Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "geeks".
436 matches:
- 0vintage_synth0 - 0vintage_synth0
- 31337geek - This is Your Computer
- 3m0kidsun173 - LABEL US UNDER EMO!
- 3moredoritos - Three More Doritos
- 6xxxlooserxxx6 - I'm a dork, how about you?
- _adorkable_ - Geek Testers of Love
- _are_you_a_dork - Are you a dork?
- _error - Error Designs
- _flop_ - Fuck Liking Other People
- _friends_ - _//Friends\\_
- acromania - deteriorated mentallities!!
- adambusch_icons - Adam Busch Icons
- addmealso - make more LJ friends!
- adhesiveheaven - Duct Tape DIY
- admin_console - Admin Console for Dummies
- adorkabel - How Adorkabel!
- adorkablekids - adorkable kids
- aestheticpoetic - aestheticpoetic
- alien_nation - Alien Nation
- alienism - Spacegirls and Spaceboys
- allaboutemo -
- allthelosers - allthelosers
- alt_style - Alternative styles
- andrew_jonathan - a Andrew/Jonathan slash group
- andrew_zone - Funnel Cakes & Flying Monkeys
- anime_unleashed - Anime Unleashed
- anti_riaa - Boycott the RIAA
- awards_lj - live journal awards
- awesomequizzes - Awesome Quizzes!
- awkward_as_fuck - accidentprone
- badadamswooners - Everyone That Bad Adam Makes Swoon
- badgers_r_furry - (the) h0le
- bandgeeks - band geeks
- basementfreaks - Basement Freaks who *love* mail
- bayareajobless - Bay Area California Jobless Community
- bayareajobs - Bay Area California Jobs
- bbsers - BBSers Community
- beat_the_geeks - Beat The LiveJournal Geeks!
- being_friendly - Being "Friendly"
- bench_people - The Almighty Bench People
- beosirc - The #BeOS IRC Community
- bitch_n_moan - Rant n' Rave Bitch Pit
- bleeding_juliet - Juliet Is Bleeding
- blessed_academy - Blessed Academy
- bloomwood_ - Teh Beauty and Teh Geek
- blue_cow_cult - blue cow cult
- book_clublj - The Live Journal Book Club
- books4breakfast - Bookworms with suggestions
- boys_we_know - Real Life RPS
- boysweddo - boys we'd do
- brightandbroke - The Intelligent Poor
- brokenbliss - What If
- bubble_gum_pop - bubble_gum_pop
- buffalo_gamers - Gamers in Buffalo, NY
- cafedoom - "It's Always the End of the World"
- camsters - CAMSters
- caringdorkygeek - Caring Dorky Geeks
- challenging_god - challenging_god
- chamblee - Chamblee High
- channel_8 - a raver can retire, but you're always a netgeek
- charisma_daily - Charisma Carpenter Daily
- chickland - Chick Land
- circusfetish - Freaks for Freaks
- classicdorksx - ..We're So Classic..
- cmukgb - The KGB
- collegeliberty - College Libertarians Unite!
- compgeekz - Computer Geekz
- computertech - Network Computer Technician Community
- con_central - Fantasy/Sci-Fi Convention Central
- cookiesandboys - çøØkie§ + ßo¥s
- crazy_fucks - The crazy people on LJ
- creepypeople - creepypeople
- cslounge - CMU CS Lounge
- cult_of_the_dot - cult_of_the_dot
- cult_of_wenis - wenis
- cwru - CWRU Community
- cyberotica - g33k s3x0r
- cynicalsuccubi - The Cynical Succubi
- dalnetca - DALnet #California
- dalnetpunk - filipe is too emo for me (just playin dogg, wordy
- damngirl - The Damn Girl
- darkmachine - The Dark Machine
- deadby28 - The Official LiveJournal of Dead by 28
- deltaofqueernes - Queered Love
- demonfemme - loud, obnoxious, goddess with nothing better to do
- desirock - d e s i
- desktop_dressup - wallpaper fun
- dice_fetish - geeks with dice
- die_jo_die - The I hate Jo club
- digital_love - [ we've got love for the digital ]
- digital_tears - anemic&sweet
- director_slash - Director Slash
- disturbingminds - psychoTIC childERN
- dizzy_bitches - dizzy bitches unite!
- dontbuyusfood - Don't Buy Us Food
- donuts_and_dice - New Paltz Gamers
- dork_alt_hs - Dork Alternative High School
- dork_faced - My Mom Says I'm Speshul.
