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Below is user information for Terra Incognita. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:autumngray (286994) autumngray
Welcome to Terra Incognita
An Intimate Record of (Inter)Personal Experience
Name:Terra Incognita
Bio:Call me the Queen of TMI. Or am I? Nope, just another wandering star with a strong drive toward exhibitionism. Nothing out of the ordinary, really.

I occasionally vomit forth large amounts of creative meandering. Sometimes I go for a month without posting at all. Some people find my writing obnoxious and boring, some insightful and amusing. Decide for yourself, let me know if you like. I'm hard to offend, and I like to see responses.

If you're not on my friends list, you won't see much, since nearly all my entries are filtered for obscenity/partial privacy. If you wanna see them, e-mail me. Tell me how you found me. I will probably add you if you do.

Or you can add me on and hope that I'll notice. That works... every year or so.
Memories:328 entries
Interests:107: Θελημα, 0=2, 418, 93, a.'.a.'., activism, agape, alchemy, aleister crowley, alternative energy, androgyny, antero alli, art films, astrology, babalon, baphomet, bdsm, bisexuality, body modification, buckminster fuller, camping, cannabis, cats, ceremonial magick, charles stansfeld jones, chocolate, communes, computers, creativity, crimethinc, dancing, decadence, depression, dreams, e.e. cummings, ecclesia gnostica catholica, egyptology, family, fraternity, freedom, geeks, gnosis, gray weather, hermann hesse, hermeticism, hiking, horus, html, illuminism, incense, initiation, journaling, jungian psychology, kundalini, languages, learning, leonard cohen, liber al vel legis, magick, mandalas, meditation, mysteria mystica maxima, mythology, nature, neo-gnosticism, office supplies, ontological anarchy, ordo templi orientis, p-funk, pablo neruda, pacific ocean, pan, peter gabriel, philosophy, pink floyd, poetry, polyamory, pornography, psychology, qabala, rain, reading, road trips, robert anton wilson, sacraments, sacred whore, scarlet woman, science fiction, seattle, sexual alchemy, solitude, storms, symbolism, tantra, tao, tarot, tea, terra incognita, the vogue, the wetspot, thelema, tori amos, tracy chapman, trance, universal brotherhood, writing, yoga. [Modify yours]
People119:agaperos77, alekseira, alexwilliams, amritarosa, amytimm, andropos_troy, anzu, argent93, ariche, arrowhawk, aset, ashley_y, asicath, autumngray, babalonyieh, betty_babalon, brandywilliams, burningblue, cadmus, caraeileen, carminerose, circe_magnifica, clavis_karen, coalblacksmith, contentlove, cpk, crucible, darkover, dizzy1, eggsafety, empressdaleth, evilbear, gallows_brother, gasbarri, gleibinger, gnostica, gypsydragon, halaku, hyla_regilla, i_dread, icebluenothing, inertiadirges, inertiam, inominandum, its420, ivolucien, izzbot, jacckkson, jalano93, jean_michel, jennyoakes, jonah777, jonathanshade, juliakstone, kennabis, khnemet_ankhet, kunzangnyima, lady_dmray, laiadapila, lazuli93, libanus93, lvxsanctuary, m7o7n7k, marz2003, masdevallia, matertiamat, maxomai, monotmoe, mortalcity, nbw52aaapvet, nebet_het, ogremarco, paradoxosalpha, paulrhume, phantomoftruth, regulus666, rimrunner, rodneyorpheus, royalbananafish, rubylou, rwx, sabazius_x, samajh, samemaha, sarastro_us, scarletserpent, sirius23, sirriamnis, slutdiary, sm101, solis93, sophia_8, sororenotis, spiritus93, ssatva, staxxy, stellalux, tedgill, thee_emperor, theflittermouse, themutebard, thiebes, tim_maroney, trueheart, tyrsalvia, tzaddi_93, ujibutsu, ulrich, umbrikatus, uncleskull, victrix, voidswallow, wendolen, winterjaye, wytchcat, xnoubis, yogsothoth93, yuriel111, z111
Communities25:feminas, gnosticmass, handmadebooks, infojunkies, inner_nude, just_good_food, ljoto, monfrere, nomoreprisons, novicepriestess, obeah_and_wanga, sea_oto, seattle420, seattlegothic, seattlepagan, slave_news, smutweread, the_vogue, thelema, thelemapedia, thelemites, theurgy, thothreadings, vintage_sex, whatweread
Feeds4:oto_sekhetmaat, oto_usgl, sciam, worldchanging
Mutual Friends:75: agaperos77, alekseira, alexwilliams, amytimm, andropos_troy, anzu, argent93, ariche, aset, ashley_y, autumngray, babalonyieh, cadmus, carminerose, clavis_karen, coalblacksmith, cpk, crucible, darkover, dizzy1, eggsafety, evilbear, gallows_brother, gleibinger, gypsydragon, halaku, hyla_regilla, i_dread, inertiam, inominandum, its420, ivolucien, izzbot, jacckkson, jennyoakes, jonah777, jonathanshade, lady_dmray, lazuli93, libanus93, m7o7n7k, marz2003, masdevallia, matertiamat, maxomai, monotmoe, mortalcity, ogremarco, regulus666, rimrunner, royalbananafish, rwx, samajh, samemaha, sarastro_us, scarletserpent, sirius23, sm101, solis93, sophia_8, ssatva, staxxy, thee_emperor, theflittermouse, themutebard, tyrsalvia, ujibutsu, ulrich, umbrikatus, victrix, wendolen, winterjaye, wytchcat, yogsothoth93, z111
Also Friend of:32: 01flux, _silent_bob_, angiebrat, ariane_curyll, balzacq, baxil, dekeboy, djwudi, dryadgrl, durtro93, gwywnnydd, kalendra, lawst, lrdjester, miss_pig, morinon, ramgod, recycled_hearts, scott_t_s, shadowsofgrey, silenceleigh, sorormystica, speedbump_bouy, trauma_hound, tregare, usanstmage, vamp_ire, vampann, wire_mother, wolfieboy, xanadria, yusefer
Member of:29: an_tir, beadwork, camarilla, freakmanor, game_fun, get_up_dread_up, gnosticmass, infojunkies, inner_nude, just_good_food, ljoto, monfrere, nomoreprisons, novicepriestess, obeah_and_wanga, paidmembers, rainbow_people, satyrs_lounge, sea_oto, seattledykes, seattlegothic, seattlepagan, smutweread, the_vogue, thelema, thelemapedia, thelemites, thothreadings, whatweread
Account type:Free Account

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