Tales of the Rubber Baron
Thursday, July 22nd, 2004 11:28 pm
the wee little monkey that could


I am in love with this monkey. And I don't think she's trying to copy humans. I think perhaps she just wants to look TALLER. Better posture's great for that.

EDIT: Apparently that link doesn't work anymore. Thanks to my buddy [info]rapier1, here's a better link: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5479501/

Current Mood: pleased
Current Music: "ball and biscuit" - the white stripes

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Thursday, July 15th, 2004 11:00 pm
man alive. so my interview is postponed until sometime next week...I'm supposed to find out probably at the beginning of next week.

two of the panelists are ill. this is good because i am also ill, and am having trouble keeping my eyes open, plus the coughing and lethargy and whatnot. I definitely wouldn't give off the best impression today.

so, thanks for the finger crossings. i will probably plead for more good luck whenever the interview is rescheduled.

also, one thing i will NEVER understand. how come you can be SO TIRED, yet still can't sleep soundly, or for very long? i've been sleeping the most restless short jags of sleep, yet i'm SO EXHAUSTED.


i guess it's just another sign that GOD HATES ME.

Current Mood: exhausted

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Thursday, July 15th, 2004 10:12 pm

please cross your fingers for me. i am wicked sick (sinus/respiratory infection), so I hope I can get some good rest and look decent, and not hack anything up or blow anything out of my nose that might deter them from wanting to be in my presence for a moment longer.

i think i am going to wear one comfy outfit to work, and then bring this long black linen dress and a cardigan (or similar) to wear to the actual interview. if i wear it to work, it'll have all kinds of wrinkles from where I bend and sit and whatnot.

man alive.

there are still two more jobs other than this one out there that i may have a shot at, so as long as there's something (more money), i'm good.

Current Mood: anxious
Current Music: "on the loose" - saga

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Thursday, July 15th, 2004 06:01 pm
laks;ja;lksdj. stupidest quiz ever. but i am very amused by my results

Which Random Image are you?
Favorite Color
You are:
This Quiz by Reaper - Taken 121831 Times.
New! Get Free Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

it's like they KNOW me

Current Mood: sick
Current Music: "naughty girl" - beyonce

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Wednesday, July 14th, 2004 10:28 pm
I want to wish a very shitwitching birthday to my beloved fauxmo darling booty, aka [info]raphrat. I want to thank you for coming out this year, and keeping the scene aliiiiiiiiiiiiiive!!!!!!

Current Mood: celebratory

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Monday, July 12th, 2004 10:03 pm
my star chart

i have done my star chart, so that i could copy a couple of my pals.

also because i always want to see if this kinda thing ends up accurate.

here it is:

the starry me )

Current Mood: astrological
Current Music: "she wants to move" - N.E.R.D.

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Tuesday, July 6th, 2004 02:03 pm
i thought it only fair to let you all know about this today, so that you will hopefully have time to clear your calendars for tomorrow.

THERE IS AN IMPORTANT TELEVISION EVENT HAPPENING TOMORROW, JULY 7, 2004. I am sorry if some of you will not have access to it, being without the necessary cable access, and I especially want to reach out to my international friends today and let them know that when I watch it, you will all be there with me.

NEW YORK (AP) - Ed McMahon has found the unlikeliest of talk-show hosts to replace Johnny Carson: Alf, the alien from the planet Melmac.

McMahon will be announcing "Heeeere's Alf!" on a half-hour special that will air July 7 on TV Land, the cable channel said.

"Alf's Hit Talk Show" will rely on the tried and true format of a late-night talk show with monologue, banter and guests - with one significant alteration: an alien from a popular '80s TV sitcom as host.

Alf will be joined by guests Dennis Franz of "NYPD Blue" and comedian Drew Carey, with special appearances by Joan Rivers and Henry Winkler.

As for TV Land's faith in him to join the ranks of David Letterman, Jay Leno and Conan O'Brien, Alf said in a recent statement: "They have demonstrated superb taste by giving me my own show and it's humbling that they recognize my unequaled genius."

