Below is user information for Carlynn. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | carlynn (595259) |
| Voodoo Girl the pins stick further in... |
Name: | Carlynn |
Website: | Me at |
Location: | Atlanta, Georgia, United States |
Birthdate: | 1977-04-05 |
Bio: |
Memories: | 4 entries |
Interests: | 33: art, bats, blood & guts, cats, clubs, dancing, drinking, ebm, electroclash, futurepop, goth, guitar, horror, horrorpunk, industrial, invader zim, metal, motorcycles, movies, music, noise, peircings, powernoise, psychobilly, punk, rock'n roll, sci-fi, sex, shows, silliness, smoking, synthpop, tattoos. [Modify yours] |
Friends: | | 68: | 000100010001, _spankz_, aislinfey, athrite, biteme69times, brattattak, bugscrawling, carlynn, coma_chrysalis, consectum, dali_drama, daneelthesane, diedarlin, dinglehopper, dream_logic, eastbaysteve, eclecta, electrofreq, evilgeneration, experimentium, gearheadpawl, heartpuretoxic, hektikat, hexx_13, hollowdreamer, horror_business, horrorpunk138, industrialyte, inebrigoth, katfireblade, kisslikestars, kortny86, lilmizscareall, lunastaa, lynxcat, maxmin, medusakss, miragination, missmorte, mopmonster, myhollowdreams, necroholic, nerozero, noize_nazi, nunboi, onerous99, petergraves, phoenixrysing, pollytrance, prays2stars, psychomorbidity, pulsar_glitch, pulsatingfluid, rabbitron, redren, residentasshole, revglenn, salih8989, sanguina, screeamqueen, starscream242, thebatt, thejessicka, vanuslux, violenze, wholuvzcricket, wyspurr, xdingbatx | | 54: | _consectum_, _horrorpops, _machina_, _outofline_, al_noisa, ant_zen, bellamorte_fans, bestofus, clubteknoir, coldmeat, cybers, doll_makers, eastcoastrab, ebmusic, electroclash, electronic, epitaph_records, feindflug, forms_of_hands, gothabilly, gotham_roadies, groovieghoulies, handsvsantzen, hurt__me, ill_acquired, industrial, industrial_djs, industrial_mp3s, industrialdorks, industrialnatun, ljwrecking_crew, medical_fetish, monster_squad, murderboys, n0ise, nekromancy, noisex_hurts, psychobilly, psyclon_nine, rhythm_noise, rivet_g00nsquad, rivet_geeks, rivet_grrl, rivets, rivetshateraves, rivetwhore, sf_industrial, sfcybergoth, sfgoth, sfrivethead, subcult_girls, synthpop_music, terror_ebm, walk_among_us |
Friend of: | 68: 000100010001, _spankz_, aislinfey, athrite, biteme69times, brattattak, bugscrawling, bustymcboob, caffeina, carlynn, coma_chrysalis, consectum, dali_drama, daneelthesane, diedarlin, dinglehopper, dream_logic, eastbaysteve, eclecta, electrofreq, evilgeneration, experimentium, gearheadpawl, heartpuretoxic, hektikat, hexx_13, hollowdreamer, horror_business, horrorpunk138, industrialyte, inebrigoth, katfireblade, kisslikestars, kortny86, lilmizscareall, lynxcat, maxmin, medusakss, miragination, missmorte, mopmonster, myhollowdreams, necroholic, nerozero, noize_nazi, nunboi, onerous99, petergraves, phoenixrysing, pollytrance, prays2stars, pulsar_glitch, pulsatingfluid, rabbitron, redren, residentasshole, revglenn, salih8989, sanguina, screeamqueen, starscream242, thebatt, thejessicka, vanuslux, violenze, wholuvzcricket, wyspurr, xdingbatx |
Member of: | 53: _consectum_, _horrorpops, _machina_, _outofline_, al_noisa, ant_zen, bellamorte_fans, bestofus, clubteknoir, coldmeat, cybers, doll_makers, eastcoastrab, ebmusic, electroclash, electronic, epitaph_records, feindflug, forms_of_hands, gothabilly, gotham_roadies, groovieghoulies, handsvsantzen, hurt__me, ill_acquired, industrial, industrial_djs, industrial_mp3s, industrialdorks, industrialnatun, ljwrecking_crew, medical_fetish, monster_squad, n0ise, nekromancy, noisex_hurts, psychobilly, psyclon_nine, rhythm_noise, rivet_g00nsquad, rivet_geeks, rivet_grrl, rivets, rivetshateraves, rivetwhore, sf_industrial, sfcybergoth, sfgoth, sfrivethead, subcult_girls, synthpop_music, terror_ebm, walk_among_us |
Account type: | Free Account |