- dorks_n_doofs - you just don't like us cuz we're better than you
- dorksarepeople - Dorks are people, too!
- dorksofmichigan - we are dorks!!
- dorksrawesome - dorks everywhere
- dragoncon - DragonCon
- drama_by_design - Leo and Kitten's personal Livejournal Drama
- dvnts - da vinci's notebook fans
- eli_hates_me - ozolmjojvjjj!!!
- elitegeeks - Geeks
- em0_glasses - *em0_gLaSseS*
- emo101 - emo101
- emo_pirates - Emo Pirates
- emo_screamo - emo screamo.
- emosexaddiction - emo sex is an addiction
- eroticnightmare - Strange
- evrydayovrdose - Everyday Overdose
- eyeshots - blink
- f_y_r - Fine Young Republican
- fansofbeck - Beck Fans Unite!
- fantasm - Fantasm
- farscapelives - Scapers Unite
- fgp - Freaks and Geeks in the Peaks
- finaljeopardy - Jeopardy! Addicts Anonymous
- firmware_3l337 - embedded geeks
- flyin_sumo_cows - flyin sumo cows
- fopo - faux-po amalgamation
- forhirex - Cult o' X
- formervamp - Former Montreal-By-Night-ers and Friends
- fourelements - Four Elements Photography
- fram_it_up - the nook
- freakitude - LJ's Own Sideshow
- freakplanet - Den of Freaks
- frecklynerds - frecklynerds
- frontfacade - Mirror
- fullsail - Full Sail
- gamersanon - Gamers Anonymous
- gamma_girls - gamma girls
- gather_fandom - Gather Fandom
- gaycomicgeeks - Gay Geeks
- gaygeeks - Gay Geeks of the World Unite!
- geek_furs - geek_furs
- geek_luv - geek luv
- geek_pride - geeks, unite!
- geekchiks - Geek Chiks
- geekcorps - Geek Corps
- geekfesters - Geekfesters
- geekfreedom - Fighters for Geek Freedom
- geekgirlz - We the She Geeks
- geekgrlcal2 - geekgrlcal2
- geekgrlcalendar - Celebrating Sexy Geek Girls
- geeklets - Geeklets
- geeklovers - Geeks And The Women Who Love Them!
- geekparents - GeekParents
- geekpost - Geek Post
- geekrocksocks - geekrocksocks
- geeks - Geeks
- geeks_at_home - Geeks At Home
- geeksanon - GeeksAnon
- geeksaresexy - geeksaresexy
- geekscience - Science Fiction Come to Life
- geeksluts - geeksluts
- geeksnfreaks - Freaks & Geeks UNITED
- geeksonfilm - geeks on film
- geekstalkers - We <3 geeks
- geeksunite - geeks unite!
- geekswithguns - Geeks with guns
- geekware - GeekWare
- geekwars - *Geek*\/\/4|2s*
- geeky_glasses - (lovers of) cute people with geeky glasses
- geekyboys - geek chic
- geekynerds - Geeky Nerds
- gimpgirl - GimpGirl Community
- girlgeeks - Girl Geeks Rule!
- goth_thought - Goth Thought
- gothasfsck - EFNet #gothasfsck
- gothicpoetry - Blackened Memories
- grammar_whores - Grammar Snobs
- greatbiggeek - Great Big Geek
- greekorgeek - apply here
- grlswithglasses - The Glass Goddess
- guide - Guide
- hall_of_shame - Hall Of Shame
- harposbookclub - Itinerant Literates
- harvardwestlake - Harvard-Westlake School
- hashafp - #afp
- healthygeeks - HealthyGeeks
- heartdirectory - deal with my heart
- hermeticboston - Boston Hermeticists
- highlandertales - Highlander Tales
- highschoolhell - highschoolhell
- honor_roll - ::..honor..roll..::
- honors_house - The TU Honors House Community
- hot_enigmatics - Self-Confident Ecclectics
- hotprobs - Hot Problems
- hotpussy_cats - hotpussy_cats
- hs_horror - High School Horror Stories
- humancomputing - Human Computing
- humans_being - Healing Through Awareness & Love
- hurricaneparty - Hurricane Party
- hypurricons - Hypurricon
- i_am_rad - The raddest.
