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Below is information about the "Art and rock 'n roll" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:rockin_beats (770805)  
Name:Art and rock 'n roll
Location:Los Angeles, United States
About:Alright. This community is for folks who like art and music, preferably rock music, and all of it's sub categories. (i.e. Indie rock, ska, emo, punk, emoXcore, etc.)

Please, feel free to talk about just about anything, just not your personal life, please. 'Cuz this isn't a journal. Say anything about any kind of art, visual or otherwise, any kind of rock music. Fun stuff like that.

The bands that are in the interests category are just bands that I happen to like, but this community is definitly not limited to talking about them. I also listed all sorts of art stuff that is fun, and good music films.

Have a blast.
Interests:76: 24 hour party people, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, almost famous, anti flag, art, art direction, badly drawn boy, beading, ben kweller, built to spill, checkers, classic rock, conceptual art, design, devo, digital unicorn, drawing, elton john, emo, flogging molly, garbage, ghost world, green day, hair, igby goes down, indie, joy division, less than jake, modest mouse, music, nirvana, ok go, op ivy, painting, photography, punk, rilo kiley, rock, rock the vote, rushmore, sebadoh, shows, ska, t(i)nc, the aquabats, the buzzcocks, the distillers, the donnas, the eels, the get up kids, the go-go's, the happy mondays, the hives, the jam, the moldy peaches, the mooney suzuki, the pixies, the queers, the ramones, the rentals, the royal tenenbaums, the sex pistols, the smiths, the stooges, the strokes, the suicide machines, the vandals, the velvet underground, the vines, the white stripes, they might be giants, weezer, wes anderson. [Modify yours]
Members:29: ___vogue, _slowgraffiti, a_dorks_life, brickpollitt, brighteyesburn, broken_by_love, cbgbcbgb, concertfotogrrl, dopexpink, dragonmagic13, ever_green, guntrip, ineffectual, ivoryduchess, lessthan22, mj5, morbid_reverie, morbidlytwisted, mordredrya, nothingtonone, powerpopzen, quasiwhatever, rockgoddessaly, shewasahepcat, smokepixie, sonigram, sufragettecity, water_drenched, xlight_my_firex
Watched by:17: ___vogue, _slowgraffiti, a_dorks_life, broken_by_love, cbgbcbgb, concertfotogrrl, dopexpink, guntrip, ivoryduchess, mj5, morbid_reverie, mordredrya, powerpopzen, rockgoddessaly, smokepixie, sufragettecity, water_drenched
Account type:Free Account

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