THESTREETS))))))lights are blinding my eyes... people pushing by, they're walking off into the night... )))october1st))))17
03_10_04 S/Zero 7: Home
T/Stick'em up
I have absolutely no motivation whatsoever to change this layout or post, for that matter o_o. Its such a bitch that I can't update from school or even use livejournal. I so WANT to post. I'm going to have to find a way around it. I'm sure you can update online with php.. will have to look into that. Lots has happened latey. I went into a really bad patch a few weeks ago and was really unhappy and depressed. Dave has abandoned me. Fuck him. I'm not so upset now, anyway, how the hell was it going to work? But its the fact that he one-night-standed me.. ugh UGH! Don't want to talk about it. Its not worth it. Sigh. I'm very much happier now. School is a shit. It was JUST as I had expected - back to the juvenile bollocks and bullshit I get. That's made me quite unhappy. At one point, I was so depressed I found myself lying naked in a curled ball on the floor of the bathroom. I was just getting so tired and unhappy - going a bit mental actually. I got ill as well last weekend. But now I'm better - I'm fine. In fact my happy meter is way up! On Wednesday I went to the V&A; to a talk with the Marmalade Lounge on "Independant Culture". The talk was disappointing. But, going with Nat, we saw d*face come in with a friend and his wife. We yelled and waved and they came and sat with us. It was awesome. D*face came with Mysterious Al - a freakin legend and really fit too o_O. But just too cool for me, haha. We shared a cab back via my flat and he was going on about feeling like 'royalty' - he hasn't taken a cab since 1998. Lol. It was awesome catching up with d*face and he gave me a huge hug at the end of the night which made me feel so loved! We all went to the pub after the talk - d*face, e*face, mysterious al, me, nat, marc from wooster, saru, his friend paloma, pure evil and terratag. It was a wicked night - I got to talk to people I had known by reputation only and share stories and jokes with them and just generally have a great time. Al got hungry then and we all went to Chinese. It was cool. After that, I've had so much advice and encouragement about 'getting up' and stickering I'm totally inspired, and Truro has already been hit with my stickers. Hah. I've been chatting to Saru all week - first by e-mail, then text (lots of texting - costing me a bomb.. grr) and on msn messenger. He's an awesome guy and I'm going to see him on Saturday. We're going up to Brick Lane so look out for us ^^; Oh weirdly enough (small freakin world), he was on the Charlie set recently having a look around and chatting to Johnny. Weird x__X
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lights are blinding my eyes----- % 01:03pm & Tag
07_09_04 S/Embrace: Gravity
I hate this - its like the most depressing moment of my life when I have to go back to school, especially for a new term as I've got a whole year to survive through, which is a long time. At least I've grown up a bit more this summer. I only pray I don't recede into childish fantasies that this guy or that guy will fancy me and go out with me - cos it will never happen. Public school boys are so disgustingly arrogant. No, its not that I'm saying that just because I don't get attention from them, its because they are. They think its funny to take the piss and make a joke out of you after you've tried to make some easy move to be friendly and approachable. That's why I don't bother now with people I don't know or trust at the school. Its about the fear of getting sneered at or jeered at. God its so utterly immature. They don't know me and don't know that I'm actually a very happy person, who likes people and will open up to anyone who's pleasant and shows now signs of animosity. But its not just some of the boys, its the girls as well. But I'm finding it easier nowadays to brush it off, as I'm already way ahead of them in 'the game'. But there are people at the school who I like and whose company I enjoy spending time with, or who I always have a friendly smile for. They're the special people who are worth it and who are going to have a successful life in the real world because people will find it easier to relate to them. Unlike the others who will only get by , by crushing others which won't help anyone at all. It would help if I used a better analogy to describe this social pattern, but I've pretty much explained it in black and white so there it is. Anyway, mumbling cos my mind is on the 4 1/2 hr train journey I have to take this afternoon. Then I get back and get bombarded by school non-stop until I can escape and flee up to London and hide. And hopefully see David again.. who I miss terribly. But its hard to tell him that because he's so laid back and won't open up to what exactly he feels. Sigh. Its never perfect.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lights are blinding my eyes----- % 09:43am & Tag
26_08_04 S/Razorlight: Golden Touch
T/2 weeks
