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Extreme Ironing, the art of popping corn, and what I'm the proud owner of.
I use to think ironing was the most boring thing ever. But now, thanks to Extreme Ironing, I will never look at ironing as a dull activity again. Finally an extreme sport that my mother would totally go for.

There's no better feeling than dangling hundreds of feet in the air, and the satisfaction of a well pressed shirt. )

Stupid people make me smile and laugh. :-D

I'm eating popcorn right now. I'm very picky about my popcorn. I really hate it when, after popping the corn, the inside of the kernels are all burnt. How gross. It tastes like poo. Burnt poo. Well, what I'd imagine burnt poo would taste like, as I haven't tasted burnt poo before. But I digress. For me, the trick is to take off a minute or a minute and a half of what they recommend you pop it till. Like, for instance, if it says to put it in the microwave for five minutes, I'm only going to pop it for four or three and a half. I do this because it is my form of rebellion. Rebellion against "the system." Yes, indeed. Rebellion against "the system" and "the man."

I totally just burped out loud REALLY loud. If I didn't write it in this entry, none of you would have had any idea. Honestly, if you'd heard it, you probably would've been like "Wow, that is so un-ladylike."

Wanna know something fudged up? It's August and I'm wearing flannel pajamas. I'm wearing flannel pajamas and I'll be sleeping with a comforter on.

I went to the corporate book-selling beast Barnes and Noble today, and I am now the proud owner of this:


It's my brand new Romanian/English Dictionary and Phrasebook! I bet some of you are like "Why do you have a Romanian/English Dictionary and Phrasebook?" Well, I think the more appropriate question is "Why don't you have a Romanian/English Dictionary and Phrasebook?"

I'll be able to say things like:

A cui este cartea?
Whose book is this?

Care maşină este mai scumpă?
Which car is more expensive?

Am un prieten al cărui tată este actor.
I have a friend whose father is an actor.

Look how good I am already! I'm booking my flight to Bucharest as we speak.

I'll go now, because I don't want to flaunt my Romanian too much, and I've got season one of Reno 911! staring at me, so I must watch.

Noapte bună,

Current Mood: silly
Current Music: Kelly Clarkson :: Breakaway

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What would Brian Boitano do if he were here right now?
I'm having one of those "where did my brain run off to?" days.

It started when I woke up early this morning around 6:30am because I had to pee, and I walked right into the bathroom door, which was shut. My nose started bleeding a bit, but only a little bit. So I went back to bed, and was planning on sleeping in till 10:30. I actually slept till 2:15 instead.

So I was mad at myself for sleeping so long, took a shower, got dressed, and made my way to the kitchen. Of course, in typical Meg fashion, I stubbed my toe against a piece of furniture, and sprained (or broke) my middle toe on the left foot. Now it's a bunch of pretty purple and bluish colors. I got the bandaging tape stuff, and taped up my toe. It feels funny walking on my left foot, but it's managable.

And as if that wasn't enough, about an hour ago when I was eating dinner (mac & cheese yo) I went back into the kitchen - without stubbing my foot - to get a glass of milk. I don't know where my mind went, but I guess I thought that I'd had a glass in my hand, and I started pouring the milk into my bowl of mac & cheese. It took a few seconds to realize what I was doing, but it was too late. I had drown my mac & cheese. :(

I'm hoping that I don't have another mishap tonite, but the rate I'm going it's hard to tell...

On to a different subject. I guess I'm not the only one who's being sent comments from livejournal from weeks/months ago? I'm getting comments sent to me from around June 28th. Odd. Very odd indeed.

August is here! Bring on the much more hot and much more humid weather. I'll be back to school in less than a month now, which is good and bad. Good, because I'll be able to see all my friends again on a much more regular basis. Bad, because I'm going to have start sticking to a sleep schedule. Oh yeah, and I'll have to go to classes too. The whole sleeping thing is going to be the worst. I've grown accustomed to falling asleep between 3-5am and waking up sometime in the afternoon. I'm going to have to try to get it back to falling asleep at 11:30 and waking up at about 8 or 9. It sounds easy, but when you've gotten use to just going to bed whenever you want, it's a hard thing to crack. I predict that I will be spending whole nites awake in order to try and tire myself out.

