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Current Mood:[mood icon] aggravated
Time:10:10 am
Fuckin' work. This Sunday morning really needs to die right NOW!
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Current Music:My sister playing Michelle Branch's "Everywhere To Me."
Current Mood:[mood icon] rejuvenated
Subject:I just have to say ...
Time:08:42 pm
... anyone who lives in the county or on the South Coast who is not marveling at the crabapple tree's blossoms must not have a pulse. They are so gorgeous right now.

Funny thing is, I don't remember them ever being this vibrant. Maybe they didn't get enough rain before? I think I would have remembered, seeing as they're all near San Marcos, and one is right next to my driveway ...
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Current Music:The clock in the hall chiming off the half-hour.
Current Mood:[mood icon] tired
Subject:Disneyland, industrial-size: "Now remember, kids, we're parked in 'Itchy.'"
Time:10:24 pm
So today my family went to Disneyland. And by family, I mean:
1) my immediate four that are in the regular SB crew,
2) my Uncle Johnny/Halim,
3) my Uncle Bill and Aunt Anne, and
4) my brother Tommy and his family (wife and four kids)

That's right, we had 13 of the Quackenbush (Mom's maiden name) clan roaming the streets of the Happise Place on Earth. It wasn't as much fun as it usually is, but that's to be expected because the focus wa on the children and making sure they were enjoying the trip.

My favorite part of all, though, was on Tom Sawyer's Island. Everyone but Dad and I went to watch the kids tire themselves out, and we hung out in the sun at the front of the island. We had one of those great talks about life philosophies, love, and family stories that made me misty-eyed. And we did pulled it off in the heart of Disneyland, which adds even more merit to the fact that my dad and I can talk anywhere. It was a great moment.

On another note - Alex: I went over to the Pizza Port to see if you were working today, but they said you weren't. Let it not be uttered that we have not made efforts to meet each other! It will happen one day.
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Current Music:Madonna - Ray of Light
Subject:Strippin' it, Sav-On Whitening style
Time:04:50 pm
So today I started the CrestStrips thingy, but with the cheaper brand instead. (I've found they usually work the same). This way, I didn't have to do it twice a day but only once, and did not have to pay for a camera. (Seriously! They have disposable cameras in the package! Not incredibly necessary.)

So, in theory, in 14 days my teeth should be visibly whiter, in time for my sister's wedding. If not, they're pretty white anyway, and I doubt the stuff will turn them green. At least, I hope not. *knocks on wood*

It's a strange experience, though. It's like voluntarily going to the dentist. The slate-blue strips make you look like a boxer (in the ring! Jennie "Angel of Death" Roberson! Nah.) and feel, well, sudsy and gooey. And you lisp and salivate a lot more while thye're in place. Luckily they're only in there for 30 minutes a day, so it's not completely debilitating.

*raises hand to forehead, in best Blanche DuBois voice accent* Oh, the price for beauty.
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Current Music:The end of the local news.
Current Mood:frustrated/tired
Time:11:15 pm
I was trying to upload a new pic to replace my eyebrow pic, decided I didn't like it, but can no longer find the car pic.

I really liked that picture, I just wanted to mix it up a little.

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Current Mood:[mood icon] hopeful
Subject:Will someone please go in my place? I have to Walkersit.
Time:03:12 pm
9/11 Candlelit Vigil for Peace

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Current Music:"The West Wing."
Current Mood:[mood icon] hungry
Subject:See Mars, for a limited time only!
Time:08:57 pm
Today Mars is the closest to Earth it has been in about 60,000 years. You've probably heard about it, but it's worth a look. It's purdy.
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Subject:Keith, you dog! She's three months old!
Time:08:06 pm
My LiveJournal Sitcom
All My punkin495 (ABC, 5:00): punkin495 (Patricia Arquette) sets serindipity (Val Kilmer)'s plate on fire. Also, izards (Winona Ryder) and tiplorance (Laurence Fishburne) kiss at the dump. The next day, violet_light (Mary Stuart Masterson) lets soong (Edward Norton) borrow a toilet to impress a grandfather. On the other side of town, americanwalrus (Brent Spiner) marries punkin495 (Patricia Arquette)'s neice. Later, awinnett (James Best) takes cameto (Julia Roberts) bowling. Wacky results follow.
What's Your LiveJournal Sitcom? (by rfreebern)

This is so much fun!
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Current Music:Tori Amos - These Precious Things
Current Mood:[mood icon] accomplished
Subject:Mi pagina electronica esta hecha por ahora.
Time:11:29 pm
Er, yes. My webpage is finished ... for now. The basics are all there, but I'll probably add another page or two in a few weeks. But yes! Go visit it and lemme know what you think:

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Current Music:Cheap Trick - I Want You To Want Me
Current Mood:[mood icon] surprised
Subject:Wow! Silliness passed!
Time:07:44 pm
Okay, so I had this idea for a service a little while ago:

The Importance of Being Silly

I presented it to the Worship Committee tonight, and they passed it! Wow. I'm going to orchestrate a whole service.