- iam_squishy - [narf]
- ibscrewed - IB Screwed
- idxkillxforxyou - The Obsessions Community
- ihearthottness - The fellowship of the Hottness
- iheartmygeek - <3 Geek <3
- illmannered - The Ill-Mannered, Bitchy, Blunt, Superficial Snobs
- imnotpopular - - - - __ unpopular
- industrialdorks - Industrial Dorks
- interlake - Interlake High School
- irkenempire - The Irken Empire
- jbh - Jack's Broken Heart
- job_hunting - Good Job Hunting
- joelstein - Joel Stein Fans
- kaosians - Killing As Organised Sport
- keeg - geek
- kissatlanta - *KISS* - Atlanta's biggest rock dance party
- kitty_ears_pics - Kitty Ears
- klaverland - the illusion of confusion
- la_geeks - the great los angeles geek out
- lamer_than_thou - lamer than thou
- lastplacechamps - lastplacechamps
- lesbiangeeks - Lesbians can be geeks too!!
- lesser_circle - A bunch of losers
- letsbefrank - Frank
- librarydyke - Library Dyke
- light_cite - weird, wacky, funny citations
- limabeans - The Human Lima Beans
- linuxsucks - linux sucks
- littleblackstar - _little[black]#star
- ljcrack - it's all about the mesh
- ljev - LJ #ev
- ljfanatics - LJ Fanatics
- ljgeeks - The Geeks and Freaks of LJ
- ljnerds - Livejournal Nerds
- london_others - London's Other Population
- lonely_geeks - Lonely and Depressed Geeks
- losangelesink - Los Angeles Ink!
- losers_unite - the loser revolution
- loveandacademia - love + academia
- lovingeekladies - We love "Geeky", intelligent, and learned Girls!
- mable54 - We Actually Write Here
- mallet - Mallet Uber Alles
- manicjane - The Alt-porn Utopia for Not-Your-Average-Janes
- masterninjas - Master Ninjas
- mediageeks - Geeks interested in Communications Technology
- meeplets - Meeplets
- metrogeekual - The Metrogeeks
- middle_ground - We Put the 0 In "Top 10"
- missingthepoint - Batmobile★Supreme
- morbid_curio - morbid curiosity
- moviegeeked - Movie Geek Geeks
- moviegeeks - Movie Geeks
- mushy - Mushy
- my_funny_honey - he makes me laugh
- n3rd_p0w4h - The Nerdiest Community on Livejournal
- n3rds - It's hip to be square
- n_e_r_d - Nerd Lovers
- nakedpartitions - mount me!
- nashvillefreaks - Nashville Freaks
- nc_freaks - The North Carolina Freaks
- nebraskans - Nebraskans
- nekkid_nerds - nekkid nerds
- nekoboshi - neko boshi-sama
- nerdclub - Nerd Club
- nerdcore_nxc - nerds unite
- nerdcorecrew - NerdCoreCrew
- nerdsluts - The Nerdsluts of LiveJournal
- nerdsrule - Nerds
- nice_geeks - Nice Geeks
- njcl02 - National Junior Classical League
- njgamers - NJ Gamers
- nm_anime - Anime Fans in New Mexico
- nm_techies - New Mexico Techies
- nonsportsfans - I don't watch spectator sports, and I'm damn proud
- nonugly_geeks - non(ugly) GEEKS
- nonuglygeeks - non-ugly geeks!
- norwescon - Norwescon
- not_so_cool - The unique ones
- notaratingcomm - this is not a rating community
- novaesque - Tales and tribulations
- nyc_alternative - NYC's Alternative Hangout
- nycgeek - nerds and geeks of nyc
- odd_but_cool - odd_but_cool
- oddballs - oddballs
- oh_the_tiles - Tiled Wallpaper Blitz
- olug - Omaha Linux User Group
- omaha_lj - omaha_lj
- opmwc - Michael White Conference
- oreos - Racial Nerd
- overstimx - Overstim
- p_i_spinsters - p_i_spinsters
- paganthought - paganthought
- pcgeeks - pcgeeks
- penny_arcade - Penny Arcade LJ Community
- perthgoths - perthgoths
- pervygeekfancy - Pervy Geek Fanciers
- phreakers - The Phucking Phreaking Community
- phreaking - Phreaking Community
- phx_devry - DeVry Phoenix
- pinkponydiaries - Teh Pink Pony Pirates
- pinkstuffpeople - The Pinkstuff People
- piwest - Third West Fans
- pixelmimesis - PIXELmimesis
- poems - Poetry Reading
- poetica - SorceryNet #Poetica
- polymolecule - the polymolecule
- poor_emo_kid - poor emo kid
- pound_seattle - #seattle
- ppiras - People Participating in Random Acts of Silliness
- programmerhumor - Programmer Humour
- projectakon - Project: A-Kon!
