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52 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in david sedaris. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
467 matches:
- aardvarkfloss - Willy Nilly
- aaronsupreme - The Rise of a Black Nerd
- ad1025 - Adrien
- aekastar - and I just hate these fluorescent lights
- afterberth - Quiet and Smooth
- agonizer - Agonizer
- aidaho - androgynous mind
- aisler - aisler
- ajeast - Andrew
- akronohten - Andrew
- albob - alli cat
- alelsc - socially scared and impaired
- alliemoon - Allie Moon
- allyn - the fourteen letter "S" word
- almightychrissy - The only broken-hearted loser you'll ever need
- alphabuttsoup - user defined
- amandaisgod - snap!
- amazinggrace - last week's next big thing
- amykaye - Confirmed Bachelorette
- andreamarie - Andrea Marie
- android81 - Andy
- andsheewas - AndSheeWas
- annaclaire - hobotskeedeetendaten hayti
- annelise - An Urban Girl Defrags
- anomar - Ramona
- antiflaggrrrl - *~gill~*
- anxiouspleasure - sss
- aquariusjuice - Hannah D. Forman
- asalways - Meredith
- aubergine - Lauren
- auditorium - audiTORIum
- auralee - o to tha l-o
- autocrash - arizona
- avantard - avantard
- bachelorno4171 - Bachelor #4171
- badmammajamma - Piggy McFatty
- badusername - katie baby
- bandgeek - Emily
- banshee - holla at yo girl
- barkis - (who's afraid of)
- bathtubjinn - Bathtub Jinn
- batsonian - Amanda
- battleangel - metal heart.
- baylor - closer to myself
- beansidhe - Andromache
- beatnikonvespa - Stolen Ghost Orchid
- beckmermaid - Becky
- becoming_jenn - Who, me?
- benny_narrator - Benny Narrator
- bestinshow - Yea for Progress
- beth666ann - the angry smaller man’s mouth
- betsontebs - Tebs
- betterideas - just another dorian gray
- bias_cut - Lust Laureate
- bibliophile - bibliophile
- bingoflamingo - Karin
- bisonbison - against hot-saucing
- bitchcraft666 - Amalia
- bitchygurl - your girl is lovely
- biztheinsane - The manliest man that ever did man, Biz.
- bjorklovesme - The Concave Cave-in
- blue02dude - The One Thing More Powerful Than Evil
- blue_j - James
- bluecollarmoxie - take me back to wei gong cun
- bluefish - bluefish
- bluesmurf - i mock your cheese danish and all it stands for
- bluespark - Seductress, third class
- blume - mule dice
- bobwhite - Ol' Jack Burton
- bohemian_dasein - which tiny little box shall I squeeze in for you?
- bokane - Brendan O'Kane
- bonjovial - りサちゃん
- bookcat - Sharpie
- bosco16 - J.J.
- boywonder - matthew.
- brantastic - da huuuuuudge
- breakmywings - Julianna Swan
- brentbent - craig joyner
- brianinspace - Brian in Space
- brianrdu - Subject B
- brighten - Claire
- brighteyedangel - Hallie
- bup - L
- byleee - Lonesome Cowboy Byl
- cadette - A.J.
- cailin - cailin
- calebcocteau - caleb ben moore
- cartersgotback - death is a midnight runner
- casey_lou - Crazy Louise
- cathaarsix - Apochryphus
- caufield - logic will break your heart
- ceecil313 - vehicular mel-slaughter
- celina - celina
- chasman - chasman
- chemicaljen - jen hate
- cheshire9 - Johnny
- christinebobean - Guess!
- chromatics - Andrew
- cider - Katherine
- cindylou - princess lucky underpants
- clairebear02 - Claire
- claireh - a smooth, spicy cup of cheer
- clankyrobot - Amandabot wears panda mittens.