So I only got to do 2 weeks on Charlie.. sadly! And bloody hell, even though it was hard work - up at 6, finishing at 7, with only an hours break in the day, by god it was worth every second. Johnny Depp said 'hi' to me - trust, he's very, very shy so I was lucky..! Saw mad, mad Tim Burton and chatted to most of the cast. I learnt so much those last 2 weeks - not just about how a movie works, but I got to know Pinewood; learnt about money, commuting, feeding myself, cleaning my own laundry, living in London - everything important. I also met so many lovely people - old faces and new funnily enough and think I've bagged myself a man, too..! Well, its more like a guy on set who I'm 'special' friends with. So the grips, sparks, floor runners and generally everyone else on the 2nd unit were taking the piss and winding us both up we were loving it and I hope that something comes of it. His name is Dave and he's a 19-year-old camera assistant - clapper-loader, 'speed' caller - everything and he is fit as fuck. Well, he's pretty damn cute..! He's got longish black hair which is slightly wavy and big, BIG blue eyes and the cutest little grin. If you want to see him - albeit a few years ago, he's in Harry Potter 2, goalkeeper for the Slytherin Quidditch team. In the scene where Gryffindor meet Slytherin in a courtyard and discuss their new seeker and broomsticks, and when Ron curses himself with vomming slugs, Dave is on the far left standing next to Hermione. Oh and no he's not the guy with the nasty teeth. But he does have a seriously dorky haircut..! Dave's lovely - I'm going up to London this weekend to see him. He said he'd come over after work on Friday to see me, hopefully. It is Regatta this weekend in Portscatho, though and I'm missing Bella, my new friend, which is a bore. I did a really scandelous thing the first night I 'hung' out with her - I got really, really wasted and pulled one of her best mates who has now left. Apparently its called 'Portscatho pulling' but that doesn't look too good for me, seeing as I'm a local and not a holiday-er!! I'm sure things will sort themselves out..
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lights are blinding my eyes----- % 11:13am & Tag
31_07_04 S/Jamelia: See It In A Boy's Eyes
T/Willy Wonka
Accepted an offer from my mate Adam to do 3 weeks, paid employment at Pinewood studios on Willy Wonka. How crazy is that? I've just dropped everything - staying with my friends in Cheltenham, going up to London to stay with other friends; visit galleries; check out the Banksy exhibiton; thrown away a week of good CV work experience; missed out on spending time with Dad; not going to be able to go camping; won't see Ian and sort out issues there.. Not to mention its almost a month of my 2 month holiday... When I think about the negatives it freaks me out. But I'm going to do it. I'm going to get paid something like £50 a day which for 3 weeks means nearly a grand. At my age that's a hell of a lot of money. And being my age - how many people would kill for this job? And its a job, mind - I've been asked for, not just a favour like before. If I backed out now or made demands like "can I just do this one week?" then I would be seen as unreliable. So I'm taking my chances and I'm going to do it. Hell I might even get to meet Johnny Depp!!... Got a driving lesson today at 12. Really nervous..! ....I hope this film thing is worth it, that's all I can say. Its a fucking long time to be working. I hope I don't die from exhaustion or something..
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lights are blinding my eyes----- % 11:34pm & Tag
28_07_04 S/Radiohead: Go To Sleep
T/Do you want to save this planet??
I am outraged. Sometimes I just can't fucking believe this country can be so cuntish. Why am I ranting? I am ranting at BRITONS WHO OPPOSE WIND POWER. Someone should ask the cunts just exactly what they think they're going to do when we we run out of oil?? At least people like myself, those in the government and Greenpeace have enough brains between their ears to believe in alternative energy. I, for one will be relieved when all the oil has gone, because it will mean, hopefully that global warming will be reduced.. but right now I am cursing the mother fuckers who refuse to support wind power just because some people think the wind mills are 'aesthetically damaging' or that precious little pidgeons and sparrows get chewed up, which, it even says in my science books from G.C.S.E. goddammit, that bird-deaths-by-windmills happen so rarely it is practically a nonentity. I am not happy. I expect more sense from people. Being someone myself who lives in Cornwall, where there are plenty of wind farms around, do you see me complaining? Let's face it, our world is fucked anyway - there are too many fuckers who don't care... but those who do care, support wind farms and every other green energy source - every little bit will help.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lights are blinding my eyes----- % 05:05pm & Tag
25_07_04 S/Brandy: Unknown
T/Long time no talk
