Community Info

Community Information

Below is information about the " ♥" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:_____mignon (4636815)  


rules to new members
1] USE LJ-CUT. <*lj-cut text="application"> Put that before your application. <*/lj-cut> Put that after your application. Take out the stars or it won't work.
2]You must be ages 13+ to join.
3]Once you have joined the community you will have 24 hours to post an application
4]You will be banned if you annoy members or mods.
5]You are not allowed to vote or comment on any other post except your own until you are accepted.
6]We do not accept photoshopped pictures in applications.

rules to stamped members
1]Put "stamped" in the subject line so we know you've been accepted.
2]If you promote use LJ-cut and include pictures.
3]When you vote you must put yes or no in the subject line or bold your final answers.
4]When accepted feel free to post any pictures you've been taking, although you must use LJ-cut.
5]If you have a problem, perhaps with one of the other members, contact the mods. Don't bitch.
6]Some bashing is allowed, but if you start drama with another member or a mod you will be warned and eventually banned.

we've even made it easy for you

just copy and paste

We encourage all members to participate in themes and stay active. It is not required to take part in the theme. Sometimes we will take suggestions from members on what they think the next theme should be. Your input is important to us. The mods try to start new themes about every 2 weeks.


to promote:

copy and paste

[info]thiefwh0reliar for being stupid, disrespectful to the members, and ugly.
[info]shesnotokay for impersonating someone because she was too fugly to be herself.

Interests:61: 60s, against me!, alkaline trio, almost famous, andy warhol, art, beautiful, bob dylan, bright eyes, broken social scene, cat stevens, charchol, claude monet, cubism, cute, dye, france, french, goodwill, gossip girl, hearts, holding hands, impressionism, janis joplin, joni mitchell, lace, love, lovely, modest mouse, mops, music, nice, pablo picasso, paint, paris, peace, peace river, penguins, photography, planes, pop art, pretty, pretty girls make graves, radio head, romance, romeo and juliet, sadartha, stars, surrealism, the aquabats, the beatles, the blood brothers, the flaming lips, the postal service, thrift stores, track jackets, ugly, van morrison, vintage, words, you. [Modify yours]
Members:73: ______rawrrr, _____applexcore, _____bazaar, _____faded, _____pirate, ____accident, ____pandemonium, ____teenheat, ___etoile, ___lesurgeon, ___lets_cream, ___pink_it, ___rienxchaud, ___vinylsticker, ___you__likey, __heyromantica, __lix, __sexiilexii, __thriller_x, __yours__truly, _ex_oh, _its_electric, _morgeeeeeee, _onesecond_, _thisphotograph, a_n_n_a_44, acidtraxx, annners, ascetic_, ba_leeted, bangxxdead, bestnitemare, bottoms__up, boylover457, capableofbeauty, dinosaursaresex, dumb_blonde4_4, excx3, fingie, flavouredblack, get_it_in_use, ixheart_you, katii_rose, known___stories, laid__waste, light_my_fire__, lovewithdefault, luckymojo, madison_prep, mikefuckinadno, mindlessdork, ohhhholivia, plant_limb, pornoriffic, rory9999, sechsauras, shesnotokay, soulminority106, stiletto_whore, stillframes501, stupid_cunt___, thethirdquarter, vballbabexoxo9, veronika_is, vivaldibaby, wher_the_hrt_is, withmysympathy, xavi3lx, xhollyw00d_pink, ximdyinginsidex, xnumbxlikexrain, xo_______d4nnii, z_t364
Watched by:50: ______rawrrr, _____bazaar, _____faded, _____pirate, ____accident, ____pandemonium, ___etoile, ___lets_cream, ___pink_it, ___rienxchaud, ___you__likey, __heyromantica, __lix, __sexiilexii, __thriller_x, __yours__truly, _ex_oh, _its_electric, _thisphotograph, a_n_n_a_44, acidtraxx, ascetic_, ba_leeted, bangxxdead, bestnitemare, bottoms__up, boylover457, dumb_blonde4_4, fingie, flavouredblack, get_it_in_use, ixheart_you, known___stories, laid__waste, light_my_fire__, madison_prep, mikefuckinadno, ohhhholivia, plant_limb, pornoriffic, rory9999, stillframes501, stupid_cunt___, thethirdquarter, vballbabexoxo9, veronika_is, vivaldibaby, xavi3lx, ximdyinginsidex, xo_______d4nnii
Account type:Free Account

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