- punk_cola - Punk Cola
- punk_parts - Punk Parts
- pussy_palace - the pussy palace
- queerdorks - Geeks R Us
- queergeeks - Queer Geeks
- question_game - we are the anti-liars
- rabid_fangirls - A box of one dozen starving crazed weasels
- random_babbling - Random Thoughts and Ideas
- randombutuseful - Random But Useful
- randomdorkiness - We.Heart.Dorkiness
- rate_a_brain - NO STUPID PEOPLE ALLOWED!
- rejectedbased - The Rejected
- ride_the_galaxy - Hitchhiker
- rimmed_glasses - geek
- role_not_roll - role_not_roll
- royaumetragique - The Tragic Kingdom
- rustywrists - *~heroine~*
- sacredalliance - Sacred Alliance
- sadintellectual - Misery Loves Company
- salmon - Salmon, The Band
- sas_chapterone - The Society for the appreciation of Spinster-ism
- sataniclesbians - The Satanic Lesbians of America (and the rest of t
- sayanythingcool - say something cool
- schism_matrix - The Cyberpunk Aesthetic Community
- schoslashtic - Proslashtinating
- scorpio_forum - Scorpio_Forum
- sdgeeks - proud to be geeky
- seattlegeekjobs - Seattle Geek Jobs
- see_my_site - Website Promotion for Developers
- sexy_dorks - Sexy Dorks
- sillyratings - Rate Someone Silly
- silverchat - sILVERCHAT
- silverskirt - SilverSkirt - Alterna-pr0n at it's best
- single4everclub - The Single Foreverrrrrr Club
- slashyladies - Slashy Ladies
- slutdorkgeek - The Slutdorkgeeks of Alarming Inconsequence
- snoodists - Snood Enthusiasts
- so_damn_bored - Loitering Losers
- societyofnar - the society of nerds avoiding reality
- sohma_con_posse - sohma's con posse
- sohowdoi - So How do I....
- spastichampster - the Hampshire College geek crowd
- special_people - the special people club
- species_of_one - Caitlin R. Kiernan Community
- specs_appeal - Boys In Spectacles - Love Them So!
- spelling_nazis - The Spelling Nazis
- spin_me_a_tale - The tellers of tales
- splinteredlight - Literature Geeks
- spunschoolclub - south puget sound unschool club
- ssffs - Smith Science Fiction and Fantasy Society
- startingarvists - A Collective Individuality
- suburban_reject - socities most beautiful
- summoning_wicca - summoning_wicca
- superdeformer - Alice
- sux_munky_cack - Sexy Body Mods
- sxe_geeks - Straight Edge Geeks
- t00b_party - The t00b Party
- tds_rps - The Daily Show RPS
- team_burke - PG-13 and M for mature audiances.
- techradioshow - XM channel 130 / / AM 910 San Jose
- tedandbruce - Ted Raimi and Bruce Campbell Slash
- teen_movies - Neo Maxi Zoom Dweebies
- thatsmygeek - That's My Geek!
- the_claim_game - The Claiming Spot
- the_jim_files - The Universal JIM
- the_padded_bra - ~Cotton is Comfort~
- the_sideshow - THE SIDESHOW
- the_strange - the strange
- the_temple - The Temple
- the_troika - Tribute to the Nerds
- the_uncool_club - You Might Be a Part of It Sooner or Later
- thecoolkids - The Cool Kids
- thelites - Nerd Central
- theliving - A fresh new alternative to television
- thenerdclub - The Nerd Club!
- thenovaproject - Nova Alternative High School
- theorize - We Theorize
- theotterteam - Otters Rule!
- thequestionclub - The Question Club
- thereadingroom - What are you reading?
- theroom - The Room
- thesoutherngoth - Darkness in The South
- thewhimmers - Whim
- thewhorehouse - Music Store Associate #98462
- thoughtsrandom - Random Thoughts of the not so critically acclaimed
- tickle_me_em0 - sweet_catastrophe
- transgeek - TransGeek
- troika_het - BtVS Troika Het
- troikageeks - Troika Fans
- true_insomniacs - True Insomniacs
- trufflesnuffler - here I am locking horns with the stallion
- truthsetmefree - Truth Set Me Free
- tsb - The Student Body
- uglies - Ugly on the outside, beautiful on the inside
- ugly_beast - UGLY BEASTS UNITE!!!
- ugly_nerds - Ugly nerd? Join the herd.