Whether the show is, in fact, a "hit" will depend on the reception of the half-hour special, which could be developed into a series, TV Land said.

Following "Alf's Hit Talk Show," TV Land will run a four-episode marathon of classic "Alf" shows. The comedy about a furry alien wiseguy who lives with an Earth family after crashing into their garage ran from 1986-90.


note: i would be posting this using my old alf icon, that *i* made, but [info]califia stole it from me, and then some shitdog from a dachsund community stole it from HER. so i have relinquished all ownership of it at this time. i trusted califia to use it for good, but i have no idea of the intentions of this OTHER NUISANCE.

Current Mood: optimistic
Current Music: "good vibrations" - marky mark and the funky bunch

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Monday, July 5th, 2004 09:08 pm
i had the strangest exchange today at the grocery store.

it is important, first of all, to know what i looked like. i was wearing the big black sunglasses in my icon. my hair all pulled back in a messy bun. marcasite dangly earrings. no makeup save for some MAC viva glam III lipstick. a bunch of black jelly and other beaded bracelets. a couple of silver and marcasite rings. black t-shirt over black cotton tankdress, mid-calf length. aqua sparkly flip-flops for shoes, deep red nailpolish on toes.

so, i'm dressed as above, and have just left the grocery store to head to my car. as i was walking through the parking lot, soem dude got out of his car, shut the door, and started walking to the store. i noticed that he noticed me, and he stopped dead in his tracks, and took this deep breath in, like he was astonished or similar. he then recovered, and changed direction to walk over to me, and then extended his hand to me, as if to shake my hand.

the guy was probably 45-50, wearing a tank top, shorts, and tevas, with a greying goatee and near shoulder-length wavy hair. total hippie HIGH ON WEED. well. i don't know if he was literally high on weed, but he definitely looked the part. and after our exchange, i hope he was high on weed. or something.

so there we are, his hand extended, and he blurts out "PLEASED TO MEET YOU, JERRY!!!", to which I responded "whaaat???", while he continued to shake his hand at me, urging me to shake it. he continues on with "JERRY GARCIA, DUDE!!! YOU LOOK LIKE THE DEAD, MAN! RIGHT ON!"...i looked down at myself, as perhaps i had somehow become covered in tie-dye, or similar. nope. same old black clothes. the guy was SO happy to see me. as i stood speechless, he continued: "JERRY, MAN, YOU LOOK GOOD!!"

at this point, i just kind of chuckled, and said "ok, thanks man", and walked to my car. he walked into the store.

the end.

WHAT THE FUCK?????????


i told [info]vektor about this on the phone, and she suggested perhaps he could tell i was diabetic, as was jerry garcia.

it was very strange.

Current Mood: curious
Current Music: "everything she wants" - wham!

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Monday, July 5th, 2004 11:52 am
hoorah! no work tomorrow!

i am a little annoyed because my only real good time plans for this three day weekend was a bbqparty yesterday. which i slept through. i got a wicked migraine, though, so i slept all day long, save for a few short breaks for drinking water and also urinating. i also was online for a short time around 4pm. besides that i slept ALL DAY until shortly after 10:00 pm. wtf? i'm a bit annoyed that i wasted a day, and missed the bbq, but i felt like dog crap and clearly needed the sleep.

today i go babysit until late afternoon (only for a few hours), and then home again, i suppose. there are fireworks and things going on, but there's no one to go with, and i am liable to freak out alone in a crowd. damn the crowds.

so, i'll probably come home and watch a netflix movie or something similar. MAYBE I WILL CONTINUE MY CLEANING AND ORGANIZING PROJECT.

i have this sort of residual hangover kinda feeling today. i rarely get migraines, so maybe this is just the typical day after feeling. i also didn't eat all day yesterday, nor take any of my medications, so it could be that too.

what a thrill of a life i lead.


Current Mood: lethargic

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Thursday, July 1st, 2004 11:11 pm

[info]vivaemptiness, thank you SO MUCH for introducing me to this phenomenon. i will be eternally grateful.

keep an ear out for our new pigeon band. we also will feature bass so low "it'll make you vacate your bowels"...

also, wtf is "putrefaction"????

