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30 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in quasi. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
417 matches:
- 0therness - melodie
- 22lesflics - wad
- 387messiah - Di
- _acidburn_ - Maid Marion
- _elizabeth_ - Beth
- _idesofmarch_ - sack of flour, heart of gold
- _tinfoilheart_ - dish water warm and smooth as porcelain
- _trite - 1/2 of trogela
- a13ean - Alex....
- a35mmlife - a35mmlife
- a_broken_chord - siolent
- abelitz - finalfailure
- acelyone - vanessa
- ahhhhhhh - Once bitten, forever smitten
- ainjel - the village idiot savant
- aixboyfriend - samuel
- allbadendsall - the taco lettuce crunch crunch
- allegraslade - dead crab for curtie
- allisonwndrland - allison wonderland
- allyexa - pexilada
- alotlikeyou - alotlikeyou
- altctrldelete - Flora Mckee
- andrew_w - Andrew
- angelhededhpstr - Angelheaded Hipster
- angrules2 - 15% punk
- angularmomentum - empress tomato ketchup
- anyarose - anya rose
- apphia - Gina
- arsonfirepants - ms. simon grimm
- artfuse - Rebecca
- asideofamber - Amber Cox
- asterisk8 - sniffles the hedgehog
- atropa - jas
- audioangel - audioangel
- azture - Sara
- babygilda - that's what your mom said
- banjobrenna - brenna
- basscait - basscait
- beancurd86 - Travissimo
- beatmuse - sleep-deprived and transient
- beddove - beddove
- benpett - feeling yourself disintegrate
- betsybondage - beat
- bidetofevil - hanson
- biggityb - biggityb
- billybudd - Justin
- blasphemoose - Dr. Anonymoose VIII
- blusman - Ryan
- bnlady06 - Mary
- bohor - Bohor
- bornonthefloor - milk and holy water
- boy_afraid - Lauren
- boyelectric - Boy Electric
- boywithcheese - lost highway
- breniecia - Autrefois je m'oublie
- bunnyslopes - eva formaggio
- burntselena - Patrick--lamed bet 32
- capitalismstole - Kirsty
- cauliflowerskin - emily sweetcheeks
- cautiouslyidle - Little Discourage
- ceedric - Cedric
- celinabot - celine
- chaingangguy - Gerrit Hamilton
- charlessss - UnbornChikkenVoices_in_my_head
- chickenfart - Haggis McGillicutty
- chickenpoxpie - Phlemingo
- chocolaterabbit - theremins
- chules - dr. bob
- cid62 - Rowan Hawthorne Macnair
- cindierock - Cindee
- cocobrooklyn - miss coco
- cokeabee - RD HD RVLVR
- comatosee - Nobody
- communistspy - Ellie
- concombre - oil can boyd
- coneyisland - dick sandwich
- confusedpillow - j
- constintina - constintina trainwreck
- cookielovah - Supertard
- corduroyjacket - head ache
- cowbellanarchy - Cool Ian
- cracked_halo - cracka
- crisco625 - Chris
- cynicalcutie - Cheeky Monkey
- dako - mao zedong
- dammitjanet - Jeanette
- damnkitty - my heart is empty but my fondness is true
- damselndistress - Tali
- dayone - someday, some morning, sometime
- deafmakesdead - Howlin' Howard
- decimated - i never could be off the grid
- delgadosdc - denise oh dark thirty
- delphiblue - delphiblue
- desintegration - robotimix
- desirelines - call her your prisstina.
- detectiveni - T. Afkatc
- deuxmachina - Oh, what fools these mortals be!
- dharmafool - Kim Myung-Hoon
- diautobot - diautobot
- diazanon - National Champion of "Keeping it Real"
- diet_coax - is that a dick in your pocket?
- disgustipated - if it bends, its funny.