- uglymathfreaks - if you're ugly and a geek, this is your community
- unusual_people - Unusual People
- utopian_embassy - The Embassy of Utopia
- vampyatwestern - Verbally and Mathematically Precocious Youth
- video_geeks - Video Geeks
- virtualives - Virtual Live Journal
- wadecomic - Wade in the Deep End
- waitingforposts - Very Bored People
- warningsigns - The Warning Signs
- washegonians - Washingtonians and Oregonians ages 15-25 unite
- wcatyclique - The WCATY Clique
- we_arent_crazy - we_arent_crazy
- we_love_mullets - Mullet Lovers
- we_love_wpi - wpixcore
- webbed_freaks - Abnormality Association
- weblosers - quips 'n' qualms
- webrings - Webrings!
- weidontcare - fuck everything
- weirdfolks - The Weird Folks
- welovegeeks - Girls who like geeks
- wemustthrust - Mission Masturbation
- withoutalove - Destined to be Alone
- wlc_posers - wlc_posers
- wrestling_chat - Wrestling Chat
- wusslandia - Realm Of Wusslandia
- xenocracy - xenocracy
- xguttermouthx - The Guttermouth Community
- xlosercorex - LiveJournal Home of Losercore
- ya_yas - Petites Ya-Yas
- youmakemehot - Pin me up
Interested users
The following users are interested in geeks. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
470 matches:
- 1uh - Juana
- _britta_ - Britta
- aardammit - Doomed to succeed
- adison - ali
- aebon - the aebon
- aeralla - Lindsay
- aesalon - stan the russian geeky punk rock man
- agent57 - text messaging and unnecessary cruelty
- airika - Erica
- aislin - aislin
- akiotena - Aki, the Mistress of Darkness
- akkasha - Michele / akasha
- alamoo - oh allison, my aim is true
- alister - Alister
- amazinggrace - last week's next big thing
- amphigori - amphigori
- amsaw - Anne
- andrew_jp_reyes - Dull soulless drewby
- andrianna - Kiss of Death
- andricongirl - Sunday Velvet
- andys - Andrew
- annarama - Miss Pickles
- annelei - Annelei
- antimony - antimony
- arafel - w00tabiscuit
- arien - Guiding the Sun
- arithon - Task Resolution Mechanic
- armydillo - Ashley
- aro_aira_lepsi - áro aira lepsi
- artificialamore - "that" girl
- asilvahalo - come to heaven, silva halo
- asuka - sharon
- atholbrose - atholbrose
- aw4249 - prime
- awshit - collar high
- azalea_path - azalea path
- babsy - Babs
- badgerisms - Badgerisms
- bandgeek_4_life - *.*Ashley*.*
- bassclarinetfrk - Creepy Lil Girl
- batwinged - lexie
- beatnikonvespa - Stolen Ghost Orchid
- becoming_jenn - Who, me?
- beijaflor - an electric eccentric
- belgand - Belgand
- bene - bene
- bentbender - Rayn Boone
- betterideas - just another dorian gray
- big_al81 - Al
- bigbrain61 - Brianrietta
- biodoll - Dead Monkey
- bionicwoman - Bionic Woman
- blosmtx - amber
- blowdry_icons - blowdry_icons
- bluegirl - Katie
- blueman612 - Chris
- bluerae - Rae
- bms_boy_4ever - Adam
- bonez - tall as pie
- bookie_buster - bookie buster
- bort - Justin
- brakspants - Rique
- brandelion - Hopkin G.
- bratgirl66 - i lick you!
- brontelicious - brontelicious
- brooklynk78 - Brookaboo
- broyd - Broyd
- brynna - Just Another Expatriated Zulu
- brynndragon - dragon of light and chaos
- bunyip - Welcome to Muppet Labs
- byrdie - Renée Ann
- candimandi - Mandi and Candi
- canehduhluvr - Jayne Audrey
- canuckgirl - Clearly Canadian
- carmen - carmenite
- catch - Sadie
- catra_ - pffft
- cemeterygates - Delilah
- cesare_bats - Trapped in Time. Surrounded by Evil. Low on Gas.
- chelle - MalibuChelle
- chicagojo - Boom Anime Babe
- chicky - Crystal
- chilblain - Chilblain
- childe - Childe
- childfoot - Sludgy Mischief
- chlaal - joan the english chick
- cinderellaman - Sister in my soul
- cloeigrrl - Cloei
- cobweb - cobweb
- cognizance - Suzy .:♥:.
