Wank - Not Just for Fandom Anymore!

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Friday, December 3rd, 2004
9:55 pm

While surfing in other posts in the IMDB Alexander forum, my friend Kali Cephirot found out that info-2774 seems to be somewhat upset by people thinking that Alexander the Great was gay.

Some snippets of his holly anger (which make me think of founding an NGO for the Welfare of Exclamation Marks):

No one is denying that there were homosexuals or bisexuals in any society. That has existed everywhere. But when you people make a personal attack on a hero and almost demi-god , meaning Alexander, then you better have evidence to back up these stupid comments. By saying " oh, it is known, or Oliver stone's movie said so, or my teacher told me" does not make it a fact! You people are so brainwashed with this new propaganda garbage by believing anything that is fed to you.

You people are nothing more than Fanatic homosexuals who want to believe (in your fantasy world) that Alexander was Bisexaul or gay! With evidence like " because my teacher said so, Or "it is known" or , "it was common" Or "this new author said so" What facts you give me! Congradulations!!!!!!

Find me ONE ancient source (meaning ancient authors- Diodorus, Arrian, or Plutarch)that says Alexander slept with men? Stop with these stupid comments ("It is known , or my teacher told me" .....) and find me a source (which must be translated from ancient Greek) But we ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL know that is not possible because it does NOT exist! Until I am proven wrong (and I know I will not!) all of you homosexual fanatics can shut your mouths-Please!!!!!!!!!!!!

current mood: Frivolous

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Wednesday, December 1st, 2004
11:50 pm - Actors + Animals + PETA = Wank

[info]rightclicklick, the community in LJ that exists only to show yummy piccies of hot men has been used by [info]mrs_peabody to tell us about the good work PETA does.

[info]silly_wanker (just look at that user name!) disagrees all along.


current mood: E-V-O-L

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10:16 pm

Metaquotes wanks about what Julia Roberts named her kids.

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5:13 pm - Holy Wank

Holly decides to berate Cecily's choice to deliver her severely premature twin sons rather than die of eclampsia because it went against God's will.

Cecily's blog regulars are, uh, unhappy. (Note: Some scrolling required)

Highlights include: )

current mood: Blessed

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Tuesday, November 30th, 2004
4:54 pm

I've been having some computer problems, so I post a message my computer gave me over at DamnPortlanders, in the hopes that someone can assist me.

It leads to Divamatrix and Jjsaysblah getting into Geek Wars 2004. Or at least one of the lesser battles.

Small, yet my problems still aren't answered. Partly because the wank is too thick for all but the most computer-elite to weed out.

(and I wasn't sure if this would go here or i_wank, but I don't actually wank in this, even though I posted the original thread)

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3:27 pm - Just a little brown dwarf of wank

Because I'm afraid it's all that's left after the original post has been lost. I missed it. ;_; The only way I know about it is because [info]amadruadaboleyn simply has to have the last word, with comments turned off of course:

    OH, NO!!!!! Sweet Jesus, my fellow blue-collar hellions, but I do apologize for posting something off-topic...even though I've seen people do it before without consequence.

    I must just be extra special.

    Rudeness is an unnecessary and negative quality. While my post may not have been in the scope of the community, and it certainly merited deletion, nasty people are just boring and silly. Bye, customers_suck!
And then in her own (carefully screened) journal:

    Internet people are no goddamn fun anymore! I apparently am a horrible person because I made an offtopic post in some community. Hokay. I am sad and chastised! WHAT DO I DO NOW?! Oh, well.
I apologize if the latter link burns out your corneas.

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2:17 pm - First wank post and I'm sorry if its not wanky to others

It's small right now, but at [info]wtf_inc
Posted this nugget of dumb wtf where Rape = good punishment for wearing mini skirts

In the comments, [info]oronoda
said I hate rapists, but dressing in mini skirts and revealing shirts = no angel/"me so horny" and
rape victims, friends of victims and others disagree, even stating they were dressed decently

I find this extremely wanky. *shrug*

current mood: OMGWTF

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Monday, November 29th, 2004
4:47 pm - Two for the price of one!

Over on mock_the_stupid, there's a little wank going on about...condoms. Kinda.

This was funny when I saw it months ago, but it's not funny anymore

And another wank, same comm, about...states?

OMG, there's 52/51 states! I'm just the only one who knows it!

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Sunday, November 28th, 2004
2:56 pm

An ickle baby wank on Bad_RPers_Suck. In which the OP whinges about the community not being her and her friends' playground anymore, other posters valiantly defend their bashing of fellow roleplayers, and...yeah.

Isn't it adorable?

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6:57 pm - YouWank

SomedaySoon posts an article to the YouThink General forums.

Christan Far Right Conservatives Attempt to Reverse Education Trends in TX

It explodes in a confusing mixed-up pool of spooge where it's hard to tell who's arguing with who, and who's agreeing with who.

current mood: o.O
current music: Ticket To Ride - Beatles

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Saturday, November 27th, 2004
7:42 pm - [Insert witty subject line here]

An LJ user supposedly has her mother murdered.

Enjoy the 22 pages of comments.

current mood: BBQ?

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Friday, November 26th, 2004
3:38 pm - Tiny but tasty

More fun on babaa! Cripes, there must be something in the NeoCola this month.

Background: Neopets.com runs these plots every so often where there's a War on, and you can sign up with one side or the other and have your pets fight monsters to score points for your side. The latest one just started, and apparently the monsters have poisoned weapons this time, so your Neopet can get cooties if they take a hit.