- clarice - Hundreds of Sparrows
- cobweb - cobweb
- comapoet - Marc
- cookiepi - Nick
- coolsilverboi - Gin the Silverboi
- corvar - He's a Ghost, He's a God, He's a Man, He's a Guru
- cptnhandsome - The Gary Coleman Project
- cracked_halo - cracka
- craic - Liam McLiverdamage
- crinoline - eshet hayil
- cris - cris
- cureforpain - Nick Monkey
- czaria - violetbleue
- daddysambiguity - Androgyny's Keeper
- dai - Dai
- damnhippie - Hannah
- dandy52 - dandy52
- daniela - Daniela
- daniland - dani eurynome
- dannycepticon - Rigorous Mortis
- dannysgirl - DannysGirl
- darerca_jane - Tits McGee
- darkbluesock - Jenn
- darkglobe - Angelic Fruitcake
- dayna - A Masters in Reverse Psychology
- detritus - jbroome
- dialectics - Castro'sBeard
- discostar - E.B.
- discountsatori - Laurie
- djturtle18 - kleenexed boogernose
- dontspeak - elegantly, absurdly
- dullstar - Morgan
- dyskodyke - My name is Tina, I'm a lesser-known character
- easterkat - Jen
- ecochica - rebecca
- ejase - Jase and his so-called gay, not so gay, life
- elasticagrrl - elasticagrrl
- emily_grace - Emily
- emisteph - stephanieann
- emmalee32 - Emily
- emollifyx24 - la emergencia! la emergencia!
- emoshemo - cocooned
- ephemeral_muse - Kelley
- erzulie - Banana
- explosivo - Tenacious Me...
- eyesoutoffocus - a cracked machine
- festiva - Winnie
- filmfreak933 - my teardrops are vintage
- filmgirl99 - Kate
- filmmaker310 - Julie Laurent
- firestorm - mr. banana grabber
- flicker - Flicker
- foxwrapped - fellating the microphone
- frogunplugged - Dan the *insert word here* man"
- frupple17 - organized confusion
- fuzzyhead - the o.c.
- gail - ...and i'd like it to stay.
- gavinsfingers - gavin..
- gem2000 - selena
- gfrancie - sarcastic darling
- ginandtonics - Gin&Tonics
- gitiffy - tiffany d.
- givemeahug - Jane
- glortw - Real Like A Plastic Bouquet
- gocoolmandi - mandi
- goodnightmoon - i want to reach that glory land
- grassfire - ch.
- greendaze - Another White Trash Mannequin
- greenish - it's only me
- grendel001 - Charles
- greydora - Dora
- gruyere - Mephistopheles of Pancakes
- haze863 - jeff
- hcwoodward - Hilary
- henare - henry
- hereboy - Captain Gingersnap
- hikari - Blabla Chukitu
- hillbillyhoopla - RockShanty
- hjones - Clockwork Tomato's Fruit Salad Extravaganza
- honda825 - brUsh thE cObwEbs OUt Of thE skY
- ibrokeup - andrzej
- ichabod - The editing of my Life
- ihcilon - shiny waistcoat
- imitation - Josh
- inajiraarijani - Tah-misz
- indiepop - Mike
- irisatnau - teacher-lover-drinker-smoker being
- irishk8 - Kate
- isomorph - Derek
- itzhobbs - Jeff Pilcicki
- jacquehyaena - MY OTHER LIFE HAS MEANING
- jaimee - jaimee
- jaran620 - Jake
- jayness - born.rise.die
- jellopixy - Risa
- jellyhead - Aesthetics Rule My Life
- jenxylex - jenny, you're barely alive
- jenza - Gwendolyn Pickles
- jermo - Simple Kind Of Life
- jesebel - jesebel
- jillc - Jill
- jj212 - ddalgi missile head
- jmichiko - jacob
- joellevand - Damn the Man!
- johnboze - Ten Wildebeests in a Teacup
- josephine - j
- joshinthecity - archbishop of canterbury
- joshwaylon - Joshua
- jrust - Jen
- just_bret - Brayet
- justanother - justanother
- juxtaposed - kat
- kablammy - everyone else is really boring
- kailur - Kaila
- kaorunagisa - infectious human waste
- kapthowdy - father dowling
- karlaanne - quirkyalone
- katbradley - rizzo
- keckles - kmw
- keithb - Keith "Nugent" Barber
- kennaroo - . . .
- kerry - Kerry
- kickthebobo - Atmospheric Henry Ross
- kiui - Kiwi
- kr1k - kirk
- kristyn - ♥ kls
- late4breakfast - my passion bleeds infamy.