This weekend my brother and my nephew are going camping. Yessss! They leave Saturday morning and come back Tuesday morning. I will be able to do things that I want to do and whenever I feel like doing them. I will be able to relax in the pool without Cody doing 500 cannonballs. I will be able to have a complete, uninterrupted sleep, without Cody knocking at some ungodly hour asking if I know where some xbox game is. I will be able to go shopping without Cody begging to tag along. And just knowing that my brother will be nowhere near me is great too.

Next week should be a good week. I have tons of stuff planned, but as the days go by, it doesn't look like some of these plans will happen. All I know for sure is that Kate and I are heading down to the Emerald Square Mall on Monday and on Saturday I'm going to a Psychic Faire in New Bedford where some woman is going draw a picture of me with my spirit guide. That's all that seems to be definite.

I bought runes this weekend. I thought I knew had to cast them correctly, but I guess I thought wrong. If anybody knows a good way, or a way that the prefer, to casting them, puhleeeeeeeeeeeeeez help me out.

Ah yes, and a big THANKOO! to Miss Muse for the pressie that she sent me. A box full of yummies! I opened the box, and the first thing my eye caught was the Happy Hippo. Sooooooooo good. Not only is she my idol, but she also became my nephew's, since I let him try everything as well. Thank you thank you thank you x infinity.

I'll be off now, but before I go, I encourage you all to send me an email at themadteaparty@gmail.com. Please? I just got an invite a couple days ago and I want to try it out. You will be rewarded by many internet hugs and a reply! :)

Be good kids,

Current Mood: bouncy
Current Music: D.V.D.A. :: What would Brian Boitano do?

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Yay, I'm back!

First off, I need to thank everybody who wished me a Happy 20th Birthday in some form (comment, IM, card, entry, dinner, present, etc.). So, I would like to thank (in no particular order whatsoever):



I spent the 21st with my family. Was very nice. My nephew had a baseball game that day that I went to. He told me that he was going to hit a home run for me, which is sweet. I was really surprised when he followed through on his promise, and actually hit one over the fence. His coaches let him keep the ball, and it's now displayed on the mantle in the living room with the date on it.

I had much fun the 23rd when I went out to eat with a few buds at Ruby Tuesday's and then went mini-golfing and on a bumper boat ride at Caddy Shack. I seriously enjoyed myself, and I sincerely thank everyone involved. Unfortunately Megan, Laura, and Laura's Matt-Matt had to skip the Caddy Shack experience. The three of us that did go enjoyed ourselves immensely ("What!? These bumper boats have squirt guns!?"). Making plans for another trip to Caddy Shack with more people involved, because it's too good of an activity to only be experienced by three people.

My friends from high school, Anne and Erin, just happened to go to Caddy Shack that nite as well. It was awesome, because they were golfing behind us. So after our 18 holes we asked them if they wanted to go on the bumper boats with us. Anne declined, but Erin was psyched. It was great fun, as we were totally soaked.

Too much fun. :)

I went to the Rhode Island's Reunion X on Saturday nite with Sharlene. It was celebrating ten years of the X-Games, which were first held in Providence. Tony Hawk, Mat Hoffman, Bob Burnquist, and Fabiola da Silva were just a few of the people there. It was pretty cool, they did different stunts on the half pipe for a while. I didn't really go there for them though, I was really there for the Darkness, who did a 50 min. set to close out the show. But, I was still impressed by the athletes.

