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User:wurmfood (816422) Paid User wurmfood
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Website:Induced Reality
Location:San Francisco, California, United States
Bio:Freak living in SF who works for the great evil. Wandered over most of Northern Californa. Finally settled in SF due to some of the freaks I met down here at a party.
Memories:11 entries
Interests:127: a perfect circle, absinthe, alcohol, alice in wonderland, anti-censorship, art, b&w; photography, bay area, bdsm, blood fetish, body modification, bondage, books, boondock saints, cajun food, california, cameras, cirque du soleil, cold, computers, counting crows, cowboy bebop, crows, cthulhu, cyberpunk, darkness, decadence, desire, destiny, diet coke, digital photography, dreams, drinking, dvds, eddie izzard, edgar allen poe, edward gorey, erotica, fantasy, fetish, filter, fine liquors, fine wine, fire, fire dancing, flesh, folsom street fair, food, freebsd, games, gaming, gattica, ghosts, goth, gothpunk, graveyards, guns, h.p. lovecraft, harlan ellison, harlequin, history of religion, house of leaves, howard phillips lovecraft, industrial, invader zim, jason beam, jhonen vasquez, kidneythieves, labrynth, larp, las vegas, lemony snicket, loser, lotr, movies, mp3s, music, mythology, neil gaiman, norse mythology, paganism, philip k. dick, photographs, photography, piercing, piercings, pirates, playing with fire, polyamory, princess bride, questions, rain, ravens, reading, religion, riding, rpgs, ruins, s&m;, s*p, san francisco, sarcasm, satin, scotch, sensuality, sex, sf, shinto, silk, skin, spirituality, star gazing, storytelling, tall ships, tatoos, thunderstorms, truth, unagi, vampires, vnv nation, wandering, whiskey, white wolf, wine, wod, women, x-box. [Modify yours]
People101:1muse, _harbinger_, aberrantvirtue, aerinys, agntprovocateur, ajpursell, alycen, amethystfae, andyrooheavens, askmrmalfoy, battlehampster, beckastar, beelady, bettyscout, borggrrl, burningroses, camryl, candygirl2469, chiabrit, colubra, cordeliaamber, cr0wgrrl, crazy8ball, dalf, dalriada42, dangerine, dark_sprite, darkdancer17, darthmike, desertroses, digitalsidhe, divineseduction, djfanboy, dr_klowenstein, dryadgrl, dubja, dybbuk67, euphrasyne, feyandstrange, fiveinchpixie, fungol, fushicho, glamtasm, goldenmean, gothcrumpet, goweli, gregorbehr, iamradar, joshwasta, jubilei, karma_salmon, kaytilake, la_luna_rouge, laragoth, lemasquegris, lyricagent, m4dh4tt3r, me_missharley, mercede02, mst3kgirl, nicolascaesar, nimir_ra_, nytemuse, oedi, onyxdubh, orchidfae, orendure, parisgreen, psybelle, pudgykitty, racaille, random_vamp, randomlady, rani23, redbeard13, redshrike, reincarnate, rumpleteazaer, scanner_darkly, senatorhatty, shadowscribe, shelooks12, sherilyn, snowpaws, spinupdoll, starlarose, the_jen_says, the_jetgirl, thewronghands, toast3r, tomihime, triple_x, ugali, ugg_the_wandere, unseelie, usmcbbrady, vampirequeen, warpanda, wildpaletz, wonderling, wurmfood
Communities13:blacklabfan, calilarp, cat_photography, larp101, lj_maintenance, news, oneworldbynight, paidmembers, sanfrancisco, sfbayarea, sfcybergoth, som_pos, trivia_quiz
Feeds7:calnhobbes, dilbert_feed, dnalounge, inpassingorg, karma_salmonrss, talkngptsmemo, thinkgeek
Account type:Paid Account

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