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Below is user information for sallymcvegas. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:sallymcvegas (738895) sallymcvegas
Website:club bowhead
Location:Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Bio:girl litigator into art, food, and harebrained schemes.
Interests:145: adbusters, add, addiction, alabama, alcoholism, altered books, amsterdam, anais nin, apples in stereo, art journals, assemblage, bhangra, bibimbop, bitch magazine, blue velvet, book arts, bookstores, bubble tea, bucharest, bully, bunnygrunt, cafés, california, cats, childfree, china, coffee, coffee shop culture, collage, colors, composition books, conceptual art, cub, david foster wallace, david lynch, ed ruscha, educational films, elliott smith, experimental fiction, fabric, faroe islands, fat mail, france, freecards, gerbera daisies, ghost world, gourmet cooking, graphic design, grissom high, gymnastics, handmade books, handwritten letters, hollins, huntsville, indian food, indie, indie films, indie rock, interior design, investing, ireland, iron chef, irvine welsh, james bond, japan, jeffrey steingarten, jonathan ames, journaling, journals, kill rock stars, korea, korean food, larry clark, law, led zeppelin, letters to cleo, liz phair, london, los angeles, mail art, malta, mcsweeney's, medical, mental illness, mod, muffs, mulholland drive, new jersey, new zealand, old textbooks, outsider art, paper, paper arts, papermaking, paris, pen pals, philadelphia, pop art, pop culture, portland, postcards, postmodernism, psychiatry, psychology, randomness, reading, reference books, riot grrrl, risotto, roanoke, romania, rondelles, san francisco, san-x, santa cruz, scotland, scottish highlands, shetland islands, singapore, sleater-kinney, snail mail, stationery, stickers, stuart davis, sushi, swaps, switzerland, tea, thailand, the long goodbye, thrifting, tullycraft, tuscadero, twin peaks, urban art, vegas, ventura, virginia, washington and lee, washington d.c., west hollywood, wilco, writing, yard sales, zines. [Modify yours]
People10:barza, beelzebabe, breathesgelatin, hayleigh22, jayfo, jessaholic, kannan, kirr, onehalfpint, pivovision
Communities22:adbusting, art_theory, balkans, basementfreaks, bubbleteafans, culturejam, groupiesunite, huntsvegas, jurisprudentia, kittypix, lostindiekids, mailart, med_school, medical, popkids, riotgrrlhangout, slinkstercool, tuxedocats, warningsigns, zine_scene, zinescene, zinesters
Friend of:3: beelzebabe, breathesgelatin, kirr
Member of:26: adbusting, americaneyecon, art_theory, artsyfucks, balkans, basementfreaks, bubbleteafans, culturejam, freakwrite, groupiesunite, huntsvegas, jurisprudentia, kittypix, lostindiekids, mailart, med_school, medical, paidmembers, popkids, riotgrrlhangout, slinkstercool, tuxedocats, warningsigns, zine_scene, zinescene, zinesters
Account type:Free Account

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