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Below is user information for Aesthetic Anarchist. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:closetoptimist (106860) closetoptimist
The arena is empty...
except for one man
Name:Aesthetic Anarchist
Website:We Are The Kids Community!
Location:Dundee, United Kingdom
Bio:I need a good luck charm, to give my good luck,
I need a good alarm clock, to wake me up,
Light my white candle, keep me safe,
It'll put that smile back on my face.
Memories:2 entries
Interests:29: acoustic, all things hardcore, almost famous, antigenderism, antipolitrickery, co-operation, daydreaming, death and destruction, deconstructing my own beliefs, diy everything!, diy shows, ecw, equality?, hazy rabbit, lao tzu, life, local bands, lyrics, music, people, playing bass, playing guitar, poetry, pondering, prose, sentences beginning with 'and', the art of war, war, what dundee scene?. [Modify yours]
People39:_espied, adobogirl, alice_blue_gown, ana_saba, backslide, barzakh, beauty_deep, burntoutstars, copsnrobbers, corven_uk, darkmionkey, decembre, emfy, factorsixty, flatliner, getupkate, her_toy, inhershadow, iwilt, jazzgirlie, jenarael, krcube, lastyearsgirl_, lionelsays, lonelygodess, matt_5696, mercurysmile, orangeappled, original_fluffy, panicordance, prettyspider, pulse_fairy, randomnothing, skafunkmelt, stocazzo, terytaya, wyldstallyn, xlifeinwartimex, xmissprissyx
Friend of:41: _espied, adobogirl, alice_blue_gown, ana_saba, backslide, barzakh, beauty_deep, burntoutstars, copsnrobbers, corven_uk, darkmionkey, decembre, emfy, factorsixty, flatliner, getupkate, her_toy, inhershadow, iwilt, jazzgirlie, jenarael, krcube, lastyearsgirl_, lionelsays, lonelygodess, matt_5696, mercurysmile, orangeappled, original_fluffy, prabhakar_m, prettyspider, pulse_fairy, randomnothing, skafunkmelt, sooooosan, stocazzo, strangegames, terytaya, wyldstallyn, xlifeinwartimex, xmissprissyx
Member of:1: glasgoforit
Account type:Free Account

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