So ... yes. Save the date - SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19. Trust me, it'll be fun. And I'll hold it against you if you don't attend and live within the tri-county area (well, not really, but yall should really come).
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Current Music:Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Current Mood:[mood icon] bored
Subject:Three separate but equally lovely quotes - from "Emotionally Weird" by Kate Atkinson.
Time:09:52 pm
"And what happens when we reach the end of infinity? And what color is it? That's the question. What do we see when we stand on the terrace of infinity?"
~ Professor Cousins.

"The thing I had seen was Bob, deep in conversation with one of Archie's postgraduate students, a young woman who was built like a pencil and whose doctoral thesis (Losing the Plot) was on Finnegan's Wake, thus making her totally unsuitable for Bob."
~ Effie.

"It's impossible, as we all know, to fall asleep to the sounds of someone else's lovemaking (except for possibly Bob's) and so we had to wait out {the roommate's} denouement. ('What are they doing for so long?' Bob puzzled.)
To pass the time, Bob suggested a game ... Eventually we settled on 'The Minister's Cat Went Shopping' ('The Minister's Cat went down to town and bought an Aberdeen Angus cow,' and so on), and by the time our downstairs neighbors had finally finished fornicating, the poor cat was trying to maneuver a large walnut wardrobe through the door of the manse."
~ Effie.

Too damn good not to share.
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Current Music:Van Morrison - Brown-Eyed Girl
Current Mood:[mood icon] contemplative
Time:11:19 am
My parents are back. That is both happy and relieving. And it's a relief because I don't have to get up at 6:30 in the morning anymore to do chores. I don't mind picking up some slack while they're gone, but waking up at 6:30 or 7 *just* to feed my dog and/or Walkersit is tiring. I need to catch up on sleep.

Well, in other news, I am going to write today. It has been determined, I will not avoid it. But before I do, I'm going to try this thingy:

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Current Music:The music intro to Strong Bad's latest email. So pathetic.
Current Mood:congratulatory
Subject:Congrats LJ!
Time:10:56 pm
One million accounts and growing strong.
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Current Mood:[mood icon] aggravated
Subject:Post, damn you!
Time:08:14 pm
So I was on my way to this lecture by Huston Smith, when my car died yet again. It is currently parked at County Health Services, as I knew I wouldn't be able to get it back up my hill. Powell's Garage doesn't open until the morning, so it'll stay parked there till the morning when we'll get it towed.

All this car trouble is getting annoying; that's the fourth time in about two weeks. With older cars, the problem is usually pretty simple, so I'm a bit worried that they haven't found out what it is yet. I'm hoping this is just a bad patch.

On the bright side my dad still drove me down to the lecture. I didn't get in for complicated reasons, but I have tickets to the next three world religions lectures they'll have, all of which sound interesting.

In other news, I'm going to go audition for two one-acts tomorrow. One is by Thornton Wilder, the other by Woody Allen. Apparently the same set of actors will be in both plays. I'm hoping for these two small, cool roles, but I'll just have to wait and see how the dice will fall.
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Current Music:Ani DiFranco - Angry Anymore
Current Mood:sore throat, blech
Subject:Black holes on a collision course, and a runaway black hole streaking thru the Milky Way ...
Time:09:18 pm
It hadn't even occurred to me that they might be able to move ...

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Current Music:Counting Crows - High Life
Current Mood:headachy
Subject:Okay, once and for all ...
Time:04:19 pm
Will someone please explain to me what the purpose is for this explosion of these "car bras" (if any other than a trend)?
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Subject:A Me Day.
Time:09:57 pm
During the school year, they're MHDs. But for the summer, I'll call it a Me Day.

Apparently I haven't written since July. Here's what's been goin' on:


Yup, that about sums it up.
The last days have been stressful off and on, so today I decided to have a Me Day. I rented three movies and got pizza and ice cream and took a nap. It's been good. And I also worked something out that's been pissing me off for the past few days, and things are the better for it. I'm glad we talked.

Yay! I get to see Toby AND Hillary AND look pretty this weekend! *grins*

Okay, enough of that. Back to "You Can Count On Me" (another Kenneth Logerman work, which looks to be also great).

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Subject:Rehearsal Notice - URGENT
Time:11:37 am
For all those who are going to the UU Sanctuary tonight for the rehearsal, it's still, on, however we have to move it over to Jefferson Hall, as there will be a wedding taking place in the Sanctuary. Had I known this earlier, I would not have arranged it like this; however there were no notices in the newsletters or the room use email I get.

I will bring a boombox from the other room, and have also made a floor plan of the Sanctuary so we'll know where everything is.

So yeah, I hop yall get this in time.

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Subject:Et tu, Alf?
Time:07:06 pm
Wow, that's sad.

Alf was just on a 10-10-220 commercial.

Even stuffed animals are sellin' out. Blech.
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Current Music:Mega Smemega - Jesus Doesn't Drink A Beer Til One O'Clock!
Subject:What a surprise.
Time:11:18 am

Find your emotion!

You are 20% evil! [?]

You're pretty non-evil. You're a little bit off of being all good, but you tend to still be orderly and peaceful. You aren't the bad person at all...for the most part.

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