I've been to every gig the Darkness has had in this area, and I have to say that that was the best show I've seen them do yet. Maybe that was largely due to the fact that I got right up at the stage, in front of Dan, and got his crotch shoved in my face multiple times during his guitar features. I also had the oppurtunity to touch Justin Hawkins' thigh. Nice firm thigh. MMMmmm. Sharlene really enjoyed them, which was great, because I bought her the ticket as her birthday gift because she said that she'd never been to one of their gigs, and really wanted to go.

It was nice spending time with her, because I rarely ever get the chance to hang out with her. Between our work schedules, her band practices, and stuff like that, it's really difficult.

I had Sunday nite off work, surprisingly, so I slept till about 3pm, and then went Hollywood Video to rent DVD's. I felt like being nice, so I rented Van Helsing for the Xbox for Cody, Welcome to Mooseport for mum and dad, and The Magdalene Sisters for me. Knowing how I am, if I were one of those girls, I'd pretty much have a ticket in there for life. Sister Bridget looks an awful lot like Sister Theresa, the nun who taught my ccd classes. *Shivers up spine.*

I got to spend time today with another good friend I haven't seen in a while - Julia. Today was the first session for freshman orientation, and we wanted to set up a table to publicize the group - let people know we're around campus, and possibly get a few people to sign up. And we did just that. Came out of the whole experience with a gorgeous sunburn on my face, arms, neck, and a bit on my back. Lovely. While we were sitting at the table, Julia and I were in awe to the degree of which she'd tanned. Honestly, when she'd first brought it to my attention we had only been sitting out there for about an hour or so, and she lifted her sleeve and you could see the difference in her skin color. Well, it wasn't until I got home and lifted up my sleeve to show my mum the burn that I noticed that my burn was extremely noticeable. There's a clear red line that shows you where my sleeves stopped. Oi. I've got a manny tan. *Sigh*

Mental note: Wear sunblock for the next orientation session.

I got my birthday gift from her as well. It was wrapped all neatly in Hanukkah-themed wrapping paper (cuz Julia's jewish!) and it was a set of 4 mugs that she got at the store she works at, Funusual. They've got a 60's retro thing going on. There's a Carnaby Street, Abbey Road, Penny Lane, and Notting Hill Gate. They're so awesome! I almost don't want to use them and just keep them on my desk for always. But she insisted that I must use them to drink my tea. Well, my iced tea, as I'm not drinking warm tea during the hot summer.

Julia also brought up the idea of studying abroad. We've talked about it in the past. She brought up the idea of studying in Cairo. Certainly as a history major, Cairo is a great place to study. I'm definitely interested in learning more about it, but I dunno if Cairo is the type of place an American student should head to. Granted, I don't think anything has happened to Americans in Egypt (as far as I know of), but it still makes me wee bit nervous. But, I'll go with the flow of things, and if it leads her and I to Cairo, then Cairo it is.

I'm also happy to report that Julia is still the dirty slut that we all know and love.

I'll wrap it up as I've got some aloe vera gel chilling in the fridge that needs to be applied to these burns.

Hasta Luego,

PS - If I forgot anybody who wished me a Happy Birthday on the thank you list, please let me know. My mind can be shit at times, and I really want to thank you for the well wishes.

Current Mood: ::spirit fingers::
Current Music: The Killers :: Mr. Brightside

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My very own birthday!
20 years ago today, at 6:31am at St. Luke's Hospital, New Bedford, Massachusetts a beautiful baby girl graced with the name Megan Elizabeth entered the world.

Megan with godparents
[note: these people are not my parents. they are my godparents... same difference.]

There are many people I wish to thank, but most of all, I'd like to thank my parents, Mike and Peg, for having sex sometime in September of '83. Thanks mum and dad!

Current Mood: jubilant

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It had to be done.
[info]deadkerouac keeps a hamster for nefarious purposes!
[info]x_conspiracy_x has had implants. Y'know. *Those* Implants.
[info]moonlightmuse, [info]queenanka, [info]almostfamousmeg, [info]billzy... Everyone knows what you got upto that day.
[info]aquariain is gonna pop a cap in [info]cluelessdreamer's head, yo.
[info]thesneakerpimp runs a secret pornography ring. [info]autharise and [info]almostfamousmeg are regular models.
[info]girly_vamp knows the truth about [info]jjostm and [info]autharise.

