so hard to be nice to stupid people
A Step Back in my life Viewing 0 - 20  

Know what sucks.

My last full day off before the holidays are over and I'm at home sick as a dog. This sucks. It also doesn't help I'm allergic to my parent's dog (aka my new little sister).

I want a drink. A good one. With Jack. I could raid my parents room and break out the crown, but I would feel guilty and shit.

WOrk tomorrow should be fun. But not really. Anything fun going on tonight?

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Woo hoo it's Friday!

That's all I have time for.

Love you all!

Is the year over yet? Can I just go to sleep tonight and not wake up until March 1st, but have my job done and the money in the bank?

It's been hell and about to get worse.

But, I feel good. Accomplished even.

Thank goodness it's almost five. I have a date with my bed, after I write...I've been devoid of my muse the past few days and gotten nowhere.

I hate this time of year, I think it makes my Depo kinda crazy or something. And the plate in my arm acts all funky and hurts.

I miss my friends. Where are you?

Hey [info]lucidaj Todd Glass is in town!

Just thought I'd neener you and say to look for him in your area soon.

I never update. Oh well.

Nanowrimo is in 3 days boys and girls. Are you ready?

I'm not, but eh. no biggie.

Halloween fun and food today. I must say, I need to wear more black eyeliner and grey shadows. I look pretty damn cute.

Life is good.

Stef, I should be at the library on sunday, but tis my dad's birthday party, so I'm not sure if I'll make it.

Happy halloween!

Lundberg just caught me rocking out to Journey in my office. Heh.

Then he said Journey's cool. Kinda blew my gigle high.

Oooh look at me I'm a rebel

Yeah, whatever. I just don't have anything to do this morning. I have to wait until the mail gets here before I delve into filing to make sure I don't file for 7 hours and then have super important stuffs to do.

Life has been good if busy lately. Work, work, work. On my days off I sleep.

Good things lately:
That TV show Lost. I'm in love.
The OC will start again soon (i hope...)
I have Bill Hicks coming to my doorstep (well his book and DVD anyway)
Someone who works in my building has been keeping me entertainingly occupied as of late.

Bad things lately:
My neck is sore and my lympnodes are swolen on the right side, not the left, just the right.
I haven't been sleeping well.
Blood test results not back yet...not for STDs and shit. Hell I haven't been laid in years...

Speaking of getting laid. Ladies, I pose a question to you. If you are sexually active with multiple partners don't you make it a point to see your OB/GYN every year just to make sure the hoochie ain't tainted? *EDIT* I have a co-worker who hasn't seen her gyno in 15? years...that's just wrong.

So I went to the doc because I've been overly tired as of late...fatigued to the point that I can't even get a good night's rest without sleeping for 11 or 12 hours and then I'm tired again 12 hours later... So we discussed things and I may have a low thyroid and diabetes is also worrysome. Both of those wretched conditions are in my family. this is fun. Because I've been overweight for so long, my body thinks that's normal. But now that I'm 5lbs (yep, 5 lbs woo!) away from goal, my body thinks I'm abnormal now and all that nasty girly stuff is taking a little time to catch up. Guess that's why I've been so crabby lately too. Or, I just hate people. One of the two.

I got new glasses. They are like teh sexxor. Or something. If only I would wake up early enough to fix my hair and do my makeup I'd be close to hot. However, my hair is still currently wet from my shower this morning.

Um, what else. Oh, I got to see Carina last night. I've missed her so, but we don't hang out like we used to. It sucks. I'm usually a sponsible (or tired) adult and go home after working 12 hour days with commutes and lunch in between there somewhere. But I needed to go out last night. I got an atta-girl from Lundberg (AKA my boss) and then I get to Zales and I'm so damn bleh or something that I can't count, type or read what I frigging wrote. I skued a case when all that happened is I typed 80 instead of 81 like I had written. Blah.

Oooh, something else that is great. Jack freaking FM. Yeah sometimes they play shit, but they happen to know when I need a good song. I was getting all testy in traffic and they played Bon Jovi. I was all "bleh i have to go to work now" and the played Jessie's girl. Oh and they play journey. A. Lot. I love that.

Oh, I saw Farenheit 9/11 last night too. Made me really miss my family and friends over in Iraq. I hope they're okay. But that's all I'm going to say. I need to process it all first. And probably watch it again without drinking and by myself.

My DSL at home isn't working...again. I need to call the vzavenue and tell them to credit my bill as I haven't been able to connect all freaking week.

And now why I came to post here...

So I had this dream last night that I was meeting some people at Freaker's ball, but it was at the old bronco bowl...i'm talking old when it looked all pretty and stuff. And I'm walking around and i see samara and some other chick from high school and they recognize each other, but not me. And when I tell them who I am they all freak out and are happy. (Is it wrong that I was happy Samara still looked the same after 7 years and I wasn't?) And then we're sitting outside the bowl in this little area with a stage that was full of marine recruiters who were being all testy and shit not realizing that there's only 14 year old kids at freaker's ball except for me and samara and they didn't want us. and they announce some pre-concert entertainment and give us a clue and I say. "Man, that's gotta be Rod Stewart" (mind you earlier in the day JD's 'who said this' comment was spoken by Rod and I said those exact same words) and it Was Rod baby and he was singing and then there was some 70s music quiz in the observer and I belted out some old Rod baby song and he started singing along and laughing with us and we were supposed to go meet him, but I had to get a soda and take heather and kacey to go meet their parents, and I had this huge dashboard and all our drinks were on it and they kept spilling and we kept driving back to the bronco bowl to get refills. Then we picked up heather and kacey's parents and I turned real sharp and all the bottoms of the cups blew out and we got soaked in soda. And then my alarm clock went off.