- compnerd - C:\> net use X: \\pr0n
- concrete_angel_ - I Love Windom Earle
- contrite_deity - i am carrie brownsnup
- copernicus - Empress of Random
- corvar - He's a Ghost, He's a God, He's a Man, He's a Guru
- coyotegirl - Coyote Girl
- crackmonkey - Bananahead
- crossbreedchic - Twitch
- crystalstar - Cynthia
- cybrbanana - sock monkey girl
- daeriel - Luanne/Eowyn
- danuv - danuv
- dark_humour - dark_humour
- darkerdays - ~ashe ♥
- darkfear - Russ
- darkhorse - darkhorse
- defuseme - oxymoroniC
- degeneratemite - Depending on the Bending
- delusionalangel - Delusional Angel
- democritus - Boogie Brigand
- devx - sleep depped monkeybum
- didicam - Didi
- discostar - E.B. Discostarr
- dixon - Brian A. Dixon
- dizzyrockstar - ~*DizZy*~
- doja - doja
- dove - Dove
- drake - Drake Warren
- drakk - Drakk "Its all about Me and don't forget it!"
- dramaqueenb - the g . i . r . l
- dreama - Bunnyfluff the Destroyer
- drfardook - Mad Mod Rabbit God
- drvnstar - Not the Star you knew
- dusotch - Detective Gadget
- eggroid - Eggroid / Adam
- ej - Erica J.
- electriccat - Aimee sez
- elf - elessara
- elitegrunt - Teh Bacchus
- ellenthepansy - Natural Log
- ellorgaest - the elsewhere ghost
- emenl - Emanuel
- emmeangel - .::emme::.
- emmzee - emmzee
- enna - ...too honest and flawed...
- enolamroneht - Anna
- eridal - eri
- ethrane - Ethrane Ravenstone
- evilishness - evilishness
- ex_position - Making it work
- ex_rasa443 - Rasa
- exraver - Girl Afraid
- eyeball - Jonathan Martin
- fadingbluestar - The girl behind the glass
- faerie_sylph -
- faeriemagick - a new begining
- fallenrose - geekitty
- fanagle - Miss Yvonne
- feather - AlyCat the AlyDragon Frog Bird Demented Squirrel
- fellmisanthrope - FellMisanthrope
- firelegend - Firelegend
- firthy - Firthy
- flars - flars
- flashqz - James
- fledglingoflove - Pam
- freakygeek - maralle
- friffboy - Seb the one hit Wonder
- fur - .FuRociousFuR.
- g_whiz - Gavin
- geekchick - There can be only none!
- geekishgrrl - GeekishGrrl
- geekroyanne - .royanne.
- gigglesnort - gigglesnort
- ginamoog - Gina de los Santos La Guardia von Sanchez
- giovecozza - The Kindly One
- girl_wonder - Carly, not Charlie
- girlwithagun - ars renatae
- glasswillow - izumeki fukano
- glindaofoz - Super Klutz! aka Anne Hutch Hutch
- glynnis - Glynnis
- gothboy - Dansk Jävlarna
- gothicgeisha - Jack Ritz
- gucky - Dr. Diaphanous Louche
- halloweenboy - Nexus Spider
- haltijatar - Haltijatar
- havok - Havok
- henrys - Mrs. and Mr. Dinosaur Themed Bathroom
- hepkitten - odrama bin hepin
- hober - Edward O'Connor
- horizone - Horizone, the queer little cyber-apartment
- humoroushippo - Samantha
- i_am_alice - Lauren Hewitt
- igorp - phoebe
- ilahni - Education not Empire
- ilikebiting - Katie Shoemaker
- imzadi - Sexy Li'l Thug
- inextricable - naga
- istoleyourpie - Roger Levelle AKA The Cow Guy
- isu_chan - Michele "Isu(Chair)" Newby
- jadasc - Jason
- jamigirl - Plain Old Jami
- jeni - /dev/chyk
- jenjaina - Jenni
- jessicamlive - Jessica
- jessicasinging - Jessica
- jessicka - Jessica
- jessseeeee - i put razorblades in apples on halloween
- jewelies - jewelies
- jfpbookworm - Jeff Pack
- jmichiko - jacob
- johnatton - Johnatton
- johnflagg - Not Prince Hamlet
- jolandra - Jolandra
- jonkill - Dutch Rub
- jr04sr05 - jr04sr05
- julylorelei - Cana Lorelei
- justjay - they break the most beautiful things
- jzig - Ben Zeigler
- k4olin - Kaolin
- kalephunk - kale
- kalliope - (a brilliant mistake)
- karina - ♥ karina ♥
- katebate - Katie
