we ned too tech pepole two yous cammas an two pruf reed.
asspeshulie eshpashuly aw screw dat In kawestons most of al. I am need ded twoo tech pepole.
Brilliant manifesto, no?
And I'm sorry things like Sylvan and Huntington learning center are total Bull Funky. made to rip off parents with no control over their kids or the next generation of brats they've bred. (But if they'll hire me for high five figures or better I'll consider working for them. what I care about are the students and their comprehension.) why not go volenteeer as a tutor in your kids school. It'd be cheaper than working overtime to pay for your little darling to learn how to pass tests to then flunk out or get kicked out of college.
*momentarily distracted by news, resulting in happy dance.* WHOOO HOOO!!!!! FOR ONCE FUCKING GYM CLASS IS BEING CUT BY THE BUDGETS!!! TAKE THAT YOU STUPID FUCKING REPUBLICANS WITH "I NEED TAX CUTS! BOO HOO HOO!" HAH NOW YOUR KIDS'LL BE FAT PREGNANT BY SIXTEEN AND WILL STILL FAIL THE STUPID STANDARDS TESTS YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS CONCOCT! MUWAHAHAHA... AND THEN THE SUBURBS WILL BE RIPE FOR THE PICKING BY THE LIBERALS WHO KNOW "Walk softly and carry a Big stick" BECAUSE THEY LEARNED THEY'RE FUCKING HISTORY. WE'LL FIGHT GUERILLA STYLE WARFARE AND YOU'LL LOSE BECAUSE "This isn't how we war-gamed it! That's not fair! The enemy's not playing by Our Rules!" AND WE WILL CONQUER YOU AND FORCE YOUR PREGNANT DAUGHTERS TO HAVE ABORTIONS AND TURN ALL YOUR SONS GAY AND DISSOLVE HETEROSEXUAL MARRIAGE AND RENDER THE CHURCH POWERLESS. Limp wristed men will Tie you to your flag poles with "God/Deity Bless The Rest Of The World Too." bumperstickers and Feng Shui your houses, . We'll break all your scissors so the men can't cut their hair and shave all the women's Heads. We'll tattoo an upside down cross Or a Pentacle on your forhead and play Heavy metal and punk music all day. We'll only allow you one car and it will be a hybrid if you must have gas. If you want more cars they must be human powered or Solar powered. (Let's see, what else frightens the Republicans?) All Property will be the property of the government and the government is the property of All the people. IT WILL BE A GLORIOUS DAY! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *gasp for breath* MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....
*calms herself.* What was I saying?
All that from a three minute news story about cutting gym class to be legal and meet the school budget....
From www.Kare11.com Scrapping Physical Education Rondah Kinchlow, Craig Norkus and Deb Lyngdal Coming up Thursday night at ten, why physical education classes may be dropped at your child's school.
Last year, the legislature changed the rules and decided p-e was no longer a requirement to graduate. (why couldn't this have happened before I had to suffer through a quarter of Freshman gym in my senior year)
At least 20 Minnesota districts have now reduced or eliminated the course.
It comes at a time when more and more students are overweight and out of shape. (But they pointed out that the Obesity problem existed before they cut the requirement. I was in gym and I am still Fat)
In the Extra -- the debate over this controversial issue and why some people are fighting to get p-e classes back in school.
Muwahahahahaha my plan is working perfectly....
by the way I have a question for the Viagra ad people, "Do you really want your product associated with a gay man who died of AIDS which is a Sexually transmitted disease?"
But let's spend more money for men to get hard ons instead of researching cures for cancer, AIDS parkinsons, Depression... You know Unimportant illnesses....
Gosh this post has gotten very political....
roguevla kylefuetzvater | |
Adam and I got into the car and he smiled. “Your parents are lovely people nella.” He said as I pulled out from the curb. “Yes I’m sure.” “So, you play cello?” “Some people can’t guess. They wonder what the hell that thing is.” “I dated one of the cellists in the Minnesota orchestra for a while. He had great hands.” “I’m sure.” “Strong but flexible.” “Adam-” “I loved it when he’d practice vib-” “Adam!” I was laughing so hard I couldn’t drive. I pulled over to the curb. “I did not need that image in my head.” “Are you at least being complimentary to me, Nella?” “Adam!” “Oh, come on, Nella, you can tell me.” “I think I’m being proportionate.” “Thank you, sweetie.” ( Read more... )