So I've been slacking - not posting for ages. At the moment, I'm settling into my new home, am currently working at a pub in a local seaside village - St. Mawes. Have been chilling with Ian lots lately, spent last week getting laid by public school boys in North Cornwall and the week before that camped in Newquay and chilled with awesome surfing dudes. Made lots of friends. I haven't really expressed this to anyone, but at the moment I'm happier than I have ever been, because I have more friends than I have ever had: Gloucestershire: Chelt coll mates, Pates mates, Laura B and other PCC friends, old friends at both pubs and in Chedworth; school friends, friends from Rock, Newquay, Portscatho, St. Austell, Truro, St. Mawes and London. And internet friends. Yes, I am very happy. Being surrounded by people - good, fun, happy people who I love spending time with means so much to me. They help keep my world whole and myself happy. I'm working - earning £, I'm taking new interests in politics, world affairs and art; I've lost weight, can wear new clothes and attract more attention than I have ever before. Life is good. In very simple ways, of course, which is the best. I am finally doing things to improve my life and its paying off, finally.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lights are blinding my eyes----- % 04:54pm & Tag
09_06_04 S/Audio Bullys: Snake
T/Study Leave
Yep I'm on study leave. Traditionally a period of intense studying for exams at home.. I say that but really its just an excuse to get away from school. Don't get me wrong - its do or die revision time for my history of art exams. They're well important. So what have I been up to? I met these 2 guys in my village - Ian and Kris (withaKseeeee??). They're awesome. Especially Ian. He's a wicked geezer. We've just been chillin and partying all week. Kaylee was down and she and Ian got together which was cool. No hard feelings, I mean I sussed Ian out first and thought he was hot but I didn't really have a chance against Kaylee so I sort of resigned myself to that fact anyway. But Ian's setting me up with his mate Dave - unbeknownst to myself til the other day when randomly I got a text from him introducing himself. I was like "Right", but he sounds quite sweet. I spoke to im today, actually, when I called up Ian and Dave is scarily Cornish - in that stereotypically "ooh-arr" way, you know? He said he looked like Ian (in text) so fingers x'd he's alright. I haven't really got high standards but I fear that Dave is not gonna be up to scratch and I don't really have time for that. See Kris fancied me - he told me so - but firstly he was going out with Ian's sister who I've met and she's a sweetheart.. no, no that should be secondly cos the other thing is I don't fancy im at all. Not at all. He's not fit and I couldn't see myself going out with him. Didn't feel a twinge when I saw him pullin Lizzy or when he told me he liked me, so nothing there... So Dave please don't let me down..! I haven't given anything away like that I was interested cos I'm not that up for anything right now - I've just moved down here and I don't want to 'shit on my own doorstep' as it were. Hell I'm cool. It should be a laugh. He's coming down on Sat.. he's really excited about it *frown* he was like "yeah when Ian goes to take his (driving) test on the 8th (of July) Kaylee can come down and they can go off and have a but of privacy and you can come with me on my bike". Ha! 'on your bike'?!? I nearly turned snobby on him but I just laughed..ish. I said "We'll see" which I thought put him in his place nicely. Cheek.. Pffh. He even knew when my goddamn birthday is and I HAVEN'T EVEN MET THE LITTLE BUGGER YET@!!!@*!^&£( Sheesh. Hell I'm lovin this Audio Bullys album though.. mmmmm dirty street beats... mmmm.. x
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lights are blinding my eyes----- % 11:10pm & Tag
03_06_04 S/Stereo Sushi
T/New Home
So I haven't posted for a while. Well that's just how it is. I've been at school for 4 weeks - not home once, even though I've seen my parents a couple of times during that period. I'm in the middle of my exams at the moment, so technically I should be revising - and I will, just posting to catch up. New layout - it doesn't reflect my mood right now at all. Now its sunny and bright and the sea is bright and blue. That's where my new home is - right on the sea. Its really beautiful here. Sadly I got horribly burnt yesterday: my shoulders and upper back, across my lower back where my t-shirt rode up; my watch mark (?!); my forehead (...) and my lower thighs and knees. Boo hoo. So I'm in my boxers and a cooling lycra vest-thing. My room is a fucking bombsite. You can't move for boxes and clothes strewn about. The sad thing is, of course, all my posessions have just become junk in boxes and to be honest I'd be happy just chukcing the whole lot out. There's only 2 boxes of decent stuff, which I packed specifically because its decent. But all my old clothes that were in my wardrobe are just in boxes, stinking and being rank. When I move into my own room properly (its being redecorated - windows pulled out etc.), I'm going to get rid of a whole load of shit like old clothes. I got this pair of Road jeans from my short hair days which are just hideous. Heh. What was I thinking, eh!? All this week, I've watched a Disney video every night. Saturday it was The Jungle Book (well, only in part with our housekeeper's kid cos I had to go to a party.. which was shit, sadly); Sunday it was.. Pocahontas and oh I lose track. anyway I've seen Toy Story, Pinnoccio and The Lion King. Good stuff. Now I've got to revise cos I'm in the shithouse with this anyway..!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lights are blinding my eyes----- % 11:43am & Tag