Current Mood: impressed
Current Music: "beak of putrefaction" - hatebeak

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Tuesday, June 29th, 2004 10:23 pm
very excited.

going to see "fahrenheit 9/11" in about an hour with [info]ebgoddess, plus [info]vektor and her husband.

i don't know if i should really be "excited" as i know it won't really be an uplifting film. however, I AM VERY MUCH LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING IT.

that's about all i have to say.

Current Mood: excited

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Tuesday, June 29th, 2004 10:23 pm
jack elliott keeps trying to steal cherry tomatoes given to me by [info]vektor to eat. he has eaten three. i do not want him to vomit. i also do not want him to take all of my FRESH GARDEN TOMATOES. little bastard.

also, i received very good news today. well. potentially. there are two positions open in the county that i am qualified for that would be promotions from my current position, which was a demotion that I took rather than be completely laid off. stuff is fairly bad at the job i have, although i have some very good friends. i didn't realize, for example, how much i missed [info]jeninluv until i didn't see her everyday. however, my finances and sanity require that i apply for these two positions. wish me luck, please.

Current Mood: hopeful
Current Music: "stripped" - depeche mode

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Friday, June 11th, 2004 05:38 pm
i had an outstanding lunch at fuji's today. veggie sushi and salad. and i ate the celery from [info]jeninluv's plate. good times. i totally counted the weight watcher's points. i am diligently trying to lose weight. again. i didn't quite GIVE UP completely, but i'm in a better frame of mind again to try and make the effort even more so. hungry-making insulin be damned.

i have renewed hope now that my thyroid is crapping out. that sounds like a bad thing, but hopefully the medication will help with energy and weight loss and making me feel better IN GENERAL.

plus, my excellent friend sharie went to avenue this last weekend and bought me a dress and a pair of pants as a gift! i am wearing the dress now. it's a black wrap-looking dress, knee length. i love it. and it is wicked comfortable.

also, i received a quilt made for me by my dear friend [info]d_r_o_n_e. she is truly an artist. it is the most incredible and amazing quilt I have ever seen, and I'd say the nicest thing I've ever owned. she told me something about the origami cranes on it (they rule SO MUCH!) being a healing thing, so maybe it will help! it's so beautiful, and not only does it have EXCELLENT HEALING POWERS, but it is of the asian theme that my bedroom is also of! i really really REALLY want a platform bed at some point, and my plan is to use this hanging on the wall in lieu of a headboard. i'll have to bring it over to [info]vektor's house for a photo shoot-out. THEN YOU CAN ALL GAZE IN AMAZEMENT.


it made me cry.

i can't wait to show it to my mom on tuesday! she's coming to visit, and is a quilter. i called and told her about it and she's excited to see it, too.

thanks again, [info]d_r_o_n_e. I really really love it.

Current Mood: loved
Current Music: "dead leaves and the dirty ground" - white stripes

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Thursday, June 10th, 2004 09:52 pm
ok, so just in the interest of an update to let everyone know i am not dead/dying:

it has been determined that i was/am having anxiety/panic type attacks. somehow, probably in the midst of tensing up from them and then breathing weird and hard to try and catch my breath, i have torn a bit of the lining between my rib cage and lungs. it even has a name...chondrocolitis or something like that? anyway, so that explains why the pains got SIGNIFICANTLY worse around sunday, and started getting sharper and sharper and so forth. because of the stupid tear.

so, it just heals. no big deal. it's painful, but it doesn't cause any trouble. definitely not life threatening.

now, when i feel one coming on, i just try really hard to force my breathing to be regular and try and relax. so far it has really helped. part of the motivation to make it stop is so that i don't get the damn pain from the tear anymore! so. i'm okay.


thanks for the concern and well wishes and OVERWHELMING LOVE FOR ME.

also, [info]vektor took a picture of me in my hospital bed, in the gown with the heart monitor on, wearing some massive jackie-o type glasses that she bought me that I LOVE VERY VERY MUCH. i'll have to get a copy of it and post it for you all. i look HOT, as you can surely imagine. hair every which way, pale, hospital-y. good times.