Enter your username to dish the dirt on your friends!

life would be so much more interesting if all of this were true.

Current Mood: !!!

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The Devil )

Current Mood: Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

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I think, for now on, there should be some sort of stipulation for celebrities that have babies. Like, they can have a child, BUT they will not be able to name it. I mean, it was a big deal when Gwyneth Paltrow named her daughter Apple, but that's nothing compared to Jason Lee naming his son Pilot Inspektor. You have to wonder if these people want their children to hate them.

I got an email last week from UMD saying that my Modern Africa class had been cancelled. I was really bummed about it, because that was the class I was looking forward to the most. I had also planned my schedule perfectly, and had to try and find another class to fill it's time slot, was of some interest to me, and was still open. I found lots of classes that were interesting and were in the time slot I was looking for, but of course, they weren't open. So, I stumbled across Renaissance/Modern Art. Guess I'll be taking that then. Looked up the professor on Rate My Professor and it gives him an ok rating. According to what the people on the site are saying, he has a monotone voice that can put you to sleep whilst you're staring at paintings in the dark auditorium. This is awesome, because I love to sleep. It also says he's very easy - scales most ofhis tests 10-25 points. Yay!

I rented In America Friday and finally got around to watching it last nite. Cried. It was excellent. I still think Djimon Hounsou is one of the best actors around.

Picked up the Killers new album. I love it. :)

June 21st is coming up fast! Plan on spending part of the day with family and the other part of the day with Sharlene. Sharlene's birthday is 2 days before mine on the 19th, so we will have a good time doing whatever we decide to do. The 23rd a few of us are going to Ruby Tuesday's for dinner and maybe some extreme mini-golf after. On the 26th Sharls and I are off to the Dunk to see some X-Games reunion thing that the Darkness will be playing. Woot.

I had a weird dream last nite. I was at my cousin Aiden's first birthday party, and my cousin Kara (Aiden's mum) was introducing me to her cousins on her father's side of the family. They were scottish (even though her father's side is german) and one of her older cousins fell in love with me. So, flash forward a year later to Aiden's second birthday and they're back again, and I guess we start dating or whatever because a week afterwards I'm flying out to be with him. Then he flies back home with me. And it was like, back and forth, back and forth, about 4 more times. Then we got married. Then, in my dream, we had a big argument, because I wanted to go back home to Massachusetts because they didn't have frappes over there. But then we made up. Weird.

Obviously this dream means that I will meet a scottish guy at a family birthday party and marry him. Duh!

So anyways, take care. :)

Current Mood: geeky

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Yay for June babies!
Happy Birthday [info]fugitivemotel!!!
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June 7th is both my dad's and my gramma's birthday. Daddy-o turned 59 and gramma turned 85, so yay for them!

I've been sick for the past 4 days. I caught some hideous stomach bug. I probably should've known that I'd come down with it, since it was going through my house (first my nephew, then my brother) and Chris at work was also sick. I've been eating one slice of toast per day, because nothing wants to stay down. Not that I want to eat anything besides toast anyway - just looking at food makes me nauseous. But, I'm trying to be optimistic about it, and I'm hoping that within two days time I should be 100% better.

So I visited my gramma last week to see how she was doing, and also to see her new puppy. His name's Sammy, and he's a "schnoodle" - part schnauzer, part poodle. He's got a very soft, black, curly coat. He's absolutely adorable. I honestly didn't expect him to be as cute as he was, being that I usually don't like small dogs, but alas, I love him. He looks like this:

Except, I think, he's cuter. :)

The fact that Sammy is a schnoodle, fills my heart with much joy. Now I want to mate all different types of dogs with a poodle to get silly names. Like I could put a labrador and a poodle together and get a labradoodle. Or maybe with a St. Bernard and get a St. Bernoodle. What about a basset hound? That'd be a basset hoodle. Golly, I'd have a oodles of fun.