- laursie - Laura
- leisaie - Molly
- letterbox - Rosemary
- lgamine - Meghan
- lily_xyu - jamie
- lisa - Swiss Army Spork
- litlady - Now who else wanna fuck with Hollywood Court
- livbeth - Elizabeth
- lizzard - lizzard
- locy - Lo Hum
- lolamoz - lolamoz
- lolitahaze - coliene
- lovewastedangel - Mauri
- loxley00 - marisjay
- luckysnorkel - make a little birdhouse in your soul
- lulu - lulu in hollywood
- lunchboxface - gormless, yet self-aggrandizing
- m_b - Jun
- machmed - The Americana Dream
- maddening - Un oso con un paster
- maenaed - The Maenaed
- mamalara - Lara
- maren - Maren
- margooles - Maggie
- marilynmonroe - .audrella fuck.
- mayfly - becky h.
- mayzface - Tenenbaum, M
- mbvd - Sol
- meer - MizzEREDYTH
- melicious - *~melindy~*
- melley - snot.
- mellowdrama - cornelia candypants
- merichan - The Rage of Achilles
- mickelboy - But I'm Leaving Anyway
- miercoles77 - shan
- milky - Hunnicus Bunnicus
- minakochan - with her red shoes on
- mindme - My Canada includes smoked meat!
- minn - Minnie
- missguydid - I'm Michelle & you're not
- missrachael - 128 Hot Katies
- misstorrey - torrey
- missv - Varla von Funkenstein
- mizmosa - MizMosa
- mmmayhem - the kid with the sideburns
- mojofilter - color me all sorts of broken
- monkgarou - MonkGarou
- mooinabox - Lauren
- mopnkthnyamamaa - havoq
- moths - damion
- mouse452 - Orange Crushed
- mrobbins - M Robbins
- mrsmiawallace - Martel Home for the Gracefully Insane
- msdenisewight - Wolfgang Amadeus Thelonius Von Funkenmeister 193/4
- mslivewire - MsLiveWire
- mstegosaurus - Morris Stegosaurus
- mugsy1274 - Mugsy Malone
- myloveisrobotic - robot
- nanaka - Nanana
- nataliep - Natalie P
- nayters - Nate
- neolamarie - Wandering Desolation
- neutron - you like that idiot
- nicecream - Professor Pants
- nidhogg - Jonathan
- no_more_smiles - suzanne.
- nonplussed - stef-annie
- nose_ring_girl - Poor Blood Circulation
- notmattdamon - The Obligatory Jumping Monkey
- notquite - Mika
- noumbrella - cole
- novadivine - A Bit of Fluff
- nycgirl - twenty seven
- ocelotchick - gina [dynamite]
- ode - Ode
- odrabydnam - Dorkgirl
- ohmycat - Someone stole my stapler.
- oliveoyl - Elvis Jedusor
- omorashi - Irritable Bowel
- onigokko - Joey
- opheliasleeps - M is for Mussolini
- opprimo - Alfie
- orangemask - Matt
- ourchair - base number
- oxrandyyxo - Chris
- paintedmaypole - future wacky aunt in training
- papaneil - Papa Neil
- parkinglot - parking lot
- pasquinade - Ed
- patchworkgirl -
- pea - the queen pea
- penguin90210 - the unspoken dream
- periodic - Periodic
- piewackett - Jenny
- pimpmomoney - Another innocent girl...
- pinktiger - the little monster
- pinkvinylstar - at least i'm not kathy acker
- pinkytx - Sarah
- pinqpanther - Hi...I'm Gay MIke
- pj_princess - Kimmy*
- planegirl - Sarah
- poetryslam - Big Poppa E
- poins519 - Maur
- pomobarney - Dorian A. W.