- donetodeath - Sylvie-Uh
- dreamsoft - No One
- dreamstimesten - mistake girl
- dronology - the glacialist
- drunknbutterfly - nothing means nothing
- ebarnetteb - Eliza
- effxemoxkids - Maggie
- electric_sweat - chloè
- elemenopy - alison o'schidt
- emiline - the tofu pirate
- emma_lynne - Charity
- emobuttsweat - We're Emo, and You're Not.
- emocliche - sp
- emoxgirl51 - Xthis heart never diesX
- erindneophyte - erin
- erinrose - ☆ Erin ☆
- esk - eva sourpuss
- evanpoop - evan
- evenstarglowing - I'll never glow - the way that you glow
- evexatom - Diana
- evilgrandpa - a smile and a knife
- fabuloustoast - Citizen Snips
- famechurch - Barry
- fashionbleeds - Robotron 3000
- fasttrack - Pam[mie]
- feistymoonpie - Indie Vinny
- fleshdunce - isola in the rain
- flitljm - Lera
- floydmerrick - bad meaning good
- fotow00t - Pam
- frenzy05 - I Proformed Acts Of Devotion As If You Were Ganesh
- freshmaker - 11ty hundred
- frostfocus - The criminal elite
- frozenfaces - plasticeyes
- funeralsong - Again I Go Unnoticed
- furiousrose - rose
- gasolinegut - trip fontaine
- geekrockboy - Vinny
- geetar - Rusty
- genericvertigo -
- giasgrrrl - giasgrrrl
- girlrocker - xo
- girlunderwater - jamie
- glasgowmeli - you make me smile downstairs
- glaucon - cmb adams
- gomordecai - Our Protagonist, Nora
- gonzointensity - Musings from a postmodern wander
- gothflakes - captain retard
- guitariot - Heather
- gwai - gwai
- happyaccident - HappyAccidents...
- happymachines - monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey octopus
- havalina09 - fraulein von bernburg
- headphones311 - hanna
- healrumpy - birdie brain
- heartless_volvo - kim corduroy
- heeeaaather - Heather
- hellafab - Kori
- hellokitten - Renee
- helpflkorn - My life, and other accidents
- hemlines - Little Boy Crumbs
- hernamewaslolag - hello reader, i'm lauren
- heypurplemonkey - marc
- hippie56 - emily
- hoit - my friends call me whiskers
- holysidewalks - Ashlea
- horseling - the hungry one
- hot_rock - herself.
- howtotakeafall - [degeneration]
- hrlovesme - Matthew Levi Xavier Patterson
- huskerdude1 - ...And Then You Die
- hyperdonut - foxie wolvsie
- i_am_rock_lord - The Atom
- i_shatter - this ain't my first time at the rodeo!
- iamnotreal - Dog Face, for pookey bear
- iclaimfreedom - Hopelessly Hopeful
- identity101 - Jessica
- iheart - MEgan
- ilian - ilian
- imasage - kickass
- impostor - Impostor
- incaseiforget - ::*::ann::*::
- indie_rock - i've got a hubcap diamond star halo.
- indiepop - Mike
- indierockboi - indierockboi
- indiewriter - You Forgot
- interiority - Nikole
- itsclosingtime - i wrote my name on the sun
- iwontblameyou - morgan elise
- jadiucus - The Blue Nozzle Curse
- janetheripper - Brittani
- janina3 - shean
- jellybeancurse - Beautiful Agony
- joe9181 - Benihana
- johngaltproject - John
- joshd - The Fucking Wizard
- jp_in_stereo - JP_in_Stereo
- jstuntilsunrise - burn one down
- kaitlinv - Kaity
- kapydela - J
- katasaurus_rex - amnesia proletariat
- kellyrae - kelly
- kill_your_image - Narcolepsy Holly
- killer_hippie - Best Value
- kittygomeow - meow
- klikitak - fucking catholicoholic
- koalas - skeezlebloom
- lara7 - Margarine Walker
- leeisfree - johnny sarcasm
- lepainperdu - le pain perdu
- lick_my_legs - 50 foot Queenie
- lickmylegs - lick my legs
- likeadumptruck - eric
- litlgrrl - running with horses
- littleloo - food of the gods
- llikthestar - like a linoleum floor.