So I'm getting my hair cut and colored tomorrow thanks to the lovely Carina. Any suggestions?

I get to go to the fair tomorrow.

Woo! I'm excited.

However, this is how my weeks been...


October 12, 1998

Listen to the mustn'ts, child.
Listen to the don'ts.
Listen to the shouldn'ts,
The impossibles, the won'ts.
Listen to the never haves,
Then listen close to me ...
Anything can happen, child.
Anything can be.

~ Shel Silverstein

Six years ago today, Matthew Shepard was murdered for being homosexual.

What will you do to end the silence?

Click here to post this on your own page or weblog

Every single time I hear about this or read about it or see something about it. I come close to crying.

Stolen from [info]divakimmy

A nonsense entry. I promise one day when I have more time I'll post "real Stuff"

Date you joined? 5/4/01
Number of journal entries? 484, but I deleted about year's worth of entries
Number of people on your friends list? 46
Person who introduced you to LJ? Daniel
Still friends with this person? We speak on occasion

How many people have you introduced to LJ? 3 I guess. [info]chosimba1, [info]juggalokiller and [info]super_dan, but 1 more I'm not sure about

List everyone on your friends list who you have met in person.
[info]bellaanne, [info]chosimba1, [info]dpw, [info]everdrew, [info]fitnessguru, [info]hotpinkboagirl, [info]instantmess, [info]juggalokiller, [info]kevinisgone, [info]mattdeloach, [info]melcore, [info]not_forever_now, [info]o0_me_o0, [info]peggyblah, [info]peloquin3, [info]ringgiver, [info]rookosu, [info]sarichan, [info]super_dan, [info]systemerror, [info]texasgypsy, [info]trenthamfamily and last but not least [info]vishvakarman. Damn, that's a lot.

Anyone on LJ you can't stand? yes, but to avoid drama I won't say

Name one person on your friends list you would most like to meet: Everyone I haven't met so far.

Ever ban someone from commenting in your journal? nope
Number of comments: Posted: 4,696 - Received: 3,092
Biggest pet peeve about LJ? When I can't read at work and have tons of entries to read
Do you feel close to most of the people on your friends list? A majority of them
How many journals do you have? 2, but only a select few know about the other one

I normally don't post stuff like this, but eh. They're lyrics and while so sad...they're uplifting too )

I love the Calhoun e-mail says I really miss you in the subject line.

For some reason that made me really happy, happy that someone would miss me.

Lots of things have made me happy today. My mood ring (which by the way is rock-tastic) is just a glow with happiness.

Hope you all have a great day!

Oh. Goodness.

THIS just made my month.

It just blows because I have to now wait until November to get it.


I love this man. I doubt I've ever really shared my love for him to you guys. It's a very special love. Research him. Listen to his stuff. Learn what you never wanted and get educated.

What you reading for?


I even stopped my order for Dawson's Creek Season 4 to get this. Now you know my obsession.

SO it's tx/ou weekend. Fun.

Guess I'll be stuck in Denton for a while on Friday as 35 will be a parking lot.

I finally bought a scale. I was waiting till they went on sale and lo and behold today they were. Wonder how accurate it will be.

I've officially lost 40 lbs (I thought I used to weigh almost 190, but it was only 180) as of last wednesday. Wow. I can't remember being that heavy, but I guess I was.

I'm schduled for 24 hours this week. Man that's gonna suck, but next week I only have 16. I had to have a saturday off. I want to go the fair. I want a nice long night's sleep.

I want to quit my PT job, but I need to pay off my debt so much more. Please February come soon! Hm. what else.

I'm just boring as fuck right now. I don't go out, I don't meet people. I haven't seen my friends in a month or more. Why am I so nice to volunteer to work in 2 stores? Why don't I just say no when they say they need me? Huh? Bleh.

I leave you with the picture of my koozie. That is the only man in my life and he sits alone on my kitchen counter lonely because I have no beer at the house.

Thanks [info]andrea501 for the link.

If you missed my post on weather phenomena, well this is another thing I love.

Natural Wrath and Beauty.

I never update anymore...

I'm too busy and the nights I get off I'm either sleeping or laundrying or whatever. This blows. However, I did pay off one card and the APR on my other card is now lower. Woo.

more later. I guess.


Okay, I worked 32 hours last week at my PT job and will close to 30 this week. Right.

So I was soooo tired last night this is funny.

My apt is on the third floor...well I only made it to the second and walked into what I thought was my apt...the door was unlocked and I scared the shit outta my downstairs neighbor.

I felt so bad and was so embarrased.

weight of the world makes me want to cry...

Damn I love this band. I'm in a great mood today and I think it's because this was in my mailbox this morning...


I'm sitting here giggling like a little school girl.

I just got my Argue with a Tree dvd and cd in.

2 songs in and I'm in love. It's like having a Blue October concert in my office. The vocals are a little too loud, but eh, it's very well recorded.

I can't wait to see the DVD!!!


A Step Back in my life Viewing 0 - 20