I was also told, while at gramma's, that one of her neighbors cats had kittens underneath her porch. I guess the story is that it was her next door neighbor's cat, but they moved out, and just left the cat there. So the poor cat was left homeless and pregnant and had nowhere to go, so turned to my gramma's porch. The good thing is that her neighbor across the street has been feeding the mother cat and agreed to take the mother and one of the kittens. I'm not positive how many kittens are under there, as the kittens are under the first step of the porch and from where I was looking, I could only make out 3. So we'll probably take one of them, and hopefully I can find the last one a home. I can't take them out yet though, because they're still too young to be away from their mother, and if I touch them at all I'm afraid the mother will pick up on the scent of a person and disown them.

Off to have a nice chicken caesar salad on the deck with Jake.

Current Mood: cranky
Current Music: South Park :: Kyles' Mom's a Bitch

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Always a sucker for homeless animals.
What is up with these random lj users spamming the comments section in my fucking journal? Each new comment I get telling me to "check out this new band" or "join this community" irritates me even more. I reply to their comments telling them to "fuck off" but sure enough the next entry has a comment from somebody different.

Heh, atleast I'm getting comments, right?

So, even though I didn't write about it in here, Winston had gone missing for four days. Yes, I said had, as he has made his triumphant return back home. Thank goodness, because I was worried sick about him.

But of course, he didn't return back home before my mum and I made our trip down to the Dartmouth Animal Rescue League to see if he was brought down there.

In case you don't know, I have a weakness for animals. So going to the Animal Rescue League and seeing all the homeless cats in the kennels absolutely broke my heart. When my mum and I walked in to the Dartmouth cat kennels (they sepearte the kennels by town, because animals from New Bedford and Dartmouth are brought to this shelter) it was this cacophony of meows. Even though my sole purpose was to make sure Winnie wasn't in one of these cages, I still had time to fall in love with a few of the cats. Especially this one male cat - he was huge! I laugh when people tell me they think Winnie is a fat cat, because this cat was just absolutely ginormous. Anyways, he wasn't he wasn't the most gorgeous cat there, but was the cat with the most personality. I spent about 10 mins. talking with him. I wanted to bring him home so bad. In my mind, I'd already decided that we were going to call him Linus.

Why would I want to call the cat Linus? Oh, because I CAN.

But anyways, my mum objected to me bringing Linus home. And my heart hurt double time, because I was missing Winston and was being denied giving Linus a home. But that probably would've looked really bad to Winnie if he came home and then there was this other cat. I wouldn't want Winnie to think he was being replaced.

But back to the animal shelter - my mum wanted to look at the dogs but there was a sign on the door that said no visitors were able to go inside. Not sure what that's all about. Maybe they don't want visitors in there without being accompanied by somebody who works there, as not to get the dogs all riled up. Or maybe they were in the process of cleaning out the kennels and washing the dogs. Dunno. But, it's probably a good thing that I didn't get to see the dogs, as I'm not just a softie for cats, it includes dogs as well. I probably would've fallen in love with atleast one dog and would've collapsed on the floor kicking and screaming and telling my mum that I wouldn't stop until we got one dog and one cat.

That sounds extremely bratty. And yes, I have done it before. That's how we ended up taking home my basset hound. :)

So, I probably shouldn't have gotten all worried about Winston running off for a few days, but he's never left for four days before. Only two. And ever since Brady died I've been overly protective of Winston.

Well that's what I did today. Went from being heartbroken to ecstatic, upon his arrival. And yes, Linus will be mine.


Current Mood: calm
Current Music: Chemical Brothers :: Star Guitar

Name: meg
Back August 2004