- lofiscifi - Tyson
- lonecellotheory - lonecellotheory
- loooser - fawn
- loungebeat - audio
- m80050 - just manda for now
- mandirao - Mandi with an "I"
- marymagdalene - the little planet that could
- maryxcore - m
- meditacious_b - Not a girl who misses much...
- meloraborealis - melora
- metalheart - naddy
- michellebug - michelle bug
- millari - Sabbath
- missmonkeytown - jeaniekill
- mistersped - sean
- moderate_sarah - sarah shady
- mollymolly - Sassy Britches
- moozeekfan - The Honorable Reverend Mason Wind
- morphinesadness - Aaron
- mr_selfdestruct - Cale
- musicmajor - Stef
- myquietcloud - Dana
- mysterioussmile - Lindsay Caroline Hergert
- mysticallybella - -and i'll feel pretty, another hour or two-
- namastekitten - namastekitten
- natureoftragedy - Ryan Coffin
- nerddorkdweeb - nerddorkdweeb
- newslang - Nicole
- nikkiangelk - dawn breaks like a bull through the hall.
- nolongerfurtive - iza got no jive
- noor - Noor
- nosoapradio - Gordon Chumway
- not_on_machine - rosi
- notjen - jen
- noxiousgases - Maria
- nullskills - Kroger Plus Customer 41411992054
- nuxxyvomica - Nux Vomica
- o2baway - Watson Stuck
- odeevil_jazz - Call me your Pristina
- ohmygodbecky - stephanie
- ohmystarrezz - cutest gravedigger
- ohstars - how can i convince you it's me i don't like?
- oldjournals - crazyslut
- onthestairs - The "Singing" "Duke" of Beepers
- ooglemonster - Melissa Balick
- oolauracoreoo - Laura
- optionnihil - christeiner weiner.
- pagoto - Elizaauauauahghagh
- palljenkins - - ._
- pamplennui - we are the stunt doubles of boredom...*yawn!
- pansyriot - Elisabeth Serenade
- papawheelie - Weapon of Mass Disfunction
- pavement - max power
- paxilr0se - Dr. Drea
- peasant - baby
- peteyfetus - My face Tingles, and I taste Metal
- pez_is_good - Laura
- phantomlimbs - starstruck gay
- philomel - mute as animals
- phlict - David
- photosynthetic - Fragile; contents may disintegrate
- pixies_nica - *satellite amongst the stars*
- pocket_idols - Elizabeth
- poignantly - fragile .. like an eggshell
- polis - Polis
- puddlezofpunk - dial: revenge
- pukeandguts - puke and guts
- quasilie - Quasilie
- queerfrosty - frosty the homo snowman
- quietroom - undercover agent
- rachelkb - Rachel KB
- rainking_fell - Breaking the fourth wall
- raisingrrl - ***ms. JULIES'ruined***
- randomite - never a rock star, always a shooting star
- rebeldolly - Sara
- redelephant - crushkilldestroy
- redhotpez - punkie joshster
- redream - small brown vagrant
- rely23 - 101 Damnations
- remopear - Kirt
- rhana - phantasmagoria
- ribofvlad - you get a +5 to luck, with this artifact
- riotbutterfly - Megan
- riotgeek - Kat
- riotgrrrls - pretty lame
- rivkah_rut - the postfeminist
- roarimatiger - captain murphy
- rocksee - Olive.