- potatohead - anna spelled backwards
- powerpuff - Cajun Popcorn
- prazzy - P:raz
- princessrugger - ms. anthropy
- psycheknot - psyche knot
- psychotaku - Mizerable Obsession
- puakaikane - Something Kiwi
- puceangel - Rachel
- puppthead - The Sassy Frassy Lassie
- purplegirl - the purple girl
- pythagoras - Andrew
- quasigeek - Angela
- quilljunky - Three years she grew in sun and summer
- quinnie - Windi
- raeth - The artist in the ambulance
- raisingrrl22 - Liz
- randombtchchick - TommyGirl Productions
- raveler - raveler
- ravengirl - sugarbelly
- rebel1o5 - Dina
- redrider - the queerion
- retrofalfa - Megan
- reversesmile - hillary
- rhondak - RHONDAK
- richograph - Rich
- roboticheart - :.:..:::motherfucker:::..:..:
- rookie - chinesefoouud
- rosealia - sweet sassy molassy
- sacchrinetokyo - Ford Maddox Ford
- saintrigger - [ERR = USER UNKNOWN]
- salduck - salduck
- salpal - Radium Girl
- sarahonce - Sarah
- sarcasmsoup - Contrariwise
- sashabot - sally
- saxtus - Scott
- scampa - Hangin' Tough with Muff
- scarykarrey - scarykarrey
- screwedup - Care
- sdf - electronical extremesist
- seanmoon - O-ran U-tan
- secretlytimid - as i got older i had to step out of the lines
- seeker_ix - apostle of the revolution
- shane - Shane McConnel
- sheiko - sheiko
- shelley42 - Always the Pallbearer, Never the Corpse
- shescrafty - The Lindbergh Baby
- shoeglue737 - giech!
- siamesedreamer - Amy
- siliconjesus - Cara
- sistersanch - teresa
- skinnyray - Michael
- skygazer - Rachel
- sleepypawn - Jenny (You're Barely Alive)
- snarky - deena
- snmnstrz21 - Erin
- snowtoes - energy, imagination, excellence
- soaerang - kimberly
- soleilune - soleilune
- somagordon - no apologies from me
- spiderbreak - . .
- spleenless - Spleenless Jenny
- sssnarlene - mamaw's tired
- starboardgirlie - frannie
- starslight55 - jaynie
- steven - Songs in the Key of Bloop
- stonefox - bad anna
- studentsampler - bigbama
- sugaplumskank - Coochie Digital
- sugarygoodness - alicia
- superfink - Taylor
- superjohn - The Right Seldom Is
- suprasonik - peg leg pete
- susan2052 - Wake Up Little Susie
- swandive - the sleepless sailor
- swerve - Radio Free Swerve
- swirlygirl - uncrushworthy
- swissjunkees - Miss (Agent) Enemy Anemone
- switch478 - scatterheart
- syndetic - noel carillon
- thedexter - Marcus
- thekory - KORY
- therealkate - Sookie Sapperstein
- thisisriffle - Riffle
- tobbascogal - Star Munkie
- tomalhe - Tomalhe
- tomcan - TomCan
- tomiris - tulip sniper
- torilove - nicole
- tothesky - aurora
- treppenwitz - esprit d'oh
- truthcovrdnail - Grammar Offender
- twcwar313 - J
- twicketface - Trying to be Gallant in a very, very Goofus world
- twistedwit - The Innocent Pervert
- u16_girl - nobody girl
- untakenname - Nick
- urbansilence - meg
- valerieloveland - Valerie Loveland
- vamp1ra - feeling sinister
- velocityboy - velocityboy
- velvetdivorce - VELVETDIVORCE
- veronicap - sqaure peg in a round hole
- versonic - Marti
- vfc - Literally angry with rage
- vintagelife - the boy who can't help but creep good people out
- violane - Keri
- violetpretty_ - Meghan
- waderapspoorly - Liz
- wavethatflag - Shake it, shake it, sugaree
- waxtadpole - Lauren
- webtekkie - Dan Montgomery
- whitman22 - Neil
- wigletwones - Jackie Wones
- wildirishrose - Boiled Jenny
- wildsoda - wildsoda
- woodsyak - Jordan
- woodyi - josh stories
- workroom - ...
- wrongsocks - El Corazon
- xaviergoodchyld - Xavier and the Revolution
- xclichex - black mass / white mass
- xemcats - Emily
- xmelaniex137x - ~*some may say i'm a dreamer...*~
- xnerdx - xnerdx
- xsilverfox - Mr. Cellophane
- xunderthestarsx - Paul
- yruugrrl - Sex Kitten Extraordinaire
- yuanshikai - David MM
- zauberhexchen - Zauberhexchen
- zephyra - zephyra
- zulu117 - Laurie
- zurda - Erin