciern
mellian - mellian
midnightmadness - jefF - Crazy Man with a Snake
mikki_rosie - melanie
misslily - delia
missnita - 'Nita
missyinchains - Missy
mommydomme - Empress Wu
mondenschein - crying Moon
moominmolly - lrigwoc
moon__goddess - moon__goddess
morgannalefey - Siobhan
mshivah - M. Shivah
msmarlamae - Marla-Mae
msninadarien - Ms. Nina Darien
mssfinc - Ms. Starfucker Inc.
mymstrslave - slavecynthia
mysteressbtrfly - Goddess Cassandra
mysticknyght - MysticKnyght
nahlea - Rattler 75th
nataliep - Natalie P
nayeli_gc - taura{Tr}
necroflux - friend of a friend of a friend
necrogrrl - n e c r o g r r l - t h e - n e c r o p h i l e
necron99 - Replicant
neeuqdrazil - La Zie
nerfduck - NerfDuck
nicola6 - Nicola Six
nightingalelily - Aviva
nightwitch - Mike
ninjahump - ninjahump
ninjaturtlepunk - Sianyde
notafukinitem - Unrealistic Pain
notxnormal - break everything in your house
nyssimi - Holly
obsidian_palace - Erotic Dreams
obvious - D
oceansenses - Airie
onesoul - The thinker, dreamer, and in-betweener
onesubgal - Lioness
onewhosqueeks - squeek
openupenterin - firemaiden
opheliasmadness - Ophelia
ozgenre - genre
ozgolith - Ozgolith
pacrat530 - Sara Without An H
panther7 - Panther
pantos - Stian Andorsen
paperhurts - Slutmonkey Radishballs
patrickinminn - patrick
pats_angel - pats_angel
pegsioux - that raucous femme dyke
petdulcinea - Pet Dulcinea
petof_ldylynn - pet
pinkisobscene - (tom)
pixiestyx - the diminutive super heroine!
plymouth - The Water Seeker
plzrbound - plzrbound
polygamist - Polygamist
pupgrrl - Nicole
pur_angst - angst
purvis - Stephen Purvis
quinns_grace - Quinn's grace
rabbitorf - Rabbit
rainbowsmiles - That Rugby Chick
raycho - Jason's raycho
redcanna - redcanna
redhotlips - A little one's journey
redwitch - RedWitch
rejectedbarbie - Reject Barbie
rhun - Alan
richardevanslee - Richard Evans Lee
rolandodrkjstr - Rolando Sanchez DarkJester
ryenna - Ryenna
sagamasterxk - SagaMasterXK
saiden - Noctis Esoterica
sapphires - fireflyblue
sariah - sariah
sarrina - sari`na
satyrix - Satyrix
scarletseraph - Preciousss Poppetses
scifigal - Chronicles of the Fangirl
scorchtone - audio-visual victim
scorpiodream - Scorpio
seefuchs - Fuchs
selenamoonstorm - me
senko - Sir_Senko
sexyexpy - expy
shadesong - Magical Truthsaying Bastard Shadesong
sharmuta - Sharmuta
sheekayt - SheeKayt
shes_unreal - One plus two plus one plus one
shylittlesoul - shylittlesoul - journey of discovery
sickgirl13 - Sickgirl
sidhesub - Sidhe Sub
silvanus - Silvanus Westwind
silverwitch - Disgruntled College Student
simplygiveup - simplygiveup
sirdirk30 - SirDirk
siren_slave - em
sirenslave - siren
sirstee - Stee
sirwickedangel - SirWickedAngel
sissymiss - sissymiss
sivet - Ree
skx - Steve Kemp
smuj - Tasia
snowfaeries - snowfaeries
socratesph - Socrates Philosopher
somebunny - The Aichmorhabdophilic Mouse
sonicalpha - Sonic Alpha
soonsingle - David
spankedangel - SpankedAngel
spritelord - Spritelord
ssssscccy - scyther
starlet_harlot - starlet_harlot
steve_random - Steve
stormhaven - StormHaven
stormwynde - stormwynde
str8jacket_fits - Str8jacket_Fits
stryal - (SylYle's pet)S'Tryal
subbes - subbes
subbrianna - Brianna
subby_kitten - Kitten
subfoxnsox - pleasuretoy
subsoul - Submissive Soul
sultrylady - Sultry Lady
sundancer1960 - ladyj{GP}
sweetkahi - sweetkahi
sweptawaybayou - Snow
swtlilbrattgrrl - brat
sybrchk - Sybrchk
tarla - St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies
tarvosk - tarvosk
tarynw - a kinder gentler machine gun hand
tasani - tessa
telynor - harper
thanophile - kowa-kawaii!
thanos73 - James
the_drifter - i'm a clever girl
the_little_slut - Little Slut
tiberius_ivi - Tiberius
tidesong - tidesong
tigerbutt - Screaming on the inside
tnatnt - T
topbit - Topbit
treaz - treaz
treborfsu - --(Rob)--
troilee - Trinity
troublegrrrrrrl - I don't look for it...trouble finds me...
twigscage - The Gilded Cage
twisteddiode - Diode
twistedwit - The Innocent Pervert
tyralyn - Lady Mags
uglydragons - kt
ulesegisa - An Adult (more or less) Indigo.
unblooming_rose - Ambient Muse
unheardmusic31 - Monkey Boy
username_ha - Michael
vampymaus - Vampymaus
vanilledecerise - Vanille DeCerise
varna - Savarna Deepa
vasaline - pathologically happy
velvetbrian - Brian
velvetdoe - velvet doe
velvetsteel - --=ΦHellyΦ=--
verbena76 - Hida Okami
veve - Veve
volatilegrrrl - Viper
vyedma - cailin
weedfairy - weedfairy
whitetigerfly - nemesis
whosyourmistres - Lady Patricia
whyrebound - WhyreBound
wickedmsangel - Wicked Ms.Angel
wilson_lizard - King of Prussia
witchee - Da Witch
witchykitty - witchy kitty
womanji - Womanji
wysperia - wysperia
xanaphia - Jonny D. Narya
xdominiquex - Madame Dominique
xintriel - xin
xmakuraxisshox - XmakuraXisshoX
xxx_haunted_xxx - Haunted
ysabel - Ys
zen3d - Jack & Sue
zenn - Zenn
zes - zes