- katgolightly - katgolightly
- kayeanne15 - Kate
- kei - <-- emo
- kencam - Ken Anthony
- khirsah - Khirsah
- kiersten - eliz
- killen_prophet - Killen Treemont Covenant Prophet
- kittenspeaks - the living dead kitten
- konekochan - k-chan
- kpc_loves_you - kennedyplanecrash
- kristof - cloud
- krow - Brian "Krow" Aker
- kudzita - Kudz
- kxfx - crabicorn
- lachryrose - Pink Ribbon Scars
- lady_linton - Pulling Myself Up by my Boot-Straps
- ladyoftheocean - Mia
- laitaine - Jen Who, Your Friendly Neighborhood Geek
- lechuck - LeChuck
- lidox - Tajomaru
- lifeformzero - Zero
- lillquim - Seed of Satan
- linzbnl - Linz
- lirrin - Lilith
- littlebill - Little Bill
- littledeath - Little Death
- lordess - Eris
- lroberson - Gamegeek
- lure - standard deviant
- lusty - Lusty
- lyssrose - uber-geek chick
- mactavish - Regime Change Begins at Home
- maltor - John Banker
- maniacbutterfly - Kat
- markone - Fifth Beatle by day, fifth Ghostbuster by night
- marvel_bunny - What's wrong?
- matte - matte
- mcoletti - Late Night with Piprrrrrr
- medlir - Rick
- mekka - mekka
- melesse - Melesse
- memologist - memologist
- mercurialz - Zed
- merethien - Mel
- meriadoc_mi - the resident forgotten
- merovin - Raewyn
- mikescarbrough - Mike Scarbrough
- mimeinashoebox - Antoinette
- misplacedmod - I am a tetris master.
- missohioteen - puddle splasher
- mlik - Stupid Stupidhead
- moeshriek - ☆A Little Taste of Monique☆
- momiji - Momo
- morbidart - Morbid Art
- morlly - moRlly
- msblackheart - MsBlackHeart
- mszoid - Ashley
- my_ophelia - Ophelia
- myshkin - mysh
- mystic_wings - Kitty
- naath - M'lisilinaath Thabana Aes Sedai
- naiadea - strawberry switchblade
- namey - Bald Eagle
- nancymccoyhicks - *Bing bing BING* Just Bouncing Off Wall's
- napoleonherself - かたつむりはかわいい
- narcissus - Teek
- nboogedy - NBoogedy
- necroflux - friend of a friend of a friend
- needle - needle
- nekomimi - Freak with a Fetish
- nerdboy23 - Erik
- netdiva - Net Diva
- neville - Neville Longbottom
- nfgnikkimxpx - Just Feeling Tired
- nincure - Weesa
- nitroxide - Mayor McCheese
- noctem - Just a Girl
- nomi - Naomi
- noog - got body if you want it
- nsyncstalkme - Peter Drinkwater's Lolita
- nurse_liz - nurse_liz
- nutmeg235 - Meghan
- nya47 - pourquoi?
- nymphval - Val
- oafuh - oafuh
- oflanigan - oflanigan
- opposume - Trent O'Donell
- orangerynd - the other bean
- over - nicky
- ozgeek - Mike
- pam - pam
- pancua - Disillusioned
- papageno - Matthew
- parkero - Parker O'Neill
- paulv - oy with the poodles already
- pegs - Pegs
- penguinolive - *~`SaRaH`~*
- peony - Burdy
- persephoneflame - Adrienne
- pezchic - alice
- phoenixdigiove - Someone's Kiki
- phreaky - phreaky
- pillar - Pillar
- pissy_bitch - Pissy Bitch
- pixelpoet - Carina
- pixelspaniel - Courtney
- plaid - smack your pony
- plymouth - The Water Seeker
- poekitty - Nichole
- poggs - Peter Hicks
- popsicle - electric shock hazard
- potent_lullaby - elle
- princesscarla - princess carla*
- punquin - stephanie
- pupok - janie
- puppysmuggler - Becky Jane
- purplebutterfly - Purple Butterfly
- puzzill - well forked but not dead
- q - Ray
- queenofspades - Luna*
- quipper - Little Miss Gun to a Knife Fight
- rachael - Rachael
- racrichton - Racx
- ranny - Uncle Ranny
- rao - Paul Fisher
- rasa - Rasa
- ratatosk - Espaliered Tomatoes
- rawk_child - *sNoWcAt*
- rayne - furiously geeky
- razorlicious - girl ruin
- rebelriot_grrl - PiECeS Of DReAMs GLuEd ToGeTHeR
- recoil - Ian
- relique - i wouldn't stop for red lights...