This is too much for leathermenace, who announces s/h/it is OMG LEAVING!!!1

A few people suggest that s/h/it chill. leathermenace retorts:

Now are they going to teach us long term war stratagies? Do those of us who want to play in the war have to either let our pets lay sick for what can take days to cure or feel the finacial realities of war? For crying out loud I live in the US! I HAVE GEORGE DUBYAH (can't pronounce the word nuclear) BUSH leading my country! I don't want to think about a long drawn out battle. We are already in one.

Because apparently a) leathermenace, unlike the rest of the userbase, was forced to sign up for the War Game at gunpoint; b) it's totally traumatic to have your virtual kitty get fleas, even though you can't kill a Neopet even if you want to; c) cartoon squirrels versus deformed goats is totally equivalent to Iraq!fiasco.

Whee, overreaction.

current mood: Goofy

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Thursday, November 25th, 2004
10:30 am - I'm whining for your safety, you ebil poo-pooheads!

Over on the [info]pagan community, [info]wolf2feathers made a post about how a Pagan Emperor and Empress would be Just Dandy.

The reaction is not what she expects, however, and she deletes the post (however, she also posted in in her journal.

She posts again in [info]pagan, saying it's for everyone's safety. People go, WTF?

current mood: *sporfle!*

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4:36 am - This Wank Not Safe For Anything

You know how when you see something really icky, you have to share it with all your friends so they can feel as terrible as you do?

Hi friends!

"[Sheezy Art] is deleting expressive poetry now..."

By "expressive," Ebonlupus means sex with a dog and by "poetry," he means sex with a dog. He rails against The Man for infringing on his, say it with me now: Freedom of Speech!

"Actually it's pretty Ironic... because the poem was an expression against such bigotry... and I can't even use an example in words to make my point because my freedom to speak has been usurped. As I woofed, the bigots have things sewn up so well I can't even argue my side of it by giving an example in art."

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2:04 am - Soundtrack Wank!

Over on [info]justpopemotion, [info]nicholedeez wants all the n00bs to know that they should "post GOOD stuff from now on". Of course, it's also "funny" mostly because she says it is.

The comments are beginning to fill with indignant "who are you to tell me off when I'm giving you free music? (that I downloaded from elsewhere on the internet)" type replies and a few good bits of snark.

Edit: And Bob Saget.

Edit Again: The OP invokes the special olympics and calls everyone tools for not seeing the funny. Also, I step in because I cannot control myself any longer.

Edit Again Again: Deleted!

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Wednesday, November 24th, 2004
3:13 pm - Icon drama

In icon_tutorial, callmefreak asked for colouring tips. writethestars was all "OMG ur tryin 2 copy!!!eleventy!!!" and callmefreak tells her to STFU. Token mousies.

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Tuesday, November 23rd, 2004
2:04 pm - Gayteen going on Nineteen

Blatant troll posts in gayteens on LJ.

It's fun for the whole family! Well, unless they're gay and into "japanimation".

ETA: Fixed the link. Duh.

current mood: Mundane

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12:23 pm

SpongeBob is SEXIST!

Admittedly, this is more WTF than wanky, but I can't believe they're arguing about this. o_O

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Monday, November 22nd, 2004
7:27 pm - Religious Wank
aidenfire This dude shows up in [info]wayfairer's journal, in a post she wrote about religion, her Southern Baptist raising, and her parting from that way of thinking. He starts spouting a lot of Holier-than-thou crap. It starts fairly civil, but that goes away in stages, and he starts pissing people off. First, he tells [info]ataniell93 that 9 out of 10 abortion are done for the sake of "convience". She tells him "I've had one, you haven't." And more people support Ataniell than him, and they get a wee bit wanky. [info]missandrony tells him to learn how to spell. Later on, he's talking to a minister ([info]ashkitty), and he tells her to "get a complete understanding of the scriptures" before she starts preaching it. Finally, [info]shoiryu says what we're all thinking--she calls him a "sanctimonious bastard" and tells him to go away, as well as calling him on his "smug self-righteousness"

Another fun day on LJ!

All [info]userslikethis are LJ users, not over here, because we all know journalfen ripped off LJs code anyway so I might as well use it

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Sunday, November 21st, 2004
3:45 pm

First post, so I really hope I don't blow it. This is kind of a baby wank, but it spans four posts and currently 46 comments.

A little background on this one for those of you who aren't college football fans: the University of Michigan Wolverines and the Ohio State Buckeyes have a long-standing rivalry and hate each other about as much as do the Protestants and Catholics. The only difference is that the football rivalry has produced less bloodshed (I think).

The wank began yesterday when Ohio State beat Michigan. You might be the better team this year, but we still won! Hahaha!

This was quickly followed by You might have won this year, but we are still the better team! Hahaha!

Meanwhile, those of us not from either school do not care in the slightest.

Followed by another Ohio State fan (I think; the post is so painful I'm not quite sure what's going on in it): We both suck, but Michigan swallows. That is an actual paraphrasing. I'm not nearly clever enough to come up with that on my own.

Followed by a Michigan fan with we still have the better record, losers. Somewhere in the middle of this post, the Pac-10 fans feel left out of the wank and state that no one cares, because Cal will still win the Rose Bowl.

The last post just annoys me. That person is an unusually involved troll. She started up with LSU last year, stating that they were the only true national champions or something. Which just makes her a bandwagon troll as far as I can tell.

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