i had the strangest exchange today at the grocery store.
it is important, first of all, to know what i looked like. i was wearing the big black sunglasses in my icon. my hair all pulled back in a messy bun. marcasite dangly earrings. no makeup save for some MAC viva glam III lipstick. a bunch of black jelly and other beaded bracelets. a couple of silver and marcasite rings. black t-shirt over black cotton tankdress, mid-calf length. aqua sparkly flip-flops for shoes, deep red nailpolish on toes.
so, i'm dressed as above, and have just left the grocery store to head to my car. as i was walking through the parking lot, soem dude got out of his car, shut the door, and started walking to the store. i noticed that he noticed me, and he stopped dead in his tracks, and took this deep breath in, like he was astonished or similar. he then recovered, and changed direction to walk over to me, and then extended his hand to me, as if to shake my hand.
the guy was probably 45-50, wearing a tank top, shorts, and tevas, with a greying goatee and near shoulder-length wavy hair. total hippie HIGH ON WEED. well. i don't know if he was literally high on weed, but he definitely looked the part. and after our exchange, i hope he was high on weed. or something.
so there we are, his hand extended, and he blurts out "PLEASED TO MEET YOU, JERRY!!!", to which I responded "whaaat???", while he continued to shake his hand at me, urging me to shake it. he continues on with "JERRY GARCIA, DUDE!!! YOU LOOK LIKE THE DEAD, MAN! RIGHT ON!"...i looked down at myself, as perhaps i had somehow become covered in tie-dye, or similar. nope. same old black clothes. the guy was SO happy to see me. as i stood speechless, he continued: "JERRY, MAN, YOU LOOK GOOD!!"
at this point, i just kind of chuckled, and said "ok, thanks man", and walked to my car. he walked into the store.
the end.
WHAT THE FUCK?????????
i told
vektor about this on the phone, and she suggested perhaps he could tell i was diabetic, as was jerry garcia.
it was very strange.