- remorseful - Robin
- rephlektiv - # mackenzie #
- resilient - Resilient
- rev2323 - snakemountainblues
- revolusean - revolusean
- rhiannonstone - They Say She's Famous But No One Can Prove It
- rick - Jessica
- riffraff - I am Kim
- rigel - Spirit Chrysalis
- rook - rook
- sadcat - Sadcat
- salome - smtp
- sandiegodork - Zak
- sarah_bee - Sarah Bee
- sarahh - Fascination and wonder...
- sarcasm - sarcasm
- satellite - Guinness Knoxville
- sath - Indiana Jones (Shroedinger's Whore)
- satoreye - my burning soul
- sawahbean - sarah
- scotty - I've been a bad boy
- scrith - Scrith
- seafoodmwg - Rachel
- sexymonkey - Vengence
- sgnp - Some Guy Named Paul
- shabubu - Son of a Preacher Man
- shadowaeb - al-licks
- shadowdream - ShadowDream
- shaegirl - Rochelle
- shaggy - Making sophists tremble since 1973...
- shibbyallie - Muse of subversion, seduction, sabotage, and spyin
- shrinkingeve - ~Eve~
- signde - ryan
- silenced - bailey
- silentdave - .:silentdave:.
- silentstar - Miss Fully Automatic
- silvermousepad - amanda
- skithee - scythe minion
- skittlez - i need to sleep. why won't you let me sleep?
- skywalker404 - Greg
- sleeplessddt - Ask.
- smackkillsstars - TriXie Tech
- snazin - Snazin
- soulone - Jess
- spacefool - Karf
- spiffygrrl - SpiffyGrrl
- spot - tom callaway
- squirt - Kristine Shannon
- stalk_her - Nikki
- stringfacegirl - the impossible girl
- stuck - nck
- styphon - Spencer
- subbes - subbes
- sunsetchaser - Julia
- superjoe - JOW
- sweet_pea - Amelia
- swivelhead - swivelhead
- swomp - Swampwater Indigo-suv
- sylke - Carson
- taeli - Seymour McDorknerd
- tallcubca - Gay Mafia Assassin (Demon for Hire)
- talula_bean - the journey is the destination....
- tenfourlilbuddy - Brent
- tenu - Terrasa
- tep - Josh
- tgape - The Great And Powerful ed?
- the_metatron - Metatron
- thecraziest1 - DELMAR
- theducks - A Rubber Ducky
- thegreenzebra - theGREENzebra
- thehunter - Hunter
- thelite88 - The coolest man on earth
- thoth - Joshua
- thystle - Bootylicious
- tickle_me_punk -
- tikva - intensity junkie
- timepiece - timepiece
- tinkerbellgrrrl - i heart panties
- topher - Christopher Cashell
- tozo - The Shadows
- tramp23117 - sarah
- trekster - Ritalin Math Parties
- trelath - Trey
- tribble - The Malkavian Kitten
- tripcore - tripcore
- ttgoddess - MarMar
- tunehappy - Karen
- twigsfourhands - makaeda
- twilightsm - Twilightsm
- twistedwit - The Innocent Pervert
- tyg3r - krist[i]n .
- uglypunkgirl - Casey
- umopapisdn - A-m
- upsilon - Edison Hall
- varient - The Varient
- velvetdivorce - VELVETDIVORCE
- versaphile - Pam
- vikkivak - ViKKi (bUg BiTE*)
- virtex23 - dotcomnsense
- vk - vk
- vomitgirl - 001011100010111000101110
- warewolf - Richard Harman
- warsop - geekgirl
- wearygirl - leah
- webdiva - Kelly
- willow - AmRy
- wingless - meredith leigh
- worfie - Tubby Coat-Wearing Motherfucker
- xcom - Extreme Computing
- xigma - Xigma
- xili - Nick
- xintriel - xin
- xjaprufrockx - The Robot "Jimmy"
- yakdog - Yakdog
- yaruar - duck[]boy
- yshaloo - unrequited
- yuki - yuki
- yuna_blackrose - Yuna
- zaph - lawrence
- zehara - Billie
- ziemkowski - Adrian Ziemkowski
- znemesis - David Inacio
- zoopy - katie