Current Mood: loved

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Tuesday, June 8th, 2004 03:25 am
bulljive, man

i just got home from the stinkin' hospital. they were very nice, and i had the company of [info]vektor while i was there, but it wasn't a great time. SHOUT OUT TO [info]vektor FOR BRAVING THE EMERGENCY ROOM WITH ME.

i have been having these worsening chest pains, and tonight while enjoying the tony awards, they became bad enough to warrant a trip to the hospital.

cardiac enzymes are fine, so apparently i haven't already had a heart attack. i go back in the morning for an echo cardiogram? i'm totally guessing on the spelling there.

so, i expect that to show as normal. my heart rate and blood pressure are quite elevated during these 'spells' that i have, and breathing becomes difficult and i get all sweaty and clammy. however, i suspect they may be panic attacks. they're not exactly like the panic attacks i used to have, but it makes sense to me. i'm so stressed out with my job, and with having to do crap like stock surveys at convenience stores to supplement my income, that it makes sense to me.

we'll see.

stress i can deal with (well, perhaps not well, if this is the result), but i am not keen on CARDIAC EVENTS.

so please cross your fingers or whatever you have for me.

i have to say, though, i am currently relieved that be assured that i haven't had a heart attack. at least not yet! hopefully not at all.

Current Mood: optimistic

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Friday, June 4th, 2004 10:55 am
oh please god, SAY IT ISN'T SO

Creed Make Breakup Official, Announce Post-Creed Plans


After nearly a decade together, Creed has decided to disband. During their 8 years and 3 albums together (My Own Prison, Human Clay, Weathered) Creed achieved countless Rock & Roll milestones and sold over 30 million albums worldwide.

asjaf;lsdjf;alsdj. i'm not sure about their rock and roll milestones. maybe spreading seething hatred across the world. or similar. man alive. AT LEAST I KNOW GOD ANSWERS MY PRAYERS.

Current Mood: relieved
Current Music: "now mary" - the white stripes

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Thursday, June 3rd, 2004 11:52 pm
rachieo's LJ stalker is ebgoddess!
ebgoddess is stalking you because they think you are the one who made anonymous abusive LJ comments. They are also mentally deranged!

LiveJournal Username:

LJ Stalker Finder
From Go-Quiz.com

Current Mood: amused

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Thursday, June 3rd, 2004 11:46 pm

why does lj keep insisting it is many hours past what it is? like, the last post kept telling me it was 23:45, so why was I trying to post at 15:45 without clicking the backdate option box?

IT IS NOT 23:45.


it is making me post in the future. or, i could backdate i suppose. i don't get it. has anyone else had this trouble?

Current Mood: annoyed

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Thursday, June 3rd, 2004 11:45 pm
the cure is appearing on the WB's "PEPSI SMASH" tonight, along with some other people who i don't particularly care to see. except for rooney. they are a cute band.

i hope i remember to watch it. the cure is the ONLY band, really, that has toured during my lifetime that i have been dying to see but have not been able to see. the only one i can really think of right now, at least. i have NEVER SEEN THEM LIVE. i can't believe it.

Current Mood: working
Current Music: liz yelling at me to stop picking at my arms

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Thursday, June 3rd, 2004 11:45 pm

this show, "the swan", is disgusting. it totally offends and disgusts me. i have to admit, i did watch it the first time, as i was curious. good lord. IT HORRIFIED ME. do not watch this show.

this show, "the o.c.", is surprisingly entertaining. i have fallen in love with it. i want seth cohen to be my boyfriend. i really expected to hate this show, but wanted to watch something and nothing else was on. I AM VERY ENTERTAINED. it's not akin to a great independent film or anything, but it has certainly entertained.

the end of my tv reviews for today.

Current Mood: awake
Current Music: "los angeles" - X

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