- roman_holiday - michelle goes pop
- rudie_malchick - Andre
- ruxxell - half animal, half mechanical analog cannibal
- rx733 - navonod
- saenz1sr - Scott Saenz
- sandee725 - sandeesquatch
- sauceus - parenthesis
- scandafemme - raquel
- sebastianpasses - Glon of the Asteron Galactic Command
- seethe - Me in my head
- seppaku - continue to spur a running horse
- seratonein - Fast Hands Mean Less Whipping
- shalloboi - *stares*
- shetwinkles - llm
- showerofstars - Erica
- shymoose - Matt Heckler
- sicklecell - abhorred minority
- silkyjumbo - silky jumbo
- silverfish - Kerry
- sir_charlah - Charlie
- sk1bt - buster
- skarletflame - Kelsey Tut Wut
- skylock - the shifty-eyed belligerent nine-fingered magician
- slackermcfly - the lawn wranglers, landscaping and more!
- slogvomit - de'classe'
- slowmovingtrain - jake.
- smack_maggot - Meghan
- snapflow - shannon
- sodaha - spin
- solikemelissa - mel
- someoneawful - the narrator
- somesortofplan - Josh
- spatulala - michelle
- spazmamicgrl - Samone
- specialist - Specialist
- spookygrrrl - laura
- spuck - vermicious stricklanid
- squashyduck - Lucy
- squirrrel - ginny: the cracked teacup
- stampi - Rachel
- starmiranda - there's too much love to go around these days
- starsinmyhand - theoprastus bombastus von hohenheim
- stellanova - The Monkey Princess
- stereolabrat - Classically trained to rock your socks off
- stickyicky - CutOutMyHeart
- strongwilled - Lauren
- styloroc_2000 - Furious George
- subtlerebellion - find that bill
- sugarfaerie7 - vanessa from queens
- sunnydaydelight - rock solid
- supermerchgirl - ms. cherry
- swedishfrogs - Benjamin Fronklin
- sweeby - just another integer
- sweetenedasuka - Izzy Marionette
- talidos - Explicit Dissregard
- tangerinespeedo - Burn this girl
- tape47 - Finklestein
- tealandthis - teal
- teem - some other guy
- teknosavvyalfie - Alfie
- thebadseed - c a n i k i c k i t
- thedefender - Caleb - Defender of the Universe
- thee_epitome - dead in the alley girl
- thegimmick - The Gimmick
- thehappyprole - thehappyprole
- thelordgarth - Dinah
- therobopope - daniel
- theshe - unit 3000-21
- thesilentstar - silent*star
- this_is_the_end - (winter version)
- thomasx - thomas
- thorned - Oh. Girl!
- tinkgurl - blue, blue, electric blue
- toiletduk - The Notorious VIC
- tornblouse - gabby
- trigger_gospel - Jimmy J.
- triggerasynapse - Trying Hard Not to Please Anyone
- tripsright - a walking poster boy for all that's good
- tuesdayslament - chrissie
- turnips - glittering blackness
- turnitonce - shattered hearts shattered glass
- ubiquitousbaby - UbiquitousBaby
- umlikewhatever - kevin
- unborn - Min
- undiebundies - the girl that is so awesome
- vanderslice - Jrod
- vanstuff - the nova
- vassaisme - I Can Always Dream. . .
- velviorar - Lostatsea
- violetanger - +erin+erin+erin+
- volkswagen - Anthony Lopez
- vrgrrl - vrgrrl
- waitingforsleep - j. corey
- water_solutions - godless commie heathen faggot bastard :: mattchu
- wendigo - Your Friendly Neighborhood Surreal Estate Agent
- whatuleftbehind - what_u_left_behind
- whichstarismine - joyce
- whitknee - Whitney
- why_i_cry - bowed by a mortal ennui.
- windupboy - Frikki nashyrningur
- windymiller - Windy Miller
- winterborne1 - Winter
- wisconsinstyle - thumperness
- wonderfroggy - froggy
- xnomotivx - Jessica
- xplasticax - s.a.m.
- yellowumbrella - tony
- yitzhak_groupie - corin tucker, motherfucker !!
- zeussaidno - shawna
- zoe_starr - Dreams come true but not for me
- zubeidaa - Noor